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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1983

Probability in Social Science: Seven Expository Units Illustrating the Use of Probability Methods and Models, with Exercises, and Bibliographies to G by Goldberg, S.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1982 by Chung, Getoor, Cinlar
Branching Processes by Asmussen, Hering
Adaptive Systems with Reduced Models by Ioannou, Petros A., Kokotovic, Petar V.
Statistik in Den Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung Und Kritische Diskussion by Kriz, Jürgen
Aufgaben Und Lösungen Zur Angewandten Statistik by Bosch, Karl
Statistik Für Programmierbare Taschenrechner (Aos): Mit 56 Programmen Und Programmvarianten by Bruhn, Jörn
Introduction to Statistical Modelling by Dobson, Annette J.
Kostenrechnung 2: Moderne Verfahren Und Systeme by Hummel, Siegfried, Männel, Wolfgang
Causal Modeling by Asher, Herbert B.
Regression Analysis of Survival Data in Cancer Chemotherapy by Carter
Specifying Statistical Models: From Parametric to Non-Parametric, Using Bayesian or Non-Bayesian Approaches by
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XI, 1981 by Fernique, X., Millar, P. W.
The Stability of a Macroeconomic System with Quantity Constraints by Heuvel, P. Van Den
Asymptotic Optimal Inference for Non-Ergodic Models by Basawa, I. V., Scott, D. J.
Probability, Statistics and Analysis by
Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach by K. G., Binmore, Binmore, K. G.
Methoden Der Statistik Und Informatik in Epidemiologie Und Diagnostik: 27. Jahrestagung Der Gmds Hamburg, 27.-29. September 1982 Proceedings by
Technology, Organization and Economic Structure: Essays in Honor of Prof. Isamu Yamada by
Conjugate Duality and the Exponential Fourier Spectrum by Britton, W.
Introduction to Random Processes by Wong, E.
Influence of Economic Instability on Health: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Gesellschaft Für Strahlen- Und Umweltforschung, Institut Für by
Theory and Application of Random Fields: Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference Held Under the Joint Auspices of the Indian Statistical Ins by
Stability Problems for Stochastic Models: Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar Held in Moscow, Ussr, April 1982 by
Test Item Bias by Osterlind, Steven J.
Elementary Statistical Methods in Psychology and Education by Blommers, Paul J., Forsyth, Robert A.
Complex Analysis by Stewart, Ian, Tall, David
Complex Analysis by Tall, David O., Stewart, Ian
Séminaire de Probabilités XVII 1981/82: Proceedings by
Tracer Kinetics and Physiologic Modeling: Theory to Practice. Proceedings of a Seminar Held at St. Louis, Missouri, June 6, 1983 by
Econometric Decision Models: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Hagen, West Germany, June 19-20, 1981 by
Elementare Methoden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anwendungen in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Pfanzagl, Johann
Nonlinear Stochastic Problems by
Rhythms in Biology and Other Fields of Application: Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches by
Probability in Banach Spaces IV: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, July 1982 by
Statistics for Technology: A Course in Applied Statistics, Third Edition by Chatfield, Chris
The Relation Between Final Demand and Income Distribution: With Application to Japan by Grootaert, C.
Chaines de Markov Sur Les Permutations by Dies, J. -E
Objective Medical Decision-Making; Systems Approach in Acute Disease: Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 19-22 April 1983 Proceedings by
Elementary Statistics for Business and Economics by Sandblom, Carl-Louis
Transactions of the Ninth Prague Conference: Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes Held at Prague, from June 28 to July by
Multivariate Datenbeurteilung: Statistische Untersuchungen Über Krankheitsbedingte Lage- Und Strukturveränderungen Klinisch-Chemischer Kenngrößen by Rehpenning, Wolfgang
Von Mises Calculus for Statistical Functionals by Fernholz, L. T.
Forecasting with Univariate Box - Jenkins Models: Concepts and Cases by Pankratz, Alan
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Proceedings of the Fourth Ussr-Japan Symposium, Held at Tbilisi, Ussr, August 23-29, 1982 by
Introduction to Survey Sampling by Kalton, Graham
Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Preface to Lisrel by Long, J. Scott
Infinite-Dimensional Optimization and Convexity by Turnbull, Thomas, Ekeland, Ivar
Mathematical Learning Models -- Theory and Algorithms: Proceedings of a Conference by
Understanding Randomness: Exercises for Statisticians by Salsburg
Factor Analysis by Gorsuch, Richard L.
Threshold Models in Non-Linear Time Series Analysis by Tong, H.
Introduction to Robust and Quasi-Robust Statistical Methods by Rey, W. J. J.
Prediction and Regulation by Linear Least-Square Methods by Whittle, Peter
Random Linear Operators by Skorohod, A. V.
The Mathematics and Physics of Disordered Media: Percolation, Random Walk, Modeling, and Simulation. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Ima, Univer by
An Inter-Industry Translog Model of Prices and Technical Change for the West German Economy by Nakamura, S.
Amarts and Set Function Processes by Schmidt, Klaus D., Gut, Allan
Markov Decision Problems with Countable State Spaces: Optimality Criteria, Algorithms, Clustering by Dietz, H. M., Nollau, V.
Stochastische Verfahren Zur Suche Nach Dem Minimum Einer Funktion by Neumann, Peter, Zieliński, Ryszard
Mathematische Theorie Der Zuverlässigkeit: Einführung Und Anwendungen by Störmer, Horand
Handbuch Der Bedienungstheorie I: Grundlagen Und Methoden by König, D., Gnedenko, B. W.