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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1997

Real Data: A Statistics Workbook Based on Empirical Data by Holcomb, Zealure C.
Algorithmische Informationstheorie: Statistische Informationstheorie Und Anwendungen Auf Algorithmische Fragestellungen by Hotz, Günther
Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis: In Celebration of M.M. Rao's 65th Birthday by Goldstein, Goldstein, Rao, M. M., Goldstein, Jerome A.
Stochastische Prozesse Für Ingenieure by
Stochastik Für Einsteiger by Henze, Norbert
Numerik Der Optimierung by Terno, Johannes, Großmann, Christian
S-Plus by Böker, Fred
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistik in Beispielen Und Aufgaben by Partzsch, Lothar, Storm, Regina, Nollau, Volker
Markov Processes for Stochastic Modeling by Kijima, Masaaki
The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education by
Experimental Design and the Analysis of Variance by Leik, Robert K.
Beyond Anova: Basics of Applied Statistics by Miller
Introduction to Asymptotics - A Treatment Using Nonstandard Analysis by Jones, Douglas S.
Survival Analysis with Long-Term Survivors by Maller, Ross A., Zhou, Xian
Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality by
Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models by Harrison, Jeff, West, Mike
An Introduction to Integration and Measure Theory by Nielsen, Ole A.
Interior Point Techniques in Optimization: Complementarity, Sensitivity and Algorithms by Jansen, B.
Systems and Control in the Twenty-First Century by Martin, Clyde F., Datta, Biswa N., Byrnes, Christopher I.
Martingale Approximation by Borovskikh, Yu V., Korolyuk, V. S.
Methods for Statistical Data Analysis of Multivariate Observations by Gnanadesikan, R.
Discrete Multivariate Distributions by Johnson, Norman L., Kotz, Samuel, Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy
A Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets by Wojtaszczyk, P., Wojtaszczyk, Przemysaw
A Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets by Wojtaszczyk, P., Wojtaszczyk, Przemysaw
Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference Hagen (Germany) by
Survey Measurement and Process Quality by
A Weak Convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations by Dupuis, Paul, Ellis, Richard S.
The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife(spain), 22-26 April 1996 by
Topics in the Foundation of Statistics by
Theoretical Computational Dynamics by Pai
Construction and Assessment of Classification Rules by Hand, David J.
Analysis of Variance for Sensory Data by Lea, Per, Rødbotten, Marit, Næs, Tormod
Festschrift for Lucien Le CAM: Research Papers in Probability and Statistics by
Sequential Estimation by Ghosh, Malay, Mukhopadhyay, Nitis, Sen, Pranab Kumar
Life Insurance Mathematics by Gerber, Hans U.
Introduction to the Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data by Andersen, Erling B.
Some Aspects of Brownian Motion: Part II: Some Recent Martingale Problems by Yor, Marc
Lineare Regression Und Verwandtes: Beispiele Mit Lösungsvorschlägen by Riedwyl, Hans
Linear Models by Searle, Shayle R.
Conditional Monte Carlo: Gradient Estimation and Optimization Applications by Jian-Qiang Hu, Fu, Michael C.
Optimization in Quality Control by Sultan, Khalaf S., Rahim, M. A.
Advection and Diffusion in Random Media: Implications for Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies by Ostrovskii, A., Piterbarg, Leonid
Probability, Dynamics and Causality: Essays in Honour of Richard C. Jeffrey by
Meeting Special Needs in the Early Years: Directions in Policy and Practice by Wolfendale, Sheila
Monte Carlo Simulation by Mooney, Christopher Z.
Metadata Management in Statistical Information Processing: A Unified Framework for Metadata-Based Processing of Statistical Data Aggregates by Froeschl, Karl A.
Statistics and Public Policy by Spencer, B. D.
Seminaire de Probabilites XXXI by
The Making of Tests for Index Numbers: Mathematical Methods of Descriptive Statistics by Vogt, Arthur, Barta, Janos
Stochastic Analysis by Malliavin, Paul
Elements of Multivariate Time Series Analysis by Reinsel, Gregory, Reinsel, Gragory
Einführung in S Und S-Plus: Mit Aufgaben Und Vollständigen Lösungen by Krause, Andreas
Stochastic Flows and Stochastic Differential Equations by Hiroshi, Kunita, Kunita, Hiroshi
Statistics: The Conceptual Approach by Iversen, Gudmund R., Gergen, Mary
Geostatistics Wollongong' 96: Volume 2 by
Random Evolutions and Their Applications by Swishchuk, Anatoly
Statistisch Gesehen: Grundlegende Ideen Der Statistik Leicht Erklärt by Phillips, John L. Jr.
Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics by
Multivariate Models and Multivariate Dependence Concepts by Joe, Harry
Log-Linear Models for Event Histories by Vermunt, Jeroen K.
Data Structures for Computational Statistics by Klinke, Sigbert
Robust Inference: Volume 15 by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present by
Viscosity Solutions and Applications: Lectures Given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Montecatini by Crandall, Michael G., Bardi, Martino
Business Statistics: A Self-Teaching Guide by Koosis, Donald J.
Introduction to Subfactors by Jones, V., Sunder, V. S., Jones, Vaughan
Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data by
Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems by
Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm by Royall, Richard
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics: Volume III by
Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis by Sachkov, V., Sachkov, V. N., Sachov, V. N.
Robust Planning and Analysis of Experiments by Mueller, Christine H.
Proceedings of the First Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics: Survival Analysis: Survival Analysis by
Applying Generalized Linear Models by Lindsey, James K.
Model-Oriented Design of Experiments by Fedorov, Valerii V., Hackl, Peter
Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II by
Numerical by
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, F. C., Hoppensteadt, Frank C.
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, Frank C., Hoppensteadt, F. C.
The James Forest by Buen, Berta Gamboa de, Fetter, Helga, Gamboa de Buen, Berta
Wavelets: Calder N-Zygmund and Multilinear Operators by Meyer, Yves
Asymptotic Behaviour of Linearly Transformed Sums of Random Variables by Solntsev, Serguei, Buldygin, V. V.
Geometric Sums: Bounds for Rare Events with Applications: Risk Analysis, Reliability, Queueing by Kalashnikov, Vladimir V.
Information Theory and Statistics by Kullback, Solomon
Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes by Küchler, Uwe, Sorensen, Michael
Gaussian Hilbert Spaces by Janson, Svante
Geometrical Foundations of Asymptotic Inference by Kass, Robert E., Vos, Paul W.
CRC Handbook of Tables for Order Statistics from Inverse Gaussian Distributions with Applications by Chen, William, Balakrishnan, N.
Foundations of Queueing Theory by Prabhu, N. U.
Limit Theory for Mixing Dependent Random Variables by Lu Chuanrong, Lin Zhengyan
Quasi-Likelihood and Its Application: A General Approach to Optimal Parameter Estimation by Heyde, Christopher C.
Prove It with Figures: Empirical Methods in Law and Litigation by Zeisel, Hans, Kaye, David
Nonparametric Smoothing and Lack-Of-Fit Tests by Hart, Jeffrey
Principles of Statistical Inference from a Neo-Fisherian Perspective by Pace, Luigi, Salvan, Alessandra
Statistics and Truth: Putting Chance to Work (2nd Edition) by Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna
Principles of Statistical Inference from a Neo-Fisherian Perspective by Pace, Luigi, Salvan, Alessandra
Linear Mixed Models in Practice: A Sas-Oriented Approach by
Breakthroughs in Statistics by
Mastering Statistics by Hannagan, T. J.
A First Course in Multivariate Statistics by Flury, Bernard
Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume III by Kotz
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXVI - 1996 by Giné, Evarist, Grimmett, Geoffrey R.
Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations by Csiszar, Imre, Michaletzky, Gyorgy, Csizar, Imre
Gslib: Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide by Journel, Andre G., Deutsch, Clayton V.
Statistik Mit Mathematica(r): Methoden Und Ihre Anwendungen by Jäger, Andreas H.
A Mathematical Introduction to String Theory: Variational Problems, Geometric and Probabilistic Methods by Albeverio, Sergio a.
Understanding Regression Analysis by Allen, Michael Patrick
Astronomical Time Series: Proceedings of the Florence and George Wise Observatory 25th Anniversary Symposium Held in Tel-Aviv, Israel, 30 Decemb by
Mathematics of Data Fusion by Goodman, I. R., Mahler, R. P., Hung T. Nguyen
Geoenv I -- Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: Proceedings of the Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, by
Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations by
Fundamentals of Descriptive Statistics by Holcomb, Zealure C.
The Theory of Canonical Moments with Applications in Statistics, Probability, and Analysis by Dette, Holger, Studden, William J.
Probability Theory by Chow, Yuan Shih, Teicher, Henry
Statistical Analysis Methods for Chemists: A Software Based Approach by Gardiner, William P.
Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression by Christensen, Ronald
Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications by
Conference on Statistical Science Honouring the Bicentennial of Stefano Franscini's Birth: Ascona November 18-20, 1996 by
Topics in Disordered Systems by Newman, Charles M.
Laws of Chaos: Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in One Dimension by
Processus Stochastiques Et Fiabilité Des Systèmes by Cocozza-Thivent, Christiane
Fourier Series and Integral Transforms by Pinkus, Allan
Fourier Series and Integral Transforms by Pinkus, Allan
Mathematical Tools for Applied Multivariate Analysis by Carroll, J. Douglas, Green, Paul
Non-Archimedean Analysis: Quantum Paradoxes, Dynamical Systems and Biological Models by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
Causality in Crisis?: Statistical Methods & Search for Causal Knowledge in Social Sciences by
Topological Dynamics of Random Dynamical Systems by Cong, Nguyen Dinh
Mathematics of Derivative Securities by
Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science: Property, Proof, and Dispute in Catalonia Around the Year 1000 by Van Evera, Stephen
Discrete Probability by Gordon, Hugh
Applied Survival Analysis by Le, Chap T.
Bootstrap Methods and Their Application by Davison, A. C.
Neyman by Reid, Constance
Random Sets: Theory and Applications by
Classical Statistical Mechanics by Martynov, G. a.
Méthodes de Monte-Carlo Pour Les Équations de Transport Et de Diffusion by Lapeyre, Bernard, Sentis, Rémi, Pardoux, Etienne
Diffusions and Elliptic Operators by Bass, Richard F.
Probability Theory III: Stochastic Calculus by
Combinatorial Optimization by Cunningham, William H., Pulleyblank, William R., Cook, William J.
Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences by
Visual Double Stars: Formation, Dynamics and Evolutionary Tracks by
Data Driven Statistical Methods by Sprent, Peter
Odds Ratios in the Analysis of Contingency Tables by Rudas, Tamas
Time Series, Unit Roots, and Cointegration by Dhrymes, Phoebus J.
Statistical Physics of Fracture and Breakdown in Disordered Systems by Benguigui, L. Gilles, Chakrabarti, Bikas K.
Integral, Probability, and Fractal Measures by Edgar, Gerald A.
Stochastic Storage Processes: Queues, Insurance Risk, Dams, and Data Communication by Prabhu, N. U.
Statistics in Human Genetics by Sham, Pak
Selected Papers of Hirotugu Akaike by
Neural Network Data Analysis Using Simulnet(tm) [With CDROM] by Rzempoluck, Edward J.
Introduction to Geometric Probability by Rota, Gian-Carlo, Klain, Daniel A.
Introduction to Geometric Probability by Rota, Gian-Carlo, Klain, Daniel A.
Multivariate Inference by Rencher, Alvin C.
Limit Theorems in Change-Point Analysis by Csörgö, Miklós, Horváth, Lajos