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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2008

The Magic of Africa by Brknyi Csvs, M., Barkanyi Csavas, M.
Disability and Impairment: Working with Children and Families by Burke, Peter B.
European Childhoods: Cultures, Politics and Childhoods in Europe by James, Allison, James, Adrian L.
Transitions Through Homelessness: Lives on the Edge by McNaughton, C.
Hard and Unreal Advice: Mothers, Social Science and the Victorian Poverty Experts by Martin, K.
Class Formation, Civil Society and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France, UK and the Us by Burrage, Michael
Family Practices in South Asian Muslim Families: Parenting in a Multi-Faith Britain by Becher, H.
Children and Violence: The World of the Defenceless by Helander, E.
Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications by Wan, G.
Professional Risk and Working with People: Decision-Making in Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice by Bain, Andy, Carson, David
Understanding and Reducing Persistent Poverty in Africa by
Troubled Youth, Troubled Families: Understanding Families at Risk for Adolescent Maltreatment by
Lost in Space: The Criminalization, Globalization and Urban Ecology of Homelessness by Amster, Randall
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Engels, Frederick
What Makes Women Happy by Weldon, Fay
An Ethiopian Odyssey by Allen, Annette
Contested Individualization: Debates about Contemporary Personhood by
Determining Sample Size: Balancing Power, Precision, and Practicality by Dattalo, Patrick
Poverty Policy: A Compendium of Cash Transfer Proposals by Marmor, Theodore R.
Altern Und Zeit: Der Einfluss Des Demographischen Wandels Auf Zeitstrukturen by Meyer, Christine
Exklusion in Der Marktgesellschaft by
Generationenbeziehungen Im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Lebensbedingungen Und Einstellungen Von Altersgruppen Im Internationalen Vergleich by Blome, Agnes, Keck, Wolfgang, Alber, Jens
Sozialstruktur Und Suizid in Österreich: Ergebnisse Einer Epidemiologischen Studie Für Das Land Steiermark by Watzka, Carlos
Invisible City: Poverty, Housing, and New Urbanism by Gilderbloom, John I.
Dear Self: A Year in the Life of a Welfare Mother by Mitchell, Richelene
Ribbon Culture: Charity, Compassion and Public Awareness by Moore, Sarah E. H.
Class Formation, Civil Society and the State: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, France, UK and the Us by Burrage, Michael
Ribbon Culture: Charity, Compassion and Public Awareness by Moore, Sarah E. H.
The Many Dimensions of Poverty by
Poor People by Vollmann, William T.
Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success by
European Childhoods: Cultures, Politics and Childhoods in Europe by James, Allison, James, Adrian L.
Die Akzeptanz Des Wohlfahrtsstaates: Präferenzen, Konflikte, Deutungsmuster by Ullrich, Carsten
Textile Metamorphosen ALS Ausdruck Gesellschaftlichen Wandels: Das Bekleidungsverhalten Junger Männer Und Frauen ALS Phänomen Der Grenzverschiebung Vo by Scheiper, Petra
Sexual Health and Bollywood Films: A Culturally Based Program for South Asian Teenage Girls by Madan-Bahel, Anvita
Sexual Offending and Mental Health: Multidisciplinary Management in the Community by
Empowerment, Participation and Social Work by Adams, Robert
Needs ABC: Acquisition and Behaviour Changea Model for Group Work and Other Psychotherapies by Caplan, T.
The Changing Landscape of Work and Family in the American Middle Class: Reports from the Field by
The Changing Landscape of Work and Family in the American Middle Class: Reports from the Field by
Class in Culture by Ebert, Teresa L., Zavarzadeh, Mas'ud
Readings in Multicultural Practice by Dana, Richard H., Gamst, Glenn C., Der-Karabetian, Aghop
Hyperkinetisches Syndrom - Hyperaktivität: Zu Ursachen, Verlauf und möglichen Behandlungsmethoden by Budzinski, Nicole
Raising Children: Emerging Needs, Modern Risks, and Social Responses by
A Guide to Evidence-Based Group Work by Macgowan, Mark J.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis by Pillai, Vijayan, Littell, Julia H., Corcoran, Jacqueline
Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications by Wan, G.
Preparing Research Articles by Thyer, Bruce A.
Methodisches Arbeiten in der sozialen Arbeit unter Berücksichtigung theoretischer Modelle zur Gruppenentwicklung und zugrunde liegender Wertvorstellun by Jenning, Sandra
"Wir wissen selbst, was das Beste für uns ist!": Selbstbestimmung im Leben von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung by Raabe, Roland
Experiencing Social Work: Learning from Service Users by Doel, Mark, Best, Lesley
Soul of a Woman by Rose, A.
An End to Poverty?: A Historical Debate by Stedman Jones, Gareth
Soul of a Woman by Rose, A.
Armut Und Teilhabe: Analysen Und Impulse Zum Diskurs Um Armut Und Gerechtigkeit by
Genderkompetenz in Der Sozialen Arbeit by
World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms by Pogge, Thomas W.
The World I Imagine: A Creative Manual for Ending Poverty and Building Peace by Jordan, Debbie
Elizabethan Rogues And Vagabonds by Aydelotte, Frank
When Blacks Were Green by Cooper, Karla J.
Gemeinwesenarbeit mit Senioren am Beispiel des Stadtteilprojekts für gemeinwesenorientierte Altenarbeit in Castrop-Rauxel by Bernhardt, Birgitta
Unjust Rewards: Ending the Greed That Is Bankrupting Britain by Toynbee, Polly, Walker, David
Social Work and Power by Smith, Roger
Transgenics and the Poor: Biotechnology in Development Studies by
Parental Learning Disability and Children's Needs: Family Experiences and Effective Practice by Nicholson, Don, Cleaver, Hedy
Poverty, Family, and Kinship in a Heartland Community by Harvey, David L.
Social Exclusion and Community Capital: The Missing Link in Global Partnerships of Health for All by Wang, Mei-Ling, Nantulya, Vinand Mukatabala
Social Work in a Sustainable World by Mary, Nancy L.
Race and Wealth Disparities: A Multidisciplinary Discourse by
Fighting the Diseases of Poverty by Stevens, Philip
Charting Women's Journeys: From Addiction to Recovery by Grant, Judith
Emergence of the New Majority--Volume 1 of Social Capitalism in Theory and Practice by Corfe, Robert
In Search of Moral Authority: The Discourse on Poverty, Poor Relief, and Charity in French Colonial Vietnam by Nguyen-Marshall, Van
"Nicht Wohltun, sondern Gerechtigkeit". Alice Salomons Theorie Sozialer Arbeit. by Kuhlmann, Carola
Handbook of Giftedness in Children: Psychoeducational Theory, Research, and Best Practices by
Die Rolle des Jugendamtes als "staatliches Wächteramt" bei Kindeswohlgefährdung by Daniel, Britta, Tonn, Hans-Peter
World Poverty and Human Rights by Pogge, Thomas W.
DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-Help by Richardson, Liz
DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-Help by Richardson, Liz
Innere Armut: Kinder Und Jugendliche Zwischen Mangel Und Überfluss by Müller, Thomas
Organisationsentwicklung Und Fachlichkeit: Eine Fallstudie Zur Neustrukturierung Von Beratungsdiensten Im Jugendamt by Zipperle, Mirjana
So Erzieht Man Keinen Menschen!: Lebens- Und Berufserinnerungen Aus Der Heimerziehung Der 50er Und 60er Jahre by Kuhlmann, Carola
Bent Hope: A Street Journal by Huff, Tim J.
The New Volunteerism: A Community Connection by Cavanaugh, Catherine
Oxford Bookworms Factfiles: The USA: Level 3: 1000-Word Vocabulary by Baxter, Alison
Oxford Bookworms Factfiles: Rainforests: Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary by Akinyemi, Rowena
School Violence and Primary Prevention by
Living Through Loss: Interventions Across the Life Span by Kramer, Betty, Hooyman, Nancy
Sanctions in the CalWORKs Program by Klerman, Jacob Alex
Gerontological Practice for the Twenty-First Century: A Social Work Perspective by Barusch, Amanda S., Richardson, Virginia
Researching Trust and Health by
Sociology of Healthcare: A Reader for Health Professionals by
Rural Social Work Practice by
Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern Change and Challenge by Payne, Malcolm, Askeland, Gurid Aga
Criminalizing Race, Criminalizing Poverty: Welfare Fraud Enforcement in Canada by Mirchandani, Kiran, Chan, Wendy
Young Children's Rights: Exploring Beliefs, Principles and Practice Second Edition by Alderson, Priscilla
Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Schools: A 360 Degree View of Research and Practice by Franklin, Cynthia, Kelly, Michael S., Kim, Johnny S.
Social Work Research for Social Justice by Humphries, Beth
The Art of Helping Others: Being Around, Being There, Being Wise by Smith, Heather, Smith, Mark K.
Listening to Children: A Practitioner's Guide by McLeod, Alison
Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: International Research and Practice by
Farewell to the Leftist Working Class by Achterberg, Peter
Hard and Unreal Advice: Mothers, Social Science and the Victorian Poverty Experts by Martin, K.
Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest: Concepts, Policies and Politics by
Social Protection for the Poor and Poorest: Concepts, Policies and Politics by
French Colonial Documentary: Mythologies of Humanitarianism by Bloom, Peter J.
The Trap: Selling Out to Stay Afloat in Winner-Take-All America by Brook, Daniel
Chutes and Ladders: Navigating the Low-Wage Labor Market by Newman, Katherine S.
Geschlechtliche Chancengleichheit im Beruf by Neumann, Heidi
Children as Victims by
Globalization and the Global Politics of Justice by
Rural Poverty in Paraguay by Masterson, Thomas
Crossroads by Ziyanak, Sebahattin
Group Interventions in Schools: Promoting Mental Health for At-Risk Children and Youth by Clanton Harpine, Elaine
Social Work and Mental Health in Scotland by Maas-Lowit, Mike, Hothersall, Steve, Golightley, Malcolm
Sozialpolitik: Ökonomisierung Und Entgrenzung by
Personalentwicklung Und Personalmanagement in Der Sozialwirtschaft: Tagungsband Der 2. Norddeutschen Sozialwirtschaftsmesse by
Demographie ALS Herausforderung Für Den Öffentlichen Sektor by
The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice: A Guide to Working Effectively with Students, Families and Schools by Kelly, Michael S.
Welfare to Work: Conditional Rights in Social Policy by Paz-Fuchs, Amir
Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System by Phillips, Daniel W., III
Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System by Phillips, Daniel W., III
Encountering the Transnational: Women, Islam and the Politics of Interpretation by Sharify-Funk, Meena
Li'l Gnome Finds a Home by Aguirre Watts, A., Watts, A. Aguirre
Professionalität in Der Schuldnerberatung: Handlungstypen Im Vergleich by Thomsen, Monika
Soziale Arbeit in Gesellschaft by
Meritokratie ALS Legitimationsprinzip: Die Entwicklung Der Akzeptanz Sozialer Ungleichheit Im Zuge Der Bildungsexpansion by Hadjar, Andreas
Sozialer Wandel Und Geburtenrückgang in Der Türkei: Der Wert Von Kindern ALS Bindeglied Auf Der Akteursebene by Klaus, Daniela
The New Rich in China: Future rulers, present lives by
The New Rich in China: Future Rulers, Present Lives by
Interkulturelle und systemische Beratung in der Sozialen Arbeit by Borkenstein, Ina
Where Have All the Mothers Gone? by Chamberlain Froese, Jean
Families in Converging Europe: A Comparison of Forms, Structures and Ideals by Oinonen, E.
Methodisches Handeln in der Supervision: Psychodramatische Supervision by Busch, Franziska
Rich and Poor in America: A Reference Handbook by Gilbert, Geoffrey
Poverty and Water: Explorations of the Reciprocal Relationship by
Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today: Reminiscence in Dementia Care: A Guide to Good Practice by Bruce, Errollyn, Schweitzer, Pam
Early Child Care: The New Perspectives by Lourie, Reginald S.
No Salvation Outside the Poor: Prophetic-Utopian Essays by Sobrino, Jon
Social Work: Making a Difference by Cree, Viviene, Myers, Steve
Social Work: Making a Difference by Cree, Viviene, Myers, Steve
Social Work and Multi-Agency Working: Making a Difference by
Social Work and Multi-Agency Working: Making a Difference by
Die Bedeutung der Intensiv-Sozialpädagogischen Einzelmaßnahmen am Beispiel eines Jugendlichen in einer sozialpädagogischen Einrichtung by Wohlleber, Markus
Die Bedeutung des Wohnumfeldes für Menschen in benachteiligten Quartieren: Inwieweit beeinflusst das Wohnmilieu die alltägliche Lebensbewältigung von by Henkel, Sarah
Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life by Nadesan, Majia Holmer
Working with Violence: Policies and Practices in Risk Assessment and Management by Myers, Steve, Milner, Judith
Transforming Race and Class in Suburbia: Decline in Metropolitan Baltimore by Vicino, T.
Engaging: Möglichkeiten Klientenzentrierter Beratung in Der Sozialen Arbeit by Seithe, Mechthild
Transforming Race and Class in Suburbia: Decline in Metropolitan Baltimore by Vicino, T.
Soziale Konstellation Und Historische Perspektive: Festschrift Für M. Rainer Lepsius by
The London Underworld In The Victorian Period - Authentic First-Person Accounts By Beggars, Thieves And Prostitutes by Mayhew, Henry
Class and Stratification by Crompton, Rosemary
Social Work Practice with African American Families: An Intergenerational Perspective by
Social Work Practice with African American Families: An Intergenerational Perspective by
Transmitting Inequality: Wealth and the American Family by Elmelech, Yuval
Anti-Oppressive Social Work: A Guide for Developing Cultural Competence by Laird, Siobhan
Lebensqualität Aus Nutzersicht: Wie Menschen Mit Geistiger Behinderung Ihre Lebenssituation Beurteilen by Schäfers, Markus
Soziale Ungleichheit Und Pflege: Beiträge Sozialwissenschaftlich Orientierter Pflegeforschung by
Netzwerkmanagement: Koordination Von Professionellen Vernetzungen - Grundlagen Und Praxisbeispiele by
Gesundheitswesen Und Sozialstaat: Gesundheitsförderung Zwischen Anspruch Und Wirklichkeit by
Life Model of Social Work Practice: Advances in Theory and Practice by Germain, Carel, Gitterman, Alex
The Ideology of Home Ownership: Homeowner Societies and the Role of Housing by Ronald, R.
Migration und Schulerfolg: Erklärungsansätze für Schulschwierigkeiten vor einem Migrationshintergrund by Zwahlen, Amanda
Medicines and Society: Patients, Professionals and the Dominance of Pharmaceuticals by Britten, Nicky
Counselling Survivors of Domestic Abuse by Sanderson, Christiane
Creativity and Cultural Improvisation by
Class Construction: White Working-Class Student Identity in the New Millennium by Freie, Carrie
The Integration of Mental Health Social Work and the NHS by Bogg, Daisy
Black and White: Land, Labor and Politics in the South (1884) by Fortune, Timothy Thomas, Fortune, T. Thomas
Child Law for Social Work by Williams, Jane
The Power of the Stranger: Structures and Dynamics in Social Intervention - A Theoretical Framework by Leene, Gert J. F., Schuyt, Theo N. M.
Gerontological Home Health Care: A Guide for the Social Work Practitioner by Kadushin, Goldie, Egan, Marcia
Gerontological Home Health Care: A Guide for the Social Work Practitioner by Kadushin, Goldie, Egan, Marcia
Seelsorge systemisch gestalten: Konstruktivistische Konzepte für die Beratungspraxis in Kirche, Diakonie und Caritas by
Achieving Effective Results Through Strategic Plan: The Case of African Rescue Committee by Muhumed, Mahamud Ugas
Anerkennung Oder Abwertung: Über Die Verarbeitung Sozialer Desintegration by Kaletta, Barbara
Health Inequalities: Determinanten Und Mechanismen Gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit by
Veränderungsprozesse Pädagogischer Institutionen: Organisationstheoretische Reflexionen VOR Dem Hintergrund Gestiegener Anforderungen by Eichler, Dirk
Lernzugänge: Integrative Pädagogik Mit Benachteiligten Schülern by Becker, Ulrike
Jugendliche Planen Und Gestalten Lebenswelten: Partizipation ALS Antwort Auf Den Gesellschaftlichen Wandel by
Wohlfahrt Im Wandel: Risiken, Verteilungskonflikte Und Sozialstaatliche Reformen in Deutschland Und Großbritannien by Schommer, Martin
Research Methods in Child Welfare by Charvat, Benjamin, Baker, Amy J. L.
Conceptions of Poverty and Development by Waldorff, Pétur
So You Think You Know Me? by Weaver, Allan
Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research by Padgett, Deborah K.
Globalizing the Streets: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Youth, Social Control, and Empowerment by
Globalizing the Streets: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Youth, Social Control, and Empowerment by
Early Adolescent Experiences of Friendships, Peer Relations, and Stress by Graziani, Sylvie
Members Only: Elite Clubs and The Process of Exclusion by Kendall, Diana
Wach- & Schließgesellschaft Deutschland: Sicherheitsmentalitäten Der Spätmoderne by Klimke, Daniela
Tourism Development and Local Poverty - A Case Study of Qinling Mountain Region, Shaanxi Province, China by Zeng, Benxiang
A Faithful Account Of The Riot In Vienna, The 13th Of April, 1798 (1798) by An Eyewitness, Glave-Kolbielski, Karol Fryderyk
Cobbett's Legacy To Laborers: An Argument, Showing The Right Of The Poor To Relief From The Land (1872) by Cobbett, William
A Glance At The Wages Question In England (1878) by Bates, Cadwallader John
Comfort For Small Incomes (1866) by Warren, Eliza
An Inquiry Into The Poor Laws And Surplus Labor, And Their Mutual Reaction: With A Postscript (1833) by Day, William
God: The Guardian Of The Poor, And The Bank Of Faith (1842) by Huntington, William
Health And Social Progress (1920) by Binder, Rudolph Michael
Industry And Property: A Plea For Truth And Honesty In Economics, And For Liberty And Justice In Social Reform (1895) by Brooks, George
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