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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1986

Dependence in Probability and Statistics: A Survey of Recent Results by Eberlein, Taqqu, Murad
Stichproben by Stenger, Horst
Stochastic Processes - Mathematics and Physics: Proceedings of the 1st Bibos-Symposium Held in Bielefeld, West Germany, September 10-15, 1984 by
Angewandte Statistik: Einführung, Problemlösungen Mit Dem Mikrocomputer by Bosch, Karl
Statistik im Betrieb: Lehrbuch mit praktischen Beispielen by Scharnbacher, Kurt
Metric Methods for Analyzing Partially Ranked Data by Critchlow, Douglas E.
Linear Statistical Inference: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Pozna?, Poland, June 4-8, 1984 by
Probability and Statistical Decision Theory by
The Fascination of Statistics by Brook
Lyapunov Exponents: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Bremen, November 12-15, 1984 by
Experimental Design: Sample Size Determination and Block Designs by Rasch, Dieter, Herrendörfer, Günter
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint Flour XIV, 1984 by Carmona, Rene, Kesten, Harry
Robustness of Statistical Methods and Nonparametric Statistics by
Statistics for Toxicologists by Salsburg
Introduction to Probability by Thomas, John B.
Intrinsic Geometry of Biological Surface Growth by Todd, Philip H.
Geometrical and Statistical Aspects of Probability in Banach Spaces: Actes Des Journees Smf de Calcul Des Probabilites Dans Les Espaces de Banach, Org by
Series of Irregular Observations: Forecasting and Model Building by Dacunha-Castelle, Didier, Azencott, Robert
The Geometry of Fractal Sets by K. J., Falconer, Falconer, Kenneth, Falconer, K. J.
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Nagoya, July 2-6, 1985 by
Séminaire de Probabilités XX 1984/85: Proceedings by
Statistical Methods in Discrimination Litigation by Kaye, D. H., Aickin, Mickel
Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory by Le Cam, Lucien
Statistics in Language Studies by Hughes, Arthur, Woods, Anthony, Fletcher, Paul
Statistics in Language Studies by Woods, Anthony, Fletcher, Paul, Hughes, Arthur
Stochastic Optimization and Economic Models by SenGupta, Jati
Time Series and Linear Systems by
A Guide to Statistical Methods and to the Pertinent Literature / Literatur Zur Angewandten Statistik by Sachs, Lothar
Multiple Comparisons by Klockars, Alan J.
Der Kalmanfilter ALS Instrument Zur Diagnose Und Schätzung Variabler Parameter in Ökonometrischen Modellen by Schneider, W.
Boundary Crossing of Brownian Motion: Its Relation to the Law of the Iterated Logarithm and to Sequential Analysis by Lerche, Hans R.
Computer Systems for Process Control by Güth, Reinhold
Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen Für Angewandte Mathematiker, Physiker Und Ingenieure: Teil 2: Numerische Methoden by Falk, Sigurd, Zurmühl, Rudolf
Probability and Analysis: Held at Varenna (Como); Italy, May, 31 - June 8, 1985 by
Stochastic Spatial Processes: Mathematical Theories and Biological Applications by
Probability Measures on Groups VIII: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, November 10-16, 1985 by
Lectures in Probability and Statistics: Lectures Given at the Winter School in Probability and Statistics Held in Santiago de Chile by
Detection of Changes in Random Processes by
Mathematical Problems of Statistical Mechanics and Dyanamics: A Collection of Surveys by
Modelling and Application of Stochastic Processes by
Minimax-Prüfpläne Für Die Prozeßkontrolle by Arnold, Bernhard F.
The Stability and Control of Discrete Processes by Lasalle, J. P.
Survey Research Designs: Towards a Better Understanding of Their Costs and Benefits: Prepared Under the Auspices of the Working Group on the Comparati by
Advances in Order Restricted Statistical Inference: Proceedings of the Symposium on Order Restricted Statistical Inference Held in Iowa City, Iowa, Se by
Akaike Information Criterion Statistics by Ishiguro, Masato, Kitagawa, G., Sakamoto, Y.
Regeneration and Networks of Queues by Shedler, Gerald S.
Reversible Systems by Sevryuk, Mikhail B.
Problems in Nonlinear Diffusion: Lectures Given at the 2nd 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini by
Optimal Unbiased Estimation of Variance Components by Malley, James D.
Counting for Something: Statistical Principles and Personalities by Peters, William S.
Applied Statistics: A Handbook of Bmdp(tm) Analyses by Cox, David
Advances in the Statistical Sciences: Applied Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Sampling Theory: Volume I of the Festschrift in Honor of Professo by
Advances in the Statistical Sciences: Foundations of Statistical Inference: Volume II of the Festschrift in Honor of Professor V.M. Joshi's 70th Birth by
Data Analysis in Astronomy II by
Advances in the Statistical Sciences: Stochastic Hydrology: Volume IV Festschrift in Honor of Professor V. M. Joshi's 70th Birthday by
Biostatistics: Advances in Statiscal Sciences Festschrift in Honor of Professor V.M. Joshi's 70th Birthday Volume V by
Actuarial Science: Advances in the Statistical Sciences Festschrift in Honor of Professor V.M. Josh's 70th Birthday Volume VI by