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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2014

The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies by
Social Work and Poverty: A Critical Approach by Parrott, Lester
Residential Children's Homes and the Youth Justice System: Identity, Power and Perceptions by Shaw, Julie
The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice by
Animals in Social Work: Why and How They Matter by
The Invention of a European Development Aid Bureaucracy: Recycling Empire by Dimier, V.
Growing Up in Poverty: Findings from Young Lives by
An Integrated Systems Model for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean by Maharaj, P., Jones, A., Jemmott, E.
'Soft' Policing: The Collaborative Control of Anti-Social Behaviour by McCarthy, D.
Childhood, Youth and Violence in Global Contexts: Research and Practice in Dialogue by
Gauging and Engaging Deviance, 1600-2000 by Damodaran, Sumangala, Sitas, Ari, Keim, Wiebke
Social Work and Poverty: A Critical Approach by Parrott, Lester
How to Help Others Without Losing Yourself by Holmes, Debbie
Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Galvan, Melisa C., Pyrczak, Fred
Theories for Direct Social Work Practice by Walsh, Joseph
Value of Humanities C by Small, Helen H.
Community-Based Interventions: Philosophy and Action by Murphy, John W.
Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues by
An Introduction to Using Theory in Social Work Practice by Forte, James A.
Recovering from Genocidal Trauma: An Information and Practice Guide for Working with Holocaust Survivors by Giberovitch, Myra
Participation, Marginalization and Welfare Services: Concepts, Politics and Practices Across European Countries by Uggerhøj, Lars, Matthies, Aila-Leena
The Fair Trade Scandal: Marketing Poverty to Benefit the Rich by Sylla, Ndongo Samba
Polisario: Historia de un frente contra los derechos humanos y la seguridad internacional by Garre María Gil, José
International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses by
Paid Servant by Braithwaite, E. R.
ICT Pathways to Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from East and Southern Africa by
Ict Pathways to Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from East and Southern Africa by
Railroad Semantics #3: Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, California, Wyoming, Eugene, Portland, Cheyenne, Roseville, Dunsmuir, Denver by Dactyl, Aaron
Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain by Seabrook, Jeremy
Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro by McCann, Bryan
An Introduction to Using Theory in Social Work Practice by Forte, James A.
Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro by McCann, Bryan
Trauma-Informed Care: How neuroscience influences practice by Evans, Amanda, Coccoma, Patricia
Children Living in Transition: Helping Homeless and Foster Care Children and Families by
Children Living in Transition: Helping Homeless and Foster Care Children and Families by
Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists by Patterson, Joellen, Williams, Lee, Edwards, Todd M.
Poor Relief in England, 1350-1600 by McIntosh, Marjorie Keniston
Aging in Comparative Perspective: Processes and Policies by Halsall, Jamie, Cook, Ian Gillespie
LGBT Psychology: Research Perspectives and People of African Descent by Lewis, Michele K., Marshall, Isiah
Surviving Your Social Work Placement by Jones, Karen, Lomax, Robert
Doing Radical Social Work by Turbett, Colin
Down the Up Escalator: How the 99 Percent Live by Garson, Barbara
Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective by Grusky, David B.
Substance Use & Alcohol: A MyMSW.info Field Guide by Knippel, Daniel, Norris, Harvey
Contrairement à Gérard Depardieu, dois-je quitter la France ? Exil littéraire au Burkina Faso pour les écrivains ?: Les conséquences des politiques d' by Ternoise, Stephane
Die Verdrängte Realität: Ernährungsarmut in Deutschland: Hunger in Der Überflussgesellschaft by Pfeiffer, Sabine
Die Sinnprovinz Der Kriminalität: Zur Dynamik Eines Sozialen Feldes by
God's Bad Boy by Blake, Bessie W.
The Political and Social Construction of Poverty: Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition by Romano, Serena
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care: What Is Integrated Care and How Can We Deliver It? by Glasby, Jon, Dickinson, Helen
Poverty Reduction Strategy in Bangladesh: Rethinking Participation in Policy Making by Kamruzzaman, Palash
Delivering Personal Health Budgets: A Guide to Policy and Practice by Alakeson, Vidhya
Delivering Personal Health Budgets: A Guide to Policy and Practice by Alakeson, Vidhya
Contemporary Social Work Practice: A Handbook for Students by Teater, Barbra
When Helping Hurts: The Small Group Experience: An Online Video-Based Study on Alleviating Poverty by Fikkert, Brian, Corbett, Steve
Parental Conflict: Outcomes and Interventions for Children and Families by Houlston, Catherine, Coleman, Lester, Reynolds, Jenny
The Fair Trade Scandal: Marketing Poverty to Benefit the Rich by Sylla, Ndongo
When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself by Fikkert, Brian, Corbett, Steve
Diskriminierung Und Soziale Ungleichheiten: Erfordernisse Und Perspektiven Einer Ungleichheitsanalytischen Fundierung Von Diskriminierungsforschung Un by Scherr, Albert
Skills for Using Theory in Social Work: 32 Lessons for Evidence-Informed Practice by Forte, James A.
The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence by Boutros, Victor, Haugen, Gary A.
A Mutual-Aid Model for Social Work with Groups by Steinberg, Dominique Moyse
Confronting Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse by Crosson-Tower, Cynthia D.
Domestic Servants in Literature and Testimony in Brazil, 1889-1999 by Roncador, S.
Domestic Servants in Literature and Testimony in Brazil, 1889-1999 by Roncador, S.
'soft' Policing: The Collaborative Control of Anti-Social Behaviour by McCarthy, D.
Handbook of Race-Ethnicity and Gender in Psychology by
Social Movements and Global Social Change: The Rising Tide by Schaeffer, Robert K.
Social Movements and Global Social Change: The Rising Tide by Schaeffer, Robert K.
Skills for Using Theory in Social Work: 32 Lessons for Evidence-Informed Practice by Forte, James A.
Texas Adoption Activist Edna Gladney: A Life & Legacy of Love by McLeroy, Sherrie
Texas Adoption Activist Edna Gladney: A Life & Legacy of Love by McLeroy, Sherrie S.
Social Issues in Contemporary Native America: Reflections from Turtle Island. by Hilary N. Weaver by
New Pathways in Microsimulation. by Gijs Dekkers, Marcia Keegan and Cathal O'Donoghue by Dekkers, Gijs, Keegan, Marcia
Social Issues in Contemporary Native America: Reflections from Turtle Island. by Hilary N. Weaver by
Paths to Career and Success for Women in Science: Findings from International Research by
Handbuch Migrationsarbeit by
Emotional Literacy in Criminal Justice: Professional Practice with Offenders by Knight, C.
Emotional Literacy in Criminal Justice: Professional Practice with Offenders by Knight, C.
Lone Working Personal Safety: A guidebook for health & social care workers by O'Dea, Gerard
Die Sozialstruktur Deutschlands by Geißler, Rainer
Disability Studies: A Student′s Guide by
Disability Studies: A Student′s Guide by
Disruptive Behavior Disorders by
Diagnostic Assessment of Learning Disabilities in Childhood: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice by Taylor, Amber E. Brueggemann
Behavioral Neuroscience for the Human Services: Foundations in Emotion, Mental Health, Addiction, and Alternative Therapies by Johnson Phd, Harriette C.
Integrative Clinical Social Work Practice: A Contemporary Perspective by Barth, F. Diane
Do You Want to Be A Social Worker? by Smith Mshs, Samuel S.
Soziologie Des Geldes: Grundlegende Und Zeithistorische Einsichten by Kellermann, Paul
Learning and Teaching Community-Based Research: Linking Pedagogy to Practice by
The Mediation of Poverty: The News, New Media, and Politics by Redden, Joanna
Making a Difference in Adult Social Care: Release your leadership ambitions by Pantlin, Richard
Inspiration Wald: Untersuchungsergebnisse Von Waldwochen in Kindertagesstätten by Friedrich, Andrea, Schuiling, Heiko
Charismatic Leadership in Singapore: Three Extraordinary People by Hava, Dayan, Kwok-Bun, Chan
The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility by Clark, Gregory
Qualitative Disaster Research by Phillips, Brenda D.
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Sumner, William Graham
'Das Gesetz Bin Ich': Verhandlungen Von Normalität in Der Sozialen Arbeit by Schmidt, Holger
Human Rights and Social Equality: Challenges for Social Work: Social Work-Social Development Volume I by Hessle, Sven
Practising Critical Reflection to Develop Emancipatory Change: Challenging the Legal Response to Sexual Assault by Morley, Christine
Changing Children's Services: Working and Learning Together by
Foundations for Youth Justice: Positive Approaches to Practice by Robinson, Anne
Foundations for Youth Justice: Positive Approaches to Practice by Robinson, Anne
Lillian Wald: A Biography by Feld, Marjorie N.
The Global Victimization of Children: Problems and Solutions by Hartjen, Clayton A., Priyadarsini, S.
Class and the Making of American Literature: Created Unequal by
Social Justice in Clinical Practice: A Liberation Health Framework for Social Work by
Personalisation in Social Work by Gardner, Ali
Personalisation in Social Work by Gardner, Ali
Social Work and Foster Care by
Women in Narcotics Anonymous: Overcoming Stigma and Shame by Sanders, J.
The Street or Me: A New York Story by Glynn, Judith
Anhedonia: A Comprehensive Handbook Volume I: Conceptual Issues and Neurobiological Advances by
Anhedonia: A Comprehensive Handbook Volume II: Neuropsychiatric and Physical Disorders by
New Labor in New York: Precarious Worker and the Future of the Labor Movement by
New Labor in New York by
Filicide-Suicide: The Killing of Children in the Context of Separation, Divorce and Custody Disputes by O'Hagan, K.
Sherpa in My Backpack: A Guide to International Social Work Practicum Exchanges and Study Abroad Programs by Constance, Barlow a., Schwartz, Karen, Kreitzer, Linda
Perspektiven Sozialpädagogischer Forschung: Methodologien - Arbeitsfeldbezüge - Forschungspraxen by
Social Policy and Social Change: Toward the Creation of Social and Economic Justice by Chambers, Ruth M., Jimenez, Jillian A., Pasztor, Eileen Mayers
Think Rural!: Dynamiken Des Wandels in Peripheren Ländlichen Räumen Und Ihre Implikationen Für Die Daseinsvorsorge by
Music Hall and Modernity: The Late-Victorian Discovery of Popular Culture by Faulk, Barry J.
A People's War on Poverty: Urban Politics, Grassroots Activists, and the Struggle for Democracy in Houston, 1964-1976 by Phelps, Wesley G.
Personenbezogene Dienstleistungen Im Kontext Komplexer Wertschöpfung: Anwendungsfeld "Seltene Krankheiten" by
The Ruling Ideas: Bourgeois Political Concepts by Wendling, Amy E.
Skills for Social Work Practice by Mantell, Andy
Effective Supervision in Social Work by Howe, Kate, Gray, Ivan Lincoln
Social Justice in Clinical Practice: A Liberation Health Framework for Social Work by
Missing Class by Leondar-Wright, Betsy
Missing Class by Leondar-Wright, Betsy
Facilitating Fathers' Groups: 22 Keys to Group Mastery by Shearer, Haji
The Politics of Child Protection: Contemporary Developments and Future Directions by Parton, Nigel
Türkeistämmige Eigentümer in Migrantenvierteln: Soziale Und Räumliche Mobilität Der Zweiten Generation by Hanhörster, Heike
Nation-Building and Identity Conflicts: Facilitating the Mediation Process in Southern Philippines by Hernandez, Ariel
Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The Role of Social Workers: Social Work-Social Development Volume III by Hessle, Sven
Child Neglect and Emotional Abuse: Understanding, Assessment and Response by Doyle, Celia, Timms, Charles
Die Rodewischer Thesen: Ausdruck der Reformbewegung in der Psychiatrie der DDR und ihre weitere Bedeutung by Baar, Elisabeth
Dependencies and Mechanisms of Unemployment and Social Involvement: Findings from the Socio-Economic Panel Study (Soep) by Sonnenberg, Bettina
Research with Diverse Groups: Research Designs and Mulitvariate Latent Modeling for Equivalence by Farmer, Antoinette Y., Farmer, G. Lawrence
Prozesse der Europaeisierung im erweiterten Europa: Die soziale Eingliederung von Roma und Behinderten in Bulgarien by Koeva, Svetlina
Die Subkultur Hip-Hop und ihre Bedeutung für die Jugendarbeit by Labitzke, Dirk
Juvenile Justice Sourcebook by
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other by Sumner, William Graham
The Crucifixion: By an Eye Witness by Indo American Book Company
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other by Sumner, William Graham
Approved Mental Health Practice: Essential Themes for Students and Practitioners by Matthews, Sarah, O'Hare, Philip, Hemmington, Jill
Reflective Social Work Practice by Fenton, Jane, Hodson, Ann, Ingram, Richard
Erwerbsarbeit ALS Identitätsziel: Ein Modell Von Möglichkeiten Für Menschen Mit Intellektueller Beeinträchtigung by Koenig, Oliver
Poverty and Inequality by
Children and Families by
Mental Health by
Faces of State Terrorism by Westra, Laura
Personalisation by
Exploring the Dynamics of Personal, Professional and Interprofessional Ethics by
The Truth That Wampum Tells: My Debwewin on the Algonquin Land Claims Process by Gehl, Lynn
Ethics by
Adult Social Care by
The Healing Journey: Intimate Partner Abuse and Its Implications in the Labour Market by Deriviere, Linda
Inclusive Leadership in Social Work and Social Care by Lambley, Sharon, Spolander, Gary, Hafford-Letchfield, Trish
Inclusive Leadership in Social Work and Social Care by Lambley, Sharon, Spolander, Gary, Hafford-Letchfield, Trish
Supervision in Social Work, 5th Edition by Kadushin, Alfred, Harkness, Daniel
Conducting Substance Use Research by Begun, Audrey L., Gregoire, Thomas K.
Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Policing by Mazerolle, Lorraine, Sargeant, Elise, Cherney, Adrian
Théorie de la classe égoïste: Version courte by Revenu, Johann
Understanding Youth Work Law by McGinley, Brian P.
Social Work Theories in Context: Creating Frameworks for Practice by Healy, Karen
Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America by Gilens, Martin
The Workhouse Encyclopedia by Higginbotham, Peter
The Making of Lee Boyd Malvo: The D.C. Sniper by Albarus, Carmeta, Mack, Jonathan
Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt by Sacco, Joe, Hedges, Chris
Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Boo, Katherine
Collaborative Cognitive Behavioral Intervention in Social Work Practice: A Workbook: A Workbook by Corcoran, Jacqueline
Vernetzung Von Elementar- Und Primarbildung: Bedingungen Und Grenzen Organisationaler Steuerungs- Und Lernprozesse by Rahnfeld, Claudia
Child Neglect & Emotional Abuse: Understanding, Assessment & Response by Doyle, Celia, Timms, Charles
Social Skills Workbook [Probation Series] by Richardson, Jo, Hussey, Jonathan
Lewd Women and Wicked Witches: A Study of the Dynamics of Male Domination by Hester, Marianne
Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology by
Kooperation belebt das Geschäft! Das Verhältnis von Wohlfahrtsverbänden und Selbsthilfe by Raschke, Markus
Vertrauen Und Vertrauenswürdigkeit: Arbeitsgestaltung Und Arbeitspolitik Jenseits Formeller Regulierung by Huchler, Norbert, Böhle, Fritz, Bolte, Annegret
Überleben Im Sahel: Eine Ökologische Und Entwicklungspolitische Herausforderung by Leisinger
Ethnische Ungleichheit Beim Zugang Zu Ausbildungsplätzen Im Dualen System by Hunkler, Christian
Schizophrenia Is a Misdiagnosis: Implications for the Dsm-5 and the ICD-11 by Lake, C. Raymond
Surviving the Global Financial and Economic Downturn: The Cambodia Experience by Reyes, Glenda, Jalilian, Hossein, Kem, Sothorn
A People's War on Poverty: Urban Politics and Grassroots Activists in Houston by Phelps, Wesley G.
Young Parenthood Program: A Guide to Helping Young Mothers and Fathers Become Effective Co-Parents by Florsheim, Paul
The Politicization of Parenthood: Shifting Private and Public Responsibilities in Education and Child Rearing by
Kindeswohl Zwischen Jugendhilfe, Justiz Und Gutachter: Eine Empirische Untersuchung by Cappenberg, Martina, Schneider, Karlheinz, Toussaint, Patricia
Zur Didaktik Des Politischen Unterrichts: Wissenschaftliche Voraussetzungen Didaktische Konzeptionen Unterrichtspraktische Vorschläge by Hilligen, Wolfgang
Eliten in Deutschland: Rekrutierung Und Integration by Bürklin, Wilhelm P., Rebenstorf, Hilke
Higher Education Choice in China: Social stratification, gender and educational inequality by Sheng, Xiaoming
Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents by
First Interview by Morrison, James
Migration in China and Asia: Experience and Policy by
Consultation Theory and Practice: A Handbook for School Social Workers by Sabatino, Christine Anlauf
A Theory for Indigenous Australian Health and Human Service Work: Connecting Indigenous Knowledge and Practice by Muller, Lorraine
Homelessness & Health in Canada by
Management in sozialen Organisationen: Leitung von Teams und teilautonomen Arbeitsgruppen: Theoretische Grundlagen und 12 Fallbeispiele aus der Sozial by Possehl, Kurt
A Critical Approach to Human Growth and Development: A Textbook for Social Work Students and Practitioners by Nicolson, Paula
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A Strengths-Based Common Factors Approach by Fraser, J. Scott, Lee, Mo Yee, Grove, David R.
School Social Work: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Practice by Stone, Susan, Kelly, Michael S., Raines, James C.
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