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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2017

This Country Of Ours by Marshall, H. E.
Mad Toffs: The British Upper Classes at Their Best and Worst by Scrivenor, Patrick
Transforming Children's Mental Health Policy into Practice: Lessons from Virginia and Other States' Experiences Creating and Sustaining Comprehensive by Ventura, Allison B., Cohen, Robert
Empowerment Series: Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities by Hull Jr, Grafton, Kirst-Ashman, Karen
Vulnerability and Young People: Care and Social Control in Policy and Practice by Brown, Kate
Developing Helping Skills: A Step-By-Step Approach to Competency by Decker, Carol, Scott, Sheryn, Chang, Valerie
Cuba & Angola the War for Free by Villegas, Harry
Empowerment Series: Understanding Generalist Practice by Hull Jr, Grafton, Kirst-Ashman, Karen
Quantitative Research Methods for Social Work: Making Social Work Count by Devaney, John, Teater, Barbra, Forrester, Donald
Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective by Davis, Diane, Van Wormer, Katherine
Gente curiosa los psiquiatras by Torreiro Losada, Sigfrido
Behind from the Start: How America's War on the Poor Is Harming Our Most Vulnerable Children by Azzi-Lessing, Lenette
Surviving Poverty: Creating Sustainable Ties Among the Poor by Mazelis, Joan Maya
Struggles for Justice in Canada and Mexico: Themes and Theories about Social Mobilization by Snyder, Linda
Network Society; How Social Relations Rebuild Space(s) by Ferreri, Emanuela, Marchetti, Maria Cristina, Iannone, Roberta
Surviving Poverty: Creating Sustainable Ties Among the Poor by Mazelis, Joan Maya
Innovative Skills to Support Well-Being and Resiliency in Youth by Nicotera, Nicole, Laser-Maira, Julie Anne
Class Divisions in Serial Television by
Geen Goed Gehoor; Wat NU ? by Rodenburg, M.
Just Change: How to Collaborate for Lasting Impact by Boyea-Robinson, Tynesia
Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis: Place Equality Regimes and Fiscal Choices in Eleven Countries by
Small Voluntary Organisations in the 'Age of Austerity': Funding Challenges and Opportunities by McGovern, Pauline
Risiken Der Berufswahl: Wahrnehmungen Und Handlungsorientierungen Bei Der Wahl Einer Erstausbildung by Altepost, Andrea
Sozialpädagogik Und Menschenbild: Bestimmung Und Bestimmbarkeit Der Sozialpädagogik ALS Denk- Und Handlungsform by Ried, Christoph
Gerechtigkeit: Ein Philosophischer Überblick Für Pädagogen, Berater Und Sozialarbeiter by Funke, Claudia
Problem-Solving Processes for the Social Sciences by Friedman, Bruce D.
Trauma-Informed Care: How neuroscience influences practice by Coccoma, Patricia, Evans, Amanda
Nowhere Else I Want to Be: A Memoir by Marsh, Carol D.
Tackling Child Poverty in Latin America: Rights and Social Protection in Unequal Societies by
Research Methods for Social Workers by Bell, Linda
Sozialpolitische, rechtliche, methodische und institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen des Arbeitsfeldes: Hilfen zur Erziehung by Kammermeier, Bernd
Letters of the Catholic Poor by Earner-Byrne, Lindsey
Doing a Literature Review by Smith, Peter
Geschichtspolitik Und Soziale Arbeit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven by
Schwule Im Alter: Studie Zur Lebenssituation Von Männerliebenden Männern Über 50 in Hamburg by Gerlach, Heiko, Szillat, Christian
Healing the Brain: Memory by Balog, David
Mental Health Social Work by Martin, Jennifer
Rousseau and Dignity: Art Serving Humanity by
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 37, 2017: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (Lg by
Kulturelle Konflikte in Der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Eine Analyse Von Programmen Im Bereich Der Reproduktiven Gesundheit by Von Heusinger, Judith
Dig Where You Are: How One Person's Effort Can Save a Life, Empower a Community and Create Meaningful Change in the World by Doyal, Nan Alexander
Property, Family and the Irish Welfare State by Norris, Michelle
Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook by
Families, Status and Dynasties: 1600-2000 by Jallinoja, Riitta
Arrivierte Frauen: Der Riskante Weg in Spitzenpositionen Der Wirtschaft by Lellé, Noëmi
Leben in Herausfordernden Wohngebieten: Das Beispiel Köln-Chorweiler by Kurtenbach, Sebastian
Professionelle Beziehungen in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Eine Integrale Exploration Im Spiegel Der Perspektiven Von Klienten Und Klientinnen by Abeld, Regina
Improving Public Services: International Experiences in Using Evaluation Tools to Measure Program Performance by
Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes to Health or Illness by Budrys, Grace
Widersprüche Gesellschaftlicher Integration: Zur Transformation Sozialer Arbeit by
Teilhabe Am Arbeitsleben: Die Werkstatt Für Behinderte Menschen Aus Sicht Der Beschäftigten by Schreiner, Mario
Distinktion ALS Lebensform: Eine Qualitative Untersuchung Ausgewählter Werke Von Erasmus Sowie Adolph V. Knigge by Dazert, Denise
The Globalization of Inequality by Bourguignon, François
To Fool the Rain: Haiti's Poor and their Pathway to a Better Life by Farmer, Paul, Werlin, Steven
To Fool the Rain: Haiti's Poor and their Pathway to a Better Life by Werlin, Steven
Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions: Negotiation, Mediation, Advocacy, Facilitation, and Restorative Justice by Barsky, Allan
Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals by Smucker, Jonathan
Strukturanalyse Der Gegenwart by
Ava's Daily Inspiration: Life Changing Daily Quotes by Brown, Ava Eagle, Stephenson, Chardonae Elizabeth
Transforming Social Work: Social Constructionist Reflections on Contemporary and Enduring Issues by Witkin, Stanley
Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency and the War on Poverty by Cove, Peter
Poor No More: Rethinking Dependency and the War on Poverty by Cove, Peter
Neoliberalism and the Changing Face of Unionism: The Combined and Uneven Development of Class Capacities in Turkey by Gürcan, Efe Can, Mete, Berk
A Meeting of Masks: Status, Power and Hierarchy in Bangkok by Vorng, Sophorntavy
Parenting Education and Support by Wolfendale, Sheila, Einzig, Hetty
Unequal Health: How Inequality Contributes to Health or Illness by Budrys, Grace
Case Management: Inclusive Community Practice by
Supporting Victims of Hate Crime: A Practitioner Guide by Chahal, Kusminder
The New Social Mobility: How the Politicians Got It Wrong by Payne, Geoff
Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation: What Size Is Good Care? by Needham, Catherine, Allen, Kerry, Hall, Kelly
Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation: What Size Is Good Care? by Hall, Kelly, Needham, Catherine, Allen, Kerry
Islam and Social Work: Culturally Sensitive Practice in a Diverse World by Husain, Fatima, Spalek, Basia, Crabtree, Sara Ashencaen
Social Entrepreneurship: A Skills Approach by
Islam and Social Work: Culturally Sensitive Practice in a Diverse World by Husain, Fatima, Spalek, Basia, Crabtree, Sara Ashencaen
Social Entrepreneurship: A Skills Approach by
Stakes Is High: Race, Faith, and Hope for America by Waters, Michael W.
The New Social Mobility: How the Politicians Got It Wrong by Payne, Geoff
The Walk Home Program: Hip Hop Social Justice Leadership Communication Guide by Kapilango Mba, Denguhlanga Julia
Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore by Hoffman, Kent, Cooper, Glen, Powell, Bert
Arbeitsmarktchancen Von Migranten in Europa: Analysen Zur Bedeutung Von Bildungsherkunft Und Bildungssystemen by Herwig, Andreas
Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore by Hoffman, Kent, Cooper, Glen, Powell, Bert
Spirituality and Hospice Social Work by Callahan, Ann
Posttraumatic Play in Children: What Clinicians Need to Know by Gil, Eliana
Spirituality and Hospice Social Work by Callahan, Ann
When the Welfare People Come: Race and Class in the Us Child Protection System by Lash, Don
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Commentary by
Handbook of Australian School Psychology: Integrating International Research, Practice, and Policy by
Housing, Citizenship, and Communities for People with Serious Mental Illness: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy Perspectives by
Untangling the Web of Poverty: Global Citizens Working Together for the Good of All by Corson, Sarah
Successful Writing for Professional Social Work by Vitler, Karen, Nelson, Peter
A-Z of Advocacy by Dalrymple, Jane
How May I Help You?: An Immigrant's Journey from MBA to Minimum Wage by Singh, Deepak
How May I Help You?: An Immigrant's Journey from MBA to Minimum Wage by Singh, Deepak
Austro-Marxism: The Ideology of Unity: Austro-Marxist Theory and Strategy. Volume 1 by
Critical Learning for Social Work Students by Jones, Sue
What Works for Africa's Poorest: Programmes and Policies for the Extreme Poor by
What Works for Africa's Poorest: Programmes and Policies for the Extreme Poor by
Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents by Cohen, Judith A., Mannarino, Anthony P., Deblinger, Esther
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIV: Bridging the Gaps Between Research and Practice by
The Flint Water Crisis: Systemic Racism Through the Eyes of Flint by Rights Commission, Michigan Civil
Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Child Protection: Current Debates and New Directions by Connolly, Marie
Marx and the Common: From Capital to the Late Writings by Basso, Luca
Social Problems and Social Justice by Thompson, Neil
Rights, Risks and Responsibilities: Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care by Bungay, Hilary, Koubel, Georgina
Best Practice with Older People: Social Work Stories by Jones, Karen, Watson, Susanna
Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries by
Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries by
Cupboard Boy: A shockingly true story by Saunders, P. T.
Die Geschichte des Heimes. Entstehung des Heimes in Deutschland, insbesondere des Kinder- und Jugendheimes by Brauer, Kristin
Freiwilliges Engagement im Alter. Perspektiven, Funktionen und Herausforderungen by Brauer, Kristin
Beyond Neoliberalism: Social Analysis After 1989 by
Social Stratification: Trends and Processes by Connelly, Roxanne, Gayle, Vernon
Suffering Narratives of Older Adults: A Phenomenological Approach to Serious Illness, Chronic Pain, Recovery and Maternal Care by Morrissey, Mary Beth Quaranta
New Labour's State of Health: Political Economy, Public Policy and the NHS by Paton, Calum
The Narrative Practitioner by Beres, Laura
Cities and the Super-Rich: Real Estate, Elite Practices and Urban Political Economies by
Neue Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeit: Wege Zu Langfristig Preiswertem Und Zukunftsgerechtem Wohnraum by Kuhnert, Jan, Leps, Olof
Learning to Labor: How Working-Class Kids Get Working-Class Jobs by Willis, Paul
Social Workers as Game Changers: Confronting Complex Social Issues Through Cases by Lewis, Laura
Reflective Thinking in Social Work: Learning from Student Narratives by Graham, Mekada Julia
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Desmond, Matthew
Blinded by Science: The Social Implications of Epigenetics and Neuroscience by Wastell, David, White, Susan
Blinded by Science: The Social Implications of Epigenetics and Neuroscience by White, Susan, Wastell, David
Social and Caring Professions in European Welfare States: Policies, Services and Professional Practices by
Doing Anti-Oppressive Practice: Social Justice Social Work, 2nd Edition by
Out of Harm's Way: Creating an Effective Child Welfare System by Gelles, Richard
Down's Syndrome Screening and Reproductive Politics: Care, Choice, and Disability in the Prenatal Clinic by Thomas, Gareth M.
Labor and Class Identities in Hong Kong: Class Processes in a Neoliberal Global City by Lee, C.
Healing the Brain: Stress & Money by Balog, David
Generational Poverty: An Economic Look at the Culture of the Poor by Vass Gal, Adam D.
The Center by Bozeman, Annette
Brainwash und Einsichtsfalle: Indirekt direktive Kommunikation mit jungen Menschen in Maßnahmen by Chill, Ingo
Development of Culture, Welfare States and Women's Employment in Europe by Pfau-Effinger, Birgit
Global Health and Geographical Imaginaries by
The Social Work Experience: A Case-Based Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare by Wells, Carolyn, Suppes, Mary
Neue Anstöße in Der Sozialen Arbeit by
80:20: Development in an Unequal World by
Welcome Homeless: One Man's Journey of Discovering the Meaning of Home by Graham, Alan
Social Media Freaks: Digital Identity in the Network Society by Kidd, Dustin
Psychiatrie Voor de Sociaal Werker by
Kritisch-Rationale Sozialforschung: Eine Einführung by Thaler, Tilman
Duales Studium: Gründe Für Ein Berufsakademie- Oder Fachhochschulstudium by Rennert, Christian
Empowerment Series: Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate by Jansson, Bruce
Toxic Inequality: How America's Wealth Gap Destroys Mobility, Deepens the Racial Divide, and Threatens Our Future by Shapiro, Thomas M.
Inequality in the 21st Century: A Reader by
God and the Welfare State by Daly, Lew
Human Development in Times of Crisis: Renegotiating Social Justice by
Protest and the Politics of Space and Place, 1789-1848 by Navickas, Katrina
Critical Resilience for Nurses: An Evidence-Based Guide to Survival and Change in the Modern NHS by Traynor, Michael
Critical Resilience for Nurses: An Evidence-Based Guide to Survival and Change in the Modern NHS by Traynor, Michael
Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective by Barusch, Amanda
China's Foreign Aid: 60 Years in Retrospect by
Practical Strategies and Tools to Promote Treatment Engagement by
Almshouses in Early Modern England: Charitable Housing in the Mixed Economy of Welfare, 1550-1725 by Nicholls, Angela
Defeating Worrisome Predators: A field guide for the UK welfare recipient by Ford-McAllister, Ashley
Assessment and Intervention for English Language Learners: Translating Research Into Practice by Unruh, Susan, McKellar, Nancy A.
Empowering Social Workers: Virtuous Practitioners by
Women in Global Science: Advancing Academic Careers Through International Collaboration by Zippel, Kathrin
Women in Global Science: Advancing Academic Careers Through International Collaboration by Zippel, Kathrin
Revisiting Divisions of Labour: The Impacts and Legacies of a Modern Sociological Classic by
Family Engagement with Schools: Strategies for School Social Workers and Educators by Chavkin, Nancy Feyl
Research Methods for Social Workers by Weinbach, Robert, Myers, Laura, Yegidis, Bonnie
Quality of Life in Communities of Latin Countries by
Disposable Americans: Extreme Capitalism and the Case for a Guaranteed Income by Buchheit, Paul
Codesign for Public-Interest Services by Selloni, Daniela
The Limits of Marriage: Why Getting Everyone Married Won't Solve All Our Problems by Lee, Gary R.
Happiness for All?: Unequal Hopes and Lives in Pursuit of the American Dream by Graham, Carol
Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power by Chomsky, Noam
A-Z of Interagency Working by Dickinson, Helen, Glasby, Jon
'Rogues and Vagabonds': Vagrant Underworld in Britain 1815-1985 by Rose, Lionel
Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Mental Health Policy and Practice by Sharland, Elaine, Heller, Nina Rovinelli, Stanford, Sonya
Die Folgen Der Arbeitslosigkeit Für Partnerschaften: Eine Vergleichende Analyse Zwischen West- Und Ostdeutschland by Esche, Frederike
Feminisms in Social Work Research: Promise and possibilities for justice-based knowledge by
What Price the Poor?: William Booth, Karl Marx and the London Residuum by Woodall, Ann M.
Cultivating Mindfulness in Clinical Social Work: Narratives from Practice by
Revisiting Divisions of Labour: The Impacts and Legacies of a Modern Sociological Classic by
Practising Social Work Research: Case Studies for Learning, Second Edition by Csiernik, Rick, Birnbaum, Rachel
Reflective Practice and Learning from Mistakes in Social Work by Sicora, Alessandro
This Business of Relief: Confronting Poverty in a Southern City, 1740-1940 by Green, Elna C.
Confronting Gouldner: Sociology and Political Activism by Chriss, James J.
The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty by Morduch, Jonathan, Schneider, Rachel
Teilhabe an Bildung: Beratung Und Professionelles Handeln by Demant, Luisa
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Isenberg, Nancy
Societal Geo-Innovation: Selected Papers of the 20th Agile Conference on Geographic Information Science by
Transcending Borders: Abortion in the Past and Present by
Family Therapy with Adolescents in Residential Treatment: Intervention and Research by
Strengths-Based Child Protection: Firm, Fair, and Friendly by Oliver, Carolyn
Das Sozialwirtschaftliche Sechseck: Soziale Organisationen Zwischen Ökonomie Und Sozialem by
The Masses Are the Ruling Classes: Policy Romanticism, Democratic Populism, and Social Welfare in America by Epstein, William
The Space of Boredom: Homelessness in the Slowing Global Order by O'Neill, Bruce
The Space of Boredom: Homelessness in the Slowing Global Order by O'Neill, Bruce
Children's Rights and Social Work by Kosher, Hanita, Ben-Arieh, Asher, Hendelsman, Yael
Social Work in a Glocalised World by
Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Macro Level: Groups, Communities, and Organizations by Van Wormer, Katherine, Besthorn, Fred
Wohn-Räume Und Pädagogische Orte: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zugänge Zum Wohnen by
Stiftungen in Deutschland 2:: Wirkungsfelder by
Stiftungen in Deutschland 1:: Eine Verortung by Anheier, Helmut K., Förster, Sarah, Mangold, Janina
State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China by Chen, Shuang
Parenthood Justice League - Dad's Tool Box: Training program Guide and Reference by Meyers-Graham, Sonny Carlos
Working with High-Risk Youth: A Relationship-Based Practice Framework by Smyth, Peter
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