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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2006

Still Blaming Children: Youth Conduct and the Politics of Child Hating (2nd Edition) by Schissel, Bernard
Redrawing the Class Map: Stratification and Institutions in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland by Oesch, D.
Poverty, AIDS and Hunger: Breaking the Poverty Trap in Malawi by Whiteside, A., Conroy, A., Blackie, M.
Inequality, Poverty and Well-Being by
Change and Stability: A Cross-national Analysis of Social Structure and Personality by Kohn, Melvin L.
Talking about Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Guide for Looked After Children's Services by Butcher, Jo, Ryan, Mary
Developments in Direct Payments by
Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference by Glaeser, Edward L., Alesina, Alberto
Advances in Social Work: Special Issue on the Futures of Social Work by Indiana University School of Social Work
Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms by Morris, Teresa
Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professionals by Ford, Gary G.
Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms by Morris, Teresa
Relocation in Later Years: Aging-in-Place in America's Urban Neighborhoods by Fornaro, Michael A.
Jugend überschreitet Grenzen. Konzepterstellung für die grenzüberschreitende Offene Jugendarbeit am Beispiel der Hochrheinregion. by Blechinger, Melanie
1964 - 2004: Vierzig Jahre Kinder- Und Jugendarbeit in Deutschland: Aufbruch, Aufstieg Und Neue Ungewissheit by
Soziale Arbeit Zwischen Aufbau Und Abbau: Transformationsprozesse Im Osten Deutschlands Und Die Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe by
Developments in Direct Payments by
Social Policy Developments in Greece by Mossialos, Elias
Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey by
Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey by
Psychoanalysis, Class and Politics: Encounters in the Clinical Setting by
Hospital Social Work: The Interface of Medicine and Caring by Beder, Joan
Women, Welfare and Local Politics, 1880-1920: 'We Might Be Trusted' by King, Steven
Understanding Community Care: A Guide for Social Workers by McDonald, Ann
Inequality: Classic Readings in Race, Class, and Gender by Szelenyi, Szonja, Grusky, David
Poverty and Inequality by
Poverty and Inequality by
Bildungserträge in Der Erwerbsgesellschaft: Analysen Zur Karrieremobilität by Schiener, Jürgen
Neighbourhoods of Poverty: Urban Social Exclusion and Integration in Europe by
Neighbourhoods of Poverty: Urban Social Exclusion and Integration in Europe by
Violations of Trust: How Social and Welfare Institutions Fail Children and Young People by Hil, Richard
Order from Chaos: Responding to Traumatic Events by Gibson, Marion
Citizens Without Shelter: Homelessness, Democracy, and Political Exclusion by Feldman, Leonard C.
Preventing Teen Violence: A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Hutz, Claudio, McCarthy, Sherri
Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless with Kids in America by Kennedy, Michelle
Partnerships in Social Care: A Handbook for Developing Effective Services by Fletcher, Keith
Babies and Young Children in Care: Life Pathways, Decision-Making and Practice by Ward, Harriet
Enhancing the Well Being of Children and Families Through Effective Interventions: UK and USA Evidence for Practice by
Memoir on Pauperism: Does Public Charity Produce an Idle and Dependent Class of Society? by de Tocqueville, Alexis, Tocqueville, Alexis De
Privilege: Harvard and the Education of the Ruling Class by Douthat, Ross Gregory
Memoir on Pauperism: Does Public Charity Produce an Idle and Dependent Class of Society? by Tocqueville, Alexis De, de Tocqueville, Alexis
Foundations of Evidence-Based Social Work Practice by
Poverty in America: A Handbook by Iceland, John
Social Work Practice: Concepts, Processes, and Interviewing by Bogo, Marion
Living Through Loss: Interventions Across the Life Span by Kramer, Betty, Hooyman, Nancy
Social Work Practice: Concepts, Processes, and Interviewing by Bogo, Marion
Building Better Credit Unions by McKillop, Donal, Ferguson, Charles, Goth, Peter
Handbuch Der Evaluationsstandards: Die Standards Des Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation by
The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time by Sachs, Jeffrey D.
Education and Social Change in China: Inequality in a Market Economy: Inequality in a Market Economy by Postiglione, Gerard A.
Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean: Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium by
Poverty and Inequality Among Chinese Minorities by Bhalla, Ajit S., Qiu, Shufang
Groupwork Volume One by
The American Intellectual Elite by
Faith as Social Capital: Connecting or Dividing? by Furbey, Robert, Farnell, Richard, Dinham, Adam
Mobilizing Adults for Positive Youth Development: Strategies for Closing the Gap Between Beliefs and Behaviors by
Social Work Values and Ethics by Reamer, Frederic G.
Social Work: Introducing Professional Practice by Higham, Patricia E.
Vom Fall Zum Management: Neue Methoden Der Sozialen Arbeit by
The Body in Health and Social Care by Twigg, Julia
Caring and Social Justice by Barnes, Marian
White Lives: The Interplay of 'Race', Class and Gender in Everyday Life by Byrne, Bridget
White Lives: The Interplay of 'Race', Class and Gender in Everyday Life by Byrne, Bridget
The Truth Is Longer Than a Lie: Children's Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions by Goddard, Chris, Mudaly, Neerosh
Social and Communication Development in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early Identification, Diagnosis, and Intervention by
Social Work for the Twenty-First Century: Challenges and Opportunities by Yuen, Francis K. O., Pardeck, John T. Ph. D.
A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy by Wilson, Craig, Lodge, George
A Different Shade of Gray: Midlife and Beyond in the City by Newman, Katherine S.
Entstehung, Entwicklung und Perspektiven der sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Veränderungsprozesse by Wieck, Hartmut
Caring and Social Justice by Barnes, Marian
Household Spending in Britain: What Can It Teach Us about Poverty? by Goodman, Alissa, Leicester, Andrew, Brewer, Mike
Homeless Culture and the Media: How the Media Educate Audiences in Their Portrayal of America's Homeless Culture by Reynalds, Jeremy
Understanding Poverty by
The Persistence of Poverty Across Generations: A View from Two British Cohorts by Blanden, Jo, Gibbons, Steve
Differences That Matter: Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United States and Canada by Zuberi, Dan
Redrawing the Class Map: Stratification and Institutions in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland by Oesch, D.
Innovationen in Der Drogenhilfe: Beispiele Alternativer Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten Und Inhaltlicher Weiterentwicklung by Schay, Peter
Sucht Und Männlichkeiten: Entwicklungen in Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Suchtarbeit by
Integrative Suchtarbeit: Innovative Modelle, Praxisstrategien Und Evaluation by
Differences That Matter by Zuberi, Dan
We Are Not Garbage!: The Homeless Movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002 by Hasegawa, Miki
Practical Computer Skills for Social Work by Gregor, Claire
Social Class and Stratification: Classic Statements and Theoretical Debates by
Social Class and Stratification: Classic Statements and Theoretical Debates by
Pathways to State Welfare in Korea: Interests, Ideas and Institutions by Hwang, Gyu-Jin
Poor and Pregnant in New Delhi, India by Vallianatos, Helen
The Body in Health and Social Care by Twigg, Julia
Lessons You'll Never Learn in a Textbook: Reflections of a Newly Trained Personal Support Worker by Doucet, Michelle L.
Caregiving: A Guide for Those Who Give Care and Those Who Receive It by Bumagin, Victoria, Hirn, Kathryn
Poverty and Human Rights: Sen's 'Capability Perspective' Explored by Vizard, Polly
The Problem of the Distressed Areas - An Examination of Poverty and Unemployment by Hannington, Wal
Essex Pauper Letters, 1731-1837 by
Living and Working in Areas of Street Sex Work: From Conflict to Coexistence by Campbell, Rosie, Hubbard, Phil, Pitcher, Jane
American Poverty in a New Era of Reform by Rodgers, Harrell R.
Bevölkerung, Ungleichheit, Auslese: Perspektiven Sozialwissenschaftlicher Bevölkerungsforschung in Deutschland Zwischen 1930 Und 1960 by Gutberger, Hansjörg
Distanzierte Nähe: Caritas-Sozialarbeit, Kirchgemeinden Und Gemeinwesen in Ostdeutschland by Albrecht, Peter-Georg
Gender and Social Security Reform: What's Fair for Women? by
Understanding Human Rights: An Exercise Book by Reichert, Elisabeth
Explaining Global Poverty: A Critical Realist Approach by Gruffydd Jones, Branwen
Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: International Comparisons of Child Protection, Family Service, and Community Caring Systems by
Race, Work, and Family in the Lives of African Americans by
Race, Work, and Family in the Lives of African Americans by
Misery And Its Causes by Devine, Edward T.
Poor Families in America's Health Care Crisis by Angel, Ronald J., Lein, Laura, Henrici, Jane M.
Poor Families in America's Health Care Crisis by Angel, Ronald J., Lein, Laura, Henrici, Jane M.
Die Pädagogik Der Sozialen Frage: (Sozial-)Pädagogische Theorie Vom Beginn Des 19. Jahrhunderts Bis Zum Ende Der Weimarer Republik by Dollinger, Bernd
Assessing the Evidence on Indigenous Socioeconomic Outcomes: A Focus on the 2002 NATSISS by
Good Practice in Brain Injury Case Management by Parker, Jackie
The End of the Hamptons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in America's Paradise by Dolgon, Corey
Working with Gangs and Young People: A Toolkit for Resolving Group Conflict by Kuumba, Imani, Feinstein, Jessie
Child Poverty in Large Families by Mayhew, Emese, Bradshaw, Jonathan, Finch, Naomi
The Moral Economy of Class: Class and Attitudes in Comparative Perspective by Svallfors, Stefan
Civil Society and the War on Terror: This Book Highlights the Drastic Pressures Being Placed Upon Civil Society, Primarily in the Name of Northern Sec by Sen, Kasturi, Morris, Tim
Class and Labor in Iran: Did the Revolution Matter? by Behdad, Sohrab, Nomani, Farhad
Class and Labor in Iran: Did the Revolution Matter? by Nomani, Farhad, Behdad, Sohrab
Reading Southern Poverty Between the Wars, 1918-1939 by
Kinderleben - Integration Durch Sprache?: Band 4: Bedingungen Des Aufwachsens Von Türkischen, Russlanddeutschen Und Deutschen Kindern by
Child Protection in America: Past, Present, and Future by Myers, John E. B.
Residential Child Care: Collaborative Practice by Milligan, Ian, Stevens, Irene
Social Solutions to Poverty: America's Struggle to Build a Just Society by Lemert, Charles C., Myers-Lipton, Scott
Ethics in End-Of-Life Decisions in Social Work Practice by Csikai, Ellen L., Chaitin, Elizabeth
Helping Families with Troubled by Sutton, Carole
Therapeutic Games and Guided Imagery: Tools for Mental Health and School Professionals Working with Children, Adolescents, and Their Families by
Practice Learningperspectives on Globalisation, Citizenship and Cultural Change by
Understanding Poverty by Alcock, Pete
Case Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice by
Educational Failure and Working Class White: Children in Britain by Evans, G.
Case Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice by
Educational Failure and Working Class White Children in Britain by Evans, G.
American Poverty in a New Era of Reform by Rodgers, Harrell R.
Social Treatment: An Approach to Interpersonal Helping by
Behind Ghetto Walls: Black Families in a Federal Slum by Rainwater, Lee
Forumtheater in den Straßen Nepals. Emanzipation jenseits des Entwicklungsdiskurses? by Dirnstorfer, Anne
Making Business Districts Work: Leadership and Management of Downtown, Main Street, Business District, and Community Development Org by Feit, Marvin D., Feehan, David
Children, Place and Identity: Nation and Locality in Middle Childhood by Dicks, Bella, Drakeford, Mark, Scourfield, Jonathan
Children, Place and Identity: Nation and Locality in Middle Childhood by Dicks, Bella, Drakeford, Mark, Scourfield, Jonathan
The Welfare State and Social Work: Pursuing Social Justice by Figueira-McDonough, Josefina
Thomistic Philosophy In The Principles Of Social Group Work by Cooke, Terence J.
What Is Professional Social Work? by Payne, Malcolm
Schwerwiegende Bindungsstörung in Der Kindheit: Eine Anleitung Zur Praxisnahen Therapie by Rygaard, Niels P.
International Social Work Research: Issues and Prospects by Potocky-Tripodi, Miriam, Tripodi, Tony
Transforming the Development Landscape: The Role of the Private Sector by
Turning the World Right-Side Up: Science, Community, and Democracy by Kearney, John, Kerans, Patrick
Challenging Social Work: The Institutional Context of Practice by McDonald, Catherine
Talking about Domestic Abuse: A Photo Activity Workbook to Develop Communication Between Mothers and Young People by Skamballis, Agnes, Mullender, Professor Audrey, Thiara, Ravi
Good Company: A Tramp Life by Harper, Douglas
Talking to My Mum: A Picture Workbook for Workers, Mothers and Children Affected by Domestic Abuse by Humphreys, Cathy, Mullender, Professor Audrey, Thiara, Ravi
Social Role Valorization and the English Experience by Race, D. G., Race, David G.
Split: Class and Cultural Divides in American Politics by Stonecash, Jeffrey M.
Zum Nutzen und Nichtnutzen der Sozialen Arbeit am exemplarischen Feld der Wohnungslosenhilfe: Eine empirische Studie by Maar, Katja
The State of Feminist Social Work by White, Vicky
Faces of Poverty by Aspen, Harald, Aspen, Harold
You Call This a Democracy? by Kivel, Paul
The State of Feminist Social Work by White, Vicky
Casting Kings: Bards and Indian Modernity by Snodgrass, Jeffrey G.
Social Work in Education and Children′s Services by Krawczyk, Steve, Horner, Nigel
Inequality, Poverty and Well-Being by
Freeing God's Children: The Unlikely Alliance for Global Human Rights by Hertzke, Allen D.
Konfliktarbeit: Theorie Und Methodik Sozialer Arbeit in Konflikten by Herrmann, Franz
Geschlecht Nebensache?: Zur Aktualität Einer Gender-Perspektive in Der Sozialen Arbeit by
Regionale Jugendarbeit: Wege in Die Zukunft by
Safe, Legal, and Unavailable? Abortion Politics in the United States by Rose, Melody
Change and Stability: A Cross-national Analysis of Social Structure and Personality by Kohn, Melvin L.
There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina by
There is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina by
Wie Verstehen Pädagogen?: Begriff Und Methode Des Verstehens in Der Erziehungswissenschaft by
Crossing the Line: Vagrancy, Homelessness, and Social Displacement in Russia by Stephenson, Svetlana
An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations by Middleton, Jane, Montana, Salvador, Hardina, Donna
Sweating It Out: What the 'Experts' Say Causes Poverty by Landon, Michael L.
Working in China: Ethnographies of Labor and Workplace Transformation by
Giving Credit Where Due: A Path to Global Poverty Reduction by Clark, Robert F.
Social Work Process and Practice: Approaches, Knowledge and Skills by Watson, David, West, Janice
Management in Social Work by Mullender, Audrey, Jones, David N., Coulshed, Veronica
The Child's Journey Through Care: Placement Stability, Care Planning, and Achieving Permanency by
Roots of Human Sociality: Culture, Cognition and Interaction by
Can the Poor Save?: Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts by Sherraden, Michael
Roots of Human Sociality: Culture, Cognition and Interaction by
Claiming Individuality: The Cultural Politics of Distinction by
Hunger: An Unnatural History by Russell, Sharman Apt
Menschenbilder und Typologie - Kategorien neurotischer Motivationsstrukturen als Orientierungshilfe in der sozialen Arbeit. Chancen und Risiken by Harms, Stephan J.
Working in China: Ethnographies of Labor and Workplace Transformation by
Kids 'N' Cops: Excerpts from Children's Letters, Artwork and Anecdotes by Wellander-Kleppe, Joan
Markets as Sites for Social Interaction: Spaces of Diversity by Watson, Sophie
How the Other Half Lives; Studies Among the Tenements of New York, by Jacob A. Riis; With Illustrations Chiefly from Photographs Taken by the Author. by Riis, Jacob a.
The House on Henry Street. by Wald, Lillian D.
Social Work and Child Abuse: Still Walking the Tightrope? by Merrick, Dave
Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class: Readings for a Changing Landscape by
Arbeitsmarktflexibilisierung Und Soziale Ungleichheit: Sozio-Ökonomische Konsequenzen Befristeter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in Deutschland Und Großbr by Giesecke, Johannes
Soziale Gerechtigkeit: Reformpolitik Am Scheideweg Festschrift Für Dieter Eißel Zum 65. Geburtstag by
The Structural Approach to Direct Practice in Social Work: A Social Constructionist Perspective by Wood, Gale Goldberg, Tully, Carol
Being Poor in Modern Europe: Historical Perspectives 1800-1940 by
Globalisation, Inequality and the Commodification of Life and Wellbeing by
Formula Funding of Public Services by Smith, Peter C.
The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor by Bessenecker, Scott A.
Social Work and Social Exclusion: The Idea of Practice by Sheppard, Michael
A Caring Society?: Care and the Dilemmas of Human Services in the 21st Century by Fine, Michael D.
A Caring Society?: Care and the Dilemmas of Human Services in the 21st Century by Fine, Michael D.
Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Best Practice by
Improving Children's Services Networks: Lessons from Family Centres by Aldgate, Jane, Tunstill, Jane, Hughes, Marilyn
When Marriages Fail: Systemic Family Therapy Interventions and Issues by Everett, Craig, Lee, Robert E.
See More