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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1989

Grundlagen Des Maschinellen Beweisens: Eine Einführung Für Informatiker Und Mathematiker by Hofbauer, Dieter, Kutsche, Ralf-Detlef
Statistik im Betrieb: Lehrbuch mit Praktischen Beispielen by Scharnbacher, Kurt
Mickey Mouse Numbers in World History: The Short View by Platt, D. C. M.
Essential Statistics by Rees, D. G.
Interpreting Data: A First Course in Statistics by Anderson, A. J. B.
Equilibrium Distributions of Branching Processes by Liemant, Alfred, Matthes, Klaus, Wakolbinger, Anton
Elements of Functional Analysis by Maddox, I. J.
Gravitational Wave Data Analysis by Schutz, B. F.
Model Discrimination for Nonlinear Regression Models by Borowiak, Dale S.
Geometric Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems by Zwart, Hans J.
Nonlinear Lp-Norm Estimation by Gonin, Rene
Statistische Analyse Ökonometrischer Ungleichgewichtsmodelle by Rafi, Aare
Extreme Value Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6-12, 1987 by
Global Optimization by Törn, Aimo, Zilinskas, Antanas
Operator Algebras and Applications: Volume 1, Structure Theory; K-Theory, Geometry and Topology by
Operator Algebras and Applications: Volume 2 by
An Introduction to Hankel Operators by Partington, Jonathan R.
Operations Research Models in Flexible Manufacturing Systems by
Theory of Statistical Inference and Information by Vajda, Igor
Readings in Decision Analysis by French, S.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1988 by Getoor, Cinlar, Chung
The Architecture of Chance: An Introduction to the Logic and Arithmetic of Probability by Lowry, Richard
Statistics for Real Estate Professionals by Guy, Rebecca, Pol, Louis
Analysis at Urbana: Volume 1, Analysis in Function Spaces by
The Geometry of Jet Bundles by Saunders, D. J.
Analysis at Urbana Vol 2: Analysis in Abstract Spaces by
Functional Equations in Several Variables by Aczel, J., Dhombres, J., J, Aczel
Kalman-Bucy Filters by Brammer, Karl
Geostatistics: Proceedings of the Third International Geostatistics Congress September 5-9, 1988, Avignon, France by
E. T. Jaynes: Papers on Probability, Statistics and Statistical Physics by
Theory of Resonances: Principles and Applications by Horácek, J., Kukulin, V. I., Krasnopolsky, V. M.
The Matching Methodology: Some Statistical Properties by Ramalingam, Thirugnanasambandam, Goel, Prem K.
Adaptive Markov Control Processes by Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo
Principal Components Analysis by
Pooled Time Series Analysis by Sayrs, Lois W.
Computer-Intensive Methods for Testing Hypotheses: An Introduction by Noreen, Eric W.
Structural Equations with Latent Variables by Bollen, Kenneth A.
Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics by Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy, Arnold, Barry C.
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods: Cambridge, England, 1988 by
Seminaire de Probabilites XXIII by
Diffraction-Limited Imaging with Very Large Telescopes by
Statistical Methods for Food and Agriculture by Douglas, Larry W., Kramer, Diana S., Bender, Filmore E.
Engineering Mathematics and Statistics: Pocket Handbook by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P., Ferrante, Louise
Modified Branching Programs and Their Computational Power by Meinel, Christoph
Probability Measures on Groups IX: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, January 17-23, 1988 by
Structured Stochastic Matrices of M/G/1 Type and Their Applications by Neuts
Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Laramie, Wyoming, January 25-29, 1988 by
Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of Glim 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Held in Trento, Italy, July 17-21, by
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics: Probability for Statistics by Nguyen, Hung T., Rogers, Gerald S.
Introductory Mathematics Through Science Applications by Berry, J. S., Norcliffe, A., Humble, S.
Geometric Aspects of Banach Spaces: Essays in Honour of Antonio Plans by
Regular Variation by Goldie, C. M., Teugels, J. L., Bingham, N. H.
Statistics for Biologists by Campbell, R. C., Campbell, Richard Colin
Statistical Analysis of Random Fields by Leonenko, Nicolai, Ivanov, A. a.
Generalized Linear Models by Nelder, John A., McCullagh, P.
No-Frills Statistics: A Guide for the First-Year Student by Gray, Susan H.
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications II: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Trento, Italy, February 1-6, 1988 by
Probability Theory on Vector Spaces IV: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Lancut, Poland, June 10-17, 1987 by
The Ergodic Theory of Discrete Groups by Nicholls, Peter J., Nicholls, P. J.
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures II: Dynamical Systems and Instabilities by
Quantum Probability and Applications IV: Proceedings of the Year of Quantum Probability, Held at the University of Rome II, Italy, 1987 by
Computation Analysis Designed Experiment by Heiberger, Richard
Messung, Modellierung Und Bewertung Von Rechensystemen Und Netzen: 5. Gi/Itg-Fachtagung Braunschweig, 26.-28. September 1989, Proceedings by
The Analysis of Categorical Data Using Glim by Lindsey, James K.
Chaotic Evolution and Strange Attractors by Ruelle, D., Ruelle, David
Theory of Martingales by Shiryayev, A. N., Liptser, Robert
Smooth Tests of Goodness of Fit by Best, D. J., Rayner, J. C.
Theory of Optimal Designs by Shah, Kirti R., Sinha, Bikas
Random Processes for Classical Equations of Mathematical Physics by Sipin, A. S., Ermakov, S. M., Nekrutkin, V. V.
Evolution of Complex Systems: Selforganisation, Entropy and Development by Feistel, Rainer, Ebeling, Werner
Introduction to Queuing Theory by Gnedenko
Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models by Blaesild, Preben, Eriksen, Poul S., Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.
A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements by Gupta, Sudhir, Mukerjee, Rahul
Elements of Probabilistic Analysis with Applications by Constantin, Gheorghe, Istratescu, Ioana
Transient Processes in Cell Proliferation Kinetics by Yanev, Nikolaj M., Yakovlev, Andrej Yu
Stability Problems for Stochastic Models: Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar Held in Sukhumi (Abkhazian Autonomous Republic), Ussr, Sept. 2 by
Nonparametric Curve Estimation from Time Series by Györfi, Lazlo, Sarda, Pascal, Härdle, Wolfgang
The Analysis of Directional Time Series: Applications to Wind Speed and Direction by Breckling, Jens
Statistical Issues in Drug Research and Development by
General Principles of Quantum Field Theory by Logunov, Anatoly A., Oksak, A. I., Bogolubov, N. N.
Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source Pollution: Proceedings of a Workshop on Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source by
Die Entwicklung Der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Von Den Anfängen Bis 1933: Einführungen Und Texte by
Analysis of Toeplitz Operators by Silbermann, B., Böttcher, A.