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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 1998

Elementare Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Warmuth, Walter, Warmuth, Elke
The SPSS Guide to the New Statistical Analysis of Data: By T.W. Anderson and Jeremy D. Finn by Voelkl, Kristin E., Gerber, Susan B.
Wie oft können sich empirische Lorenzkurven schneiden? by Scherer, Frank
Probabilistic Modelling by Isi, Mitrani, Mitrani, I., Mitrani, Isi
Probabilistic Modelling by Mitrani, Mitrani, Isi, Mitrani, I.
Data Mining: Theoretische Aspekte Und Anwendungen by
Spc Simplified: Practical Steps to Quality by Amsden, Robert T.
Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models by Khuri, André I., Mathew, Thomas, Sinha, Bimal K.
Stochastik Mit Mathematica: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch by Overbeck-Larisch, Maria H., Dolejsky, Wolfgang
New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys: Proceedings of the 179th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Baltimore, U.S.A., by
New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys: Proceedings of the 179th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Baltimore, U.S.A., by
Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics by
Improving Efficiency by Shrinkage: The James--Stein and Ridge Regression Estimators by Gruber, Marvin
The Root Cause Analysis Handbook: A Simplified Approach to Identifying, Correcting, and Reporting Workplace Errors by Ammerman, Max
Statistics and Data Analysis: An Introduction by Morgan, Charles J., Siegel, Andrew F.
High Dimensional Probability by
Classification, Data Analysis, and Data Highways: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft Für Klassifikation E.V., University of by
Survival Analysis by Miller, Rupert G.
Sampling Inspection Tables: Single and Double Sampling by Dodge, Harold F., Romig, Harry G.
Reflections on Statistics: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Grades K-12 by
Data Science, Classification, and Related Methods: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (If by
Structural Equation Modeling with Lisrel, Prelis, and Simplis: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming by Byrne, Barbara M.
Reflections on Statistics: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Grades K-12 by
Modern Simulation and Modeling by Rubinstein, Reuven Y., Melamed, Benjamin
Evolutionary Operation: A Statistical Method for Process Improvement by Box, George E. P., Draper, Norman R.
Data, Statistics, and Decision Models with Excel by Harnett, Donald L., Horrell, James F.
Basic Business Statistics: A Casebook by Waterman, Richard P., Foster, Dean P., Stine, Robert A.
The Boundary-Domain Integral Method for Elliptic Systems: With Application to Shells by Pomp, Andreas
Probability Theory of Classical Euclidean Optimization Problems by Yukich, Joseph E.
Mass Transportation Problems: Volume 1: Theory by Rachev, Svetlozar T., Rüschendorf, Ludger
Mass Transportation Problems: Applications by Rüschendorf, Ludger, Rachev, Svetlozar T.
S+spatialstats: User's Manual for Windows(r) and Unix(r) by Vega, Silvia C., Cardoso, Tamre P., Kaluzny, Stephen P.
Probability Towards 2000 by
Learning in Graphical Models by
Random Fields and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Rozanov, Y.
Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool by Pantula, Sastry G., Dickey, David A., Rawlings, John O.
Applied Regression Analysis 3e by Smith, Harry, Draper, Norman R.
Statistical Tables: For Students of Science Engineering Psychology Business Management Finance by Barnes, J. a., Murdoch, John
Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys by Groves, Robert M., Couper, Mick P.
Wavelets, Approximation, and Statistical Applications by Härdle, Wolfgang, Kerkyacharian, Gerard, Picard, Dominique
Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics by Horowitz, Joel L.
Efficient and Adaptive Estimation for Semiparametric Models by Ritov, Ya'acov, Bickel, Peter J., Klaassen, Chris A. J.
Theory of Probability by Gnedenko, Boris V.
Continuous Strong Markov Processes in Dimension One: A Stochastic Calculus Approach by Assing, Sigurd, Schmidt, Wolfgang M.
Moda 5 - Advances in Model-Oriented Data Analysis and Experimental Design: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop in Marseilles, France, June 2 by
Séminaire de Probabilités XXXII by
Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics by
Holomorphic Spaces by
Fuzzy Sets in Decision Analysis, Operations Research and Statistics by
Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling by
Interaction and Nonlinear Effects in Structural Equation Modeling by
Applied Correspondence Analysis: An Introduction by Clausen, Sten Erik
Statistical Data Analysis by Cowan, Glen
Statistical Data Analysis by Cowan, Glen
Chemometric Techniques for Quantitative Analysis by Kramer, Richard
Chances Are: The Only Statistic Book You'll Ever Need by Slavin, Steve
Homogenization in Time of Singularly Perturbed Mechanical Systems by Bornemann, Folkmar
Collected Works of Jaroslav Hájek: With Commentary by
Stochastic Processes and Related Topics: In Memory of Stamatis Cambanis 1943-1995 by Taqqu, Murad S., Karatzas, Ioannis, Cambanis, S.
Records by Nagaraja, Haikady N., Arnold, Barry C., Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy
Order Statistics: Theory and Methods: Volume 16 by
Advances in Data Science and Classification: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (Ifcs-98) U by
Misused Statistics by Spirer, Herbert, Spirer, Louise
Case Studies in Data Analysis by
An Asymptotic Theory for Empirical Reliability and Concentration Processes by Csörgö, Miklos, Csörgö, Sandor, Horváth, Lajos
Baufachrechnen: Hochbau + Ausbau by Cremmer, Rolf, Dippel, Frank
Markov Chains by J. R., Norris, Norris, J., Norris, James R.
Mathematical Statistics by Pestman, Wiebe R.
Mathematical Statistics by Alberink, Ivo B., Pestman, Wiebe R.
Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics 13th Symposium Held in Bristol, Great Britain, 1998 by
General Topology: Chapters 5-10 by Bourbaki, N.
General Topology: Chapters 1-4 by Bourbaki, N.
Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 by Bourbaki, N.
Metric Number Theory by Harman, Glyn
Numerical Linear Algebra for Applications in Statistics by Gentle, James E.
Numerical Methods for Polymeric Systems by
Nonparametric Statistics for Stochastic Processes: Estimation and Prediction by Bosq, D.
Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment by
Nonlinear Optical Materials by
Theory of Point Estimation by Lehmann, Erich L., Casella, George
Statistical Quality Control: Strategies and Tools for Continual Improvement by Ledolter, Johannes, Burrill, Claude
Brownian Motion, Obstacles and Random Media by Sznitman, Alain-Sol
Random Dynamical Systems by Arnold, Ludwig
Markov Set-Chains by Hartfiel, Darald J.
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXV - 1995 by Barlow, Martin T., Nualart, David
Linear Programming and Extensions by Dantzig, George B.
Advances in Stochastic Models for Reliablity, Quality and Safety by
Statistics by Harper, W. M.
Sample-Path Analysis of Queueing Systems by El-Taha, Muhammad, Stidham Jr, Shaler
Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection: A Data Mining Perspective by
Exponential Family Nonlinear Models by Wei, Bo-Cheng
Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes by Kutoyants, Yu A.
The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities by Dembski, William A.
K-Theory for Operator Algebras by Blackadar, Bruce
Approximation of Free-Discontinuity Problems by Braides, Andrea
Quantum Stochastic Calculus and Representations of Lie Superalgebras by Eyre, Timothy M. W.
Testing for Random Walk Coefficients in Regression and State Space Models by Moryson, Martin
Model Theory and Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to E. Hrushovski's Proof of the Geometric Mordell-Lang Conjecture by
Orthonormal Systems and Banach Space Geometry by Pietsch, Albrecht, Pietsch, A., Wenzel, Jorg
Basic Linear Geostatistics by Armstrong, Margaret
Comparisons of Stochastic Matrices with Applications in Information Theory, Statistics, Economics and Population Sciences by Zbăganu, Gheorghe, Cohen, Joel E., Kemperman, J. H. B.
On Science, Inference, Information and Decision-Making: Selected Essays in the Philosophy of Science by Szaniawski, A.
Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing Systems by Sennott, Linn I.
Regression Graphics: Ideas for Studying Regressions Through Graphics by Cook, R. Dennis
Statistical Learning Theory by Vapnik, Vladimir N.
The Mu-Calculus and the Hierarchy Problem by Lenzi, Giacomo
Imperfections de Marchés Et Méthodes d'Evaluation Et Couverture d'Options by Pham, Huyen
Nichtparametrische Analyse Longitudinaler Daten by Brunner, Edgar, Langer, Frank
Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets by
Basic Stochastic Processes: A Course Through Exercises by Zastawniak, Tomasz, Brzezniak, Zdzislaw
Knowledge Spaces by Falmagne, Jean-Claude, Doignon, Jean-Paul
Actuarial Models for Disability Insurance by Pitacco, E., Haberman, Steven
Quality Sampling and Reliability: New Uses for the Poisson Distribution by Heldt, John J.
Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection by Baker, Reginald P.
A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails: Statistical Techniques and Applications by
The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: Statistical Theory and Applications by Seshadri, V.
Belief Change by
Analytical Theory of Biological Populations by Lotka, Alfred J.
Timed Petri Nets: Theory and Application by Jiacun Wang
The Theory of Finslerian Laplacians and Applications by
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods: Boise, Idaho, Usa, 1997 Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods o by Smith, C. R., Rychert, Joshua T., Erickson, G.
Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena: Uncertainty, Complexity and Chaotic Behavior in Engineering and Science by Woyczynski, Wojbor, Denker, Manfred
Stochastic Analysis, Control, Optimization and Applications: A Volume in Honor of W.H. Fleming by
Analysis of Divergence: Control and Management of Divergent Processes by
Elementary Stochastic Calculus, ... (V6) by Mikosch, Thomas
Maxima and Minima with Applications: Practical Optimization and Duality by Kaplan, Wilfred
Modern Statistical, Systems, and GPSS Simulation, Second Edition by Karian, Zaven A., Dudewicz, Edward J.
Theory of Probability by Jeffreys, Harold
Random Graphs by Kolchin, V. F.
Worldwide Asset and Liability Modeling by
Tomita-Takesaki Theory in Algebras of Unbounded Operators by Inoue, Atsushi
Modern Cryptography, Probabilistic Proofs and Pseudorandomness by Goldreich, Oded
Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas: Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithms for Macromolecular Modelling by
Data Analysis: Statistical and Computational Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Brandt, Siegmund
Algebraic Geometry V: Fano Varieties by
Hausdorff Measures by Rogers, C. A.
Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization by
Optimal Filtering: Volume I: Filtering of Stochastic Processes by Fomin, V. N.
Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe by Chakrabarti, Sandip
Statistical and Probabilistic Models in Reliability by
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics: Volume IV by
Scaling Limits of Interacting Particle Systems by Kipnis, Claude, Landim, Claudio
Elements of Large-Sample Theory by Lehmann, E. L.
Complex Analysis by Lang, Serge
Fitting Linear Relationships: A History of the Calculus of Observations 1750-1900 by Farebrother, R. W.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics VI: Proceedings of the Sixth Oslo--Silivri Workshop Geilo 1996 by
Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion by Yor, Marc, Revuz, Daniel
Decoupling: From Dependence to Independence by Giné, Evarist, Peña, Victor de la
The Logarithmic Integral: Volume 1 by Koosis, Paul
Levy Processes by Jean, Bertoin, Bertoin, Jean
Multiple Regression: A Primer by Allison, Paul D.
Iutam Symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis by
Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Physics and Chemistry by
Fundamentals of Finslerian Diffusion with Applications by Zastawniak, T. J., Antonelli, P. L.