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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2013

Double Take for 2013 - Two social essays: Between Gourmet Dinners and Ration Cards / Crumbs of capitalism for you and me by Brigaldino, Glenn
American Poverty: Presidential Failures and a Call to Action by Klein, Woody
Ageing, Narrative and Identity: New Qualitative Social Research by Hubble, N., Tew, P.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean by
The History and Practice of Humanitarian Intervention and Aid in Africa by
Learning, Capability Building and Innovation for Development by
Rethinking Family Practices by Morgan, D.
Class and Contemporary British Culture by Nunn, H., Biressi, A.
Critical Reflections on Development by
Latinas Attemping Suicide: When Cultures, Families, and Daughters Collide by Zayas, Luis H.
Court Approved Custody by Bennett, Cs
America's Poor and the Great Recession by Seefeldt, Kristin, Graham, John D.
Failure to Protect: Moving Beyond Gendered Responses by
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
London Labour and the London Poor: A Cyclopaedia of the Condition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Those That Cannot Work, and Those That Will No by Mayhew, Henry
The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 by Engels, Friedrich
Methodological Choice and Design: Scholarship, Policy and Practice in Social and Educational Research by
Youth Working with Girls and Women in Community Settings: A Feminist Perspective by Batsleer, Janet
Strengths-Based Therapy: Connecting Theory, Practice and Skills by Jones-Smith, Elsie
The Black Poverty Cycle and How to End It by Holzman Ph. D., Michael H.
Erziehungs- Und Bildungspartnerschaften: Praxisbuch Zur Elternarbeit by
Ungleichheit Und Sozialpolitik by Hauser, Richard
Caste by Jodhka
Red Brother, White Brother: A Time for Atonement by LaFrance, Jean
Clinical Work with Traumatized Young Children by
Gang Life in Two Cities: An Insider's Journey by Durán, Robert J.
Gang Life in Two Cities: An Insider's Journey by Durán, Robert J.
Essential Skills for Youth Work Practice by Sapin, Kate
Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work by Drisko, James W., Grady, Melissa D.
Exit Zero: Family and Class in Postindustrial Chicago by Walley, Christine J.
Connecting Social Welfare Policy to Fields of Practice by Colby, Ira C., Sowers, Karen M., Dulmus, Catherine N.
Social Work and Social Policy: Advancing the Principles of Economic and Social Justice by Colby, Ira C., Sowers, Karen M., Dulmus, Catherine N.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean by
America's Poor and the Great Recession by Seefeldt, Kristin, Graham, John D.
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 by Murray, Charles
Culturally Competent Research: Using Ethnography as a Meta-Framework by Zaharlick, Amy, Lee, Mo Yee
Adolescent-To-Parent Abuse: Current Understandings in Research, Policy and Practice by Holt, Amanda
Poverty and Insecurity: Life in Low-Pay, No-Pay Britain by MacDonald, Robert, Webster, Colin, Shildrick, Tracy
Television and the Earth: Not a Love Story by Good, Jennifer Ellen
Poverty and Insecurity: Life in Low-Pay, No-Pay Britain by Shildrick, Tracy, MacDonald, Robert, Webster, Colin
Social Workers Affecting Social Policy: An International Perspective by
Adolescent-To-Parent Abuse: Current Understandings in Research, Policy and Practice by Holt, Amanda
Restoring Sanctuary: A New Operating System for Trauma-Informed Systems of Care by Bloom, Sandra L., Farragher, Brian
Silent Violence: Food, Famine, and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria by Watts, Michael J.
English Writings of Hu Shih: Chinese Philosophy and Intellectual History (Volume 2) by Shih, Hu
Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Translating Science Into Practice by
Interprofessionalität in Der Tagesbetreuung: Module Zur Gestaltung Von Netzwerkpraxis by
English Writings of Hu Shih: Literature and Society (Volume 1) by Shih, Hu
Handbook of Research on Student Engagement by
Distinguishing Clinical from Upper Level Management in Social Work by
Distinguishing Clinical from Upper Level Management in Social Work by
The Mexican Revolution: A Short History, 1910-1920 by Easterling, Stuart
Partnering with Parents: Family-Centred Practice in Children's Services by Trute, Barry, Hiebert-Murphy, Diane
Financial Education and Capability: Research, Education, Policy, and Practice by
Critiques Of Research In The Social Sciences, V1: An Appraisal Of Thomas And Znaniecki's The Polish Peasant In Europe And America by Blumer, Herbert
Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences, V1: An Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki's the Polish Peasant in Europe and America by Blumer, Herbert
English Writings of Hu Shih: National Crisis and Public Diplomacy (Volume 3) by Shih, Hu
Verantwortung Und Bewährung: Eine Vermögenskulturelle Studie by
Practical Child Law for Social Workers by Seymour, Clare, Seymour, Richard B.
Social Work and Domestic Violence: Developing Critical and Reflective Practice by Laing, Lesley, Humphreys, Cathy, Cavanagh, Kate
Unions and Class Transformation: The Case of the Broadway Musicians by Mulder, Catherine P.
The Cosby Cohort: Blessings and Burdens of Growing Up Black Middle Class by Harris, Cherise A.
Bachelors Social Work Exam Secrets Study Guide: ASWB Test Review for the Association of Social Work Boards Exam by
How NOT to Practice Social Work: Saving Good People From Bad Practice One Step at a Time by Forde, Eva W. M.
Catching Out: The Secret World of Day Laborers by Reavis, Dick J.
The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology by Carey, Malcolm
Social Welfare in East Asia and the Pacific by
Using Complexity Theory for Research and Program Evaluation by Wolf-Branigin, Michael
Social Welfare in East Asia and the Pacific by
Homeless: Poverty and Place in Urban America by Howard, Ella
Basic Statistics in Multivariate Analysis by Randolph, Karen A.
Power, Interest and Psychology: Elements of a Social Materialist Understanding of Distress by Smail, David
A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs by Moncrieff, Joanna
Young People Hearing Voices by Escher, Sandra, Romme, Marcus
U.S. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions from 1981 to the Present by Caputo, Richard K.
Hospice Social Work by Reese, Dona
Hospice Social Work by Reese, Dona
Social Work and Intimate Partner Violence by Allen, Mary
People Of The Abyss (Illustrated) by London, Jack
Modern Community Mental Health: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Social Work and Intimate Partner Violence by Allen, Mary
The English Poor in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Social and Administrative History by Marshall, Dorothy
Social Work in the Youth Justice System: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by Arnull, Elaine, Fox, Darrell
Fast-Forward Family: Home, Work, and Relationships in Middle-Class America by
Rethinking Community Practice: Developing Transformative Neighbourhoods by Chanan, Gabriel, Miller, Colin
Residential Child Care in Practice: Making a Difference by Doran, Peter, Smith, Mark, Fulcher, Leon
Building the Client's Relational Base: A Multidisciplinary Handbook by Furlong, Mark
Aging Our Way: Lessons for Living from 85 and Beyond by Loe, Meika
Public Poor Relief in North Carolina by Brown, Roy M.
Fast-Forward Family: Home, Work, and Relationships in Middle-Class America by
Building the Client's Relational Base: A Multidisciplinary Handbook by Furlong, Mark
Rethinking Community Practice: Developing Transformative Neighbourhoods by Miller, Colin, Chanan, Gabriel
Managing Community Practice: Principles, Policies and Programmes by
Psychoanalytic Social Work: Practice, Foundations, Methods by Bruns, George, Gunter, Michael
Residential Child Care in Practice: Making a Difference by Doran, Peter, Smith, Mark, Fulcher, Leon
Volunteering: Personal, Social and Community Benefits by Ahmadi, Homayun
Connecting the Disconnected: Coping Strategies of the Financially Excluded in Bhutan by Niang, Cecile T.
Class Politics: The Movement for the Students' Right to Their Own Language (2e) by Parks, Stephen
Critical Reflections on Development by
Treating Nvld in Children: Professional Collaborations for Positive Outcomes by
Integrating Human Rights Into Development: Donor Approaches, Experiences, and Challenges by
International Perspectives on Elder Abuse by
Voices of Privilege and Sacrifice from Women Volunteers in India: I Can Change by Mitra, Aditi
Youth Work Programs: Problems and Policies by Lorwin, Lewis Levitzki
Victim Awareness Workbook [Probation Series] by Richardson, Jo, Hussey, Jonathan
Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor by Nixon, Rob
Learning to Change Lives: The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System by Tsang, A. Ka Tat
Pimping the Welfare System: Empowering Participants with Economic, Social, and Cultural Capital by Woodward, Kerry C.
Wealth, Whiteness, and the Matrix of Privilege: The View from the Country Club by Sherwood, Jessica Holden
The Practice of Macro Social Work by Brueggemann, William
An Introduction to Social Policy by
Bread Out Of Stone by Iris, Scharmel
Partizipation Und Soziale Arbeit: Einflussnahme Auf Das Subjektiv Ganze by Scheu, Bringfriede, Autrata, Otger
Methodologie Sozialpädagogischer Forschung by Thaler, Tilman
Family Functioning: The General Living Systems Research Model by Gray-Ice, Helen, Prentice, Florence R., Schwab, John J.
Your Foundation in Health & Social Care by
Social Work Intervention by
Living With Drugs by Gossop, Michael
Living With Drugs by Gossop, Michael
The Partnership Model in Human Services: Sociological Foundations and Practices by Darling, Rosalyn Benjamin
School Social Work: A Direct Practice Guide by Jarolmen, Joann
Social Justice and Social Work: Rediscovering a Core Value of the Profession by Austin, Michael J.
Ending Poverty: Jobs, Not Welfare by Minsky, Hyman P.
Kontexte Des Lebens: Lebenssituation Demenziell Erkrankter Menschen Im Heim by Trescher, Hendrik
Walk Into Your Season: The Art of Cultural Work by McCoy Ph. D., Peyton
Walk Into Your Season: The Art of Cultural Work by McCoy Ph. D., Peyton
Ehrenamtlichkeit in Palliative Care: Zwischen Hospizlich-Palliativer Sorgekultur Und Institutionalisierter Dienstleistung by Fleckinger Ma, Susanne
Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe in Der Schweiz: Forschung Und Diskurse by
Respectability and the London Poor, 1780-1870: The Value of Virtue by MacKay, Lynn
Child Protection: Managing Conflict, Hostility and Aggression by Laird, Siobhan E.
Transforming Adult Social Care: Contemporary Policy and Practice by Gray, Ann Marie, Birrell, Derek
Transforming Adult Social Care: Contemporary Policy and Practice by Gray, Ann Marie, Birrell, Derek
Narrative Social Work: Theory and Application by Baldwin, Clive
Narrative Social Work: Theory and Application by Baldwin, Clive
Critical Social Work with Children and Families: Theory, Context and Practice by Rogowski, Steve
Critical Social Work with Children and Families: Theory, Context and Practice by Rogowski, Steve
Practical Social Pedagogy: Theories, Values and Tools for Working with Children and Young People by Storø, Jan
Child Protection: Managing Conflict, Hostility and Aggression by Laird, Siobhan E.
The Only Way Was Essex: Tough Times and Simple Pleasures: Growing Up in an Essex Village in the 1920s by Mays, Spike
Becoming Self-Advocates: People with intellectual Disability seeking a Voice by Callus, Anne-Marie
Die Person ALS Organon in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Erzieherpersönlichkeit Und Qualifiziertes Handeln by
Child Custody and Visitation Disputes in Sweden and the United States: A Study of Love, Justice, and Knowledge by Pranzo, Diane
Handbook of Crisis Intervention and Developmental Disabilities by
Soziale Arbeit in Der Krise by
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement an Schulen: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Über Schulfördervereine by Hansen, Stefan, Langner, Ronald, Braun, Sebastian
The Price of Inequality by Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Soziale Arbeit in Der Transformation Des Sozialen: Eine Ortsbestimmung by Kessl, Fabian
Car Living When There's No Other Choice: Tips & Strategies for Survival & Safety by Harnish, Veronica
Social Work with People with Learning Difficulties by Williams, Paul, Evans, Michelle
Walking with Jason by Hunt, John F.
Alcohol Awareness Workbook [Probation Series] by Hussey, Jonathan, Richardson, Jo
Facing Danger in the Helping Professions: A Skilled Approach by Bourne, Iain
Walking with Jason by Hunt, John F.
Reciprocity and Dependency in Old Age: Indian and UK Perspectives by Thompson, Sue
Gender Roles in Immigrant Families by
Professionalität in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Standpunkte, Kontroversen, Perspektiven by
The Everyday of Memory: Between Communism and Post-Communism by
Handbook of Resilience in Children of War by
Class and Contemporary British Culture by Biressi, A., Nunn, H.
Class and Contemporary British Culture by Biressi, A., Nunn, H.
The Truth about Girls and Boys: Challenging Toxic Stereotypes about Our Children by Rivers, Caryl, Barnett, Rosalind
Social Sustainability: A Multilevel Approach to Social Inclusion by
Trauerbegleitung Von Jugendlichen: Bausteine Professionellen Handlungswissens in Der Offenen Jugendarbeit by Diebold, Rebekka
Vulnerable Children: Global Challenges in Education, Health, Well-Being, and Child Rights by
Kritik Der Moralisierung: Theoretische Grundlagen - Diskurskritik - Klärungsvorschläge Für Die Berufliche PRAXIS by
Jugendkriminalität by Schabdach, Michael, Dollinger, Bernd
Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis: Implications for Social Work by Delgado, Melvin
Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis: Implications for Social Work by Delgado, Melvin
Les Castes Dans l'Inde: Les Faits Et Le Système by Senart, Émile
Parenting for the State: An Ethnographic Analysis of Non-Profit Foster Care by Swartz, Teresa Toguchi
International Community Organising: Taking Power, Making Change by Beck, Dave, Purcell, Rod
International Community Organising: Taking Power, Making Change by Beck, Dave, Purcell, Rod
Paths to Middle-Class Mobility among Second-Generation Moroccan Immigrant Women in Israel by Mizrachi, Beverly
Thinking Skills Workbook [Probation Series] by Hussey, Jonathan, Richardson, Jo
Interstate 69: The Unfinished History of the Last Great American Highway by Dellinger, Matt
Training Gespreksvaardigheden Voor Social Work by Gerritsen, Maritza, Vlasman, Ineke
Social Work in the Hospital Setting: Interventions by Garc S. Carranza, Dsw C. Sar M.
Vulnerabilities, Impacts, and Responses to Hiv/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa by Tadele, Getnet, Kloos, Helmut
Group Work Leadership: An Introduction for Helpers. Robert K. Conyne by Conyne, Robert K.
British Social Work in the Nineteenth Century by Ashton, E. T., Young, A. F.
Soziale Arbeit Und Stadtentwicklung: Forschungsperspektiven, Handlungsfelder, Herausforderungen by
Elements of the Helping Process: A Guide for Clinicians by Fox, Raymond
Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill: Social and Economic Aspects by
Asperger Syndrome: A Guide for Professionals and Families by
Critical Learning for Social Work Students by Jones, Sue
Group Work: An International Conversation Highlighting Diversity in Practice by
Someplace Like America: Tales from the New Great Depression by Maharidge, Dale
Democracy Without Decency: Good Citizenship and the War on Poverty by Epstein, William M.
Intersecting Inequalities: Women and Social Policy in Peru, 1990-2000 by Boesten, Jelke
Demanding the Land: Urban Popular Movements in Peru and Ecuador, 1990-2005 by Dosh, Paul
Social Work Education: Voices from the Asia Pacific by
Qualitative Research in Social Work by Miller Jr, Robert, Fortune, Anne, Reid, William J.
Qualitative Research in Social Work by Fortune, Anne, Reid, William J., Miller Jr, Robert
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