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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2011

A New Understanding of Poverty by Niemietz, Kristian, Meadowcroft, John
Woman Power (Marathi) by Kale, Sandip Ramrao
Woman Power (Hindi) by Kale, Sandip Ramrao
Woman Power (English) by Kale, Sandip Ramrao
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Huberty, Thomas J.
Paedophiles in Society: Reflecting on Sexuality, Abuse and Hope by Goode, S.
The Challenges of Vulnerability: In Search of Strategies for a Less Vulnerable Social Life by Misztal, B.
Contesting Recognition: Culture, Identity and Citizenship by
New Trade Union Activism: Class Consciousness or Social Identity? by Moore, S.
Work and Identity: Historical and Cultural Contexts by Wall, C., Kirk, J.
Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life by
Animals and Social Work: A Moral Introduction by Ryan, T.
Working Poverty in Europe: A Comparative Approach by
Rethinking Work: Global Historical and Sociological Perspectives by
Gender and the Economic Crisis by
The Legitimacy of Economic Inequality: An Empirical Approach to the Case of Chile by Castillo, Juan C.
Diagnosis: Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Resource for Consumers, Families, and Helping Professionals, Second Edition by Miller, Rachel
Diagnosis: Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Resource for Consumers, Families, and Helping Professionals, Second Edition by Miller, Rachel
The Problem of Poverty by Kuyper, Abraham, Jr.
Das fetale Alkoholsyndrom. Wie können Pflegefamilien mit einem an FASD erkrankten Kind unterstützt werden?: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ansä by Holtkamp, Kai
Critics of Society (Routledge Revivals): Radical Thoughts in North America by Bottomore, Tom B.
Narrative Inquiry by Wells, Kathleen
Identitätsfindung muslimischer Jungen in Deutschland - Voraussetzung für Bildung und Integration by Ouled, Adnan
Down and Out in Paris and London by Orwell, George
Partizipation und soziale Exklusion in der Arbeit mit männlichen Jugendlichen in Jugendhilfemaßnahmen des SGB VIII: Eine Seminareinheit in zwölf Teile by Hülsermann, Oliver
Soziale Arbeit Der Ermöglichung: 'Agency'-Perspektiven Und Ressourcen Des Gelingens by Glöckler, Ulrich
Resilienzförderung Mit Kindern: Kinderpsychodrama Band 2 by Aichinger, Alfons
Jugendhilfeforschung: Kontroversen - Transformationen - Adressierungen by
Community Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation by Hailemeskel, Yonathan
Soziale Arbeit in jüdischen Gemeinden: Am Beispiel von Juden aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Hannover by Kalifa, Marianna
Altwerden von seelenpflegebedürftigen Menschen in einer sozialtherapeutischen Einrichtung: Am Beispiel der Dorfgemeinschaften Hermannsberg und Lehenho by Fauser, Franz, Klaes, Julia, Klaes, Helge
Social Work in Adult Services in the European Union. Selected Issues and Experiences by
How Social Security Works: An Introduction to Benefits in Britain by Spicker, Paul
Digesting Race, Class, and Gender: Sugar as a Metaphor by Ken, I.
Zambia, Mining, and Neoliberalism: Boom and Bust on the Globalized Copperbelt by
Digesting Race, Class, and Gender: Sugar as a Metaphor by Ken, I.
Zambia, Mining, and Neoliberalism: Boom and Bust on the Globalized Copperbelt by
Social Work with Lesbians & Gay Men by Cocker, Christine
Managing the Undesirables by Agier, Michel
Managing the Undesirables: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Government by Agier, Michel
Advanced Social Work with Children and Families by
Development, Poverty of Culture, and Social Policy by Mohan, B.
Development, Poverty of Culture, and Social Policy by Mohan, B.
Prävention und Intervention bei schuldistanziertem Verhalten mit Blick auf den Unterrichtsgegenstand "Berufsorientierung" im Fach Arbeitslehre: Anhand by Gawe, Beatrice
Soziale Arbeit an Schulen: Einführung in Das Handlungsfeld Schulsozialarbeit by Pötter, Nicole, Spies, Anke
Soziallandschaften: Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit ALS Profession Und Disziplin by
Handbuch Resilienzförderung by
Sozialräumliche Aspekte selbstbestimmten Lebens beeinträchtigter Menschen: Zur strukturellen Situation in Stadt und Landkreis Hildesheim by Hüner, Stefanie
On Becoming a Psychotherapist: The Personal and Professional Journey by
Solution-Oriented Social Work Practice: An Integrative Approach to Working with Client Strengths by Greene, Gilbert J., Lee, Mo Yee
Life Within Limits: Well-being in a World of Want by Jackson, Michael
U.S. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions from 1981 to the Present by Caputo, Richard K.
Working with Distressed Young People by Harris, Bob
Social Approaches to Mental Distress by Tew, Jerry
Schemapädagogik bei jugendlichen Gewalttätern. Diagnose von Schemata, Konfrontation und Verhaltensänderung by Damm, Marcus, Werner, Stefan
Rumours of a Moral Economy by Lind, Christopher
Leaving the Streets: Stories of Canadian Youth by Karabanow, Jeff, Carson, Alexa, Clement, Philip
Good Places to Live: Poverty and Public Housing in Canada by Silver, Jim
Understanding Growth and Poverty: Theory, Policy, and Empirics by
Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Self-Injury at School by Miller, David N., Brock, Stephen E.
Studying for Social Work by Burnett, Linda, Baldry, Eileen, Hughes, Mark
Social Cohesion and Counter-Terrorism: A Policy Contradiction? by Husband, Charles, Alam, Yunis
Social Justice in Group Work: Practical Interventions for Change by
Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy by
"Gute Kinder Schlechter Eltern": Familienleben, Jugendfürsorge Und Sorgerechtsentzug in Hamburg, 1884-1914 by Richter, Johannes
Social Entrepreneurship - Social Business: Für Die Gesellschaft Unternehmen by
Sozialpolitik ALS Geschlechterpolitik by
Arbeitsschutz in Der Berufsausbildung: Chancen Und Wettbewerbsvorteile by
Reflexiv-Strategische Beratung: Gewerkschaften Und Betriebliche Interessenvertretungen Professionell Begleiten by
Tafeln in Deutschland: Aspekte Einer Sozialen Bewegung Zwischen Nahrungsmittelumverteilung Und Armutsintervention by
Handbook of Clinical Issues in Couple Therapy by
Vom Nutzen und Schaden des Radikalen Konstruktivismus für die Sozialpädagogik: Perturbationen erkenntnistheoretischer Perturbationen by Haenselt, Roland
Von der Entmündigung zur persönlichen Betreuung: Politische Geschichte - Sachstand - Perspektiven by Fenn, Klaus
Class in Contemporary Britain by Roberts, Kenneth
Ethnicity, Class and Aspiration: Understanding London's New East End by Butler, Tim, Hamnett, Chris
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy by McNeil, Cheryl Bodiford, Hembree-Kigin, Toni L.
Poverty, Work, and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order by Rizvi, S. Abu Turab, Levine, David P.
The New Entrepreneurs: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape American Enterprise by Valdez, Zulema
The New Entrepreneurs: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape American Enterprise by Valdez, Zulema
One Hundred Years of Social Work: A History of the Profession in English Canada, 1900-2000 by Jennissen, Therese, Lundy, Colleen
Community Practice: Theories and Skills for Social Workers by Hardcastle, David A.
Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond: An Inside-Out Model of Prevention and Resiliency in Action by Pransky, Jack
Radical Social Work Today: Social Work at the Crossroads by
Radical Social Work Today: Social Work at the Crossroads by
Understanding Agency: Social Welfare and Change by Jeffery, Liz
Understanding Agency: Social Welfare and Change by Jeffery, Liz
Social Class on Campus: Theories and Manifestations by Barratt, Will
Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists by Williams, Lee, Edwards, Todd M., Patterson, Joellen
Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development by Sumner, Andy, Jones, Nicola A.
Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development by Sumner, Andy, Jones, Nicola A.
Vermögenskultur: Verantwortung Im 21. Jahrhundert by
Inequality in the United States: A Reader by Brueggemann, John
Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice: Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series by Dolgoff, Ralph, Harrington, Donna, Loewenberg, Frank
Autism, Family Life and Short Breaks by Preece, David
Interkulturelle Kompetenz - Evaluation eines Trainings zu verschiedenen Facetten der interkulturellen Kompetenz by Kälber, Cécile
Homelessness, Housing, and Mental Illness by Schutt, Russell K.
The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy by Dodson, Lisa
Dead End Gene Pool: A Memoir by Burden, Wendy
They'll Cut Off Your Project: A Mingo County Chronicle by Perry, Huey
Resilience in Deaf Children: Adaptation Through Emerging Adulthood by
Poor Relief and Welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I by Frohman, Larry
Relationship Skills in Social Work by Hennessey, Roger
Youth Leaving Foster Care: A Developmental, Relationship-Based Approach to Practice by Smith, Wendy B.
Social Class on Campus: Theories and Manifestations by Barratt, Will
Braucht der Mensch Recht und Bestrafung ? by Krieg, Tobias
Intellectuals and Politics (Routledge Revivals) by Brym, Robert
Zur Finanzierung sozialer Sicherheit by Maschack, Stefan
Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression by Wells, Adrian
Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research, and Therapy by Rector, Neil A., Stolar, Neal, Beck, Aaron T.
Psychotherapy with Infants and Young Children: Repairing the Effects of Stress and Trauma on Early Attachment by Van Horn, Patricia, Lieberman, Alicia F.
Social Work and Child Welfare Politics: Through Nordic Lenses by
Flüchtlingsschutz ALS Globale Und Lokale Herausforderung by
Die Dialektik Von Angriff Und Verteidigung: Clausewitz Und Die Stärkere Form Des Kriegführens by Schmid, Johann
Probleme und Paradoxien von Hilfeprozessen by Stockert, Christoph
Child Poverty in Canada by Albanese, Patrizia
Unterschiedliche Definierung des Erziehungsgedankens von KJHG und JGG am Beispiel des Begriffes Heim by Larisch, Bernd
Making Volunteers: Civic Life After Welfare's End by Eliasoph, Nina
Interkulturelles Deutschland - wie kommen ausländische Jugendliche in der Pädagogik vor? by Krauß, Sandra
Sozialarbeiterische Ansätze in Suchtsystemen (Alkohol) by Lieber, Daniel
African Social Studies: A Radical Reader by Gutkind, C. W.
"Las patrias perdidas, una visión del proceso judicial de Antonio Puerta y Jesús Neira" by Hoz Pamos de la, Fernando
Social Work in Northern Ireland: Conflict and Change by Birrell, Derek, Heenan, Deirdre
Social Work in Northern Ireland: Conflict and Change by Heenan, Deirdre, Birrell, Derek
Reconsidering Untouchability: Chamars and Dalit History in North India by Rawat, Ramnarayan S.
Interkulturelle Erziehung - "Das Stigma des Fremden - eine unüberwindbare Hürde für die interkulturelle Pädagogik" by Deml, Sonja
Social Policy and Poverty in East Asia: The Role of Social Security by
Anthony Giddens (Routledge Revivals) by Craib, Ian
The Rookeries of London: Past, Present and Prospective. by Beames, Thomas
Sexual Identities and Sexuality in Social Work: Research and Reflections from Women in the Field by Dunk-West, Priscilla
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work by
Essentials of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Batten, Sonja V.
Anti-Racist Practice in Social Work by Bhatti-Sinclair, Kish
Law Enforcement Officers' Understanding of Domestic Violence Among Their Colleagues by Salimbeni, Marie C.
Group Work: Building Bridges of Hope by
Development Communication Enhancing Agroforestry in Ethiopia by Gebeyehu, Hailemeskel
Disrupting Homelessness: Alternative Christian Approaches by Stivers, Laura
White Middle-Class Identities and Urban Schooling by Reay, D., Crozier, G., James, D.
Spielen ALS Pädagogische Maßnahme: Präventive, Spielorientierte Förderung Und Stärkung Elterlicher Kompetenz by Grubbauer, Michaela
Erwachsenenbildung in Der Sozialen Arbeit by Metzger, Marius
Kooperation ALS Gelebte PRAXIS: Steuerungshandeln in Sozialraumteams Der Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe by Düring, Diana
Doing Anti-Oppressive Practice: Social Justice Social Work, 2nd Edition by Baines, Donna
Generational Intelligence: A Critical Approach to Age Relations by Biggs, Simon, Lowenstein, Ariela
Richtige Kinder: Von Heimlichen Und Folgenlosen Vaterschaftstests by Schutter, Sabina
Shadow Elite: How the World's New Power Brokers Undermine Democracy, Government, and the Free Market by Wedel, Janine R.
Social Work and ICT by Hill, Andrew, Shaw, Ian
Becoming a Counsellor: A Student Companion by Amis, Kirsten
The War on Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern America by Chappell, Marisa
Kinderschutz in Gemeinsamer Verantwortung Von Jugendhilfe Und Schule by
Pädagogische Beratung: Konzepte Und Positionen by Gröning, Katharina
Erziehung Krimineller Jugendlicher in Kriminalpädagogischen Institutionen by
Bewältigungsstrategien Für Die Waisenkrise in Tansania: Lebensweltorientierte Unterstützungsangebote Für Die Waisen by Brizay, Ulrike
Ask Me Why I Hurt: The Kids Nobody Wants and the Doctor Who Heals Them by Christensen, Randy
Child Protection Practice by Norton, Jim, Ferguson, Harry
Poverty and Social Exclusion in India by World Bank
Perspectives on Poverty in India: Stylized Facts from Survey Data by The World Bank
Picking Up the Pieces After Domestic Violence: A Practical Resource for Supporting Parenting Skills by Iwi, Kate, Newman, Chris
Social Work and Community Practice by
From Bourgeois to Boojie: Black Middle-Class Performances by
Agricultural Extension Approach by Butt, Tahir Munir
Modern Homelessness: A Reference Handbook by Hombs, Mary
Down and Out: Poverty and Exclusion in Australia by Saunders, Peter
Down and Out: Poverty and Exclusion in Australia by Saunders, Peter
Child Welfare: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice by
Treating Young Veterans: Promoting Resilience Through Practice and Advocacy by
Collective Action for Social Change: An Introduction to Community Organizing by Schutz, A., Sandy, M.
Social Policy for Social Welfare Professionals: Tools for Understanding, Analysis and Engagement by Simpson, Graeme, Connor, Stuart
Mythen Und Realitäten Des Anders-Seins: Gesellschaftliche Konstruktionen Seit Der Frühen Neuzeit by Rohrmann, Eckhard
Social Policy for Social Welfare Professionals: Tools for Understanding, Analysis and Engagement by Simpson, Graeme, Connor, Stuart
Soziale Ungleichheit: Eine Einführung in Die Zentralen Theorien by Burzan, Nicole
Behind the Rhetoric: Mental Health Recovery in Ontario by Poole, Jennifer
Väter dürfen auch trauern!. Sozialpädagogische Perspektiven für die Gruppenarbeit mit trauernden Vätern by Lummerich, Stephanie
Professional Practice in Human Service Organisations: A Practical Guide for Human Service Workers by Craik, Christine, Hawkins, Linette, Williams, Judy
The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger by Wilkinson, Richard, Pickett, Kate
Social Work in Extremis: Lessons for Social Work Internationally by
Connected in Cairo: Growing up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East by Peterson, Mark Allen
Street Kids: Homeless Youth, Outreach, and Policing New Yorkas Streets by Gibson, Kristina E.
Street Kids: Homeless Youth, Outreach, and Policing New Yorkas Streets by Gibson, Kristina E.
Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies by
Fighting Poverty Together: Rethinking Strategies for Business, Governments, and Civil Society to Reduce Poverty by Karnani, A.
Children of Substance-Abusing Parents: Dynamics and Treatment by
Promoting Social Cohesion: Implications for Policy and Evaluation by
Promoting Social Cohesion: Implications for Policy and Evaluation by
Urban Exiles - An Overview of Homelessness by Freedman, Lillian
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice by Broitman, Jessica, Davis, John M.
Escape from Fear: An Eyewitness Report of the Flight of 200,000 Hungarians and Its Aftermath by Bursten, Martin A.
Beside One's Self: Homelessness Felt and Lived by Robinson, Catherine
Supporting People: Towards a Person-Centred Approach by Beresford, Peter, Fleming, Jennie, Glynn, Michael
The Community Development Reader: History, Themes and Issues by
The Community Development Reader: History, Themes and Issues by
Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy by
Indian Dalits: Conflict, Identity and Tolerance by Johnson, Emmanuel Janagan
Child Protection Systems: International Trends and Orientations by
Evaluating in Practice by Shaw, Ian
Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia by
Ending Hunger Worldwide by Kent, George
I'm Neither Here nor There: Mexicans' Quotidian Struggles with Migration and Poverty by Zavella, Patricia
Langweiliges Verbrechen: Warum Kriminologinnen Den Umgang Mit Kriminalität Interessanter Finden ALS Kriminalität by
Socialism, Its Growth and Outcome; by Morris, William
A People's History of Poverty in America by Pimpare, Stephen
Social Work and Mental Health by Karban, Kate
See More