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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1985

Strong Limit Theorems in Non-Commutative Probability by Jajte, R.
Einführung in Das Datenanalysesystem SPSS: Eine Anleitung Zur Edv-Gestützten Statistischen Datenauswertung by Kähler, Wolf-Michael
Multivariate Statistik in Den Natur- Und Verhaltenswissenschaften: Eine Einführung Mit Basic-Programmen Und Programmbeschreibungen in Fallbeispielen by Haf, Cord-Michael
Probleme Der Festigkeitslehre by Labranca, Pietro
Asymptotic Distribution Theory in Nonparametric Statistics by Denker, Manfred
Stationary Sequences and Random Fields by Rosenblatt, Murray
Convergence Structures and Applications II: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Schwerin, Gdr from May 16 to 20, 1983 by
Statistische Datenanalyse: Methoden Und Programme by Lebart, Ludovic, Morineau, Alain, Fenelon, Jean-Pierre
Analyse Stochastischer Systeme by Ahlbehrendt, Norbert, Kempe, Volker
Handbuch Der Bedienungstheorie II: Formeln Und Andere Ergebnisse by König, D., Gnedenko, B. W.
Stopping Time Techniques for Analysts and Probabilists by Egghe, L.
An F-Space Sampler by Peck, N. T., Kalton, Nigel J., Kalton, N. J.
Stochastic Aspects of Classical and Quantum Systems: Proceedings of the 2nd French-German Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, Held in Marseille, Fra by
Stochastic Programming: With Multiple Objective Functions by Stancu-Minasian, I. M.
Time Series Package (Tspack) by Chaghaghi, F. S.
Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics by Moulin Ollagnier, Jean
Grossissements de Filtrations: Exemples Et Applications: Seminaire de Calcul Stochastique 1982/83 Universite Paris VI by
Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design by Brook, Richard J., Arnold, Gregory C.
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XIII, 1983 by Ibragimov, Illdar A., Aldous, David J.
Stochastic Differential Systems: Filtering and Control Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference Marseille-Luminy, France, March 12-17, 1984 by
Contrast Analysis: Focused Comparisons in the Analysis of Variance by Rosnow, Ralph L., Rosenthal, Robert
Seminaire de Probabilites XIX 1983/84: Proceedings by
Ergodic Theorems by Krengel, Ulrich
Multiple Regression in Practice by Berry, William D.
Stochastic Parameter Regression Models by Newbold, Paul, Bos, Theodore
Infinitely Divisible Statistical Experiments by Janssen, Arnold, Milbrodt, Hartmut, Strasser, Helmut
Metric Spaces: Interaction and Application by Bryant, Victor W.
Econometric Models of Asian Link by
Methodological Issues for Health Care Surveys by Cox, B. M.
Statistics by Sabine, P., Plumpton, Charles
Quantum Probability and Applications II: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Heidelberg, West Germany, October 1-5, 1984 by
Econometric Models of Asian Link by
Wamis Wiener Allgemeines Medizinisches Informations-System: 10 Jahre Klinischer PRAXIS Und Forschung by
Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis by Olkin, Ingram, Hedges, Larry V.
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Inverse Problems by
Stochastic Space--Time Models and Limit Theorems by
A Celebration of Statistics: The Isi Centenary Volume a Volume to Celebrate the Founding of the International Statistical Institute in 1885 by
Introduction to Variance Estimation by Wolter, Kirk
Statistics in Ornithology by
Sequential Analysis: Tests and Confidence Intervals by Siegmund, David
Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis by Berger, James O.
A Local Spectral Theory for Closed Operators by Erdelyi, Ivan, Shengwang, Wang
Probability Theory and Applications by Robinson, Enders A.
The Assay of Spatially Random Material by Ben-Haim, Yakov
Surfaces Aleatoires: Mesure Geometrique Des Ensembles de Niveau by Wschebor, Mario
Neuere Verfahren Der Nichtparametrischen Statistik: Tagung, Graz, 23.-27. September 1985 Proceedings by
Choquet Order and Simplices: With Applications in Probabilistic Models by Winkler, Gerhard
Probability and Statistical Inference: Volume 1: Probability by Kalbfleisch, J. G.
Stability Problems for Stochastic Models: Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar Held in Uzhgorod, Ussr, Sept. 23-29, 1984 by
Probability in Banach Spaces V: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Medford, Usa, July 16-27, 1984 by
Convexity and Duality in Optimization: Proceedings of the Symposium on Convexity and Duality in Optimization Held at the University of Groningen, the by
Mathematical Theory of Statistics by Strasser, Helmut
Stochastic Models of Air Pollutant Concentration by Grandell, Jan
Generalized Linear Models: Proceedings of the Glim 85 Conference Held at Lancaster, Uk, Sept. 16-19, 1985 by
Probability and Statistical Inference: Volume 2: Statistical Inference by Kalbfleisch, J. G.
Prognose- Und Entscheidungsfindung in Der Medizin: 30. Jahrestagung Der Gmds Düsseldorf, 16.-19. September 1985 Proceedings by
Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Spectral Analysis of Stationary Time Series by Dzhaparidze, K.
Multivariate Analysis of Variance by Bray, James H., Maxwell, Scott E.
Statistical Methods for Pharmaceutical Research Planning by Bergman, S. W.
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Probability Theory: August 29-September 4, 1982, Brasov, Romania by