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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2005

Inverse Problem Theory and Methods for Model Parameter Estimation by Tarantola, Albert
Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis by Qiu, Peihua
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equations: Fundamentals and Applications by Frank, T. D.
Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures by Studeny, Milan
Eigenvalues, Inequalities, and Ergodic Theory by Chen, Mu-Fa
Handbook of Number Theory II by Sandor, Jozsef, Crstici, Borislav
Metaheuristic Optimization Via Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter Search by
Applied Mathematical Demography by Caswell, Hal, Keyfitz, Nathan
Inference for Change Point and Post Change Means After a Cusum Test by Wu, Yanhong
Power Laws in the Information Production Process: Lotkaian Informetrics by
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 7 by
Invariant Probabilities of Markov-Feller Operators and Their Supports by Zaharopol, Radu
Übungsbuch Zur Angewandten Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie: Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Hesse, Christian H., Meister, Alexander
Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems by Marques, R. P., Costa, O. L. V., Fragoso, M. D.
Applied Rasch Measurement: A Book of Exemplars: Papers in Honour of John P. Keeves by
Gene Genealogies, Variation and Evolution: A Primer in Coalescent Theory by Schierup, Mikkel, Hein, Jotun, Wiuf, Carsten
Gaussian Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications by Rue, Havard, Held, Leonhard
Quantum Independent Increment Processes I: From Classical Probability to Quantum Stochastic Calculus by Bhat, B. V. Rajarama, Applebaum, David
Large Deviations and Metastability by Olivieri, Enzo
Bayesian Nets and Causality: Philosophical and Computational Foundations by Williamson, Jon
Applied Optimal Designs by
Weight-Of-Evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles by Balding, David J.
Die Politik Der Großen Zahlen: Eine Geschichte Der Statistischen Denkweise by Desrosières, Alain
Optimization and Control with Applications by
Fuzzy Probabilities: New Approach and Applications by Buckley, James J.
Advancing Maths for Aqa: Statistics 2 2nd Edition (S2) by Eaton, Graham, Boardman, Sam, Williamson, Roger
Spieltheorie: Dynamische Behandlung Von Spielen by Krabs, Werner
An R and S-Plus(r) Companion to Multivariate Analysis by Everitt, Brian S.
The Generic Chaining: Upper and Lower Bounds of Stochastic Processes by Talagrand, Michel
Pseudosolution of Linear Functional Equations: Parameters Estimation of Linear Functional Relationships by Mechenov, Alexander S.
Exploring Probability in School: Challenges for Teaching and Learning by
Algorithmic Learning in a Random World by Vovk, Vladimir, Gammerman, Alex, Shafer, Glenn
Spieltheorie für Nichtmathematiker by Davis, Morton D.
Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis by Kaufman, Leonard, Rousseeuw, Peter J.
Using SPSS for Windows: Data Analysis and Graphics by Finn, Kristin Voelkl, Gerber, Susan B.
An Introduction to Markov Processes by Stroock, Daniel W.
Risk Assessment and Decision Making in Business and Industry: A Practical Guide, Second Edition by Koller, Glenn
Working With Numbers and Statistics: A Handbook for Journalists by Voakes, Paul S., Livingston, Charles
Working with Numbers and Statistics: A Handbook for Journalists by Livingston, Charles, Voakes, Paul S.
Dynamics of Stochastic Systems by Klyatskin, Valery I.
Experimental Design for Formulation by Smith, Wendell F.
Combinatorial Methods by Charalambides, Charalambos A.
Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Moyé, Lemuel A., Chan, Wenyaw, Kapadia, Asha Seth
Conditional Measures and Applications by Rao, M. M.
Harmonic Measure by Marshall, Donald E., Garnett, John B.
Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions by Hampel, Frank R., Ronchetti, Elvezio M., Rousseeuw, Peter J.
Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems by
Numerical Methods for Structured Markov Chains by Bini, Dario A., Latouche, Guy, Meini, Beatrice
Isomorphisms Between H¹ Spaces by Müller, Paul F. X.
Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution by
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume 2: Advanced Experimental Design by Kempthorne, Oscar, Hinkelmann, Klaus
Sharpening Your SAS Skills by Gupta, Sunil, Edmonds, Curt
A Step-By-Step Approach to Using SAS for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics, Second Edition by Stepanksi, Edward J., Hatcher, Larry, O'Rourke, Norm
Modern Portfolio Optimization with Nuopt(tm), S-Plus(r), and S+bayes(tm) by Scherer, Bernd, Martin, R. Douglas
Quantile Regression by Koenker, Roger
Developing Statistical Software in FORTRAN 95 by Schafer, Joseph L., Lemmon, David R.
Quantile Regression by Koenker, Roger
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftsingenieure Und Für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Studiengänge: Band 1 Grundlagen, Analysis, Stochastik, Lineare Gleichung by Henze, Norbert, Last, Günter
Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices by Rosen, D. Von, Kollo, Tõnu
Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences: A Comparative Approach with Mathematica Support by Gregory, P. C.
Statistical and Inductive Inference by Minimum Message Length by Wallace, C. S.
Selection Bias and Covariate Imbalances in Randomized Clinical Trials by Berger, Vance
Statistical Modelling in Glim4 by Aitkin, Murray, Francis, Brian, Hinde, John
Functional Data Analysis by Ramsay, James, Silverman, B. W.
A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How by Lopuhaä, H. P., Dekking, F. M., Kraaikamp, C.
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications (Second Edition) by Klebaner, Fima C.
Applied Multivariate Analysis by Press, S. James
Modeling Longitudinal Data by Weiss, Robert E.
Mathematical Statistics: Exercises and Solutions by Shao, Jun
Applied Statistics for Public Policy [With CDROM] by Macfie, Brian P., Nufrio, Philip M.
The Basics of S-Plus by Krause, Andreas, Olson, Melvin
Linear Models by Tinsley, Frederick, Janke, Steven J.
Statistical Demography and Forecasting by Spencer, Bruce, Alho, Juha
S+functional Data Analysis: User's Manual for Windows (R) by Clarkson, Douglas B., Fraley, Chris, Gu, Charles
Statistical Demography and Forecasting by Alho, Juha, Spencer, Bruce
Bayesian Models for Categorical Data by Congdon, Peter
Bayes's Theorem by
Data Analysis and Decision Support by
Markov Processes, Brownian Motion, and Time Symmetry by Walsh, John B., Chung, Kai Lai
The Grammar of Graphics by Wilkinson, Leland
Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse by Särndal, Carl-Erik, Lundström, Sixten
Essentials of Statistical Inference by Smith, R. L., Young, G. A.
Revise for Advancing Maths for Aqa 2nd Edition Statistics 1 by
Citation Analysis in Research Evaluation by Moed, Henk F.
Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles by Kallenberg, Olav
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik: Grundlagen -- Resultate -- Anwendungen by Irle, Albrecht
A Step-By-Step Approach to Using SAS for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics by Stepanski, Edward J., O'Rourke, Norm, Hatcher, Larry
Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel by Good, Phillip I.
Modern Multidimensional Scaling: Theory and Applications by Borg, I., Groenen, P. J. F.
Nonlinear Time Series: Nonparametric and Parametric Methods by Yao, Qiwei, Fan, Jianqing
Inference in Hidden Markov Models by Moulines, Eric, Ryden, Tobias, Cappé, Olivier
Models for Discrete Longitudinal Data by Verbeke, Geert, Molenberghs, Geert
Missing Data and Small-Area Estimation: Modern Analytical Equipment for the Survey Statistician by Longford, Nicholas T.
Elements of Distribution Theory by Severini, Thomas A.
Nonparametric Monte Carlo Tests and Their Applications by Zhu, Li-Xing
Space, Structure and Randomness: Contributions in Honor of Georges Matheron in the Fields of Geostatistics, Random Sets and Mathematical Morphology by
Statistics for the Social Sciences by Sirkin, R. Mark
Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology by
Stability of Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations with Applications by Liu, Kai
Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability by Bochner, Salomon
Statistical Methods for Forecasting by Abraham, Bovas, Ledolter, Johannes
Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics by Geweke, John
Fractal-Based Point Processes by Teich, Malvin Carl, Lowen, Steven Bradley
An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models by Ho, Moon-Ho R.
Datenmanagement Mit SPSS: Kontrollierter Und Beschleunigter Umgang Mit Datensätzen, Texten Und Werten by Schendera, Christian F. G.
Playfair's Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary by Playfair, William
Statistisches Methodenbuch: Verfahren, Fallstudien, Programmcodes by Pruscha, Helmut
Resampling Methods: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis by Good, Phillip I.
Compliance Quantified: An Introduction to Data Verification by Avenhaus, Rudolf, Canty, Morton John, Rudolf, Avenhaus
Func Anly Prob Stoch Processes by Bobrowski, Adam
Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence by Kurtz, Thomas G., Ethier, Stewart N.
Stochastic Processes and Models by Stirzaker, David
Solvency: Models, Assessment and Regulation by Sandstrom, Arne
Functional Analysis for Probability and Stochastic Processes: An Introduction by Bobrowski, Adam
Der Itô-Kalkül: Einführung Und Anwendungen by Deck, Thomas
Aspects Multivariate Statistic Theory P by Muirhead, Robb J.
Streifzüge Durch Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Häggström, Olle
Introduction to Nonparametric Regression by Takezawa, K.
Statistical Analysis of Geographic Information with ArcView GIS and ArcGIS by Lee, Jay, Wong, David W. S.
Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik by Krengel, Ulrich
Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health by
Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Statistics by Ross, Sheldon M.
Design and Modeling for Computer Experiments by Fang, Kai-Tai, Li, Runze, Sudjianto, Agus
All of Nonparametric Statistics by Wasserman, Larry
Stochastic Finance by
Elementi Di Probabilità E Statistica by Campanino, M., Biagini, F.
Directions in Strong Motion Instrumentation: Proceedings of the NATO Sfp Workshop on Future Directions in Instrumentation for Strong Motion and Engine by
Directions in Strong Motion Instrumentation: Proceedings of the NATO Sfp Workshop on Future Directions in Instrumentation for Strong Motion and Engine by
A Kalman Filter Primer by Eubank, Randall L.
Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Response Variables by O'Connell, Ann A.
Mathematics of Uncertainty: Ideas, Methods, Application Problems by Bandemer, Hans
Stochastische Systeme by Wunsch, Gerhard, Schreiber, Helmut
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIII - 2003 by Funaki, Tadahisa, Dembo, Amir
Entropy, Large Deviations, and Statistical Mechanics by Ellis, Richard S.
Markov Chains: Volume 11 by Revuz, D.
Time Series in the Time Domain: Volume 5 by Krishnaiah, P. R.
Mathematical Modelling for Sustainable Development by Hersh, Marion
Mathematik Für Ökonomen: Grundlagen Für Betriebswirte, Volkswirte Und Wirtschaftsingenieure by Schindler, Klaus
Introduction to Stochastic Integration by Kuo, Hui-Hsiung
Sampling Methods: Exercises and Solutions by Ardilly, Pascal, Tillé, Yves
Intuitive Probability and Random Processes Using Matlab(r) by Kay, Steven
Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions by Fleming, Wendell H., Soner, Halil Mete
Handbook of Capture-Recapture Analysis by
Neural Networks and Sea Time Series: Reconstruction and Extreme-Event Analysis by Puca, Silvia, Pittalis, Stefano, Tirozzi, Brunello
Case Studies in Spatial Point Process Modeling by
Celebrating Statistics: Papers in Honour of Sir David Cox on His 80th Birthday by
The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing by Smídl, Václav, Quinn, Anthony
Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: Prevention, Assessment and Adjustments by
Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective by Curran, Patrick J., Bollen, Kenneth A.
Intro Statistics for Forensic Scientists by Lucy, David
Statistics for the Utterly Confused, 2nd Edition by Jaisingh, Lloyd R.
Cultural Diversity in Music Education: Directions and Challenges for the 21st Century by
Chance: A Guide to Gambling, Love, the Stock Market, and Just about Everything Else by Aczel, Amir D.
Lagrangian Probability Distributions by Consul, Prem C., Famoye, Felix
Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design by Melas, Viatcheslav B.
The Quantum Theory by Eddington, A. S.
Modeling Financial Time Series with S-Plus(r) by Zivot, Eric, Wang, Jiahui
Statistical Visions in Time: A History of Time Series Analysis, 1662 1938 by Klein, Judy L., Judy L., Klein
Multiscale Optimization Methods and Applications by
Point Process Theory and Applications: Marked Point and Piecewise Deterministic Processes by Jacobsen, Martin
Data Analysis Using the Method of Least Squares: Extracting the Most Information from Experiments by Wolberg, John
The Mathematics of Arbitrage by Delbaen, Freddy, Schachermayer, Walter
Noise-Induced Phenomena in Slow-Fast Dynamical Systems: A Sample-Paths Approach by Gentz, Barbara, Berglund, Nils
Random Times and Enlargements of Filtrations in a Brownian Setting by Yor, Marc, Mansuy, Roger
The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics by Nualart, David
Quantum Independent Increment Processes II: Structure of Quantum Lévy Processes, Classical Probability, and Physics by Franz, Uwe, Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.
Applied Matrix Algebra in the Statistical Sciences by Basilevsky, Alexander
Beschreibung Und Analyse Unscharfer Information: Statistische Methoden Für Unscharfe Daten by Viertl, R. K. W., Hareter, D.
Conceptual Statistics for Beginners by Brown, Russell, Newman, Isadore, Newman, Carole