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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2007

Children in Trouble: The Role of Families, Schools and Communities by Hayden, Carol
Homelessness Handbook by
The Many Dimensions of Poverty by
Consensus Organizing: Building Communities of Mutual Self-Interest by Eichler, Michael P.
Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers by Epstein, Irwin, Vonk, M. Elizabeth, Tripodi, Tony
Research Techniques for Clinical Social Workers by Epstein, Irwin, Vonk, M. Elizabeth, Tripodi, Tony
Analyzing Inequality: Life Chances and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective by
Poverty: An International Glossary by
Who Says?: Working-Class Rhetoric, Class Consciousness, and Community by
Collaborating with Community-Based Organizations Through Consultation and Technical Assistance by
Work and the Workplace: A Resource for Innovative Policy and Practice by Akabas, Sheila, Kurzman, Paul
Zu Gast in einem fremden Haus: Theorie und Empirie zur Sozialen Arbeit in Schulen by Baier, Florian
Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain by Raco, Mike
Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain by Raco, Mike
The Idea of Poverty by Spicker, Paul
Interviewing Children about Sexual Abuse: Controversies and Best Practice by Faller, Kathleen Coulborn
Passionate Modernity: Sexuality, Class, and Consumption in India by Srivastava, Sanjay
Jugendhilfe Zwischen Qualität Und Kosteneffizienz by Messmer, Heinz
Adventures In Indigence And Other Essays by Portor, Laura Spencer
Understanding Social Inequality by Watt, Paul, Butler, Tim
Poverty and Discrimination by Lang, Kevin
Sozialstruktur Und Gesellschaftsanalyse: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung Zwischen Daten, Methoden Und Begriffen by
Integrative Suchttherapie: Theorie, Methoden, Praxis, Forschung by
The Solidarities of Strangers: The English Poor Laws and the People, 1700 1948 by Lees, Lynn Hollen
Changing the Face of Hunger by Hall, Tony
Healing the Inner City Child: Creative Arts Therapies with At-Risk Youth by
Ideology and Welfare by Taylor, Gary
Child Abuse and Family Law: Understanding the issues facing human service and legal professionals by Brown, Thea
Secondary Traumatic Stress by Pryce, Josephine
Taking Charge in Troubled Times: Proceedings of the 5th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference by
Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence: A Collection of Papers from the First National Gerontological Social Work Conference by
Die Neuen Alten - Retter Des Sozialen? by
Organisierte Ungleichheit: Wie Organisationen Lebenschancen Beeinflussen by Lengfeld, Holger
Mentaliseren Bij de Borderline Persoonlijkheidsstoornis: Praktische Gids Voor Hulpverleners in de Ggz by Bateman, Anthony W., Fonagy, Peter
Glimpses by Henry, Declan
Inequality: Social Class and Its Consequences by Eitzen, D. Stanley, Johnston, Janis E.
The Fabric of Gender: Working-Class Culture in Third Republic France by Chenut, Helen
Advances in Social Work: Vol. 6, No.2 Fall 2005 by Daley, Jim
Wege Zum Dienstleistungsstaat: Deutschland, Frankreich Und Großbritannien Im Vergleich by Bahle, Thomas
B. E. F.: The Whole Story Of The Bonus Army by White, William C., Waters, W. W.
Looking After Children: A Practitioner's Guide by Ghazal, Hayat, Lemay, Raymond A.
Social Work with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children by Kohli, Ravi
An Integrated Approach to Family Work for Psychosis: A Manual for Family Workers by Higgs, Annie, Smith, Gina, Gregory, Karl
Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage by Edin, Kathryn
Global Social Problems by Mazur, Allan
Race, Social Reform, and the Making of a Middle Class: The American Missionary Association and Black Atlanta, 1870-1900 by Jewell, Joseph O.
Attachment and Dynamic Practice: An Integrative Guide for Social Workers and Other Clinicians by Ringel, Shoshana, Brandell, Jerrold
Class Counts: Education, Inequality, and the Shrinking Middle Class by Ornstein, Allan
Race, Social Reform, and the Making of a Middle Class: The American Missionary Association and Black Atlanta, 1870-1900 by Jewell, Joseph O.
The Sex of Class: Women Transforming American Labor by
Poverty In Plenty - The Ethics of Income: With an Introductory Chapter From Problems of Poverty by Hobson, John Atkinson
Welfare In The British Colonies by Mair, L. P.
The Sex of Class: Women Transforming American Labor by
Youth Crime and Youth Culture in the Inner City by Sanders, Bill
Class Counts: Education, Inequality, and the Shrinking Middle Class by Ornstein, Allan
Effective Groupwork by Preston-Shoot, Michael
Groupwork Volume Three by
Groupwork Volume Two by
Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Strategies for Educating Latino, Black, and Asian Students by
Changing Neighbourhoods: Lessons from the Jrf Neighbourhood Programme by Purdue, Derrick, Taylor, Marilyn, Wilson, Mandy
Untouchables: My Family's Triumphant Escape from India's Caste System by Jadhav, Narendra
Cross-Cultural Practice, Second Edition: Social Work with Diverse Populations by Harper-Dorton, Karen, Lantz, Jim
Just Generosity: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America by Sider, Ronald J.
Ending Poverty in America: How to Restore the American Dream by
Will the Boat Sink the Water?: The Life of China's Peasants by Chuntao, Wu, Chen, Guidi
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Supporting Women After Domestic Violence: Loss, Trauma and Recovery by Abrahams, Hilary
Creativity and Cultural Improvisation by
Challenges of Living: A Multidimensional Working Model for Social Workers by Matto, Holly C., Harrigan, Marcia P., Hutchison, Elizabeth D.
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Sexual Issues in Social Work by Milner, Judith, Myers, Steve
Providing Support to Young People: A Guide to Interviewing in Helping Relationships by Reid, Hazel L., Fielding, Alison J.
Handbook on Supported Education: Providing Services for Students with Psychiatric by Unger, Karen V.
Population Turnover and Area Deprivation by Bailey, Nick, Livingston, Mark
Transforming Society?: Social Work and Sociology by Price, Vicky, Simpson, Graeme
Social Work: A Companion to Learning by
Global Social Policy and Governance by Deacon, Bob
Moving Toward Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Current Issues and Future Directions by
Reducing Global Poverty: The Case for Asset Accumulation by
Social Interactions in Urban Public Places by Katz, Jeanne, Holland, Caroline, Clark, Andrew
Rediscovering Mixed-Use Streets: The Contribution of Local High Streets to Sustainable Communities by Roberts, Marion, Morris, Linda, Jones, Peter
Soziale Exklusion Im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Arbeitslosensicherung Und Sozialhilfe in Großbritannien Und Deutschland by Mohr, Katrin
Erziehung Zur Armut?: Soziale Arbeit Und Die 'Neue Unterschicht' by
Long-Term Ill Health, Poverty and Ethnicity by Salway, Sarah, Chowbey, Punita, Platt, Lucinda
Poverty and Ethnicity in the UK by Platt, Lucinda
Advances in Social Work, Spring 2006 Volume 7(1) by Daley, James G.
Providing Support to Young People: A Guide to Interviewing in Helping Relationships by Fielding, Alison J., Reid, Hazel L.
Paying for Progress in China: Public Finance, Human Welfare and Changing Patterns of Inequality by
Social Stratification in the United States by Rose, Stephen J.
AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from Military Service -- And How It Hurts Our Country by Roth-Douquet, Kathy, Schaeffer, Frank
Road Dogs and Loners: Family Relationships among Homeless Men by Pippert, Timothy D.
Too Poor for Peace?: Global Poverty, Conflict, and Security in the 21st Century by
Long-Range Public Investment: The Forgotten Legacy of the New Deal by Leighninger, Robert D.
Child Protection: An Introduction by Beckett, Chris
The Contribution of Sociology to Social Work by Maciver, R. M.
Power from Experience: Urban Popular Movements in Late Twentieth-Century Mexico by Haber, Paul Lawrence
No Easy Answer: A Look At Poverty by Heaston, Elizabeth
Postmoderne Sozialarbeit: Ein Systemtheoretisch-Konstruktivistischer Beitrag Zur Sozialarbeitswissenschaft by Kleve, Heiko
Die Sozialpädagogische Erziehung Des Bürgers: Entwürfe Zur Konstitution Der Modernen Gesellschaft by
Doing Nothing by Lutz, Tom
Structure of Social Stratification in the United States by Beeghley, Leonard
Social Work by
Child Protection: An Introduction by Beckett, Chris
An Integrative Approach to Counseling: Bridging Chinese Thought, Evolutionary Theory, and Stress Management by Santee, Robert G.
Internal Labor Mobility in Central Europe and the Baltic Region by Walewski, Mateusz, Tiongson, Erwin R., Paci, Pierella
Improving Substance Abuse Treatment: An Introduction to the Evidence-Based Practice Movement by Eliason, Michele J.
An Integrative Approach to Counseling: Bridging Chinese Thought, Evolutionary Theory, and Stress Management by Santee, Robert G.
Jugend Und Jugendpolitik in Benachteiligten Stadtteilen in Europa by
Key Nursing Skills by Workman, Barbara, Bennet, Clare
The Concept of Community: Readings with Interpretations by Greer, Scott
The Great Sin Of Great Cities by Greg, William Rathbone
The Man Farthest Down: A Record Of Observation And Study In Europe by Washington, Booker T.
Protecting Powers: Emergency Intervention for Children's Protection by Masson, Judith
Wages of Empire: Neoliberal Policies, Repression, and Women's Poverty by Waller, Marguerite, Reese, Ellen, Cabezas, Amalia L.
Adult Education and Poverty Reduction: Issues for Policy, Research and Practice by
Studieren Mit Kind: Die Vereinbarkeit Von Studium Und Elternschaft: Lebenssituationen, Maßnahmen Und Handlungsperspektiven by
Biographische Fallarbeit: Theorie, Methode Und Praxisrelevanz by Griese, Birgit, Griesehop, Hedwig Rosa
The Political Sociology of the Welfare State: Institutions, Social Cleavages, and Orientations by
Soziale Netzwerke Und Soziale Ungleichheit: Zur Rolle Von Sozialkapital in Modernen Gesellschaften by
Behinderte in einem System der Ungleichheit by Nachtrab, Tobias
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: From Theory to Research by
Poverty and Neoliberalism: Persistence and Reproduction in the Global South by Bush, Ray
Social Work and Service Learning: Partnerships for Social Justice by
Child Protection: Using Research to Improve Policy and Practice by
Kunst statt Strafe. Eine dialogische Betrachtung der ästhetischen Arbeit in der Sozialen Arbeit am Beispiel einer Bildhauerwerkstatt für straffällig g by Huser-Granzow, Susanne M.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Suchtforschung by
Rauschkonstruktionen: Eine Qualitative Interviewstudie Zur Konstruktion Von Drogenrauschwirklichkeit by Korte, Svenja
Black Issues in Social Work and Social Care by Graham, Mekada
International Community Psychology: History and Theories by
Conflict Resolution, Identity Crisis, and Development in Africa by
Das Werk Maria Montessoris - ein zeitloser Ansatz für eine zeitgemäße (Sozial)pädagogik? by Chowanietz, Isabel
Service User and Carer Participation in Social Work by Warren, Janet
Down and Out in Eighteenth-Century London by Hitchcock, Tim
Child Protection, Domestic Violence and Parental Substance Misuse: Family Experiences and Effective Practice by Cleaver, Deborah, Tarr, Sukey, Cleaver, Hedy
Understanding Looked After Children: An Introduction to Psychology for Foster Care by McCall, Suzanne, Guishard-Pine, Jeune, Hamilton, Lloyd
Nonprofits and Technology: Emerging Research for Usable Knowledge by
Short-Term Existential Intervention in Clinical Practice by Walsh, Joseph, Lantz, Jim
Teaching Resources for End-Of-Life and Palliative Care Courses by
Class Construction: White Working-Class Student Identity in the New Millennium by Freie, Carrie
Endings in Clinical Practice, Second Edition: Endings in Clinical Practice, Second Edition by Walsh, Joseph
Spirited Practices: Spirituality and the Helping Professions by
Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention by
In the Wake of Terror: Class, Race, Nation, Ethnicity in the Postmodern World by San Juan, E.
In the Wake of Terror: Class, Race, Nation, Ethnicity in the Postmodern World by San Juan, E.
Disability and Social Work Education: Practice and Policy Issues by
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families by
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families by
Social Work and Service Learning: Partnerships for Social Justice by
Geriatrie - Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz in der Altenhilfe by Becker, Henning
Coming to Care: The Work and Family Lives of Workers Caring for Vulnerable Children by Mooney, Ann, Statham, June, Brannen, Julia
The Impact of Enforcement on Street Users in England by Johnsen, Sarah, Fitzpatrick, Suzanne
Schuldistanz - Zwischen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und pädagogischem Handeln by Daase, Christian
London Voices, London Lives: Tales from a Working Capital by Hall, Peter
Offenders in Focus: Risk, Responsivity and Diversity by Farrow, Kathryn, Kelly, Gill, Wilkinson, Bernadette
London Voices, London Lives: Tales from a Working Capital by Hall, Peter
Offenders in Focus: Risk, Responsivity and Diversity by Farrow, Kathryn, Kelly, Gill, Wilkinson, Bernadette
Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy: Right versus Left by Harris, Gardenia, Tamas, Bernard Ivan, Lind, Nancy S.
Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy: Right versus Left by Tamas, Bernard Ivan, Lind, Nancy S., Harris, Gardenia
Poverty, Wealth and Place in Britain, 1968 to 2005 by Wheeler, Ben, Dorling, Daniel, Rigby, Jan
Der Suizid. Ein Phänomen im Wandel der Zeit: Erklärungsansätze aus den Bereichen Psychologie, Soziologie, Medizin und Biologie by Warmschmidt, Annett
Care, Community and Citizenship: Research and Practice in a Changing Policy Context by
Care, Community and Citizenship: Research and Practice in a Changing Policy Context by
Erarbeitung einer Handlungstheorie für einen gemeindepsychiatrischen Wohnverbund by Elste, Daniel, Sommer, Robert
NGOs and the Millennium Development Goals: Citizen Action to Reduce Poverty by
Innovative Approaches to Reducing Global Poverty (PB) by
Innovative Approaches to Reducing Global Poverty (Hc) by
Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention by
ZERA-Modell. Aufbau einer Gesprächsgruppe für chronisch psychisch Kranke: Am Beispiel einer 'Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen' by Voll, Sylvena
Misery And Its Causes by Devine, Edward T.
The Man Farthest Down: A Record Of Observation And Study In Europe by Washington, Booker T.
The Crucifixion: By An Eye Witness by Indo American Book Company
Compassionate Statistics: Applied Quantitative Analysis for Social Services (with Exercises and Instructions in Spss) by
Global Trade and Poor Nations: The Poverty Impacts and Policy Implications of Liberalization by
Inequality: Social Class and Its Consequences by Eitzen, D. Stanley, Johnston, Janis E.
Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse by Clear, Todd R.
Reclaiming Social Policy: Globalization, Social Exclusion and New Poverty Reduction Strategies by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Post-Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers by
Trauma, Drug Misuse and Transforming Identities: A Life Story Approach by Etherington, Kim
Inheriting Poverty? by
Dirty Work: The Social Construction of Taint by
Creating Market Socialism: How Ordinary People Are Shaping Class and Status in China by Hsu, Carolyn L.
Die Eignung von Ethiken als Begründung für das kompetente Handeln in sozialpädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern by Nolle, Alexander
Normales Altern unnormal? Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung im Ruhestand: Eine Herausforderung für die stationäre Behindertenhilfe in Berlin by Hermann, Jochen
Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Lebensmodells für ältere Menschen im Gemeinwesen by Thomas, Alexander
Staatliche Reaktionen auf Jugendkriminalität in Deutschland und Frankreich: Der Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich und la réparation als ein und dasselbe Paar Schu by Finus, Simon
Neue Konzepte zu Drogenkonsum und Drogenhilfe by Triphaus, Andrea
Selbstbestimmung bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung: Eine Studie über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieses Handlungsansatzes mit Hinblick auf die Fami by Bork, Nicole
Der Erfolg der geschlossenen Unterbringung von Mädchen: Worin besteht er objektiv und wie wird er subjektiv während eines Heimaufenthaltes erlebt? by Lorch, Nicole
Konzeption einer Tagesbetreuungseinrichtung für Senioren in Ludwigshafen mit sozialpädagogischer Zielsetzung by Mengel, Sylvana
Der Offene Kanal - Ein Arbeitsfeld für medienpädagogische Soziale Arbeit? - Dargestellt am Beispiel des Offenen Kanals Hamburg by Wiedl, Kathrin Nina
"Und alle gehen studieren!?" - Das Internationale Jugendprogramm und seine Auswirkungen auf die TeilnehmerInnen: Sozialpädagogische Perspektiven aus S by Kroll, Tabea
The Merging of Knowledge: People in Poverty and Academics Thinking Together by Research Group, Fourth World-University
Collaborating with Community-Based Organizations Through Consultation and Technical Assistance by
Kindeswohl - Elterliches Erziehungsrecht - Staatliches Wächteramt by Scheck, Stephanie, Hillenbrand, Daniela
Sind ausländische Jugendliche krimineller als deutsche? Jugendkriminalität aus psychologischer und soziologischer Sicht by Moch-Trzcinski, Isabella
Support for Living?: The Impact of the Supporting People Programme on Housing and Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities by Fyson, Rachel, Tarleton, Beth, Ward, Linda
Foucaults Machtanalytik Und Soziale Arbeit: Eine Kritische Einführung Und Bestandsaufnahme by
Teamarbeit. Eine Voraussetzung für qualitätsgesicherte Sozialpädagogik by Vogel, Lars
Tell Me Your Story by Kelly, Jane D.
The Digital Divide in Africa by Hagen, Emlyn
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