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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2019

Intimacy and Ageing: New Relationships in Later Life by Öberg, Peter, Bildtgård, Torbjörn
Evidence-Based Skills in Criminal Justice: International Research on Supporting Rehabilitation and Desistance by
Snobbery by Morgan, David
Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, the Periphery, and the Future of France by Guilluy, Christophe
The Class Ceiling: Why It Pays to Be Privileged by Friedman, Sam, Laurison, Daniel
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by
Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (Eft) with Individuals, Couples, and Families by Johnson, Susan M.
Bullying, School Violence, and Climate in Evolving Contexts: Culture, Organization, and Time by Avi Astor, Ron, Benbenisthty, Rami
Psycho-Paten. Umsetzung einer uneingeschränkten Teilhabe für psychisch kranke Erwachsene: Wie kann eine Patenschaft anhand des Konzeptes Kwartiermaken by Stahlhofen, Janine
Case Management: An Introduction to Concepts and Skills by Pastor, Diane K., Frankel, Arthur J., Gelman, Sheldon R.
Fokus Kindeswohl. Ethische Hintergründe zum Gesetz zur Bekämpfung von Kinderehen by Zippel, Luise
Wie wichtig ist Bewegung für Grundschulkinder? Auswirkungen auf die kindliche Entwicklung und das Wohlbefinden im digitalen Medienzeitalter by Wiebe, André
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Toddlers: Improving Attachment and Emotion Regulation by Girard, Emma I., Wallace, Nancy M., Kohlhoff, Jane R.
Vaterlosigkeit und ADHS. Einfluss der Abwesenheit des Vaters auf die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- /Hyperaktivitätsstörung by Blum, Christoph
China and India's Development Cooperation in Africa: The Rise of Southern Powers by Mthembu, Philani
In Whose Interest?: The Privatisation of Child Protection and Social Work by Jones, Ray
Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An E-Mental Health Approach to Depression and Anxiety by Alavi, Nazanin, Omrani, Mohsen
Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Implementation by
Empowering Engagement: Creating Learning Opportunities for Students from Challenging Backgrounds by Ng, Clarence, Bartlett, Brendan, Elliott, Stephen N.
International Reflections on Approaches to Mental Health Social Work by
Vagrants and Vagabonds: Poverty and Mobility in the Early American Republic by O'Brassill-Kulfan, Kristin
It Was All a Dream: A New Generation Confronts the Broken Promise to Black America by Allen, Reniqua
Twenty-First Century Inequality & Capitalism: Piketty, Marx and Beyond by
Marxists in the Face of Fascism: Writings by Marxists on Fascism from the Inter-War Period by
Case Management als ganzheitliches Konzept zur Anwendung in der Sozialen Arbeit: Bedeutung und systemischer Ansatz by Schrötter, Ines
Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children: The Taming Sneaky Fears Program by Monga, Suneeta, Benoit, Diane
Resilience in Aging: Concepts, Research, and Outcomes by
Hollow Norms and the Responsibility to Protect by Hehir, Aidan
Social Work: From Assessment to Intervention by Heslop, Philip, Meredith, Cathryn
Relational Inequalities: An Organizational Approach by Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald, Avent-Holt, Dustin
Austerity, Youth Policy and the Deconstruction of the Youth Service in England by Davies, Bernard
Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social Work: Critical and Philosophical Perspectives by Watts, Lynelle, Hodgson, David
Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa by
The Case of the Brownie: Examining Aggression, Trauma & Apathy in Black Males by Logan, L. G.
Critique and Resistance in a Neoliberal Age: Towards a Narrative of Emancipation by Masquelier, Charles
Corporate Social Responsibility in Poland: Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges by
Social Work Practice with Children by Webb, Nancy Boyd
Working with Domestic Violence: Contexts and Frameworks for Practice by Walsh, Deborah
Considering Class: Theory, Culture and the Media in the 21st Century by
Poverty as Ideology: Rescuing Social Justice from Global Development Agendas by Fischer, Andrew Martin
Measuring Education Inequality in Developing Countries by Torpey-Saboe, Nichole
Disability and Shopping: Customers, Markets and the State by Eskyte, Ieva
Social Support Networks, Coping and Positive Aging Among the Community-Dwelling Elderly in Hong Kong by Liu, Susu
Temperatism, Volume II: Doing Good Through Business With a Social Conscience by Foster, Carrie
Working with Domestic Violence: Contexts and Frameworks for Practice by Walsh, Deborah
Faces of Homelessness in the Asia Pacific by
The Palgrave Handbook of Local Governance in Contemporary China by
Shaping a Science of Social Work: Professional Knowledge and Identity by Brekke, John S.
Psychology and Social Policy by
Social Work Practice in Africa: Indigenous and Innovative Approaches by
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work by
Zur Geschichte evangelischer Ausbildungsstätten für Sozialarbeit in der Pfalz: Eine exemplarische Studie zur Professionalisierung und Akademisierung d by Götzelmann, Arnd
Behavioral Inhibition: Integrating Theory, Research, and Clinical Perspectives by
Adolescent Substance Abuse: Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment by
Divercities: Understanding Super-Diversity in Deprived and Mixed Neighbourhoods by
The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People: Your Transition as Your Partner Transitions by Maynard, D. M.
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land (Author) and Barbara Ehrenreich (Foreword) notebo by Land, Barbara
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land (Author) and Barbara Ehrenreich (Foreword) notebo by Land, Barbara
Soziale Arbeit Und Migration: Konzepte Und Lösungen Im Vergleich by
Fußball ALS Soziales Feld: Studien Zu Sozialen Bewegungen, Jugend- Und Fankulturen by
Social Work and Disasters: A Handbook for Practice by Hargreaves, Desley, Alston, Margaret, Hazeleger, Tricia
Community Pest Management in Practice: A Narrative Approach by Howard, Tanya M., Alter, Theodore R., Frumento, Paloma Z.
Social Work and Disasters: A Handbook for Practice by Hargreaves, Desley, Alston, Margaret, Hazeleger, Tricia
Live Below Your Means: The Art of Living with Very Little Money by Coulter, Micah
"Euthanasie". Sterbehilfe im Kontext Sozialer Arbeit by Theisen, Elisabeth
Pedagogy, Disability and Communication: Applying Disability Studies in the Classroom by
Disability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging by
Handbook of Ethical Foundations of Mindfulness by
Street Teaching in the Tenderloin: Jumpin' Down the Rabbit Hole by Stannard-Friel, Don
Qu'est-ce que le Tiers-État? by Sièyes, Abbé Emmanuel Joseph
Responding to Global Poverty by ØVerland, Gerhard, Barry, Christian
Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy: Action for Personal and Social Change by Brown, Jason D.
Revival: Health of Scottish Housing (2001) by Jones, Colin, Robson, Peter
Disabled People and Employment: A Study of the Working Lives of Visually Impaired Physiotherapists by French, Sally
Elites in an Egalitarian Society: Support for the Nordic Model by Gulbrandsen, Trygve
The Economics of Mental Health Care: Industry, Government and Community Issues by Doessel, Williams, Ruth
Program Evaluation for Social Workers: Foundations of Evidence-Based Programs by Gabor, Peter A., Unrau, Yvonne A., Grinnell, Richard M.
Engaging with Social Work by Ablett, Phillip, MacFarlane, Selma, Morley, Christine
Equity Choices and Long-Term Care Policies in Europe: Allocating Resources and Burdens in Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom by Oesterle, August
Maintaining Our Differences: Minority Families in Multicultural Societies by
Play and Social Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Lang, Russell, Rispoli, Mandy, Charlop, Marjorie H.
The Asian Tsunami and Post-Disaster Aid by
Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors: Challenges and Strategies for Oncology Professionals and Researchers by
Participation in Child Protection: Theorizing Children's Perspectives by Duncan, Mandy
Governance and Political Adaptation in Fragile States by
Handbook of Accessible Instruction and Testing Practices: Issues, Innovations, and Applications by
Cultural Competence in Applied Psychology: An Evaluation of Current Status and Future Directions by
Decentralised Governance, Development Programmes and Elite Capture by Manjula, R., Rajasekhar, D., Babu, M. Devendra
Reframing Poverty: New Thinking and Feeling About Humanity's Greatest Challenge by Meade, Eric
Fidelity of Implementation in Assessment of Infants and Toddlers: Evaluating Developmental Milestones and Outcomes by Pizzo, Lianna, Feldman, Noah, Stone-MacDonald, Angela
Anti-Oppressive Counseling and Psychotherapy: Action for Personal and Social Change by Brown, Jason D.
Sozialpädagogische Analyse von Biografieverläufen by Hamberger, Nina
Revival: Helping Parents in Dispute (2001): Child-Centred Mediation at County Court by Mantle, Greg
Revival: The Economics of Poverty (1974): Second Edition by Balogh, Thomas
Jugendarbeit. Ein Überblick von der Industrialisierung zu heutigen freien Trägern by Hamberger, Nina
How the Shopping Cart Explains Global Consumerism by Warnes, Andrew
Social Insurance and Older People in Cyprus: 1878-2004 by Neocleous, Gregory
Diversity-Management: Zur Sozialen Verantwortung Von Unternehmen by Rahnfeld, Claudia
South Sudan Our Dream Country: A Strategy for Peace Building by Caesar, Drasi Bua
How the Shopping Cart Explains Global Consumerism by Warnes, Andrew
Decollectivisation, Destruction and Disillusionment: A Community Study in Southern Estonia by Nikula, Jouko, Ruutsoo, Rein, Alanen, Ilkka
Irritation Des Selbstverständlichen: Eine Theoretisch-Empirische Annäherung an Eine Soziologie Situativer Nichtalltäglichkeit by Ernst-Heidenreich, Michael
Revival: Promotion of Mental Health (2001): Volume 7, 2000 by Reed, Colin A., Murray, Michael C.
The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty by Morduch, Jonathan, Schneider, Rachel
Ethics and Social Security Reform by
A Comparison of Eastern and Western Parenting: Programmes, Policies and Approaches by Yiu Tsang Andrew, Low
Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Communication Disorders by Prelock, Patricia A., Hutchins, Tiffany L.
Today's Youth and Mental Health: Hope, Power, and Resilience by
Emotional Intelligence in Education: Integrating Research with Practice by
Shame Regulation Therapy for Families: A Systemic Mirroring Approach by Weinblatt, Uri
From Exploitation to Empowerment: A Socio-Legal Model of Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Intellectually Disabled Children by Bajpai, Asha
Palliative Care: A Guide for Health Social Workers by
Bildungskonzepte Von Pädagoginnen in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Eine Empirisch-Rekonstruktive Untersuchung Biografischer Wege by Kaul, Ina
EU Development Policies: Between Norms and Geopolitics by
Devianz Und Delinquenz in Kindheit Und Jugend: Neue Ansätze Der Kriminologischen Forschung by
Shaping Children's Services by Hanvey, Chris
Würdigung Und Arbeitslosigkeit: Eine Analyse Des Beratungsverständnisses Im Sgb II by Molle, Jana Katharina
Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System by Sacks, Tina K.
Principle-Based Stepped Care and Brief Psychotherapy for Integrated Care Settings by
Intimations of Modernity: Civil Culture in Nineteenth-Century Cuba by Pérez, Louis A.
Disability Rights 1980 - 2005 The Breakthrough Years by Tessier, Michel
Critical Multicultural Practice in Social Work: New Perspectives and Practices by
Living and Dying on the Factory Floor: From the Outside in and the Inside Out by Ranney, David
Addictions Counseling: A Competency-Based Approach by Faulkner, Samuel, Faulkner, Cynthia A.
Cross-Cultural Responsiveness & Systemic Therapy: Personal & Clinical Narratives by
The Impact Of Managed Care On The Practice Of Psychotherapy: Innovations, Implementation And Controversy by
Family Systems and Global Humanitarian Mental Health: Approaches in the Field by
Symbolische Ordnung Und Flüchtlingsbewegungen in Der Einwanderungsgesellschaft by
Social Work and Sustainability in Asia: Facing the Challenges of Global Environmental Changes by
Shaping Children's Services by Hanvey, Chris
Systemic Design: Theory, Methods, and Practice by
Love, Money, and Parenting: How Economics Explains the Way We Raise Our Kids by Zilibotti, Fabrizio, Doepke, Matthias
A Boy Without Hope by Watson, Casey
Revival: Singapore (2001) by
Making Change: Youth Social Entrepreneurship as an Approach to Positive Youth and Community Development by Kruse, Tina P.
Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice by
Gambling Policies in European Welfare States: Current Challenges and Future Prospects by
Trajectories and Origins: Survey on the Diversity of the French Population by
If You Build It They Will Come: And Other Myths of Private Practice in the Mental Health Professions by Barnett, Jeffrey E., Zimmerman, Jeffrey
Neoliberalism and the Media by
Social Work Practice with Older Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach by Joosten-Hagye, Dawn
Twelve Weeks to Change a Life: At-Risk Youth in a Fractured State by Greenberg, Max A.
Neoliberalism and the Media by
Twelve Weeks to Change a Life: At-Risk Youth in a Fractured State by Greenberg, Max A.
Social Work Practice with Older Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach by Joosten-Hagye, Dawn
High-Risers: Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Public Housing by Austen, Ben
Creating Trauma-Informed Schools: A Guide for School Social Workers and Educators by Dombo, Eileen A., Anlauf Sabatino, Christine
Die Bedeutung von Transnationalität für die Soziale Arbeit anhand der theoretischen Ausarbeitungen von Silvia Staub-Bernasconi by Neumann, Marie
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy by
Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State by ØLand, Trine
Community Power and Empowerment by Christens, Brian D.
Armut Und Überschuldung: Bewältigungshandeln Von Jungen Erwachsenen in Finanziell Schwierigen Situationen by Peters, Sally
Alternative Streetwork? Modelle der Straßensozialarbeit zwischen Komm- und Geh-Struktur anhand der "Api-Homezone" in Stuttgart by Schwemmle, Lena
The Unconscious at Work: A Tavistock Approach to Making Sense of Organizational Life by
Disadvantaged Childhoods and Humanitarian Intervention: Processes of Affective Commodification and Objectification by
Prüfungsregime Und Prüfungskulturen: Soziologische Beobachtungen Zur Internen Organisation Von Hochschule by Döbler, Joachim
The Anarchist Encyclopedia: Abridged by
Wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit: Zwölf Vorlesungen by Berger, Johannes
Peer Support in Mental Health by
The Unconscious at Work: A Tavistock Approach to Making Sense of Organizational Life by
The Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha, 1929-1942: A Study of an Indian Peasant Movement by Hauser, Walter
Urban Poverty in the Wake of Environmental Disaster: Rehabilitation, Resilience and Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) by Tan-Mullins, May, Eadie, Pauline, Atienza, Maria Ela
The Women's Liberation Movement and the Politics of Class in Britain by Stevenson, George
Resilience in Social, Cultural and Political Spheres by
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know by Miklowitz, David J.
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: What You and Your Family Need to Know by Miklowitz, David J.
Handbook of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum by
Outward and Upward Mobilities: International Students in Canada, Their Families, and Structuring Institutions by Kim, Ann, Kwak, Min-Jung
Funding, Power and Community Development by
Funding, Power and Community Development by
Auswirkungen von Einsamkeit auf das menschliche Individuum by Moser, Mag Majda
Der Beitrag früher Hilfen zur Gesundheitsförderung von Kleinkindern und ihren Familien im Kontext prekärer Lebenslagen by Weidner, Katrin
Population, Development, and the Environment: Challenges to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Asia Pacific by
Wie kann die Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund an Schulen mit Hilfe der Schulsozialarbeit gefördert werden? by Anonymous
Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Aging and Dementia by
Research Basics for BSW College Students by Savage, Angela, Swindell, Marian, Thompson, Ray
Essential Social Work Skills: A Practical Guide by Hong, Glen
Essential Social Work Skills: A Practical Guide by Hong, Glen
Homelessness: The (In)Appropriate Applicant by Cowan, David
Certain Unrecognized Truths: Convict & Gang-life Discussed by Convicts & Gangsters by Moore, Warren Battle, Pull, Sam, Jr.
Primitive Society by Hartland, Edwin Sidney
Organisationserziehung Und Macht: Eine Rekonstruktive Studie Zu Erwachsenen in Quasi-Totalen Wohnorganisationen by Hunold, Martin
Glücksspielsucht am Beispiel des anonymen Geldautomatenspiels in Deutschland by Lipphardt, Stephan
The Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526): Polity, Economy, Society and Culture by Ray, Aniruddha
Walmart: Diary of an Associate by Meunier, Hugo
Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty by
Justice-Doing at the Intersections of Power by Reynolds, Vikki
Pressure Cooker: Why Home Cooking Won't Solve Our Problems and What We Can Do about It by Elliott, Sinikka, Brenton, Joslyn, Bowen, Sarah
Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy by
Konzeptionelle Entwicklung der Sozialen Arbeit: Über einen Tagestreffpunkt für Wohnungslose in Hannover by Stahl, Michael
Children in Foster Care by Gilbertson, Robyn, Barber, James, Delfabbro, Paul
Marxism and Sociology: A Selection of Writings by Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz by Kelles-Krauz, Kazimierz
Incarcerating Motherhood: The Enduring Harms of First Short Periods of Imprisonment on Mothers by Masson, Isla
Lebenswelt- und Sozialraumanalyse in der Schulsozialarbeit: Die Forschungsmethoden subjektive Landkarte, Autofotografie und Zeitbudget by Schreiber, Sarah
Social Movements: The Structure of Collective Mobilization by Almeida, Paul
Discrimination and Disparities by Sowell, Thomas
The Salt Path: A Memoir by Winn, Raynor
The People's Republic of Walmart: How the World's Biggest Corporations Are Laying the Foundation for Socialism by Phillips, Leigh, Rozworski, Michal
What Brexit Means for EU and UK Social Policy by Hantrais, Linda
Collections Relative to Systematic Relief of the Poor, by Duncan, John Shute
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