• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1984

Grundlagen Der Statistik by Fischer, Klaus
Optimization Theory and Applications by Werner, Jochen
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistik -- 30 Basic-Programme by Herrmann, Dietmar
Energy Systems Analysis for Developing Countries by Meier, P.
Classification and Regression Trees by Breiman, Leo, Stone, Charles J.
Random Measures by Kallenberg, Olav
Stochastische Geometrie by Stoyan, Dietrich, Mecke, Joseph
Stochastische Geometrie: Eine Einführung by Stoyan, Dietrich, Mecke, Joseph
Ein Disaggregiertes Prognosesystem Für Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Kiy, M.
Demography Through Problems by Beekman, John a., Keyfitz, Nathan
Statistical Methods for Cancer Studies by Cornell, Richard G.
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology: A Review of Recent Advances and Current Developments by
Filtering and Control of Random Processes: Proceedings of the E.N.S.T.-C.N.E.T. Colloquium Paris, France, February 23-24, 1983 by
Functional Relations, Random Coefficients, and Nonlinear Regression with Application to Kinetic Data by Johansen, S.
Probability Measure on Groups VII: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, April 24-30, 1983 by
Séminaire de Probabilités XVIII 1982/83: Proceedings by
Nonlinear Models of Fluctuating Growth: An International Symposium Siena, Italy, March 24-27, 1983 by
Analysis of Nominal Data by Reynolds, H. T.
Time Series in the Frequency Domain: Volume 3 by Krishnaiah, P. R.
Self-Organizing Methods in Modeling: Gmdh Type Algorithms by Farlow, S. J.
Elementary Statistical Methods in Psychology: and Education, Study Manual by Forsyth, Robert A., Blommers, Paul J.
An Introduction to the Theory of Large Deviations by Stroock, D. W.
An Introduction to Probability Theory by Moran, P. A.
Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications by Dillon, William R., Goldstein, Matthew
Probability Theory on Vector Spaces III: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Lublin, Poland, August 24-31, 1983 by
The World Copper Market: Structure and Econometric Model by Wagenhals, G.
The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data by Mandel, John
Estimation of Victimization Prevalence Using Data from the National Crime Survey by Saphire, D. G.
Time Series Analysis of Irregularly Observed Data: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas February 10-13, 1 by
An Introduction to Bispectral Analysis and Bilinear Time Series Models by Rao, T. S., Gabr, M. M.
Computer Modeling for Business and Industry by Bowerman, Bruce L.
Introduction to Probability Theory by Ito, Kiyoshi
The Enigma of Probability and Physics by Mayants, L.
Statistical Extremes and Applications by
Uniform Distribution of Sequences of Integers in Residue Classes by Narkiewicz, W.
Bayesian Statistical Inference by Iversen, Gudmund R.
Cluster Analysis by Aldenderfer, Mark S.
Canonical Correlation Analysis: Uses and Interpretation by Thompson, Bruce
Stochastic Analysis and Applications by Pinsky, Mark A.
Models of Category Counts by Fingleton, B., Fingleton, Bernard
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Bologna, Italy, May 3-7, 1982 by
Stochastic Models in Reliability Theory: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Nagoya, Japan, April 23-24, 1984 by
Multifunctions and Integrands: Stochastic Analysis, Approximation, and Optimization. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Catania, Italy, June 1983 by
Stochastic Analysis and Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Swansea, April 11-15, 1983 by
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XII, 1982 by Dudley, R. M., Kunita, H.
A Disequilibrium Model of Real and Financial Accumulation in an Open Economy: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Simulations by Gandolfo, Giancarlo, Padoan, Pietro C.
Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 "stochastische Mathematische Modelle by
Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models by Broemeling
Statistical Methods in Food and Consumer Research by Gacula Jr, Maximo C.
Birkhoff Interpolation by Riemenschneider, S. D., Lorentz, George G., Jetter, K.
Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics: Theory and Application by Louck, James D., Biedenharn, L. C.
Product Integration with Application to Differential Equations by Friedman, Charles N., Dollard, John D.
Mathematical Theory of Entropy by Baker, George A., Martin, Nathaniel F. G., England, James W.
The Cauchy Problem by Fattorini, Hector O., Kerber, Adalbert, Fattorini, H. O.
Steuerung Stochastischer Prozesse by
Statistische Analyse Von Zeitreihen by Anděl, Jiří
Leonhard Eulers Wirken an Der Berliner Akademie Der Wissenschaften 1741-1766: Spezialinventar. Regesten Der Euler-Dokumente Aus Dem Zentralen Archiv D by