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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2023

Out of the Slave Fields: Liberating Children from Brick Kilns and Brothels by Ladebu, Bruce E.
Out of the Slave Fields: Liberating Children from Brick Kilns and Brothels by Ladebu, Bruce E.
LMSW Exam Prep Pocket Study Guide: Human Development and Behavior by Schwartz, Jeremy
Revolution by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
Handbook of Applied Teaching and Learning in Social Work Management Education: Theories, Methods, and Practices in Higher Education by
Aktuelle Diskurse in Der Sozialwirtschaft IV by
Entwicklung, humanitäre Hilfe und soziale Wohlfahrt: Sozialer Wandel von innen nach außen by Walther, Cornelia C.
Kinder Und Jugendliche in Pandemischer Gesellschaft by
Der Leistungsbegriff Im Kontext Sozialpädagogischer Beratung by Haagen, Silke
Cultural Participation: The Perpetuation of Middle-Class Privilege in Dublin, Ireland by McCall Magan, Kerry
Gemeinwohlorientiert, Ökologisch, Sozial: Aushandlungen Um Alternative Wirtschaftspraktiken in Der Zivilgesellschaft by
Education and Equity in Times of Crisis: Learning, Engagement and Support by Rudling, Emily S., Shelley, Becky, Emery, Sherridan
America Together in 2024: A Petition for an Independent President by Thelen, Kevin M.
Social and Economic Stimulating Development Strategies for China's Ethnic Minority Areas by Wang, Yanzhong, Ding, Sai
Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness by Auerbach, Adam Michael, Thachil, Tariq
Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness by Auerbach, Adam Michael, Thachil, Tariq
Homelessness in America - Childhood Trauma and Abuse by Mahoney, C.
LMSW Exam Prep Pocket Study Guide: Assessment and Intervention Planning by Schwartz, Jeremy
Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa: Towards Sustainable Development by
Restless Cities on the Edge: Collective Actions, Immigration and Populism by Farro, Antimo Luigi, Maddanu, Simone
The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development: Global Perspectives by
Connections in the Clinic: Relational Narratives from Team-Based Primary Care by
Care Schafft Community - Community Braucht Care by
Registered Behavior Technician Study Guide 2023-2024: Updated Review + 225 Questions and Detailed Answer Explanations for the RBT Exam (Includes 3 Tes by Test Prep, Newstone
Igniting Justice and Progressive Power: The Partnership for Working Families Cities by
Fostering Resilience Before, During, and After Experiences of Trauma: Insights to Inform Practice Across the Lifetime by
The Criminalisation and Exploitation of Children in Care: Multi-Agency Perspectives by Greenhow, Sarah, Shaw, Julie
China's Middle Class: The New Social Stratum by
Working Life and Gender Inequality: Intersectional Perspectives and the Spatial Practices of Peripheralization by
Social Haunting, Education, and the Working Class: A Critical Marxist Ethnography in a Former Mining Community by Simpson, Kat
Home Ownership: Differentiation and Fragmentation by Forrest, Ray, Murie, Alan, Williams, Peter
Public Housing in Europe and America by
Covid-19 and Social Protection: A Study in Human Resilience and Social Solidarity by
Fintech Women Walk the Talk: Moving the Needle for Workplace Gender Equality in Financial Services and Beyond by Edwards-Dashti, Nadia
The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work and Sexualities by
Private Rented Housing in the United States and Europe by Harloe, Michael
Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development by
Peacebuilding, Conflict and Community Development by
Voices from the Silent Cradles: Life Histories of Romania's Looked-After Children by Neagu, Mariela
America and the Art of the Possible: Restoring National Vitality in an Age of Decay by Buskirk, Christopher
Die Rehabilitation psychisch erkrankter und beeinträchtigter Menschen. Wie gut sind die Angebote der Rehabilitation in Deutschland? by Then, LILLI
The Spear, the Scroll, and the Pebble: How the Greek City-State Developed as a Male Warrior-Citizen Collective by Billows, Richard A.
Big Capital in an Unequal World: The Micropolitics of Wealth in Pakistan by Armytage, Rosita
Global Child: Children and Families Affected by War, Displacement, and Migration by
The Craft Treatment Manual for Substance Use Problems: Working with Family Members by Smith, Jane Ellen, Meyers, Robert J.
Healing Hearts and Minds: A Holistic Approach to Coping Well with Congenital Heart Disease by Livecchi, Tracy, Morton, Liza
Brazil's XBB.1.5 Variant: The Need for Continued Vigilance and Research On Covid-19: Kraken Variant by Peterson, Paul
The Open World, Hackbacks and Global Justice by Thomas, A. Jean
Skid Road: On the Frontier of Health and Homelessness in Seattle by Ensign, Josephine
Agitated: Grupos Autónomos and Armed Anticapitalism in Spain, 1974-1984 by D, Joni
Income Inequality in America: A Reference Handbook by Jones, Stacey M., Rycroft, Robert S.
What Doesn't Kill You: One Cop's Perspective on Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Addiction by Hofstein, Eric
Einflusse Auf Die Resilienzentwicklung Im Lebensverlauf: Eine Rekonstruktive Studie by Klein, Heidi
Nooks and Corners of English Life, Past and Present by Timbs, John
The Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work by
LMSW Exam Prep Pocket Study Guide: Intervention Methods and Theories by Schwartz, Jeremy
Konstruktion Kategorialer Zugehörigkeit: Eine Untersuchung Zu Praktiken Der Alterszuschreibung Bei Minderjährigen Flüchtlingen by Ülpenich, Bettina
Dear Marin: Can Marin County Reach the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals of 2030? A Systems Thinking Perspective by Chavez, Felicia I.
The Black Boom by Riley, Jason L.
The Black Boom by Riley, Jason L.
Organizing for Power and Empowerment: The Fight for Democracy by Mondros, Jacqueline, Minieri, Joan
Children of the State: Stories of Survival and Hope in the Juvenile Justice System by Hobbs, Jeff
Organizing for Power and Empowerment: The Fight for Democracy by Minieri, Joan, Mondros, Jacqueline
Disability Welfare Policy in Europe: Cognitive Disability and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic by
Mobility and Inequality Trends by
Transforming Cognitive Rehabilitation: Effective Instructional Methods by Sohlberg, McKay Moore, Turkstra, Lyn S., Hamilton, Justine
Christian Social Activism and Rule of Law in Chinese Societies by
Freedom Church of the Poor: Martin Luther King Jr's Poor People's Campaign by Wessel-McCoy, Colleen
Gender, Power and Restorative Justice: A Feminist Critique by Hodgson, Jodie
Maitreya and the Struggle Against Global Poverty by Schauer, Jack
Maitreya and the Struggle Against Global Poverty by Schauer, Jack
LMSW Exam Prep Pocket Study Guide: Professional Values, Ethics, and Relationships by Schwartz, Jeremy
Managing for Social Justice: Harnessing Management Theory and Practice for Collective Good by
The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, Urban Politics and International Experiments in the Post-Crisis City by
Creating Effective Groups: The Art of Small Group Communication by Fujishin, Randy
Landscape and Labour: Work, Place, and the Working Class in Eliot, Hardy, and Lawrence by Elliott, Brian
Studies in British Society by
Ideology and the New Social Movements by Scott, Alan
The Impact of Social Policy by George, Victor, Wilding, Profesor Paul
Global Trends Compendium: An Essential Guide to Socio-Economic and Environmental Change by Monaco, Edoardo
Cynical Therapies: Perspectives on the Antitherapeutic Nature of Critical Social Justice by Thomas, Val
Migration and Social Work: Approaches, Visions and Challenges by
It's Not Where You Live, It's How You Live: Class and Gender Struggles in a Dublin Estate by Bissett, John
It's Not Where You Live, It's How You Live: Class and Gender Struggles in a Dublin Estate by Bissett, John
Of Blood and Sweat: Black Lives and the Making of White Power and Wealth by Ford, Clyde W.
No More Status Quo: A Proven Framework to Change the Way We Change the World by Hiscox, Heather
A Minor Revolution: How Prioritizing Kids Benefits Us All by Benforado, Adam
Jennie's Boy: A Misfit Childhood on an Island of Eccentrics by Johnston, Wayne, Johnston, Wayne
Addressing Health Inequities in People with Serious Mental Illness: A Call to Action by Cabassa, Leopoldo J.
Alltagsbegleitung, Betreuung Und Haushaltshilfliche Dienstleistungen Im Alter Der Burgersozialgenossenschaft Biberach Eg: Forschungsbericht Zur Beglei by Schulz-Nieswandt, Frank
Selling Social: Procurement, Purchasing, and Social Enterprises by
Evidence Based Counselling & Psychotherapy for the 21st Century Practitioner by Mahon, Daryl
The Power of Your Identity: A Cultural Landscape For Children by Gwanmesia, Eunice
Building Financial Empowerment for Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Path to Hope and Freedom by Postmus, Judy L., Stylianou, Amanda M.
Das Rotkäppchen-Prinzip: 10 Schritte Zu Einem Unvergesslichen Vortrag, Seminar Oder Unterricht by Spillner, Vera
Building Financial Empowerment for Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Path to Hope and Freedom by Postmus, Judy L., Stylianou, Amanda M.
Die Sinnstiftende Wirkung Der Logotherapie Von Vıktor Frankl by Shantall, Teria
The Social Work Field Placement: A Competency-Based Approach by Poulin, John, Matis, Selina, Witt, Heather
Young Black Street Masculinities: Vulnerability, Knife-Carrying and Survival on a Disadvantaged Housing Estate by King, Brendan
A Nation of Shopkeepers: The Unstoppable Rise of the Petite Bourgeoisie by Evans, Dan
Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious Privilege in Neoliberal Chile by Stillerman, Joel
Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious Privilege in Neoliberal Chile by Stillerman, Joel
The Hidden Injuries of Class by Sennett, Richard, Cobb, Jonathan
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Wilkerson, Isabel
The Development of Emotional Competence in Young Children by Denham, Susanne A.
Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice by Fook, Jan
Soziale Arbeit in Der Suchthilfe: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Methoden by Laging, Marion
Selling Social: Procurement, Purchasing, and Social Enterprises by
Basic Income - From Vision to Creeping Transformation of the Welfare State by Schupp, Jürgen, Heinze, Rolf G.
Prioritäten richtig setzen: Wie Sie Ihre Zeit erfolgreich gestalten by Davis, Zach
A Study on Psycho Social Problems of Women offenders by G, Sumathi
Sociocultural Otherness and Minority Justice: A Study on China by Wei, Hanna H.
Creating Effective Groups: The Art of Small Group Communication by Fujishin, Randy
Contesting County Lines: Case Studies in Drug Crime and Deviant Entrepreneurship by McLean, Robert, A. Densley, James, Brick, Carlton
Doing Anti-Racist Business: Dislodging and Dismantling Racism with the 4reals by E. Michelle Ledder, Beckford, Sheila
International Child Protection: Towards Politics and Participation by
Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems by
Generalist Social Work Practice by Gasker, Janice A.
Group Activities for Social Emotional Learning Using Sketch Comedy and Improv Games by Amador, Shawn, Liossis, Eleni
The Social Protection Indicator for Asia: Tracking Developments in Social Protection by Asian Development Bank
New Social Order Through Ambedkarian Perspective by Chetty, Krushna
Persistence and Emergencies of Inequalities in Latin America: A Multidimensional Approach by
New Perspectives on Health and Social Care by Powell, Jason
Strategic Resilience and Sustainability Planning: Management Strategies for Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Communities and Organizations by Alibasic, Haris
Research and Social Work in Time and Place: Crossing Boundaries by Shaw, Ian
Rural Revitalization in China: A Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics by
Social Inequalities by
Social Inequalities by
If You Really Want to Help: Redefining the War on Poverty by Kandler, Kurt
Spuren Im Leben: Wirkungen Individueller Arbeitsstile in Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen by Gandt, Stefanie
Armut, Ausgrenzung Und Die Neugestaltung Des Sozialen: Die Lebensmittelausgaben Der 'Tafeln' in Deutschland by Schoneville, Holger
Globalized Urban Precarity in Berlin and Abidjan: Young Men and the Digital Economy by Schilling, Hannah
The Development of Emotional Competence in Young Children by Denham, Susanne A.
The Social Protection Indicator for the Pacific: Tracking Developments in Social Protection by Asian Development Bank
The Archaeology of the Homed and the Unhomed by Sayers, Daniel O.
There Are No Accidents: The Deadly Rise of Injury and Disaster--Who Profits and Who Pays the Price by Singer, Jessie
Biografie - Bilder - Adressierungen: Eine Rekonstruktive Analyse Zur Biografischen Entstehung Von Kindheits- Und Jugendbildern in Der Offenen Kinder- by Rahn, Sebastian
Vielfalt Von Hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen: Wege in Das, Durch Das Und Nach Dem Studium by
Marginalisierung, Stadt Und Soziale Arbeit: Soziale Arbeit Im Spannungsfeld Von Politik, Quartierbevölkerung Und Professionellem Selbstverständnis by
Subjective Quality of Life and Social Work: Social Widerspiegelung as a Basis by Autrata, Otger, Scheu, Bringfriede
The Oxford Handbook of Family Policy Over the Life Course by
An Indecent System: The Dominated Citizen by Ferrer, Juan
A Study of Suicide in Rural China by Liu, Yanwu
Chicago Marching: A History of Protest, Authority & Violence by Rulli, Joseph Anthony
Race, Class, Parenting and Children's Leisure: Children's Leisurescapes and Parenting Cultures in Middle-Class British Indian Families by Mukherjee, Utsa
Adoption and Disruption: Rates, Risks, and Responses by
Spatial Justice, Contested Governance and Livelihood Challenges in Bangladesh: The Production of Counterspace by Lata, Lutfun Nahar
Handbook of Resilience in Children by
Loneliness Among Older Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Role of Family and Community Social Capital by Lu, Nan
Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream by Quart, Alissa
What We Build with Power: The Fight for Economic Justice in Tech by Sentíes, David Delmar
Unsheltered Love: Homelessness, Hunger and Hope in a City Under Siege by Medford-Rosow, Traci
Arabisch-Amerikanische Jugend: Diskriminierung, Entwicklung, Bildungspraxis Und -Politik by Tabbah, Rhonda
Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream by Quart, Alissa
The Brass Notebook: A Memoir of Feminism and Freedom by Jain, Devaki
Seniorenwirtschaft: Management Und Perspektiven by
Integral Society: Social Institutions and Individual Sovereignty by Anderson, Gordon L.
Education Myth: How Human Capital Trumped Social Democracy by Shelton, Jon
Rich Crime, Poor Crime: Inequality and the Rule of Law by Webster, Colin
Unequal Choices: How Social Class Shapes Where High-Achieving Students Apply to College by Lor, Yang Va
Unequal Choices: How Social Class Shapes Where High-Achieving Students Apply to College by Lor, Yang Va
The West Coast Crisis: Drugs, Homelessness, and Despair in Modern America by Combs, Kyle
Social Work Theory and Ethics: Ideas in Practice by
Das Kind Im Umgangsverfahren: Kindeswohl Und Kindeswille ALS Massstab Des Familiengerichtlichen Umgangsverfahrens by Ritter, Sonja K. a.
Grown in Delhi: A Political Ecology of Social Networks and Agency Among Yamuna Farmers by Diehl, Jessica Ann
Mechanisms of Charitable Donations in China by
Sex, Social Justice, and Intimacy in Mental Health Practice: Incorporating Sexual Health in Approaches to Wellness by Martinez-Gilliard, Erin
Sex, Social Justice, and Intimacy in Mental Health Practice: Incorporating Sexual Health in Approaches to Wellness by Martinez-Gilliard, Erin
Water Struggles as Resistance to Neoliberal Capitalism: A Time of Reproductive Unrest by Moore, Madelaine
D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y.: A Guide to Working with Diversity and Developing Cultural Sensitivity by Okeze-Tirado, Vivian
After Black Lives Matter by Johnson, Cedric
Poverty, by America by Desmond, Matthew
Introducing Social Work by
Introducing Social Work by
Child Safety, Welfare and Well-Being: Issues and Challenges by
The Survivors: A study of homeless young newcomers to London and the responses made to them by Francis, C., Wells, K., Brandon, D.
Handbook of Self-Compassion by
Reflective Practice in Social Work by
Reflective Practice in Social Work by
Rural Poverty Today: Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain by Chapman, Polly, Shucksmith, Mark, Glass, Jayne
The Master in Bondage: Factory Workers in China, 1949-2019 by Li, Huaiyin
The Last 10 Per Cent: Why the World Needs a Leaner, More Innovative and Pragmatic Development Sector, Today by Harper, Erica
The Last 10 Per Cent: Why the World Needs a Leaner, More Innovative and Pragmatic Development Sector, Today by Harper, Erica
Covid-19: Gemeinsames Trauma, Gemeinsame Resilienz: Soziale Arbeit Während Der Pandemie by
The Production of Everyday Life in Eco-Conscious Households: Compromise, Conflict, Complicity by Munro, Kirstin
Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy by
Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy by
The Master in Bondage: Factory Workers in China, 1949-2019 by Li, Huaiyin
Moving the Needle: What Tight Labor Markets Do for the Poor by Newman, Katherine S., Jacobs, Elisabeth S.
Digitale Beratung in Der Sozialen Arbeit by Tschopp, Dominik, Wenzel, Joachim, Hormann, Martina
Preventing and Healing Climate Traumas: A Guide to Building Resilience and Hope in Communities by Doppelt, Bob
Preventing and Healing Climate Traumas: A Guide to Building Resilience and Hope in Communities by Doppelt, Bob
Postsecondary Transition for College- Or Career-Bound Autistic Students by
Working in Residential Homes for Elderly People by Brearley, C. Paul
Poverty and Social Inequality in Wales by
Housing Policy and Equality: A Comparative Study of Tenure Conversions and Their Effects by Lundqvist, Lennart J.
Middle-Class Couples: A Study of Segregation, Domination and Inequality in Marriage by Edgell, Stephen
Accommodating Inequality: Gender and Housing by Watson, Sophie
Reflections on Inequality by
The Inheritance of Inequality by McDonnell, Patrick, Broom, Leonard, Jones, F. L.
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