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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1995

A Concept of Generalized Order Statistics by
Angewandte Statistik Mit SAS: Eine Einführung by Falk, Michael, Marohn, Frank, Becker, Rainer
The Dynkin Festschrift: Markov Processes and Their Applications by
Elementare Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung: mit 82 Beispielen und 73 Übungsaufgaben mit vollständigem Lösungsweg by Bosch, Karl
Statistical Bases of Reference Values in Laboratory Medicine by Boyd, James C., Harris, Harris, Eugene K.
Random Sums and Branching Stochastic Processes by Rahimov, Ibrahim
Stochastic Ordering and Dependence in Applied Probability by Szekli, R.
Multivalent Functions by Hayman, W. K., W. K., Hayman
Spinors in Hilbert Space by Plymen, Roger
Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis: Proceedings of the 1993 Alexandria Conference by Petersen, K.
Wavelets and Operators: Volume 1 by Meyer, Yves
Economics, Econometrics and the Link: Essays in Honor of Lawrence R. Klein by
Instability and Variability of Hot-Star Winds by
Analysis on Symmetric Cones by Faraut, Jacques, Korányi, Adam
Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics: PC Version by Garrod, Claude
The Weighted Bootstrap by Bertail, Patrice, Barbe, Philippe
The Technique of Pseudodifferential Operators by H. O., Cordes, Cordes, H. O., Codes, H. O.
Intro Theo Riemann Zeta Function by Patterson, Stephen J.
The Pleasures of Probability by Isaac, Richard
Computations with Markov Chains: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains by
Gaussian Random Functions by Lifshits, M. a.
Business Survey Methods by
Mathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof by Taylor, Alan D.
The Normal Distribution: Characterizations with Applications by Bryc, Wlodzimierz
Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Bethea, Robert M.
Xplore: An Interactive Statistical Computing Environment by Härdle, Wolfgang, Klinke, Sigbert, Turlach, Berwin A.
Statistical Analysis of Observations of Increasing Dimension by Girko, V. L.
Goal Programming: Methodology and Applications: Methodology and Applications by Schniederjans, Marc
Hilbert C*-Modules: A Toolkit for Operator Algebraists by E. Christopher, Lance, Lance, E. Christopher
Distribution-Free Statistical Methods, Second Edition by Maritz, J. S.
From Brownian Motion to Schrödinger's Equation by Chung, Kai L., Zhao, Zhongxin
Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications by
Branching Processes: Proceedings of the First World Congress by
Recent Advances in Life-Testing and Reliability by Balakrishnan N
Absolutely Summing Operators by Diestel, Joe
Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems by Katok, Anatole, Hasselblatt, Boris
Potential Theory in the Complex Plane by Ransford, Thomas, Thomas, Ransford
A Primer of Nonlinear Analysis by Ambrosetti, Antonio
Potential Theory in the Complex Plane by Ransford, Thomas
Positive Harmonic Functions and Diffusion by Pinsky, Ross G.
Hochschild Cohomology of Von Neumann Algebras by Sinclair, A., Sinclair, Allan M., Smith, Roger R.
The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion by Hall, Peter
Problem Solving: A statistician's guide, Second edition by Chatfield, Chris
Elementary Applications of Probability Theory by Tuckwell, Henry C.
Optimal Design and Control: Proceedings of the Workshop on Optimal Design and Control Blacksburg, Virginia April 8-9, 1994 by
Moda4 -- Advances in Model-Oriented Data Analysis: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop in Spetses, Greece June 5-9, 1995 by
Random Walks and Random Environments: Volume 1: Random Walks by Hughes, Barry D.
Bilinear Forms and Zonal Polynomials by Hayakawa, Takesi, Mathai, Arak M., Provost, Serge B.
Linear and Graphical Models: For the Multivariate Complex Normal Distribution by Sorensen, Dorte, Andersen, Heidi H., Hojbjerre, Malene
Topics in the Constructive Theory of Countable Markov Chains by Fayolle, G.
Exercises and Solutions Manual for Integration and Probability: By Paul Malliavin by Letac, Gerard
Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Queueing Theory: The Mathematics of Computer Performance Modeling by Nelson, Randolph
Integration and Probability by Malliavin, Paul
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory: Sequences of Independent Random Variables by Petrov, Valentin V.
Saddlepoint Approximations by Jensen, Jens Ledet
Modelling Frequency and Count Data by Lindsey, J. K., Lindsey, James K.
A Mathematical Theory of Hints: An Approach to the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence by Monney, Paul-Andre, Kohlas, Juerg
Random Fields on a Network: Modeling, Statistics, and Applications by Guyon, Xavier
Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes by Andersen, Per K., Gill, Richard D., Borgan, Ornulf
Discrete Probability and Algorithms by
Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Innsbruck, Austria, 10-14 July, 1995 by
Recent Advances in Clinical Trial Design and Analysis by
Harmonic Approximation by Gardiner, Stephen J., Stephen J., Gardiner
Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry by Olver, P., Olver, Peter J.
Asymptotic Efficiency of Nonparametric Tests by Nikitin, Yakov, Nikitin, Ia Iu, Yakov, Nikitin
Proceedings of the Issek94 Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Artificial Intelligence by
Models for Uncertainty in Educational Testing by Longford, Nicholas T.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics: A Theoretical and Statistical Approach to Agricultural Markets by Finkenstädt, Bärbel
Lectures on Probability Theory: Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXIII - 1993 by Biane, Philippe, Durrett, Richard
Statistical Sciences by
The Jackknife and Bootstrap by Tu, Dongsheng, Shao, Jun
Design and Analysis of Experiments for Statistical Selection, Screening, and Multiple Comparisons by Bechhofer, Robert E., Santner, Thomas J., Goldsman, David M.
Wavelets and Statistics by Antoniadis, Anestis, Oppenheim, Georges
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1993 by
Reduced Rank Regression: With Applications to Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships by Schmidli, Heinz
Epidemic Models by
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by
Stochastic Programming by Prékopa, András
Stochastic Modeling of Scientific Data by Guttorp, Peter
Regularity Theory and Stochastic Flows for Parabolic Ispdes by Flandoli, Franco
Advanced Probability Theory, Second Edition, by Galambos, Janos
Recent Advances in Descriptive Multivariate Analysis by
Marked Point Processes on the Real Line: The Dynamical Approach by Brandt, Andreas, Last, Günter
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Volume II by
Theory of Statistics by Schervish, Mark J.
Smooth Ergodic Theory of Random Dynamical Systems by Liu, Pei-Dong, Qian, Min
Non-Regular Statistical Estimation by Akahira, Masafumi, Takeuchi, Kei
New Cambridge Statistical Tables by Lindley, D. V., Scott, W. F.
Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence by
Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Beijing, China, October 25-31, 1993 by
Mathematics, Statistics and Probability by Merrett, C., Broughton, Vanda
An Introduction to Analysis on Wiener Space by Üstünel, Ali S.
Seminaire de Probabilites XXIX by
Advances in Queueing Theory, Methods, and Open Problems by Dshalalow, Jewgeni H.
Potential Theory on Infinite-Dimensional Abelian Groups by Bendikov, Alexander
Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations by
The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: A Student Introduction by Wilmott, Paul, Wilmott, P., Howson, Susan
The Theory of Distributions: A Nontechnical Introduction by Richards, Ian, Richards, Youn, Heekyung
Advanced Lims Technology: Case Studies and Business Opportunities by
Human Identification: The Use of DNA Markers by
Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy by Albrecht, Miguel A.
Contact Mechanics by Contact Mechanics International Symposium
Probability Theory: An Advanced Course by Borkar, Vivek S.
Practical Handbook of Spatial Statistics by
Basic Principles of Structural Equation Modeling: An Introduction to Lisrel and Eqs by Mueller, Ralph O.
Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics in the Medical Sciences by Everitt, Everitt, Brian S., Everitt, Brian
Informatik Für Maschinenbauer by Probst, Robert, Zauner, Martin, Kopacek, Peter
Fundamentals of Behavior Analytic Research by Poling, Alan, Methot, Laura L., Lesage, Mark G.
Discrete Stochastic Processes by Gallager, Robert G.
Stochastic Processes: General Theory by Rao, Malempati M.
Probability Theory, Random Processes and Mathematical Statistics by Rozanov, Y.
Indirect Estimators in U.S. Federal Programs by
Applied Multivariate Techniques by Sharma, Subhash
Statistical Theory and Applications by
Biomathematik: Eine Einführung Für Biologen Und Mediziner by Timischl, Werner
Sums and Gaussian Vectors by Yurinsky, Vadim
From Data to Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization by
Quantum Probability for Probabilists by Meyer, Paul A.
Probability Theory by Bauer, Heinz
Families of Exponentials: The Method of Moments in Controllability Problems for Distributed Parameter Systems by Ivanov, Sergei A., Avdonin, Ivanov, Avdonin, Sergei A.
Lifetime Data: Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis by
The Kalman Filter in Finance by Wells, C.
Cataclysmic Variables by
Martingales & Stochastic Analysis (V1) by Yeh, James J.
Random Discrete Structures by
Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes: Basic Optimality Criteria by Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo, Lasserre, Jean B.
Medizinische Statistik: Klinische Forschung: Von Der Idee Zum Ergebnis by
Plans d'Expérience Factoriels: Construction Et Propriétés Des Fractions de Plans by Collombier, Dominique
Introduction to Crystallographic Statistics by Weiss, George H., Shmueli, Uri
Robust Statistics, Data Analysis, and Computer Intensive Methods: In Honor of Peter Huber's 60th Birthday by
Introduction to Statistical Time Series by Fuller, Wayne A.