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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2009

Peasant History in South India by Ludden, David E.
Emerging Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice by
Health and Safety: A Workbook for Social Care Workers: Nvq Level 3 by Collins, Suzan, Collins, Susan
Ethics in Professional Life: Virtues for Health and Social Care by Gallagher, Ann, Banks, Sarah
Emerging Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice by
Psychology for Social Workers: Black Perspectives on Human Development and Behaviour by Robinson, Lena
International Comparative Research: Theory, Methods and Practice by Hantrais, Linda
Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations by McNeill, Desmond, Stclair, Asunción Lera
Make Poverty History: Political Communication in Action by Sireau, Nicolas
Young People Making a Life by Wierenga, Ani
Social Welfare in Western Society by Handel, Gerald
A Textbook of Social Work by Sheldon, Brian, MacDonald, Geraldine
A Textbook of Social Work by Sheldon, Brian, MacDonald, Geraldine
Capitalism and the Transformation of Africa: Reports from Equatorial Guinea by Waters, Mary-Alice, Koppel, Martin
The Land and the Peasant in Rumania: The War and Agrarian Reform, 1917-1921 by Mitrany, David
Towards Collaborative Social Work Education and Practice - A counterpartal role inquiry with service users, practitioners and students in England and by Maglajlic Holicek, Reima Ana
Status Consumption and Poverty in Developing Countries by Van Kempen, Luuk
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism by Yunus, Muhammad
In the Shadow of Death: Restorative Justice and Death Row Families by Britto, Sarah, Beck, Elizabeth, Andrews, Arlene
Men, Women and Property in England, 1780 1870: A Social and Economic History of Family Strategies Amongst the Leeds Middle Class by Morris, R. J.
The Death of Socialism by Corfe, Robert
Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations by McNeill, Desmond, Stclair, Asunción Lera
Being White in the Helping Professions: Developing Effective Intercultural Awareness by Ryde, Judy
Good Practice in Safeguarding Children: Working Effectively in Child Protection by
Transdisziplinarität in Forschung Und PRAXIS: Chancen Und Risiken Partizipativer Prozesse by Schmidt, Esther, Schwarz, Guido, Hanschitz, Rudolf-Christian
Methodenbuch Soziale Arbeit: Basiswissen Für Die PRAXIS by
Erfolgreiche Seminargestaltung: Strategien Und Methoden in Der Erwachsenenbildung by Nicolini, Hans J., Quilling, Eike
Wer Raucht, Der Stiehlt...: Zur Interpretation Quantitativer Daten in Der Jugendsoziologie. Eine Jugendkriminologische Studie by Quensel, Stephan
Der Klinische Blick in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Systemtheoretische Annäherungen an Eine Reflexionstheorie Des Hilfesystems by Hünersdorf, Bettina
Die Bevölkerung in Ost- Und Westdeutschland: Demografische, Gesellschaftliche Und Wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen Seit Der Wende by
Global Poverty and Individual Responsibility by Gosselin, Abigail
City of Gardens: The Other Side of the Fence. Part 1. by Schnerch, Patrick J.
Homeless in Paradise: Communicating with the Bohemian Venice Beach Subculture by O'Connell, William
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Keivani, R., Murphy, David, Werna, E.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Urban Development: Lessons from the South by Keivani, R., Murphy, David, Werna, E.
Annals Of A Doss House (1900) by Hallifax, Sydney
Die Aktualität Des Denkens Von Ilse Arlt by
Leistungsmilieus Und Bildungszugang: Zum Zusammenhang Von Sozialer Herkunft Und Verbleib Im Bildungssystem by Choi, Frauke
Strategies for Work with Involuntary Clients by Rooney, Ronald H.
Strategies for Work with Involuntary Clients by Rooney, Ronald H.
Ehrenmorde in Deutschland. Eine Untersuchung der Ermordung Hatun Sürücüs by Wildt, Carolin
Childhood, Youth, and Social Work in Transformation: Implications for Policy and Practice by
Exiles at Home: The Struggle to Become American in Creole New Orleans by Thompson, Shirley Elizabeth
Challenges to the Human Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities by
Inklusion /Exklusion: Rhetorik, Körper, Macht by
Reproducing Class: Education, Neoliberalism, and the Rise of the New Middle Class in Istanbul by Rutz, Henry, Balkan, Erol M.
Qualitative Journeys: Student and Mentor Experiences With Research by Minichiello, Victor, Kottler, Jeffrey a.
Qualitative Journeys: Student and Mentor Experiences With Research by Kottler, Jeffrey a., Minichiello, Victor
Randomized Controlled Trials: Design and Implementation for Community-Based Psychosocial Interventions by Cavanaugh, Mary, Draine, Jeffrey, Solomon, Phyllis L.
The Economics of Unemployment: With an Introductory Chapter From Problems of Poverty by Hobson, John Atkinson
Pathways to Competence: Encouraging Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children, Second Edition by Landy, Sarah
Scham - eine Emotion in ihren sozialen Bezügen by Krumbügel, Ulrike
Needs Assessment by Badger, Karen, Royse, David, Staton-Tindall, Michele
The Rise of the Rich: A New View of Modern World History by Gran, Peter
Die Arbeit von Hull House im Kontext sozialer Gemeinwesenarbeit: Zu Jane Addams (1860 - 1935) by Conrad, Stephanie
Sprach- und Literacyförderung in der Familienbildung: Die Konzeption Family Literacy by Kühn, Corinna
Social Policy in Aotearoa New Zealand by Cheyne, Christine, O'Brien, Mike, Belgrave, Michael
Children Away from Home: A Sourcebook of Residential Treatment by
Labour Markets and Demographic Change by
Verringerung Gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit Durch Empowerment: Empirische Analyse Der Gesundheitseffekte Für Sozial Benachteiligte Mütter by Sperlich, Stefanie
Prävention in Der Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe: Annäherung an Eine Zauberformel by Wohlgemuth, Katja
Descentralizacion Para Satisfacer Necesidades Basicas: Una Guia Economica Para Profesionales (PB) by McGuire, J. Michael
Descentralizacion Para Satisfacer Necesidades Basicas: Una Guia Economica Para Profesionales (Hc) by McGuire, J. Michael
Elterliche Scheidung und Konsequenzen für das Verhalten der Kinder: Verursacht die Scheidung bei Kindern Verhaltenstörungen mit "antisozialem Akzent"? by Michel, Antje
Helfen im theoretischen Kontext: Sozialinformatik in der Sozialen Arbeit im klinischen Bereich by Bönisch, Sebastian
Rethinking Residential Child Care: Positive Perspectives by Smith, Mark
Towards a More Equal Society?: Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997 by
Erlebnispädagogik mit Pferden by Krisch, Melanie
Towards a More Equal Society?: Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997 by
Rethinking Residential Child Care: Positive Perspectives by Smith, Mark
Exploring Sexual Health in Clinical Practice by Russell, Elizabeth B.
Schulische Organisationsentwicklung Und Professionalisierung: Folgen Von Lernstandserhebungen an Gesamtschulen by Hartung-Beck, Viola
Theorien Der Sozialpädagogik - Ein Theorie-Dilemma? by
Cultures of Servitude: Modernity, Domesticity, and Class in India by Ray, Raka, Qayum, Seemin
Cultures of Servitude: Modernity, Domesticity, and Class in India by Ray, Raka, Qayum, Seemin
Aid to Africa by
Sozialarbeit im Krankenhaus: Psychosoziale Beratung der krebskranken Kinder und ihrer Familien by Wittkötter, Anke
Assessing What Works by Wilcox, Aidan
From Slavery to Poverty: The Racial Origins of Welfare in New York, 1840-1918 by SenGupta, Gunja
Dialogical Community Development by Dowling, Gerard, Westoby, Peter
International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World 2nd Edition by
We Are Not Garbage!: The Homeless Movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002 by Hasegawa, Miki
Human Behavior Theory: A Diversity Framework by
The Other Empire: Metropolis, India and Progress in the Colonial Imagination by Marriott, John
Negotiating Justice: Progressive Lawyering, Low-Income Clients, and the Quest for Social Change by Shdaimah, Corey S.
The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to Adulthood by Carlson, Elizabeth A., Sroufe, L. Alan, Egeland, Byron
Coercive Control: The Entrapment of Women in Personal Life by Stark, Evan
Land of the Olympians by Corfe, Robert
Pocket Guide to Crisis Intervention by Roberts, Albert R., Yeager, Kenneth R.
The Hidden Millions: Homelessness in Developing Countries by Tipple, Graham, Speak, Suzanne
Superclass by Rothkopf, David
From The Cotton Field To The Cotton Mill: A Study Of The Industrial Transition In North Carolina (1906) by Thompson, Holland
Unions and Class Transformation: The Case of the Broadway Musicians by Mulder, Catherine P.
Poverty Orientated Agricultural and Rural Development by Brandt, Hartmut, Otzen, Uwe
Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China's New Class by Andreas, Joel
Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China's New Class by Andreas, Joel
Tales from Colonia Popular by Wilson, Tamar Diana
Auf Der Suche Nach Neuer Sicherheit: Fakten, Theorien Und Folgen by
Sozialer Wandel, Raum Und Mobilität: Empirische Untersuchungen Zur Subjektivierung Der Verkehrsnachfrage by Scheiner, Joachim
Credit and Community: Working-Class Debt in the UK Since 1880 by O'Connell, Sean
Effective Communication: A Workbook for Social Care Workers by Collins, Suzan
Geriatric Orphans by Meis, Mark
The Failure of Global Capitalism: From Cape Breton to Colombia and Beyond by Leech, Garry, Gibbs, Terry
Handbook of Violence Risk Assessment and Treatment: New Approaches for Mental Health Professionals by Andrade, Joel T.
Child Welfare Supervision: A Practical Guide for Supervisors, Managers, and Administrators by
The Emperor's New Clothes: Why Child Protective Services Don'T Work by Holbrook, Margaret
Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Residential Care of Children: Comparative Perspectives by
Innovation ALS Sozialer Prozess: Die Grounded Theory ALS Methodologie Und PRAXIS Der Innovationsforschung by Kehrbaum, Tom
Zwischen Beratung Und Begutachtung: Pädagogische Professionalität in Der Existenzgründungsberatung by Maier-Gutheil, Cornelia
Familie - Ein Symbol Der Kultur: Perspektiven Sozialpädagogischer Arbeit Mit Familien by Weinert Portmann, Susanne
Zwischen Anpassung Und Ausstieg: Perspektiven Von Beschäftigten Im Kontext Der Neuordnung Sozialer Arbeit by Eichinger, Ulrike
Multiple Regression with Discrete Dependent Variables by Orme, John G., Combs-Orme, Terri
Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals: A Skills-Based Workbook by Gambrill, Eileen, Gibbs, Leonard
Lebensstile Und Entwicklungspfade Nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften: Eine Empirische Analyse Mit Dem Sozioökonomischen Panel by Lois, Daniel
Abgehängt, Chancenlos, Unwillig?: Eine Empirische Reorientierung Von Integrationstheorien Zu Migrantinnen Der Zweiten Generation in Deutschland by Fincke, Gunilla
Developing Cross-Cultural Measurement by Tran, Thanh V.
Stuck in the Middle: Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class? by
Handbook on Poverty + Inequality by Haughton, Jonathan, Khandker, Shahidur R.
Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse by Clear, Todd R.
Modernising Social Work: Critical Considerations by
Modernising Social Work: Critical Considerations by
Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail (16pt Large Print Edition) by Polak, Paul
Introducing Social Work by Dominelli, Lena
Selling Welfare Reform: Work-First and the New Common Sense of Employment by Ridzi, Frank
Selling Welfare Reform: Work-First and the New Common Sense of Employment by Ridzi, Frank
Poverty, Justice, and Western Political Thought by Vaughan, Sharon K.
Address Unknown: The Homeless in America by
Human Behavior Theory: A Diversity Framework by
Introducing Social Work by Dominelli, Lena
Communication in Social Work by Lishman, Joyce
The Insider's Guide to the Peace Corps: What to Know Before You Go by Banerjee, Dillon
Work with Young People: Theory and Policy for Practice by
Intervention Research: Developing Social Programs by Galinsky, Maeda J., Fraser, Mark W., Richman, Jack M.
Moving Histories of Class and Community: Identity, Place and Belonging in Contemporary England by Rogaly, B., Taylor, B.
Moving Histories of Class and Community: Identity, Place and Belonging in Contemporary England by Rogaly, B., Taylor, B.
Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus by
Retaining Addicted by Patterson, Silver Wolf (Adelv Unegv Waya
On the Parish?: The Micro-Politics of Poor Relief in Rural England 1550-1750 by Hindle, Steve
Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates by
Die Pädagogik Der Kinder- Und Jugendarbeit by Cloos, Peter, Köngeter, Stefan, Müller, Burkhard
Qualitätsmanagement in Der Frühkindlichen Bildung, Erziehung Und Betreuung: Perspektiven Für Eine Öffentliche Qualitätspolitik by
Leadership in Sozialen Organisationen by
Begabte Minoritäten by Stamm, Margrit
Critical Practice in Social Work by
Practising Social Work in a Complex World by
Altruism and Prosocial Behavior in Groups by Thye, Shane R., Lawler, Edward J.
Management and Organisations in Social Work by Hafford-Letchfield, Trish
The EU and Social Inclusion: Facing the Challenges by Marlier, Eric, Atkinson, Tony, Cantillon, Bea
Social Work in End-Of-Life Care by Reith, Margaret, Payne, Malcolm
Understanding Children's Social Care by Frost, Nick
Social Work in End-Of-Life and Palliative Care by Payne, Malcolm, Reith, Margaret
Housing and Health in Europe: The WHO LARES project by
The Ministry For The Poor: A Discourse (1835) by Channing, William Ellery
The Fruit Of The Homeless Life: The Samannaphala Sutta (1917) by Silacara
Thirteen Sermons: On Hypocrisy And Cruelty, Drunkenness, Bribery, The Rights Of The Poor, Unjust Judges, The Sluggard, Murder, Gaming, P by Cobbett, William
Kultur Und Bildung: Neue Fluchtpunkte Für Die Sozialpädagogische Forschung? by
Soziale Konstruktionen Des Drogenkonsums Und Soziale Arbeit: Historische Dimensionen Und Aktuelle Entwicklungen by Schabdach, Michael
Migration Im Lebensverlauf: Der Einfluss Von Lebensbedingungen Und Lebenslaufereignissen Auf Den Wohnortwechsel by Kley, Stefanie
Formal and Informal Work: The Hidden Work Regime in Europe by
Evidence-Based Social Work: A Critical Stance by Gray, Mel, Plath, Debbie, Webb, Stephen
The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 by Engels, Friedrich
Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity by Wacquant, Loïc
Programs to Reduce Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault: Perspectives on What Works by Black, Beverly, Weisz, Arlene
Programs to Reduce Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault: Perspectives on What Works by Weisz, Arlene, Black, Beverly
The Corpse Walker: Real Life Stories: China from the Bottom Up by Yiwu, Liao
Leadership and Management in Integrated Services by
Developing a Learning Culture in Nonprofit Organizations by Gill, Stephen J.
Developing a Learning Culture in Nonprofit Organizations by Gill, Stephen J.
Famine by
The Plundered Church: Or The Woes Of Poor Clergymen (1880) by O'Malley, Bryan
Evidence-Based Social Work: A Critical Stance by Gray, Mel, Plath, Debbie, Webb, Stephen
Achieving Permanence for Older Children and Youth in Foster Care by
Helping Substance-Abusing Women of Vulnerable Populations: Effective Treatment Principles and Strategies by Sun, An-Pyng
Achieving Permanence for Older Children and Youth in Foster Care by
Searching for Community: Representation, Power and Action on an Urban Estate by Brent, Jeremy
Searching for Community: Representation, Power and Action on an Urban Estate by Brent, Jeremy
Radical Social Work in Practice: Making a Difference by Ferguson, Iain, Woodward, Rona
Liebe Und Freundschaft in Der Sozialpädagogik: Personale Dimension Professionellen Handelns by
Qualitätsmanagement Und Soziale Arbeit by Beckmann, Christof
Altern Zwischen Kompetenz Und Defizit: Über Den Umgang Mit Eingeschränkter Handlungsfähigkeit Am Beispiel Der Altersbedingten Makuladegeneration by Himmelsbach, Ines
Dienstleistungsqualität in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Eine Rhetorische Modernisierung by Oechler, Melanie
Radical Social Work in Practice: Making a Difference by Woodward, Rona, Ferguson, Iain
Geschwister von drogenabhängigen Personen und ihre Sicht auf die Sucht by Eigenbauer, Sandra
Vulnerable Groups in Health and Social Care by Larkin, Mary
E-Government in Social Services by Avigdor, Allan
The case of the missing perpetrator by Strega, Susan
Dios en América by Carlos Cañeque
Eine kurze Einführung in die Gesprächstherapie by Leon, Sabine
Personenbezogene Unterstützung Und Lebensqualität: Teilhabe Mit Einem Persönlichen Budget by Wacker, Elisabeth, Schäfers, Markus, Wansing, Gudrun
Starke Nutzer Im Heim: Wirkung Persönlicher Budgets Auf Soziale Dienstleistungen by Schlebrowski, Dorothee
Krisenpräventives Kommunikationsmanagement Am Flughafen: Ein Modell Der Public Relations Für Den Erfolgreichen Umgang Mit Krisen by Biesiadecka, Gabriela Maria
What's Culture Got To Do With It? by Haji-Kella, Mohamed
The New Pediatrics: A Profession in Transition by Pawluch, Dorothy
Gerontology and the Construction of Old Age by Green, Bryan
Prevention Program Development and Evaluation: An Incidence Reduction, Culturally Relevant Approach by Conyne, Robert K.
Prevention Program Development and Evaluation: An Incidence Reduction, Culturally Relevant Approach by Conyne, Robert K.
Ethical Decision Making in Social Research: A Practical Guide by Iphofen, R.
Groupwork Research by
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