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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2012

Against the Odds: Politicians, Institutions and the Struggle Against Poverty by Melo, Marcus Andre, Ng'ethe, Njuguna, Manor, James
Unsettled Settlers: Barriers to Integration by
Poverty, Community and Health: Co-Operation and the Good Society by Cattell, V.
The American Success Myth on Film by Levinson, J.
The Subjectivity of Participation: Articulating Social Work Practice with Youth in Copenhagen by Nissen, M.
Measuring Global Poverty: Toward a Pro-Poor Approach by Wisor, S.
Adoption, Family and the Paradox of Origins: A Foucauldian History by Sales, S.
The Modern Child and the Flexible Labour Market: Early Childhood Education and Care by
Changing Work and Community Identities in European Regions: Perspectives on the Past and Present by Contrepois, Sylvie, Jefferys, Steve, Kirk, John
Adaptation, Poverty and Development: The Dynamics of Subjective Well-Being by
Basic Income Worldwide: Horizons of Reform by
Fables of Fortune: What Rich People Have That You Don't Want by Watts, Richard
The Global Victimization of Children: Problems and Solutions by Priyadarsini, S., Hartjen, Clayton A.
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty by Duflo, Esther, Banerjee, Abhijit V.
Working with Children and Families: Knowledge and Contexts for Practice by Adams, Robert
Stayin' Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class by Cowie, Jefferson
Women and Poverty in 21st Century America by Dáil, Paula Vw
Rethinking the Welfare Rights Movement by Nadasen, Premilla
Children's Services: Working Together by Lockyer, Andrew, Head, George, Hill, Malcolm
Berichterstattung Zur Sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland: Arbeit Und Lebensweisen by
Identität: Ein Kernthema Moderner Psychotherapie by
Scaling Social Impact: New Thinking by Bloom, P., Skloot, E.
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Skills for Human Service Practice: Working with Individuals, Groups and Communities by Pockett, Rosalie, O'Hara, Agi
Blood, Sweat, and Toil: Remaking the British Working Class, 1939-1945 by Field, Geoffrey G.
Professional Boundaries in Social Work and Social Care: A Practical Guide to Understanding, Maintaining and Managing Your Professional Boundaries by Cooper, Frank
Homelessness: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Shumsky, Neil Larry
Charismatic Leadership in Singapore: Three Extraordinary People by Kwok-Bun, Chan, Hava, Dayan
Global Academe: Engaging Intellectual Discourse by
Global Academe: Engaging Intellectual Discourse by
Models and Measurement of Welfare and Inequality by
Personal Development in Counsellor Training by Johns, Hazel
Personal Development in Counsellor Training by Johns, Hazel
Inequality by Southgate, Darby E., Keister, Lisa A.
Kritische Empirie: Lebenschancen in Den Sozialwissenschaften. Festschrift Für Rainer Geißler by
Guilty of Indigence: The Urban Poor in China, 1900-1953 by Chen, Janet Y.
Systematic Synthesis of Qualitative Research by Saini, Michael, Shlonsky, Aron
Adoption, Family and the Paradox of Origins: A Foucauldian History by Sales, S.
Doctoral Education in Social Work by Anastas, Jeane W.
Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research by Nichols-Casebolt, Ann
Building Research Culture and Infrastructure by Flanzer, Jerry P., Zlotnik, Joan Levy, McRoy, Ruth G.
Zwischen Sozialer Verantwortung Und Ökonomischer Vernunft: Unternehmensethische Impulse Für Die Sozialwirtschaft by Ahlrichs, Rolf
Vertrauen in Organisationen: Riskante Vorleistung Oder Hoffnungsvolle Erwartung? by
Down and Out in Paris and London by Orwell, George
Youth Justice and Social Work by Pickford, Jane, Dugmore, Paul
Hno PRAXIS Heute by
Evidence-Based Healthcare in Context: Critical Social Science Perspectives by Adams, Jon
Chronic Pancreatitis: Research and Clinical Management by
Mobile Gesellschaft Und Soziale Arbeit: Inklusionsprozesse Und Partizipation Von Allochthonen Und Autochthonen in Einem Peripheren Lokalen Milieu by Roller, Claudia
Grounded Theory by Oktay, Julianne S.
The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx by Callinicos, Alex
Critical Perspectives on User Involvement by
Adult Lives: A Life Course Perspective by
Commissioning for Health and Well-Being: An Introduction by
How The Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York (with 100+ endnotes) by Dominguez, Lorenzo
Adult Lives: A Life Course Perspective by
Social Problems: An Advocate Group Approach by Horsfall, Sara Towe
Social Work Skills and Knowledge: A Practice Handbook by Trevithick, Pamela
Caregivers of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya: An Ecological Perspective (Large Print Edition) by Joyner, Mildred C., Gadling-Cole, Charnetta, Edmonds Crewe, Sandra
The People of the Abyss by London, Jack
Case #1: The Mary Ellen Wilson Files by Shelman, Eric A., Lazoritz, M. D. Stephen
Academic and Behavior Supports for At-Risk Students: Tier 2 Interventions by Herman, Keith C., Stormont, Melissa, Reinke, Wendy M.
Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Boo, Katherine
Citizenship Social Work with Older People by Payne, Malcolm
Citizenship Social Work with Older People by Payne, Malcolm
Bath of Steel: The Erasure and Regeneration of Marginalised Psychologies by Dean Whittington Phd
Reoffending: A Practitioner's Guide to Working with Offenders and Offending Behaviour in the Criminal Justice System by Hussey, Jonathan
Gestalt Therapy: Therapy of the Situation by Wollants, Georges
Gestalt Therapy: Therapy of the Situation by Wollants, Georges
Delinquency, Pop Culture and Generation Why by Monell, Jack S.
Alter(n) Bewegt: Perspektiven Der Sozialen Arbeit Auf Lebenslagen Und Lebenswelten by
Nurturing Adoptions: Creating Resilience After Neglect and Trauma by Gray, Deborah D.
Quasi-Experimental Research Designs by Thyer, Bruce A.
The Subjectivity of Participation: Articulating Social Work Practice with Youth in Copenhagen by Nissen, M.
Propaganda in the Helping Professions by Gambrill, Eileen D.
Effective Social Work with Children and Families: A Skills Handbook by Unwin, Peter, Hogg, Rachel
Social Class in Europe: An introduction to the European Socio-economic Classification by
Soziale Arbeit ALS Wissenschaft: Band 1: Entwicklungslinien 1990 Bis 2000 by Birgmeier, Bernd
Assistenzinteraktionen: Zur Interaktionsordnung in Der Persönlichen Assistenz Körperbehinderter Menschen by Kotsch, Lakshmi
Teaching Justice: Solving Social Justice Problems through University Education by Holsinger, Kristi
Psychosocial Capacity Building in Response to Disasters by Miller, Joshua
Redefining Black Power: Reflections on the State of Black America by
Psychosocial Capacity Building in Response to Disasters by Miller, Joshua
Organisational Behaviour for Social Work by Bissell, Gavin
Organisational Behaviour for Social Work by Bissell, Gavin
Global Child Poverty and Well-Being: Measurement, Concepts, Policy and Action by
Global Child Poverty and Well-Being: Measurement, Concepts, Policy and Action by
An Introduction to Social Work Practice by Parris, Melanie
The Politicization of Parenthood: Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing by
Mediated Images of the South: The Portrayal of Dixie in Popular Culture by
Advocacy and Social Work Practice by Wilks, Tom
Social Work with Older People: Approaches to Person-Centred Practice by
Social Work and Drug Use by Asher, Hugh, Paylor, Ian, Measham, Fiona
Sexuality and Social Work by Jones, Rhiannon, Bywater, Julie
Social Work with Older People by Phillips, Judith, Ray, Mo G.
Social Work Practice by Orme, Joan, Coulshed, Veronica
Personal Im Sozialmanagement: Neueste Entwicklungen in Forschung, Lehre Und PRAXIS by
Social Work with Disabled People by Thomas, Pam, Oliver, Michael, Sapey, Bob
Fractured Rebellion: The Beijing Red Guard Movement by Walder, Andrew G.
Appalachian Legacy: Economic Opportunity after the War on Poverty by
Linking Research to Practice: Strengthening Ict for Development Research Capacity in Asia by
Schulverweigerung - Möglichkeiten und Hintergründe pädagogischer Intervention als Schulsozialarbeiter by Engel, Tobias
Fitting into Place?: Class and Gender Geographies and Temporalities by Taylor, Yvette
Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue by Teich, Nicholas
Teoria Delle Leggi Della Sicurezza Sociale, Volume 2... by Carmignani, Giovanni
From Child Welfare to Child Well-Being: An International Perspective on Knowledge in the Service of Policy Making by
Interaktionsordnungen: Gesundheit ALS Soziale PRAXIS by
Mutter + Vater = Eltern?: Sozialer Wandel, Elternrollen Und Soziale Arbeit by
Soziale Arbeit in Der Sozialhilfe: Eine Qualitative Analyse Von Fallbearbeitungen by Müller de Menezes, Rahel
Ungleichheit: Medien- Und Kommunikationssoziologische Perspektiven by
School Consultation: Conceptual and Empirical Bases of Practice by Martens, Brian K., Erchul, William P.
To Marry an English Lord: Tales of Wealth and Marriage, Sex and Snobbery in the Gilded Age (an Inspiration for Downton Abbey) by Wallace, Carol MCD, MacColl, Gail
A Shangri-La Economy: Exploring Buddhist Bhutan by Ansari, Mahmood
Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezug Im Übergang in Das Erwerbsleben: Lebenslagen, Beschäftigungs- Und Ausbildungsbeteiligung Junger Erwachsener Am Existenzminim by Schels, Brigitte
Social Change, Resistance and Social Practices by
Social Work with Adults by Davies, Martin
Social Work with Children and Families by Davies, Martin Brett
An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity by Blunden, Andy
The Apprentice's Sorcerer: Liberal Tradition and Fascism by Landa, Ishay
La Bestia, la tragedia de migrantes centroamericanos en México by Ultreras, Pedro
Gesprächsführung in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Grundlagen Und Gestaltungshilfen by Widulle, Wolfgang
Performance Coaching Skills for Social Work by Holroyd, Jane, Field, Richard
Post-Qualifying Mental Health Social Work Practice by Campbell, Jim, Davidson, Gavin
Evaluating and Promoting Positive School Attitude in Adolescents by Stern, Mandy
Schizophrenia Is a Misdiagnosis: Implications for the Dsm-5 and the ICD-11 by Lake, C. Raymond
Poverty in Common: The Politics of Community Action during the American Century by Goldstein, Alyosha
Is It Ethical? 101 Scenarios in Everyday Social Work Practice: A Discussion Workbook by Horn, Thomas
The Constitution of Poverty (Routledge Revivals): Towards a genealogy of liberal governance by Dean, Mitchell
More Than Good Intentions: Improving the Ways the World's Poor Borrow, Save, Farm, Learn, and Stay Healthy by Appel, Jacob, Karlan, Dean
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty by Duflo, Esther, Banerjee, Abhijit V.
Bharat - Samsyayein: Hum: Bharat - Problems: We by Rohatgi, MR Umesh Rashmi
Sorgende Arrangements: Kinderschutz Zwischen Organisation Und Familie by
Kritisches Forschen in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Gegenstandsbereiche - Kontextbedingungen - Positionierungen - Perspektiven by
Professionalität Sozialer Arbeit Und Hochschule: Wissen, Kompetenz, Habitus Und Identität Im Studium Sozialer Arbeit by
Democracy in the Making: How Activist Groups Form by Blee, Kathleen M.
Social Work and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Making a Difference by Fish, Julie
Social Work and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Making a Difference by Fish, Julie
Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond by
Awakening the Spirit: Moving Forward in Child Welfare by
Evaluating Sure Start: Interprofessionalism and Parental Involvement in Local Programmes by Malin, N.
Living Through Crises: How the Food, Fuel, and Financial Shocks Affect the Poor by
Mojo and Other Plays by Butterworth, Jez
'Ich Hab' Mehr Das Gespräch Gesucht': Kommunizieren Lernen Im Studium Sozialer Arbeit by Widulle, Wolfgang
Adaptation, Poverty and Development: The Dynamics of Subjective Well-Being by
From Correctional Officer to Youth Counselor. My struggle to help others, and myself by Dove Jr, Ernest P.
Compassionate Activism: An Exploration of Integral Social Care by Garavan, Mark
Social Work with Children and Families: Developing Advanced Practice by Welbourne, Penelope
Advances in Social Work Practice with the Military by
Rich, Free, and Miserable: The Failure of Success in America by Brueggemann, John
Social Work with Children and Families: Developing Advanced Practice by Welbourne, Penelope
Social Work in Africa: Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana by Kreitzer, Linda
No Slack: The Financial Lives of Low-Income Americans by Barr, Michael S.
Dancing with Broken Bones by Moller, David Wendell
Housing the Homeless by Erickson, Jon, Wilhelm, Charles
Adoption Is a Family Affair!: What Relatives and Friends Must Know, Revised Edition by Johnston, Patricia Irwin
The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality by Dorling, Danny
The Rich And The Rest Of Us: A Poverty Manifesto by West, Cornel, Smiley, Tavis
El Altar del Perro by Mandutre
Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work by Drisko, James W., Grady, Melissa D.
Tierische Sozialarbeit: Ein Lesebuch Für Die Profession Zum Leben Und Arbeiten Mit Tieren by
Working in Multi-professional Contexts: A Practical Guide for Professionals in Children's Services by Smith, Mary Ellen, Davis, John M.
Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Bales, Kevin
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Huberty, Thomas J.
Strengths-Based Supervision in Clinical Practice by Edwards, Jeffrey K.
Professional Accountability in Social Care and Health: Challenging unacceptable practice and its management by Preston-Shoot, Michael, Kline, Roger
Ehrenamt Und Integration: Die Bedeutung Sozialen Engagements in Der (Flüchtlings-)Sozialarbeit by Han-Broich, Misun
Social Stratification: Trends and Processes by Connelly, Roxanne, Gayle, Vernon
Disability Studies: Kritische Perspektiven Für Die Arbeit Am Sozialen by
The Unheavenly Chorus: Unequal Political Voice and the Broken Promise of American Democracy by Verba, Sidney, Schlozman, Kay Lehman, Brady, Henry E.
Chinese urban poor older people's life: An agentic approach by Xu, Jing
Migrants and Their Money: Surviving Financial Exclusion by Datta, Kavita
Trusting on the Edge: Managing Uncertainty and Vulnerability in the Midst of Serious Mental Health Problems by Brown, Patrick, Calnan, Michael
Madagascar Et Les Hova: Description, Organisation, Histoire (Éd.1895) by Piolet, Jean-Baptiste
Les Castes Dans l'Inde: Les Faits Et Le Système (Éd.1896) by Senart, Émile
Practice Research in Nordic Social Work: Knowledge Production in Transition by
Encyclopedia of Community Corrections by
Extinction Du Paupérisme (Quatrième Édition (1848, Septembre)) (Éd.1848) by Napoléon III
Les Quartiers Pauvres de Paris: Le Xxe Arrondissement, (Éd.1870) by Lazare, Louis
La Vie Généreuse Des Mercelots, Bons Compagnons & Boesmiens, (Éd.1627) by Péchon de Ruby
Working with Substance Users by Heanue, Kim, Lawton, Chris
Assessments in Social Work with Adults by Aspinwall-Roberts, Elaine
For-Get: Identity, Media, and Democracy in Chile by Bucciferro, Claudia
Erziehungs- Und Bildungspartnerschaften: Grundlagen Und Strukturen Von Elternarbeit by
Psychoanalysis and Social Work by
Taakgerichte Hulpverlening in Social Work by
Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias by
Reshaping the Work-Family Debate: Why Men and Class Matter by Williams, Joan C.
The New Politics of Disablement by Oliver, Michael, Barnes, Colin
Lokale Engagementförderung: Kritik Und Perspektiven by Wolf, André Christian, Zimmer, Annette
Socioeconomic Outcomes of the Global Financial Crisis: Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Case Studies by
The New Gilded Age: The Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time by
The New Gilded Age: The Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time by
Improving the Quality of Child Custody Evaluations: A Systematic Model by Woodward Tolle, Lauren, O'Donohue, William
Face to Face with Emotions in Health and Social Care by Gray, Benjamin
Blocked by Caste: Economic Discrimination in Modern India by Newman
Conducting Research in Juvenile and Criminal Justice Settings by Pettus-Davis, Carrie, Shook, Jeffrey J., Vaughn, Michael G.
Invisible Victims: Homelessness and the Growing Security Gap by Huey, Laura
Current Social Problems: American Sociology Series by Gillette, John Morris, Reinhardt, James Melvin
Reading Classes: On Culture and Classism in America by Jensen, Barbara
See More