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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2015

Marked Identities: Narrating Lives Between Social Labels and Individual Biographies by
Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes: Economic Perspectives by
The City in Urban Poverty by
The Middle Classes and the City: A Study of Paris and London by Bacqué, M., Bridge, G., Benson, M.
Asylum Seekers, Social Work and Racism by Masocha, S.
Expanding Opportunities for the Next Generation by El-Kogali, Safaa, Krafft, Caroline
House Keys Not Handcuffs by Boden, Paul
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty by Das, Veena
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty by Das, Veena
Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work by Babbie, Earl, Rubin, Allen
Roots and Routes of Displacement and Trauma: From Analysis to Advocacy and Policy to Practice by Gruner, Sheila, Pashang, Soheila
Human Rights-Based Community Practice in the United States by Libal, Kathryn R., Harding, Scott
Failing Our Fathers: Confronting the Crisis of Economically Vulnerable Nonresident Fathers by Mincy, Ronald B.
Culinary Culture in Colonial India: A Cosmopolitan Platter and the Middle-Class by Ray, Utsa
(Un)Wirtschaftliche Haushaltsführung: Perspektiven Aus Interdisziplinärer Sicht by
Bedrohte Professionalität: Einschränkungen Und Aktuelle Herausforderungen Für Die Soziale Arbeit by
Program Evaluation: An Introduction to an Evidence-Based Approach by Royse, David, Padgett, Deborah, Thyer, Bruce
Groupwork Practice for Social Workers by Price, Bob, Crawford, Karin, Price, Marie
Marken Im Szenesport: Die Rolle Und Strategien Kommerzieller Akteure by Spale, Cyrill
Counseling Across Cultures by Pedersen, Paul B., Draguns, Juris G.
It's Not Like I'm Poor: How Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World by Tach, Laura, Halpern-Meekin, Sarah, Edin, Kathryn
It's Not Like I'm Poor: How Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World by Tach, Laura, Halpern-Meekin, Sarah, Edin, Kathryn
Relational Theory for Clinical Practice by Freedberg, Sharon
Ensayo diacrítico by Rubén López
Social Policy for an Aging Society: A Human Rights Perspective by Cox, Carole B.
Poverty of Nations: Remedial Measures by Bhattacharya, Subhrendu
Fatherhood and the British Working Class, 1865-1914 by Strange, Julie-Marie
What the Three Main Parties Are Not Telling You: A Radical Way Out of Stagnation and Inequality by
The Crisis of Caregiving: Social Welfare Policy in the United States by
Spiritual Assessment in Social Work and Mental Health Practice by Hodge, David
See You in Court, Second Edition: A Social Worker's Guide to Presenting Evidence in Care Proceedings by Davis, Lynn
Horizontale Europäisierung Im Feld Der Arbeitsbeziehungen by
Boredom in the Classroom: Addressing Student Motivation, Self-Regulation, and Engagement in Learning by Macklem, Gayle L.
Globale Wissensdiffusion in der Politik sozialer Sicherung: Die Einfuehrung einer gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung in der Volksrepublik China by Liu, Tao
Borderline-Interaktionen: Komplexe Verflechtungen Der Agency in Netzwerken Sozialer Unterstützung by Hoffmann, Heiko
Classical Social Theory and Modern Society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber by Royce, Edward
Classical Social Theory and Modern Society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber by Royce, Edward
Ministering Spiritually to Families by
200 Questions Every Social Worker Should Know: Lcsw Exam Preparation Guide by Norris, Harvey
Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives by
Financial Capability and Asset Holding in Later Life: A Life Course Perspective by Morrow-Howell, Nancy
The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America by Rubenfeld, Jed, Chua, Amy
Fostering Resilience for Loss and Irrelevance by Kreuter, Eric A.
Mental Health Practitioner's Guide to HIV/AIDS by
Caregiving Across the Lifespan: Research - Practice - Policy by
Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes: Economic Perspectives by
Values and Ethics in Social Work Practice by Parrott, Lester
Unsettled Settlers: Barriers to Integration, 2nd ed by
Modern Societies: A Comparative Perspective by Sanderson, Stephen K.
Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement by
Ethics, Values and Social Work Practice by Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, Bell, Linda
The Emotional Politics of Social Work and Child Protection by Warner, Joanne
Community Development as Micropolitics: Comparing Theories, Policies and Politics in America and Britain by Emejulu, Akwugo
Global Poverty: Global governance and poor people in the Post-2015 Era by Hulme, David
Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement by
The Emotional Politics of Social Work and Child Protection by Warner, Joanne
The Hero's Fight: African Americans in West Baltimore and the Shadow of the State by Fernández-Kelly, Patricia
Global Poverty: Global Governance and Poor People in the Post-2015 Era by Hulme, David
Occupiers: The Making of the 99 Percent Movement by Gould-Wartofsky, Michael A.
Participatory Action Research by Lawson, Hal A.
The Power of the Past: Understanding Cross-Class Marriages by Streib, Jessi
Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences by
Special Needs Adoptions: Practice Issues by McRoy, Ruth G.
Zukunft Der Pflege: 20 Jahre Norddeutsches Zentrum Zur Weiterentwicklung Der Pflege by
Creative Mentorship and Career-Building Strategies: How to Build Your Virtual Personal Board of Directors by Pender Greene, Mary
Poverty Knowledge in South Africa by Davie, Grace
The Child and the Outside World: Studies in Developing Relationships by
The Middle Classes and the City: A Study of Paris and London by Bridge, G., Benson, M., Bacqué, M.
Reentry Partnerships: A Guide for States & Faith-based and Community Organizations by Yoon, Jamie, Nickel, Jessica
Empowerment Series: The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities, Enhanced by Shulman, Lawrence
The Social Basis of Community Care (Routledge Revivals) by Bulmer, Martin
Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives by
Innovation in Social Welfare and Human Services by Knutagard, Marcus, Rønning, Rolf
Evidence-Informed Assessment and Practice in Child Welfare by
Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Functional Behavioral Assessment by Crone, Deanne A., Horner, Robert H., Hawken, Leanne S.
Direct Social Work Practice: Theories and Skills for Becoming an Evidence-Based Practitioner by Perron, Brian E., Ruffolo, Voshel, Elizabeth Harbeck
A Comparison of Official Poverty Estimates in the Redesigned Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (Color) by U. S. Census Bureau
A Comparison of Official Poverty Estimates in the Redesigned Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (Black and White) by U. S. Census Bureau
Social Work Artfully: Beyond Borders and Boundaries by
Selbstkonzept Und Empowerment Bei Menschen Mit Geistiger Behinderung by Hoppe, Garnet Katharina
Ein Beweis Des Lebens: Grundlagen Sozialer Arbeit Im Stationären Hospiz by Krenz, Cornelia
Gestaltung Der Lebens- Und Arbeitsqualität in Sozialen Diensten: Planung Und Organisation by
Burnout in Sozialen Berufen: Öffentliche Wahrnehmung, Persönliche Betroffenheit, Professioneller Umgang by Sauer, Karin E., Elsässer, Jeanette
Bildung Oder Brunnenbau?: Eine Kritische Analyse Der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Mit Afrika Aus Der Perspektive Der Sozialen Arbeit by Brungs, Matthias, Lamprecht, Paula
Traumatisierte Minderjährige Flüchtlinge in Der Jugendhilfe: Ein Interkulturell- Und Ressourcenorientiertes Handlungsmodell by Weeber, Vera Maria, Gögercin, Süleyman
Übergangsmanagement Und Der Ausstieg Aus Straffälligkeit: Wiedereingliederung ALS Gemeinschaftliche Aufgabe by Matt, Eduard
Familien Mit Türkischen Wurzeln in Der Kinder‐ Und Jugendhilfe: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zur Sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe by Kocabas, Bircan
Seemannsschicksale - Begegnungen im Seemannsheim: Band 1 in der maritimen gelben Buchreihe bei Juergen Ruszkowski by Ruszkowski, Juergen
Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Legal Precedents, Current Practices, and Future Policy by Holas, Igor, Gershoff, Elizabeth T., Purtell, Kelly M.
Racism and Reality by Philowitz, Alan
Blake Fine Art Urban Survivalist Book One: This book has 163 pages and 300 fine art photographs of the homless and is intended to show the homeless as by Richards, Blake D.
Handbook of Oncology Social Work: Psychosocial Care for People with Cancer by
Social Work Practice in Mental Health: An Introduction by Tullgren, Ann, Bland, Robert
Race, Class, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore: Rebuilding Abandoned Communities in America by Gomez, Marisela B.
Voices of Privilege and Sacrifice from Women Volunteers in India: I Can Change by Mitra, Aditi
Disinherited Majority: Capital Questions-Piketty and Beyond by Derber, Charles
Disinherited Majority: Capital Questions-Piketty and Beyond by Derber, Charles
Promoting Community Change: Making It Happen in the Real World by Homan, Mark
Unlikely Fame: Poor People Who Made History by Wagner, David
Families and Poverty: Everyday Life on a Low Income by Daly, Mary, Kelly, Grace
Practice Educating Social Work Students: Supporting Qualifying Students on Their Placements by Kerr, Joanna, Showell Nicholas, Wendy
Self-Leadership in Social Work: Reflections from Practice by McKitterick, Bill
Practice Research Partnerships in Social Work: Making a Difference by Fouché, Christa
Practice Research Partnerships in Social Work: Making a Difference by Fouché, Christa
Families and Poverty: Everyday Life on a Low Income by Daly, Mary, Kelly, Grace
A Contemporary History of Social Work: Learning from the Past by Bamford, Terry
A Contemporary History of Social Work: Learning from the Past by Bamford, Terry
Some Men: Feminist Allies and the Movement to End Violence Against Women by Messner, Michael A.
Developments in Psychiatry in India: Clinical, Research and Policy Perspectives by
Peergroups Und Zugehörigkeit: Empirische Rekonstruktionen Und Ungleichheitstheoretische Reflexionen by Amling, Steffen
Gewalt gegen Kinder: Kindeswohlgefährdung in Form von Vernachlässigung und die Interventionsmöglichkeiten der Jugendhilfe by Witt, Stefanie
Health Care Systems in Europe and Asia by
Die Arbeit Des Alltags: Gesellschaftliche Organisation Und Umverteilung by
Working with Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour by Morrissey, Jean, Doyle, Louise, Keogh, Brian
Welfare Reform and Its Long-Term Consequences for America's Poor by
Umkämpfter Öffentlicher Raum: Herausforderungen Für Planung Und Jugendarbeit by
Demographischer Wandel in Unternehmen: Alternsgerechte Arbeitsbedingungen Aus Arbeitnehmersicht by Kühne, Olaf, Jenal, Corinna, Schönwald, Antje
Social Welfare Handbook by
Generational Poverty by Vass Gal, Adam D.
Yes She Can!: Konfrontative Pädagogik in Der Mädchenarbeit by Hofmann, Saskia
Adoption: More Than By Chance by Kozan, Beth S.
Familie Und Belastete Generationenbeziehungen: Ein Beitrag Zu Einer Soziologie Des Familialen Feldes by Karrer, Dieter
Groupwork Practice for Social Workers by Price, Bob, Crawford, Karin, Price, Marie
English Writings of Hu Shih: Literature and Society (Volume 1) by Shih, Hu
English Writings of Hu Shih: Chinese Philosophy and Intellectual History (Volume 2) by Shih, Hu
English Writings of Hu Shih: National Crisis and Public Diplomacy (Volume 3) by Shih, Hu
Neighborhood Organization and Interest-Group Processes by O'Brien, David J.
Soziale Netzwerke Von (Spät-) Aussiedlern: Eine Analyse Sozialer Unterstützung Aus Sozialarbeiterischer Perspektive by Frank, Fabian
Die Bedeutung Des Islam Für Jugendliche Aus Der Türkei in Deutschland: Empfehlungen Für Die Soziale Arbeit in Der Jugendberufshilfe by Jacob, Verena
Was Für Ein Theater!: Methodische Ansätze in Der Arbeit Mit Gewalttätigen Jugendlichen by Görner, Tina
Sociology for Social Workers by Mercer, David, Llewellyn, Anne, Agu, Lorraine
Relikte Der Strata: Beobachtungen Zur Funktion Kollektiver Identitäten by Meier, Matthias
Beyond Marx: Theorising the Global Labour Relations of the Twenty-First Century by
$Pread: The Best of the Magazine That Illuminated the Sex Industry and Started a Media Revolution by
In The Arena: The Story of Community Action in Wisconsin by Blanks, Deborah Clements
Urban Youth and Photovoice by Delgado, Melvin
Risiko Und Soziale Arbeit: Diskurse, Spannungsfelder, Konsequenzen by
Self-Leadership and Personal Resilience in Health and Social Care by Holroyd, Jane
Yokohama Street Life: The Precarious Career of a Japanese Day Laborer by Gill, Tom
Clothing Poverty: The Hidden World of Fast Fashion and Second-Hand Clothes by Brooks, Andrew
Asia-Africa Development Divergence: A Question of Intent by Henley, David
Interaktionen Von Fußballfans: Das Spiel Am Rande Des Spiels by Winands, Martin
Enduring Reform: Progressive Activism and Private Sector Responses in Latin America's Democracies by
Measuring Change in Poor Communities: What is Community Development and How do We Know it Works? by Dorius, Noah
Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship Across Canada by
How to Become a Social Worker by Jackson, Denise
After Freedom: The Rise of the Post-Apartheid Generation in Democratic South Africa by Newman, Katherine S., de Lannoy, Ariane
Mi Rincóncito en el Cielo by Barron-McKeagney, Theresa
Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India by Davala, Sarath, Jhabvala, Renana, Standing, Guy
International Adoption and Clinical Practice by Schwarzwald, Heidi, Collins, Elizabeth Montgomery, Gillespie, Susan
Crafting Policies to End Poverty in Latin America by de la O., Ana Lorena
Kulturwissenschaften der Moderne: Band 3: Das 20. Jahrhundert by
Pathways to Success Through Identity-Based Motivation by Oyserman, Daphna
Base of the Pyramid 3.0: Sustainable Development through Innovation and Entrepreneurship by
Base of the Pyramid 3.0: Sustainable Development through Innovation and Entrepreneurship by
Aushandlungen Von Paaren Zur Elternzeit: Arbeitsteilung Unter Neuen Vorzeichen? by Peukert, Almut
Integrating Behaviorism and Attachment Theory in Parent Coaching by Troutman, Beth
Unfinished Business: Social Action In Suburbia: Long Island NY 1945-2014 by Arfin, Paul M.
Running on Empty: Along an Epic 12,000-Mile Road Trip, America Has Its Say on Economic Inequality by Michael, Peter
The World that Hates Us by Jamison, Bob
Social Work, Poverty and Social Exclusion by Backwith, Dave
Rac(e)Ing to Class: Confronting Poverty and Race in Schools and Classrooms by Milner, H. Richard
Ending Extreme Inequality: An Economic Bill of Rights to Eliminate Poverty by Myers-Lipton, Scott
Foreclosed America by Niedt, Christopher, Martin, Isaac
Why We Can't Afford the Rich by Sayer, Andrew
The Franco-Mauritian Elite: Power and Anxiety in the Face of Change by Salverda, Tijo
Savage Sand and Surf: The Hurricane Sandy Disaster by
Key Concepts in Measurement by Gillespie, David F.
Treating Nvld in Children: Professional Collaborations for Positive Outcomes by
Psychoanalytic Theory: An Introduction by Elliott, Anthony
Neuroscience for Psychologists and Other Mental Health Professionals: Promoting Well-Being and Treating Mental Illness by Littrell, Jill
The Revolt Against the Masses: How Liberalism Has Undermined the Middle Class by Siegel, Fred
Unravelling Encounters: Ethics, Knowledge, and Resistance Under Neoliberalism by
Internationaler Austausch in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Entwicklungen - Erfahrungen - Erträge by
The Limits of Marriage: Why Getting Everyone Married Won't Solve All Our Problems by Lee, Gary R.
Gesundheitsförderung Lokal Verorten: Räumliche Dimensionen Und Zeitliche Verläufe Des Who-Setting-Ansatzes Im Quartier by Bär, Gesine
Reasserting the Public in Public Services: New Public Management Reforms by
Development as Freedom in a Digital Age by Gigler, Björn Sören
Working through the foster care system: My journey as a social worker by Matthews, Regan
The Vicar of Tent Town by Hyde, Shauna Marie
Looking Away: Inequality, Prejudice and Indifference in New India by Mander, Harsh
Religion and Men's Violence Against Women by
Essais sur les relations du travail avec le capital by DuPont-White, Charles Brook
Politikwissenschaft Für Die Soziale Arbeit: Eine Einführung by Benz, Benjamin, Rieger, Günter
Together: Life in a Dorset Village by Cruise O'Brien, Rita
International Perspectives and Empirical Findings on Child Participation: From Social Exclusion to Child-Inclusive Policies by Gal, Tali, Duramy, Benedetta
Arbeit, Migration Und Soziale Arbeit: Prozesse Der Marginalisierung in Modernen Arbeitsgesellschaften by
The Globalization of Inequality by Bourguignon, François
The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence by Haugen, Gary A., Boutros, Victor
Healing the Hidden Hurts: Transforming Attachment and Trauma Theory Into Effective Practice with Families, Children and Adults by
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice: Professional Development Through Attuned Interactions by
Ethical Issues in Sandplay Therapy Practice and Research by
Weber's Rationalism and Modern Society: New Translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification by
Weber's Rationalism and Modern Society: New Translations on Politics, Bureaucracy, and Social Stratification by
The Power of Money: The True story of a condominium on the beach / El Poder del Dinero: La verdadera historia de un condominio en la playa by Izquierdo, Chato
The Power of Money: The True story of a condominium on the beach / El Poder del Dinero: La verdadera historia de un condominio en la playa by Izquierdo, Chato
Clinical Guide to Helping New Parents: The Couple Care for Parents Program by Creedy, Debra, Halford, W. Kim, Petch, Jemima
The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 by Engels, Friedrich
School-Based Practice with Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness by Canfield, James
Liveability in Singapore: Social and Behavioural Issues by
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