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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2007

Causality and Probability in the Sciences by
Introduction to Probability Models by Ross, Sheldon M.
Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics (2nd Edition) by James, Frederick
Textbook of Clinical Trials by
Symbolic Data Analysis: Conceptual Statistics and Data Mining by Diday, Edwin, Billard, Lynne
The Mathematical Theory Of Probabilities V1: And Its Application To Frequency Curves And Statistical Methods; Mathematical Probabilities, Frequency Cu by Fisher, Arne
The Application Of Statistical Methods To The Problems Of Psychophysics by Urban, F. M.
Variations on Split Plot and Split Block Experiment Designs by King, Freedom, Federer, Walter T.
Case-Based Approximate Reasoning by Hüllermeier, Eyke
Reliability, Life Testing and the Prediction of Service Lives: For Engineers and Scientists by Saunders, Sam C.
Information and Complexity in Statistical Modeling by Rissanen, Jorma
Extreme Man-Made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of Structures by
Extreme Man-Made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of Structures by
The Nature of Statistical Evidence by Thompson, Bill
Modern Experimental Design by Ryan, Thomas P.
Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models by
Pharmaceutical Statistics Using SAS: A Practical Guide by Dmitrienko, Alex, Chuang-Stein, Christy, D'Agostino, Ralph
Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems: Tutorial and Modern Developments by Astakhov, Vladimir, Neiman, Alexander, Anishchenko, Vadim S.
Advances in Data Analysis: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft Für Klassifikation E.V., Freie Universität Berlin, March by
Metodi Di Previsione Statistica by Battaglia, Francesco
Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods by Moore, John B., Anderson, Brian D. O.
Introduction to Variance Estimation by Wolter, Kirk
Simulation and Monte Carlo: With Applications in Finance and MCMC by Dagpunar, J. S.
Simulation and Monte Carlo: With Applications in Finance and MCMC by Dagpunar, J. S.
Structural Equation Modeling by Lee, Sik-Yum
Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications by Bates, Douglas M., Watts, Donald G.
Stable Distributions: Models for Heavy-Tailed Data by Nolan, John
Handbook of Latent Variable and Related Models: Volume 1 by
Statistics by Freedman, David, Pisani, Robert, Purves, Roger
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity by Bergmann, Peter Gabriel
Why Suckers Always Lose: A Scientific Study Of The Laws Of Chance In Dice, Roulette, Coin Tossing, Horse Racing And Other Forms Of Gambling by Veritas
Chances Are . . .: Adventures in Probability by Kaplan, Michael, Kaplan, Ellen
A Mathematician at the Ballpark: Odds and Probabilities for Baseball Fans by Ross, Ken
Statistical and Probabilistic Methods in Actuarial Science by Boland, Philip J.
Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods by Sprent, Peter, Smeeton, Nigel C.
Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments by
Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications by Jiang, Jiming
Modeling with Itô Stochastic Differential Equations by Allen, E.
Model-Based Geostatistics by Ribeiro, Paulo Justiniano, Diggle, Peter
Übungsbuch Finanzmathematik: Leitfaden, Aufgaben Und Lösungen Zur Derivatbewertung by Irle, Albrecht, Prelle, Claas
Testlet Response Theory and Its Applications by Wang, Xiaohui, Wainer, Howard, Bradlow, Eric T.
Elementare Stochastik: Eine Einführung in Die Mathematik Der Daten Und Des Zufalls by Büchter, Andreas, Henn, Hans-Wolfgang
The Theory of Stochastic Processes III by Skorokhod, Anatoli V., Gikhman, Iosif I.
Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Ridge Analyses by Draper, Norman R., Box, George E. P.
Semi-Markov Risk Models for Finance, Insurance and Reliability by Janssen, Jacques, Manca, Raimondo
Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management: Modern Techniques and Applications by Hua, Ronald H., Sorensen, Eric H., Qian, Edward E.
Combinatorics and Probability: Celebrating Bela Bollobas's 60th Birthday by
The Elements Of The Theory Of Plane Astronomy by Maddy, Watkin
Theories Of Solutions by Arrhenius, Svante
A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities by Marquis De Laplace, Pierre Simon
Concentration Inequalities and Model Selection: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIII - 2003 by Massart, Pascal
Fluctuation Theory for Lévy Processes: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXV - 2005 by Doney, Ronald A.
Indirect Sampling by Lavallée, Pierre
Hidden Markov Models in Finance by
A Second Course in Probability by Pekoz, Erol A., Ross, Sheldon M.
Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Report Procedure [With CDROM] by Carpenter, Art
Qualitative Indicators of Labour Standards: Comparative Methods and Applications by
Moda 8 - Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis Held in A by
Differential Equations Driven by Rough Paths: Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIV-2004 by Lévy, Thierry, Lyons, Terry J., Caruana, Michael J.
Probability Theory by Renyi, Alfred
Euclid's Elements in Greek: Vol. I: Books 1-4 by Fitzpatrick, Richard
Stochastic Analysis and Applications: The Abel Symposium 2005 by
Bayesian Methods for Ecology by McCarthy, Michael A.
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar 2004-2005 by
Strategische Spiele Für Einsteiger: Eine Verspielt-Formale Einführung in Methoden, Modelle Und Anwendungen Der Spieltheorie by Mehlmann, Alexander
Statistical Design and Analysis of Stability Studies by Chow, Shein-Chung
The Three First Sections And Part Of The Seventh Section Of Newton's Principia by Newton, Isaac
The System Of The World V1 by Laplace, Pierre Simon
Tables Of Interest: Calculated From 1/8 Per Cent, Advancing By Eighths, To 4 Per Cent, Being 32 Rates: Also From One Day To 60 Days And Fr by Gilbert, Edward W.
A Treatise on Probability by Keynes, John Maynard
Large Deviations for Gaussian by Mandjes, Michel
Finite Markov Processes and Their Applications by Iosifescu, Marius
Value-Distribution of L-Functions by Steuding, Jörn
Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs by Nielsen, Thomas Dyhre, Verner Jensen, Finn
A Concise Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Röckner, Michael, Prévôt, Claudia
Applied Statistics Using Spss, Statistica, MATLAB and R [With CDROM] by Marques de Sá, Joaquim P.
Random Fields and Geometry by Adler, R. J., Taylor, Jonathan E.
Six Sigma in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Understanding, Reducing, and Controlling Variation in Pharmaceuticals and Biologics by McConnell, John S., Nunnally, Brian K.
Pric Deriv Secur (2nd Ed)[W/ CD] by Thomas W Epps
Analyse der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Lufthansa Technik AG Hamburg by Kimil, Taner, Derya, Cakir
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: With Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields by Reiss, Rolf-Dieter, Thomas, Michael
Vergleich der Hotelpreise in Berlin: Erklärung der Unterschiede in den Zimmerpreisen mit Hilfe von Varianz- und Regressionsanalyse by Meisen, Cathrin
A Guide to First-Passage Processes by Redner, Sidney, Sidney, Redner
Cluster Analysis for Data Mining and System Identification by Abonyi, János, Feil, Balázs
Closer and Closer: Introducing Real Analysis: Introducing Real Analysis by Schumacher, Carol S.
Untersuchung des Mikrozensus 1998: Schulabschlüsse in Deutschland by Lucke, Patrick
Choice Experiments by Street, Deborah J., Burgess, Leonie
Margins of Error: A Study of Reliability in Survey Measurement by Alwin, Duane F.
Wahlprognosemodelle: Der Ansatz von Gschwend und Norpoth by Linnecke, Harm
Data Clustering: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Wu, Jianhong, Gan, Guojun, Ma, Chaoqun
Sampling Strategies for Natural Resources and the Environment by Gregoire, Timothy G., Valentine, Harry T.
A Statistical Approach to Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition by Dunne, Robert A.
Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems: Exact Computational Methods for Bayesian Networks by Cowell, Robert G., Dawid, Philip, Lauritzen, Steffen L.
Wave Propagation and Time Reversal in Randomly Layered Media by Garnier, Josselin, Papanicolaou, G., Fouque, Jean-Pierre
Séminaire de Probabilités XL by
Weak Dependence: With Examples and Applications by Doukhan, Paul, Dedecker, Jérome, Lang, Gabriel
Optimum Experimental Designs, with SAS by Atkinson, Anthony, Donev, Alexander, Tobias, Randall
Decision Space: Multidimensional Utility Analysis by Weirich, Paul
Applied Asymptotics by Reid, N., Davison, A. C., Brazzale, A. R.
Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social Research by Krzanowski, Wojtek J.
The Spatial Distribution of Microbes in the Environment by
The Descent of Human Sex Ratio at Birth: A Dialogue Between Mathematics, Biology and Sociology by Brian, Éric, Jaisson, Marie
Life Distributions: Structure of Nonparametric, Semiparametric, and Parametric Families by Marshall, Albert W., Olkin, Ingram
Introduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social Scientists by Lynch, Scott M.
Multivariate Statistics:: Exercises and Solutions by Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, Hlávka, Zdenek
Correlated Data Analysis: Modeling, Analytics, and Applications by Song, Peter X. -K
Multiscale Modeling: A Bayesian Perspective by Lee, Herbert K. H., Ferreira, Marco A. R.
Stochastic Simulation: Algorithms and Analysis by Asmussen, Søren, Glynn, Peter W.
Stochastik: Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik by Georgii, Hans-Otto
The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data by Fienberg, Stephen E.
Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and Practice by Bishop, Yvonne M., Fienberg, Stephen E.
Analyse der Miethöhe mit Hilfe von SPSS. Regression-, Varianz- und Kovarianzanalyse by Kulick, Manuela
Management of Data in Clinical Trials by McFadden, Eleanor
Statistical Thinking in Sports by
The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events by Cook, Richard J., Lawless, Jerald
Die Komponenten der Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Entwicklung und Prognose von Fertilität und Migration by Richartz, Kristina
Statistical Principles and Techniques in Scientific and Social Research by Krzanowski, Wojtek J.
Permutation Methods: A Distance Function Approach by Berry, Kenneth J., Mielke, Paul W.
Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering by
Euclid's Elements in Greek: Vol. III: Book 10 by Fitzpatrick, Richard
Uncertainty Forecasting in Engineering by Möller, Bernd, Reuter, Uwe
Experimental Statistics Using Minitab by Weatherup, Colin
Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classification by
Saddlepoint Approximations with Applications by Butler, Ronald W.
Complex Analysis by Kodaira, Kunihiko
The Bayesian Choice: From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation by Robert, Christian
Multivariate and Probabilistic Analyses of Sensory Science Problems by Meullenet, Jean-François, Xiong, Rui, Findlay, Christopher J.
Theory of Probability and Random Processes by Koralov, Leonid, Sinai, Yakov G.
Introduction to State Space Time Series Analysis by Koopman, Siem Jan, Commandeur, Jacques J. F.
Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics by Abney, Steven
Mathematical Finance: Theory, Modeling, Implementation by Fries, Christian
Spectral Method in Multiaxial Random Fatigue by Nieslony, Adam, Macha, Ewald
Interpreting Probability: Controversies and Developments in the Early Twentieth Century by Howie, David, David, Howie
Stochastic Integration Theory by Medvegyev, Peter
Statistical Physics by Guenault, A. M.
Gewinnung von Zufallszahlen mit vorgegebener Verteilung by Pfeiffer, Christoph
Modern Engineering Statistics by Ryan, Thomas P.
Multiparametric Statistics by Serdobolskii, Vadim Ivanovich
Intermediate Probability: A Computational Approach by Paolella, Marc S.
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance by Lamberton, Damien, Lapeyre, Bernard
Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2004 by Carmona, René, Ekeland, Ivar
Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction by
Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Scheaffer, Richard, Wackerly, Dennis, Mendenhall, William
Modelling extremal stock returns in a stable Paretian environment by Kohleick, Hendrik
Linear Models and Generalizations: Least Squares and Alternatives by Rao, C. Radhakrishna, Toutenburg, Helge
Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations by Bishwal, Jaya P. N.
Probability and Real Trees: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXV-2005 by Evans, Steven N.
Information Criteria and Statistical Modeling by Konishi, Sadanori, Kitagawa, Genshiro
A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities by Pierre-Simon, Marquis De Laplace
System Signatures and Their Applications in Engineering Reliability by Samaniego, Francisco J.
Evolution Algebras and Their Applications by Tian, Jianjun Paul
Student Solutions Manual for Wackerly/Mendenhall/Scheaffer's Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7th by Scheaffer, Richard, Wackerly, Dennis, Mendenhall, William
Crashkurs Mathematik: Für Informatiker by Jukna, Stasys
Statistische Datenanalyse: Eine Einführung Für Naturwissenschaftler by Stahel, Werner
Advances in Latent Variable Mixture Models (PB) by
Advances in Latent Variable Mixture Models (Hc) by
Modern Survey Interview by
Bootstrap Methods: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers by Chernick, Michael R.
Contemporary Bayesian and Frequentist Statistical Research Methods for Natural Resource Scientists by Stauffer, Howard B.
Introduction to Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials by
Time Series Analysis by Madsen, Henrik
Statistical Framework for Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring by
Statistics: A Biomedical Introduction by Hollander, Myles, Brown, Byron Wm
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Lévy Noise: An Evolution Equation Approach by Peszat, S., Zabczyk, J.
Optimal Stopping Rules by Shiryaev, Albert N.
Einführung in den Einsatz von Data Mining by Hiller, Andre
A History Of The Mathematical Theory Of Probability: From The Time Of Pascal To That Of Laplace (1865) by Todhunter, I.
Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists by Oliver, Margaret A., Webster, Richard
An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes: Volume II: General Theory and Structure by Vere-Jones, David, Daley, D. J.
Stochastic Processes and Filtering Theory by Jazwinski, Andrew H.
Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Nonparametric Estimation by
Entropy Methods for the Boltzmann Equation: Lectures from a Special Semester at the Centre Émile Borel, Institut H. Poincaré, Paris, 2001 by Rezakhanlou, Fraydoun, Villani, Cédric
Theorie, Durchführung und Auswertung der adaptiven Conjoint-Analyse (ACA) by Glöckner, Elisabeth
Applied Stochastic Processes and Control for Jump Diffusions: Modeling, Analysis, and Computation by Hanson, Floyd B.
Extreme Values, Regular Variation and Point Processes by Resnick, Sidney I.
An Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing: Ten Lectures on Subjective Computing by Calvetti, Daniela, Somersalo, E.
Markov Decision Processes with Their Applications by Hu, Qiying, Yue, Wuyi
Stochastic Global Optimization by Zilinskas, Antanasz, Zhigljavsky, Anatoly
Reminiscences of a Statistician: The Company I Kept by Lehmann, Erich L.
Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology by Brick, J. Michael, Lepkowski, James M., Tucker, N. Clyde
Stochastic Calculus for Fractional Brownian Motion and Related Processes by Mishura, Yuliya
Existence and Regularity Properties of the Integrated Density of States of Random Schrödinger Operators by Veselic, Ivan
40 Puzzles and Problems in Probability and Mathematical Statistics by Schwarz, Wolf
Modern Applied U-Statistics by Tu, Xin M., Kowalski, Jeanne
Models for Probability and Statistical Inference: Theory and Applications by Stapleton, James H.
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method by Taimre, Thomas, Botev, Zdravko I., Kroese, Dirk P.
Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analysis by Nelson, Wayne B.
The Statistical Consultant in Action by
Studying Human Populations: An Advanced Course in Statistics by Longford, Nicholas T.
Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Verleysen, Michel, Lee, John A.
Mathematics of Evolution and Phylogeny by
Control Techniques for Complex Networks by Meyn, Sean
Symmetric Functionals on Random Matrices and Random Matchings Problems by Wesolowski, Jacek, Rempala, Grzegorz
Famous American Freemasons by Creason, Todd E.
Stochastic Ordinary and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Equations by Kotelenez, Peter
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications V: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2005 by
Markov Processes and Potential Theory by Blumenthal, Robert M., Getoor, Ronald K.
Handbook of Data Visualization by
Dynamic Analysis in the Social Sciences by Castilla, Emilio J.
Multiple Testing Procedures with Applications to Genomics by Dudoit, Sandrine, Van Der Laan, Mark J.
See More