• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1979

International Symposium on Systems Optimization and Analysis: Rocquencourt, December 11-13, 1978 by Bensoussan, Prof A., Lions, Prof J. L., Laboria, Iria
Stochastische Matrizen by Huppert, B., Willems, W., Fritz, F. -J
Erhebungstechniken by Schmidt, Götz
Methoden Der Meßstochastik by Lange, F. H.
Wahrscheinlichkeit Und Struktur by Sackov, J. V.
Methoden Der Meßstochastik by Lange, F. H.
Bedienungsprozesse: Eine Einführung by Klimow, G. P.
Maß, Integral Und Bedingter Erwartungswert by Franken, Peter, Warmuth, Elke, Bellach, Joachim
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using Basic by Groeneveld, Richard A.
Instructor's Manual for Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology by Kurtz, A. K., Mayo, S. T.
Probability Measures on Groups: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference Oberwolfach, Germany, January 29th - February 4, 1978 by
Markov Chain Models -- Rarity and Exponentiality by Keilson, J.
Probability in Banach Spaces II: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Probability in Banach Spaces, 18-24 June 1978, Oberwolfach, Ger by
Principles of Statistical Techniques: A First Course from the Beginnings, for Schools and Universities, with Many Examples and Solutions by Moore, P. G.
Calcul Stochastique Et Problèmes de Martingales by Jacod, J.
Additive and Cancellative Interacting Particle Systems by Griffeath, D.
Philosophical Problems of Statistical Inference: Learning from R.A. Fisher by Seidenfeld, T.
Theoretical Statistics by Cox, D. R., Hinkley, D. V.
Exploratory Data Analysis by Dearing, Brian E., Hartwig, Frederick
A Handbook of Numerical and Statistical Techniques: With Examples Mainly from the Life Sciences by Pollard, J. H.
Stochastic Processes and Integration by Rao, M. M.
Lattice Path Combinatorics with Statistical Applications; Mathematical Expositions 23 by Narayana, T. V.
Geometrische Modelle Zur Analyse Empirischer Daten by Hartmann, W.