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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2021

Challenging the Old Order: Towards New Directions in Traffic Safety Theory by Rothe, J. Peter
Culture and Civility in San Francisco by Becker, Howard S.
Nickel and Dimed by Ehrenreich, Barbara
Urban Gun Violence: Self-Help Organizations as Healing Sites, Catalysts for Change, and Collaborative Partners by Delgado, Melvin
Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations: Insights and Innovations by Landreth Grau, Stacy
The 2020 Election: An Opinion As To Who Did What And Why by Larangeira, Crispin
Populism, Democracy and Community Development by
Populism, Democracy and Community Development by
Higher Education and Career Prospects in China by Chen, Lin, Tian, Felicia F.
A Framework of Intersectional Risk Theory in the Age of Ambivalence by Giritli Nygren, Katarina, Olofsson, Anna, Öhman, Susanna
CBT Made Simple: A Clinician's Guide to Practicing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Josefowitz, Nina, Myran, David
Care and Care Workers: A Latin American Perspective by
When Friendship Comes First: A Case Study of Chinese Development Aid for Health in Uganda by Qiu, Zeqi
Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan: A Biopsychosocial Perspective by Walter, Carolyn Ambler, McCoyd, Judith L. M., Koller, Jeanne
How to Make the Matriarchy: The Power and Promise of Prioritizing Women by Devine-Ahl, Maureen
Urban Inequalities: Ethnographically Informed Reflections by
Was bedeutet Segregation? Ursachen und Bedeutung für die Soziale Arbeit by Anonymous
Battle for Bed-Stuy by Woodsworth
The Cultural Revolution at the Margins by Wu
Kostenmanagement: Eine Einführung Für Sozialwirtschaftliche Organisationen by Tiskens, Julia, Heister, Werner
Voluntary Agencies in the Welfare State by Kramer, Ralph M.
School-Based Behavioral Assessment: Informing Prevention and Intervention by Chafouleas, Sandra M., Riley-Tillman, T. Chris, Johnson, Austin H.
Understanding the Mental Health Problems of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Social Workers by Painter, Kirstin, Scannapieco, Maria
Social Work and the Making of Social Policy by
Union Renegades: Miners, Capitalism, and Organizing in the Gilded Age by Caldemeyer, Dana M.
The Future of Childhood Studies by
Modern Social Work Theory by Payne, Malcolm
Freedom from the Market: America's Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand by Konczal, Mike
Palliative Versorgung und Begleitung schwer erkrankter Kinder und ihrer Familien. Wenn ein Kind nicht mehr geheilt werden kann by Schießle, Clara
Early Life Care als Willkommensmanagement für Neugeborene. Unterstützung für werdende Eltern und Familien mit Kleinkindern by Theißig, Katharina
Wie die Soziale Arbeit Schulkinder bei der Traumabewältigung unterstützen kann. Welche Kompetenzen und Ressourcen braucht die Pädagogik? by Kleinwächter, Björn
Tabuthema sexualisierter Kindesmissbrauch. Mit welchen Herausforderungen ist die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe konfrontiert? by Anonym
Herausfordernde Verhaltensweisen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Heimerziehung. Wie Erzieher Konfliktsituationen richtig lösen by Schidla, Peter
Anxiety Management in Children with Mental and Physical Health Problems by Nabors, Laura
It's Not Swearing Per Se...A Swear(ish) Coloring Book for Social Workers by Rustwood, Woody
Social Work Education, Research and Practice: Perspectives from India and Australia by
Group work applications across the social work curriculum: Updated papers from the IAWSG Symposium Archive by
Scaling Up Sdgs Implementation: Emerging Cases from State, Development and Private Sectors by
A Glorious Poetic Rage by Shade, Elmo
The Settlement House Movement Revisited: A Transnational History by
Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific by
Krisen in Familien. Entwicklungshemmende und gestörte Familiensysteme: Praxisbeispiel und Handlungsbedarf sowie Interventionsmöglichkeiten by Richnow, Markus
The Hidden Curriculum: First Generation Students at Legacy Universities by Gable, Rachel
Rebuilding Your Life: 12 Benefits of Christian Redemption by Lanigan, Timothy
Diversity, Oppression, & Change: Culturally Grounded Social Work by Lechuga-Peña, Stephanie, Marsiglia, Flavio Francisco, Kulis, Stephen S.
Gerontological Social Work and the Grand Challenges: Focusing on Policy and Practice by
Policing County Lines: Responses to Evolving Provincial Drug Markets by Spicer, Jack
Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review by Parker, Jonathan
Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review by Parker, Jonathan
Australian Social Policy and the Human Services by Kerr, Lorraine, Carson, Ed
Soziale Arbeit zwischen Hilfe und Kontrolle: Können zeitliche Vorgaben und Handlungsleitfäden in der Hilfeplanung mit der Lebensweltorientierung nach by Richnow, Markus
Essentials of Human Behavior: Integrating Person, Environment, and the Life Course by Hutchison, Elizabeth D., Wood, Leanne
Bienestar Social: su representación y estrato: Enfoque integral by Trejo Garcia, Zulay Valentina
Alleinerziehende im Transferleistungssystem. Werden sie durch die Sicherungssysteme adäquat unterstützt? by Vetter, Sabine
High Rise Stories: Voices from Chicago Public Housing by
Brief Sel Interventions at School: Integrating Research Into Practice by Macklem, Gayle L.
White-Collar and Financial Crimes: A Casebook of Fraudsters, Scam Artists, and Corporate Thieves by Noble, Jennifer C.
White-Collar and Financial Crimes: A Casebook of Fraudsters, Scam Artists, and Corporate Thieves by Noble, Jennifer C.
High Rise Stories: Voices from Chicago Public Housing by
Effective Group Therapies for Young Adults Affected by Cancer: Using Support Groups in Clinical Settings in the US by Kurker, Sarah F.
The Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power by Mask, Deirdre
Virtue Hoarders: The Case Against the Professional Managerial Class by Liu, Catherine
Save Lives or Save the Rhetoric?: Comparing the Logic of Evidence with the Power of Rhetoric by Goldenberg, David H.
Potenziale von Social Entrepreneurship in der sozialen Arbeit. Aktuelle strukturelle Entwicklungen und Auswirkungen by Böcherer, Levin
Performance and Dementia: A Cultural Response to Care by Hatton, Nicky
Writing the Modern Family: Contemporary Literature, Motherhood and Neoliberal Culture by Garrett, Roberta
Writing the Modern Family: Contemporary Literature, Motherhood and Neoliberal Culture by Garrett, Roberta
Aktuelle Diskurse in Der Sozialwirtschaft III by
Wertorientierungen Und Organisationale Werte in Laufbahnen: Eine Rekonstruktive Studie in Einem Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen by Agostini, Katharina
Asia Bond Monitor: 11/1/2020 by Asian Development Bank
Self-Injurious Behavior in Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions by Biswas, Asit B., Furniss, Frederick
Präventiver Umgang mit Kindeswohlgefährdung. Umgang in stationären Einrichtungen der Hilfen zur Erziehung by Gahl, Vivien
How Schools Really Matter: Why Our Assumption about Schools and Inequality Is Mostly Wrong by Downey, Douglas B.
Women, Intimate Partner Violence, and the Law by Douglas, Heather
Midnight in Vehicle City: General Motors, Flint, and the Strike That Created the Middle Class by McClelland, Edward
Gendering Post-Soviet Space: Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research by
Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending Us Poverty by Goldblum, Joanne Samuel, Shaddox, Colleen
The Life Model of Social Work Practice: Advances in Theory and Practice by Germain, Carel, Knight, Carolyn, Gitterman, Alex
The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It by Reich, Robert B.
Die "Unsichtbaren" Im Schatten Der Gesellschaft - Forschungen Zur Wohnungs- Und Obdachlosigkeit Am Beispiel Dortmund by
Die Vererbung von Armut bei Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Ökonomische und psychosoziale Einflussfaktoren by Kayindu, Jack David
School Behavioral Health: Interconnecting Comprehensive School Mental Health and Positive Behavior Support by
The Dynamics of Welfare Markets: Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe by
Robert Castel: Resúmenes Seleccionados by Fau, Mauricio
Bridging the Education Divide Using Social Technologies: Explorations in Rural India by Dey, Priyadarshini, Bandyopadhyay, Somprakash, Bardhan, Arina
Human Development and Community Engagement Through Service-Learning: The Capability Approach and Public Good in Education by Mtawa, Ntimi Nikusuma
Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes by Moyers, Theresa B., Miller, William R.
Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People: Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels by
Auftrittskompetenz: Wie Sie (Sich) Öffentlich Erfolgreich Präsentieren by Seven, Karin
Don't Be Evil: The Case Against Big Tech by Foroohar, Rana
Caught in the Cultural Preference Net: Three Generations of Employment Choices in Six Capitalist Democracies by Camasso, Michael J., Jagannathan, Radha
Karl Marx - Class Struggles by Stones, Douglas
Karl Marx - La Lucha de Clases by Stones, Douglas
Artificial Intelligence and Social Work by
Digitalisierung und Soziale Arbeit. Welche Herausforderungen Cybermobbing, Handywahn und Co. für die Soziale Arbeit bedeuten by Werner, Daniel
Ecology of Common Care: The Ecosocial Approach as a Theory of Social Work and Human Service by Wendt, Wolf Rainer
Using Statistical Methods in Social Science Research: With a Complete SPSS Guide by Abu-Bader, Soleman H.
Using Statistical Methods in Social Science Research: With a Complete SPSS Guide by Abu-Bader, Soleman H.
Beggars of Life: A Hobo Autobiography by Tully, Jim
Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self by Farrugia, David
Queering Narratives of Domestic Violence and Abuse: Victims And/Or Perpetrators? by Barnes, Rebecca, Donovan, Catherine
Mutualism: Building the Next Economy from the Ground Up by Horowitz, Sara
Wohnen ALS Sozialräumliche PRAXIS: Zur Subjektiven Bedeutung Von Gemeinschaftlichem Wohnen Im Kontext Sozialen Wandels by Beck, Sylvia
Social Innovation in Sport by
Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders by
The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by McGhee, Heather
Writing for Social Work by Rai, Lucy
Writing for Social Work by Rai, Lucy
I Invented the Gap Year by King, Paul W.
O estado novo de Vargas e o ensino de história: Um desafio para o ensino híbrido by Silva Melo, Rogério Da
Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality by
Promoting the Health of the Community: Community Health Workers Describing Their Roles, Competencies, and Practice by
Practical and Political Approaches to Recontextualizing Social Work by
Amakomiti: Grassroots Democracy in South African Shack Settlements by Ngwane, Trevor
Intellectual Disability in the Twentieth Century: Transnational Perspectives on People, Policy, and Practice by
The Shudras: Vision for a New Path by Karuppusamy, Karthik Raja, Shepherd, Kancha Ilaiah
Design Thinking in der ambulanten Behindertenhilfe. Wie Organisationen ihre partizipativen Strukturen effektiv stärken by Ferchland, Marco
Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do about It by Boushey, Heather
Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration - And Why It's a Good Thing by Dorling, Danny
Opting Back in: What Really Happens When Mothers Go Back to Work by Stone, Pamela, Lovejoy, Meg
What's Wrong with the World by Chesterton, G. K.
Verbandszweck Und Gläubigerschutz by Roth, Gregor
Aging and Money: Reducing Risk of Financial Exploitation and Protecting Financial Resources by
Financial Inclusion by Kirwan, Samuel
Young Men Navigating Contemporary Masculinities by Elliott, Karla
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviors: A Clinician's Guide by Chawla, Neha, Grow, Joel, Bowen, Sarah
Women Theorists of Psychotherapy and Counseling by Bohecker, Lynn, Lamantia, Kirsten, Wagner, Holly H.
After Pestilence: An Interreligious Theology of the Poor by Aguilar, Mario I.
Jhori's Journey by Estes, Mackaria
Overcoming Secondary Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice: A Guide to Professional Resilience and Personal Well-Being by Wicks, Robert J., Donnelly, Gloria F.
Poorly Understood: What America Gets Wrong about Poverty by Rank, Mark Robert, Eppard, Lawrence M., Bullock, Heather E.
Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern. Risiken, Bewältigungsstrategien und sozialarbeiterische Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Psychiatrie by Strothmann, Franziska
America's Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Wooldridge, Frosty
Teetering: Why So Many Live on a Financial Tightrope and What to Do about It by Rees, Ken
Billionaire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of the American West by Farrell, Justin
Inklusion Durch Digitale Medien in Der Beruflichen Bildung: Eine Explorative Organisationsanalyse in Werkstätten Für Behinderte Menschen by Hartung-Ziehlke, Julia
Writing Skills for Social Work Students by
The Nobodies by Guyler, Amy
Dissenting Social Work: Critical Theory, Resistance and Pandemic by Garrett, Paul Michael
Public Health: Disziplin - PRAXIS - Politik by
Erfahren - Widerfahren - Verfahren: Körper Und Leib ALS Analytische Und Epistemologische Kategorien Sozialer Arbeit by
Dissenting Social Work: Critical Theory, Resistance and Pandemic by Garrett, Paul Michael
Diagnostik der Kindeswohlgefährdung mit der KiWo-Skala: Vor- und Nachteile einer standardisierten Gefährdungseinschätzung by Anonymous
Systemic Research in Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling by
Using Advocacy in Social Work Practice: A Guide for Students and Professionals by Scourfield, Peter
Using Advocacy in Social Work Practice: A Guide for Students and Professionals by Scourfield, Peter
Defining the Boundaries of Disability: Critical Perspectives by
Deep Mediations: Thinking Space in Cinema and Digital Cultures by
One Day Stronger: How One Union Local Saved a Mill and Changed an Industry--and What It Means for American Manufacturing by Nelson, Thomas M.
The Power Conundrum: Exploring the Puzzle of How to Reclaim a Democracy by Shaw, Stephen
Reinventing Food Banks and Pantries: New Tools to End Hunger by Martin, Katie S.
Disintegration: Bad Love, Collective Suicide, and the Idols of Imperial Twilight: Volume Two of Sacrifice and Self-Defeat by Worrell, Mark P.
Voices from the Favelas: Media Activism and Counter-Narratives from Below by Amaral, Fernanda
Entberuflichung und Altern als Übergang: Für einen gelingenden Alltag im Alter(n) by Hofmann, Britta
The Permanence of Temporary Urbanism: Normalising Precarity in Austerity London by Ferreri, Mara
Displacees and Health: Issues and Challenges by Norvy Paul
Soziale Arbeit Und Antiziganismus: Dethematisierung Und Deproblematisierung Gesellschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse by Beck, Carina
Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice by Hohman, Melinda
Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders by
The Cabbie's Tale by Fasano, Tim
Making Market Systems Work for the Poor: Experience Inspired by Alan Gibson by
Konstellationen von Nähe und Distanz in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie: Praktikumsbericht by Anonymous
Making Market Systems Work for the Poor: Experience Inspired by Alan Gibson by
Connecting with Young People in Trouble: Risk, Relationships and Lived Experience by Brierley, Andi
The Digital Black Atlantic by
Professionelle Identitätsentwicklung in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Perspektiven Auf Ein Berufsbegleitendes Studium by Vonau, Victoria, Miller, Thomas, Roland, Regina
Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in the Archers by
Social Work ASWB Masters Exam Secrets Study Guide - LMSW Test Prep, Full-Length Practice Test, Detailed Answer Explanations: [3rd Edition] by
Beyond the Boardroom: Examining the concepts of an effective leader in a culturally conscious community-based organization by Washington, Troy
No Way Home: The Crisis of Homelessness and How to Fix It with Intelligence and Humanity by Jackson, Kerry, Tartakovsky, Joseph, Winegarden, Wayne
Social Work Practice in Mental Health: An Introduction by Drayton, John, Bland, Robert, Drake, Gabrielle
Social Work Practice in Mental Health: An Introduction by Drayton, John, Bland, Robert, Drake, Gabrielle
David Sheppard: Batting for the Poor: The Authorized Biography of the Celebrated Cricketer and Bishop by Bradstock, Andrew
The Routledge International Handbook of Domestic Violence and Abuse by
Break Every Yoke: Christian Help for Halfway Houses and the Homeless by Lanigan, Timothy
Rebuilding Your Life: 12 Benefits of Christian Redemption by Lanigan, Timothy
La Situación de la Clase Trabajadora En Ciudad Juárez by Acosta Pérez, Nolberto Tlacaelel
Privatizing Welfare Services: Lessons from the Swedish Experiment by Jordahl, Henrik, Blix, Mårten
Asian Families in Canada and the United States: Implications for Mental Health and Well-Being by
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings by
New York in the Progressive Era: Social Reforms and Cultural Upheaval 1890-1920 by Kaplan, Paul M.
New York in the Progressive Era: Social Reforms and Cultural Upheaval 1890-1920 by Kaplan, Paul M.
Seeking the Common Good through Public Policy by Maring, Gary E.
My Testimony by Houston, Caleb T.
Routledge Library Editions: Housing Policy & Home Ownership by Various
Public Housing in Europe and America by
Private Rented Housing in the United States and Europe by Harloe, Michael
Housing Policy in the Developed Economy: The United Kingdom, Sweden and The United States by Headey, Bruce
Housing Policy in Britain: A History by Holmans, A. E.
Cities, Housing and Profits: Flat Break-Up and the Decline of Private Renting by Hamnett, Chris, Randolph, Bill
The Right to a Decent House by Jacobs, Sidney
Essays on Housing Policy: The British Scene by Cullingworth, J. B.
Housing and Local Government: In England and Wales by Cullingworth, J. B.
Rural Housing: Competition and Choice by Rogers, Alan, Dunn, Michael, Rawson, Marilyn
Home Ownership: Differentiation and Fragmentation by Forrest, Ray, Murie, Alan, Williams, Peter
Property Before People: The Management of Twentieth-Century Council Housing by Power, Anne
The Future of Council Housing by
The Housing Crisis by
A Nation of Home Owners by Saunders, Peter
Building by Local Authorities: The Report of an Inquiry by the Royal Institute of Public Administration by Layton, Elizabeth
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