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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1993

Logit-Analyse: Statistische Verfahren Zur Analyse Von Modellen Mit Qualitativen Response-Variablen by Urban, Dieter
Statistische Tolerierung: Qualität Der Konstruktiven Gestaltung by Klein, Bernd, Mannewitz, Frank
Barcelona Seminar on Stochastic Analysis: St. Feliu de Guíxols, 1991 by Nualart, Sanz Sole
Universality in Statistical Physics and Synergetics by Weberruß, Volker A.
Statistical Methods in Econometrics by Ramanathan, Ramu
Resampling-Based Multiple Testing: Examples and Methods for P-Value Adjustment by Young, S. Stanley, Westfall, Peter H.
Poisson Processes by Kingman, J. F.
Analysis and Geometry on Groups by Varopoulos, N., Saloff-Coste, L., Coulhon, T.
Fuzzy Measure Theory by Zhenyuan Wang, Klir, George J.
Elliptically Contoured Models in Statistics by Varga, Tamas, Gupta, Arjun K.
Nonparametric Methods in Change Point Problems by Darkhovsky, B. S., Brodsky, E.
Longitudinal Data with Serial Correlation: A State-Space Approach by Jones, Richard H.
Algorithms for Random Generation and Counting: A Markov Chain Approach by Sinclair, A.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics by Körezlioglu, H., Üstünel, A. S.
Elementary Theory of L-Functions and Eisenstein Series by Hida, Haruzo
Lectures on Ergodic Theory and Pesin Theory on Compact Manifolds by Pollicott, Mark
Asymptotic Behaviour of Soluti by Vishik, M. I.
Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions by Vishik, M. I.
Betting on Theories by Maher, Patrick
Elementary Theory of L-Functions and Eisenstein Series by Hida, Haruzo, None
Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices by Moglestue, C.
Bmdp Statistical Software Manual, 1992 Edition, 3 Volume Set. by
Bmdp Statistical Software Manual, 1992 Edition User's Digest. by
Statistische Methoden: Planung Und Auswertung by Sachs, Lothar
Tools for Statistical Inference: Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods by Tanner, Martin A.
Geostatistics Tróia '92: Volume 1 & 2 by
White Noise: An Infinite Dimensional Calculus by Hui-Hsiung Kuo, Potthoff, Jürgen, Hida, Takeyuki
Markov Decision Processes by White, D. J.
Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics by
Mathematical Programming in Statistics by Arthanari, T. S., Dodge, Yadolah
Minimax Theory of Image Reconstruction by Tsybakov, A. B., Korostelev, A. P.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics by Giri
Chance and Chaos by Ruelle, David
Stochastic Approach to Fatigue: Experiments, Modelling and Reliability Estimation by
Research and Development Statistics by Young, A., Wilson, R. a., Bosworth, D. L.
Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A roughness penalty approach by Silverman, Bernard W., Green, P. J.
Probability by Pitman, Jim
White Noise on Bialgebras by Schürmann, Michael
Introduction to Probability by Freund, John E.
Predictive Inference by Geisser, Seymour
Statistical Methods of Quality Assurance by Rinne, Horst, Mittag, Hans-Joachim
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1992 by Sharpe, Chung, Cinlar
Introduction to Numerical Methods for Water Resources by Wood, W. L.
The Glim System: Release 4 Manual by
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics by
Breakthroughs in Statistics: Foundations and Basic Theory by
Breakthroughs in Statistics: Methodology and Distribution by
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXI - 1991 by Maisonneuve, Bernard, Dawson, Donald A.
Bio-Statistik 2 by Precht, Manfred, Kraft, Roland
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Oberhofer, Walter
Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications by Percival, Donald B., Walden, Andrew T.
Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences by
Nonlinear Statistical Models by Pázman, Andrej
White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation and Theory by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Barstow, Martin A.
Schrödinger Equations and Diffusion Theory by Nagasawa, M.
Information and Classification: Concepts, Methods and Applications Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the "Gesellschaft Für Klassifikation E by
Eléments de Statistique Asymptotique by Picard, Dominique, Genon-Catalot, Valentine
Cartoon Guide to Statistics by Smith, Woollcott, Gonick, Larry
Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data: Applications by Van de Geer, John
Stability Problems for Stochastic Models: Proceedings of the International Seminar Held in Suzdal, Russia, Jan.27-Feb. 2,1991 by
Design of Experiments: A No-Name Approach by
Lmsst: 27 Hilbert Space by Retherford, J. R.
Numerical Mathematics: A Laboratory Approach by Breuer, S., Breuer, Shlomo, Zwas, Gideon
Hilbert Space: Compact Operators and the Trace Theorem by Retherford, J. R., None
Computerized Basin Analysis: The Prognosis of Energy and Mineral Resouces by
Applied Methods of Structural Reliability by Tichý, Milík
Statistics in Theory and Practice by Lupton, Robert
Large Deviations for Discrete-Time Processes with Averaging by Gulinsky, O. V., Veretennikov, A. Yu
Loglinear Models with Latent Variables by
Non-Linear Time Series ' a Dynamical System Approach ' by Tong, Howell, Tong
Probability by Karr, Alan F.
Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis by Lütkepohl, Helmut
Statistical Analysis of Spherical Data by Fisher, N. I.
Alternative Methods of Regression by Dodge, Yadolah, Birkes, David
Sample Survey Methods and Theory, Volume 1: Methods and Applications by Hurwitz, William N., Madow, William G., Hansen, Morris H.
Mathematical Foundations of the State Lumping of Large Systems by Korolyuk, Vladimir S., Turbin, A. F.
Unbiased Estimators and Their Applications: Volume 1: Univariate Case by Nikulin, M. S., Voinov, V. G.
Factor Analysis: An Applied Approach by D'Agostino, Ralph B., Cureton, Edward E.
Sample Survey Methods and Theory, Volume 2: Theory by Hurwitz, William N., Madow, William G., Hansen, Morris H.
Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences by Haining, Robert
Exercises in Fourier Analysis by Korner, T. W.
Duality and Perturbation Methods in Critical Point Theory by Ghoussoub, N., Ghoussoub, Nassif
Optimum Inductive Methods: A Study in Inductive Probability, Bayesian Statistics, and Verisimilitude by Festa, R.
Philosophy of Probability by
Statistical Theory by Lindgren, Bernard
Theory of Linear Models by Jorgensen, Bent
Counterexamples in Probability and Real Analysis by Wise, Gary L., Hall, Eric B.
How to Lie with Statistics by Huff, Darrell
Chaos, Fractals, and Noise: Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics by Mackey, Michael C., Lasota, Andrzej
Vademecum de l'Ingénieur En Musique by Barbaud, Pierre
Reliability Engineering by Aggarwal, K. K.
Reliability, Availability and Productiveness of Systems by Sherwin, D. J., Bossche, A.
A Handbook of Small Data Sets by Hand, David J., Daly, Fergus, McConway, K.
Computer Intensive Statistical Methods: Validation, Model Selection, and Bootstrap by Hjorth, J. S. Urban
Seminaire de Probabilites XXVII by
Entscheidungen in Der Allgemeinpraxis: Die Medizin Der Symptome by Tönies, Hans
An Easy Guide to Factor Analysis by Kline, Paul
Limit Theorems for Unions of Random Closed Sets by Molchanov, Ilya S.
Theory of U-Statistics by Korolyuk, Vladimir S., Borovskich, Y. V.
Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor Devices by Tomizawa, Kazutaka
Elements of Dual Scaling: An Introduction To Practical Data Analysis by Nishisato, Shizuhiko
Practical Risk Theory for Actuaries by Pesonen, Martti, Daykin, C. D., Pentikainen, T.
Problems and Snapshots from the World of Probability by Holst, Lars, Sandell, Dennis, Blom, Gunnar
Conceptual Statistics for Beginners by Newman, Isadore, Newman, Carole
Human Reliability and Safety Analysis Data Handbook by Gertman, David I., Blackman, Harold S.
Statistical Models for Causal Analysis by Retherford, Robert D., Choe, Minja Kim
Dirichlet Forms by Fabes, E., Fukushima, M.
Statistical Mechanics and Fractals by Dobrushin, Roland L., Kusuoka, Shigeo
Numerical Solution of Sde Through Computer Experiments by Schurz, Henri, Platen, Eckhard, Kloeden, Peter Eris
Proceedings of the First Us/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach: Volume 3 Engineering and Scientific by
Very High Angular Resolution Imaging: Proceedings of the 158th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at the Women's College, Univers by
Proceedings of the First Us/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach: Volume 1 Theory and Methodology of T by
Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and Its Applications to Historical Dating: Volume II: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records by Fomenko, A. T.
Very High Angular Resolution Imaging: Proceedings of the 158th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at the Women's College, Univers by
Mathematical Methods in Queuing Theory by Kalashnikov, Vladimir V.
Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and Its Applications to Historical Dating: Volume I: The Development of the Statistical Tools by Fomenko, A. T.
Proceedings of the First Us/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling: An Informational Approach: Volume 2 Multivariate Statistical Mo by
Proceedings of the Third Finnish-Soviet Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Turku, Finland, August 13-16, 1991 by