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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2006

Geostatistics Banff 2004 by
Modes of Parametric Statistical Inference by Geisser, Seymour, Johnson, Wesley O.
Space Debris: Models and Risk Analysis by Klinkrad, Heiner
Structural Equation Modeling: A Second Course (PB) by
Structural Equation Modeling: A Second Course (Hc) by
The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities by Dembski, William A.
Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization by
An Introduction to Copulas by Nelsen, Roger B.
Nonlinear Optimization by Ruszczynski, Andrzej
Analytic Tomography by Markoe, Andrew
Non-Negative Matrices and Markov Chains by Seneta, E.
Introductory Statistical Inference by Mukhopadhyay, Nitis
Rationality and Equilibrium: A Symposium in Honor of Marcel K. Richter by
From Stochastic Calculus to Mathematical Finance: The Shiryaev Festschrift by
Statistical and Inductive Probabilities by LeBlanc, Hugues
Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox by Cox, David
Screening: Methods for Experimentation in Industry, Drug Discovery, and Genetics by
Structural Equation Modeling with Eqs: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Second Edition [With CD ROM] by Byrne, Barbara M.
Fathom 2: Eine Einführung by Hofmann, Tobias, Maxara, Carmen, Biehler, Rolf
Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox by Cox, David
Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics by
Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics by
Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis by Walden, Andrew T., Percival, Donald B.
Statistical Design - Chemometrics: Volume 25 by de Barros Neto, Benicio, Bruns, Roy E., Scarminio, Ieda Spacino
Theory of Preliminary Test and Stein-Type Estimation with Applications by Saleh, A. K. MD Ehsanes
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing by LaCroix, Arild
Introductory Stochastic Analysis for Finance and Insurance by Lin, X. Sheldon, Society of Actuaries
Variance Components by Casella, George, McCulloch, Charles E., Searle, Shayle R.
Stochastic Simulation by Ripley, Brian D.
Exploring Data Tables, Trends, and Shapes by
Decision Theory and Multi-Agent Planning by
Calculus and Statistics by Gemignani, Michael C.
Applications of Random Matrices in Physics by
Applications of Random Matrices in Physics by
Probability Theory with Applications by Rao, Malempati M., Swift, Randall J.
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik Für Ingenieure, Band II: Differentialgleichungen, Funktionentheorie, Numerik Und Statistik by Lehn, Jürgen, Finckenstein, Karl, Schellhaas, Helmut
Fundamentals of Statistics with Fuzzy Data by Nguyen, Hung T., Wu, Berlin
Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data by Martinussen, Torben, Scheike, Thomas H.
A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling [With CDROM] by Marcoulides, George A., Raykov, Tenko
A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling [With CDROM] by Raykov, Tenko, Marcoulides, George A.
An Introduction to Random Sets by Nguyen, Hung T.
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik Für Ingenieure, Band I: Analysis Und Lineare Algebra by Schellhaas, Helmut, Finckenstein, Karl, Lehn, Jürgen
Stochastic Ageing and Dependence for Reliability by Lai, Chin Diew, Xie, Min
Estimation of Dependences Based on Empirical Data by Vapnik, V.
Sampling Algorithms by Tillé, Yves
Optimal Design of Experiments by Pukelsheim, Friedrich
A Manager's Guide to the Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials by Good, Phillip I.
Fundamental Probability by Paolella, Marc S.
Improving Almost Anything: Ideas and Essays by Box, George E. P.
Nonparametric Regression Methods for Longitudinal Data Analysis: Mixed-Effects Modeling Approaches by Wu, Hulin, Zhang, Jin-Ting
Dynamic Random Walks: Theory and Applications by Guillotin-Plantard, Nadine, Schott, Rene
Longitudinal Data Analysis by Hedeker, Donald, Gibbons, Robert D.
Analysis of Toeplitz Operators by Böttcher, Albrecht, Silbermann, Bernd
The Art of Semiparametrics by
Models for Discrete Data by Zelterman, Daniel
Euclid's Elements in Greek: Vol. II: Books 5-9 by Fitzpatrick, Richard
Introduction to Stochastic Models by Goodman, Roe
Philosophical Foundations of Quantitative Research Methodology by Yu, Chong Ho
Successful Statistics for Nursing and Healthcare by Watson, Roger, Atkinson, Ian, Egerton, Patricia
Series Approximation Methods in Statistics by Kolassa, John E.
Struck by Lightning: The Curious World of Probabilities by Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis in Engineering and the Sciences by Ayyub, Bilal M., Klir, George J.
Introduction to Stochastic Processes by Lawler, Gregory F.
Statistics and Analysis of Shapes by
Applied Probability and Statistics by Lefebvre, Mario
Statistical Analysis of Environmental Space-Time Processes by Le, Nhu D., Zidek, James V.
Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series by Cholette, Pierre A., Dagum, Estela Bee
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference, Second Edition by Lopes, Hedibert F., Freita Lopes, Hedibert, Gamerman, Dani
Combinatorial Stochastic Processes: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXII - 2002 by Pitman, Jim
Statistical Matching: Theory and Practice by Di Zio, Marco, Scanu, Mauro, D'Orazio, Marcello
The Wulff Crystal in Ising and Percolation Models: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIV - 2004 by Cerf, Raphaël
The Art of Random Walks by Telcs, Andras
The Lace Expansion and Its Applications: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIV - 2004 by Slade, Gordon
Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference by
In Memoriam Paul-André Meyer - Séminaire de Probabilités XXXIX by
Einführung in Die Zeitreihenanalyse by Kreiß, Jens-Peter, Neuhaus, Georg
Understanding and Calculating the Odds: Probability Theory Basics and Calculus Guide for Beginners, with Applications in Games of Chance and Everyday by Barboianu, Catalin
Dependence in Probability and Statistics by
Cycle Representations of Markov Processes by Kalpazidou, Sophia L.
Factorization Methods for Discrete Sequential Estimation by Bierman, Gerald J.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Theories for Basic Geophysical Flows by Majda, Andrew, Wang, Xiaoming
A Treatise on Probability by Keynes, John Maynard
Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods by Yohai, Victor J., Maronna, Ricardo A., Martin, Douglas R.
Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods by
Nonparametric Functional Data Analysis: Theory and Practice by Ferraty, Frédéric, Vieu, Philippe
Open Quantum Systems III: Recent Developments by
Open Quantum Systems I: The Hamiltonian Approach by
Open Quantum Systems II: The Markovian Approach by
Statistics Hacks: Tips & Tools for Measuring the World and Beating the Odds by Frey, Bruce
The Random-Cluster Model by Grimmett, Geoffrey R.
Einführung in Die Statistik by Wegmann, Helmut, Lehn, Jürgen
Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism: Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication by
Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems: A Mathematical Perspective by Bovier, Anton
The Statistical Analysis of Interval-Censored Failure Time Data by Sun, Jianguo
Kreditrisikomessung: Statistische Grundlagen, Methoden Und Modellierung by Henking, Andreas, Bluhm, Christian, Fahrmeir, Ludwig
A Modern Theory of Factorial Design by Wu, C. F. J., Mukerjee, Rahul
Extreme Value Theory: An Introduction by Ferreira, Ana, de Haan, Laurens
Semiparametric Theory and Missing Data by Tsiatis, Anastasios
Measurement Error in Nonlinear Models: A Modern Perspective, Second Edition by Ruppert, David, Stefanski, Leonard A., Carroll, Raymond J.
Statistical Literacy at School: Growth and Goals by Watson, Jane M.
Statistical Literacy at School: Growth and Goals by Watson, Jane M.
Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials by Matthews, John N. S.
Reliability and Optimal Maintenance by Pham, Hoang, Wang, Hongzhou
Modèles Aléatoires: Applications Aux Sciences de l'Ingénieur Et Du Vivant by Delmas, Jean-François, Jourdain, Benjamin
An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Analysis by Da Prato, Giuseppe
Data Science and Classification by
Sociodynamics: A Systematic Approach to Mathematical Modelling in the Social Sciences by Weidlich, Wolfgang
Rectification And Prediction by Champion, Maude Houghton
Bayesian Inference for Gene Expression and Proteomics by
Markov Processes, Gaussian Processes, and Local Times by Marcus, Michael B., Rosen, Jay
Graphics of Large Datasets: Visualizing a Million by Unwin, Antony, Theus, Martin, Hofmann, Heike
The Emergence of Probability: A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference by Wichura, Michael J., Hacking, Ian
An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Theory and Methods by Ghosh, Jayanta K., Delampady, Mohan, Samanta, Tapas
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance: A New Didactic Approach by Sondermann, Dieter
Measure Theory and Probability Theory by Athreya, Krishna B., Lahiri, Soumendra N.
Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks by Lehmann, Erich L.
Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial by Sivia, D. S.
The Emergence of Probability: A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability, Induction and Statistical Inference by Hacking, Ian
Response-Adaptive Randomization by Hu, Feifang, Rosenberger, William F.
Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics [With CDROM] by
A Course on Queueing Models by Böhm, Walter, Jain, Joti Lal, Mohanty, Sri Gopal
Visual Statistics: Seeing Data with Dynamic Interactive Graphics by Young, Forrest W., Friendly, Michael, Valero-Mora, Pedro M.
Probability: Modeling and Applications to Random Processes by Miller, Gregory K.
Probability and Risk Analysis: An Introduction for Engineers by Rychlik, Igor, Rydén, Jesper
Compstat 2006 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics: 17th Symposium Held in Rome, Italy, 2006 by
Selected Papers of Frederick Mosteller by
Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit by Mercurio, Fabio, Brigo, Damiano
Decision Making in Uncertain Situations: An Extension to the Mathematical Theory of Evidence by Campos, Fabio
Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models by Frühwirth-Schnatter, Sylvia
Probability and Statistics in Aerospace Engineering by Rheinfurth, M. H., Howell, L. W., N. a. S. a.
From Cosmos to Chaos: The Science of Unpredictability by Coles, Peter
Data Analysis, Classification and the Forward Search: Proceedings of the Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (Cladag) of the Italian by
Optimal Stopping and Free-Boundary Problems by Peskir, Goran, Shiryaev, Albert
Measurement Error Models by Fuller, Wayne A.
Principles of Statistical Inference by Cox, D. R.
Principles of Statistical Inference by Cox, D. R.
Statistics Real-Life Sample Surveys by Dorofeev, Sergey, Grant, Peter
Random Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes by Bertoin, Jean
Structural Equation Modeling and Natural Systems by Grace, James
Statistical Analysis of Cost-Effective by Briggs, Andrew H., Willan, Andrew R.
Multiple Time Series Models by Williams, John Taylor, Brandt, Patrick T.
Fuzzy Set Approach to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement by
100 Statistical Tests by Kanji, Gopal K.
Matched Sampling for Causal Effects by Rubin, Donald B.
Matched Sampling for Causal Effects by Rubin, Donald B.
The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms by
Simple Statistics: Applications in Criminology and Criminal Justice by Miethe, Terance D.
Datenanalyse und Modellierung mit STATISTICA by Weiß, Christian
Handbook of Number Theory II by Sandor, Jozsef, Crstici, Borislav
Restricted Parameter Space Estimation Problems: Admissibility and Minimaxity Properties by Van Eeden, Constance
Scalable Optimization Via Probabilistic Modeling: From Algorithms to Applications by
A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance by Platen, Eckhard, Heath, David
Percolation by Riordan, Oliver, Bollobas, Bela
Competing Risks by Pintilie, Melania
Uncertain Judgements: Eliciting Experts' Probabilities by Buck, Caitlin E., Daneshkhah, Alireza, O'Hagan, Anthony
Statistical Methods for Spatio-Temporal Systems by
Phase Resetting in Medicine and Biology: Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis by Tass, Peter A.
Statistical Methods for Biostatistics and Related Fields by
Stochastic Orders by Shaked, Moshe, Shanthikumar, J. George
The Coordinate-Free Approach to Linear Models by Wichura, Michael J.
Elliptic Functions by Armitage, J. V., Eberlein, W. F.
Elliptic Functions by Eberlein, W. F., Armitage, V., Armitage, J. V.
System Software Reliability by Pham, Hoang
Stochastic Geometry: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 13-18, 2004 by Baddeley, A.
Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: Linear Systems, Identification and Control by Van Schagen, F., Heij, Christiaan, Ran, André C. M.
First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory, a (2nd Edition) by Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A Matlab-Based Introduction by Brandimarte, Paolo
First Look at Rigorous Prob..(2nd Ed) by Jeffrey S Rosenthal
Probability, Econometrics and Truth: The Methodology of Econometrics by Keuzenkamp, Hugo A.
Experimental Designs: Exercises and Solutions by Kabe, D. G., Gupta, Arjun K.
Measure Theory 2v by Bogachev, Vladimir I.
Intro Clust Large High Dimens Data by Kogan, Jacob
Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata by Everitt, Brian S., Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia
Freakonomics REV Ed: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (Large Print Edition) by Levitt, Steven D., Dubner, Stephen J.
Advances in Statistical Methods for the Health Sciences: Applications to Cancer and AIDS Studies, Genome Sequence Analysis, and Survival Analysis by
Privacy in Statistical Databases: Cenex-Sdc Project International Conference, Psd 2006, Rome, Italy, December 13-15, 2006, Proceedings by
Data Preparation for Analytics Using SAS by Svolba, Gerhard
Heavy-Tail Phenomena: Probabilistic and Statistical Modeling by Resnick, Sidney I.
Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications by Friedman, Avner
Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics (2nd Edition) by James, Frederick
Measurement Uncertainty: An Approach Via the Mathematical Theory of Evidence by Salicone, Simona
Demonstrational Optics: Part 2, Coherent and Statistical Optics by Marchenko, Oleg, Kazantsev, Sergi, Windholz, Laurentius
Shock and Damage Models in Reliability Theory by Nakagawa, Toshio
Spin Glasses by
Mathematics of Games and Gambling by Packel, Edward W.
Discrete Optimization Algorithms: With Pascal Programs by Syslo, Maciej M., Deo, Narsingh, Kowalik, Janusz S.
Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and Applications by Carstensen, Claus H., Davier, Matthias
Applied Stochastic Processes by Lefebvre, Mario
A History of Parametric Statistical Inference from Bernoulli to Fisher, 1713-1935 by Hald, Anders
Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models by Gelman, Andrew, Hill, Jennifer
Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces by Gromov, Mikhail
Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models by Hill, Jennifer, Gelman, Andrew