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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2009

Computational Statistics: An Introduction to R by Sawitzki, Günther
Introduction to Spatial Econometrics by Lesage, James, Pace, Robert Kelley
Reliability: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Methods by Leemis, Lawrence Mark
Analysis of Messy Data Volume 1: Designed Experiments, Second Edition by Milliken, George A., Johnson, Dallas E.
Entendiendo Las Probabilidades Y Calculándolas: Fundamentos de la Teoría de la Probabilidad y Guía de Cálculo Para Principiantes, con Aplicaciones en by Martilotti, Rafael, Barboianu, Catalin
Nonparametric Techniques in Statistical Inference by Puri, Madan Lal, Madan Lal, Puri
Irregularities of Distribution by Beck, Jozsef, Chen, William W. L.
Macroscopic Theories of Superfluids by
Combination of Observations by Smart, W. M.
Calculus: Basic Concepts and Applications by Rosenbaum, R. A., Johnson, G. P., R. a., Rosenbaum
Systems of Frequency Curves by Elderton, William Palin, Johnson, Norman Lloyd Dis
Convexity by Eggleston, Harold Gordon, Eggleston, H. G.
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics by Justice, James H.
An Introduction To The Theory Of Statistics (1919) by Yule, George Udny
Dependence with Complete Connections and Its Applications by Iosifescu, Marius, Grigorescu, Serban
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions: Volume 1: Absorbing Phase Transitions by Henkel, Malte, Hinrichsen, Haye, Lübeck, Sven
Stochastic Methods: A Handbook for the Natural and Social Sciences by Gardiner, Crispin
An Introduction To The Theory Of Statistics (1919) by Yule, George Udny
Mathematical Bridge, A: An Intuitive Journey in Higher Mathematics (2nd Edition) by Hewson, Stephen Fletcher
Interpretations of Probability by Khrennikov, Andrei
Mathematical Bridge, A: An Intuitive Journey in Higher Mathematics (2nd Edition) by Hewson, Stephen Fletcher
Computatl Methods for Reliability &(V14) by Zio, Enrico
Self-Normalized Processes: Limit Theory and Statistical Applications by Shao, Qi-Man, Peña, Victor H., Lai, Tze Leung
Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications, Solutions Manual by Lemeshow, Stanley, Levy, Paul S.
Statistics: Basic Principles and Applications by
Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS by Ntzoufras, Ioannis
Statistics: Basic Principles and Applications by
Holomorphic Spaces by
Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry by Olver, Peter J.
Modeling and Simulation by
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition by Tibshirani, Robert, Hastie, Trevor, Friedman, Jerome
Contaminated Sediments by
A Philosophical Essay On Probabilities by Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace
The Value of Information Updating in New Product Development by Artmann, Christian
Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics by Filzmoser, Peter, Varmuza, Kurt
Introduction to Stochastic Analysis and Malliavin Calculus by Da Prato, Giuseppe
A Unified Statistical Methodology for Modeling Fatigue Damage by Castillo, Enrique, Fernandez-Canteli, Alfonso
Group Behavior Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks by Gaitanis, Konstantinos D.
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Kompakt: Kurz Und Verständlich Mit Vielen Einfachen Beispielen by Pfuff, Franz
Nonstandard Methods in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics by Albeverio, Sergio, Fenstad, Jens Erik, Hoegh-Krohn, Raphael
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling by LeMieux, Christiane
Stopped Random Walks: Limit Theorems and Applications by Gut, Allan
The Algebra of Thought & Reality: Second Edition: The Mathematical Basis for Plato's Theory of Ideas, and Reality Extended to Include a Priori Observe by Blaha, Stephen
Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, 1e Student Solutions Manual by Montgomery, Douglas C., Jennings, Cheryl L., Kulahci, Murat
Solutions Manual to Accompany Modern Regression Methods, 2e by Ryan, Thomas P.
Introduction to Data Technologies by Murrell, Paul
Graphical Models in Applied Multivariate Statistics by Whittaker, Joe
Modern Regression Techniques Using R: A Practical Guide by London, Kamala, Wright, Daniel B.
Level Sets and Extrema of Random Processes and Fields by Wschebor, Mario, Azais, Jean-Marc
Stochastic Processes for Insurance P by Rolski, Tomasz, Schmidli, Hanspeter, Schmidt, Volker
Panel-Untersuchungen zu Kindern und Jugendlichen by Schifferdecker, Björn
Metodi Per Le Decisioni Statistiche by Piccinato, Ludovico
A Modern Approach to Regression with R by Sheather, Simon
Comparison of Statistical Experiments by Torgersen, Erik
Stochastik: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung Für Informatiker, Ingenieure Und Mathematiker by Hübner, Gerhard
Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics: Theory and Application by Louck, J. D., Biedenharn, L. C., Louck, James D.
The Logarithmic Integral: Volume 2 by Koosis, Paul
Mathematical Ecology of Plant Species Competition by Maller, R. A., Maller, Ross A., Pakes, Anthony G.
Measurement Theory: Volume 7: With Applications to Decisionmaking, Utility, and the Social Sciences by Roberts, Fred S.
Copulas for Risk Management by Tseng, Chih-Hsueh
Causal Inferences and Abductive Reasoning by Yu, Chong Ho
Sensitivity Analysis by Scott, E. M., Saltelli, Andrea, Chan, K.
Volterra Integral and Functional Equations by Staffans, O., Gripenberg, G., Londen, S. O.
Hidden Markov Models and Dynamical Systems by Fraser, Andrew M.
Birkhoff Interpolation by Riemenschneider, S. D., Lorentz, George G., Jetter, K.
Time-Series Analysis: A Comprehensive Introduction for Social Scientists by Gottman, John M., John M., Gottman
Applied Latent Class Analysis by
Statistical Analysis of Network Data: Methods and Models by Kolaczyk, Eric D.
New Formulas For The Loads And Deflections Of Solid Beams And Girders (1872) by Donaldson, William
Deconvolution Problems in Nonparametric Statistics by Meister, Alexander
Penalising Brownian Paths by Yor, Marc, Roynette, Bernard
Multiple Regression with Discrete Dependent Variables by Orme, John G., Combs-Orme, Terri
Finanzmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik, Wertpapieranalyse: Formeln Und Begriffe by Luderer, Bernd, Grundmann, Wolfgang
Methods of Contemporary Mathematical Statistical Physics by Bovier, Anton, Biskup, Marek
Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation by Saint-Raymond, Laure
Time Series Data Analysis Using Eviews by Agung, I. Gusti Ngurah
Statistical Analysis by Tamhane, Ajit C.
Handbook of Financial Time Series by
Statistical Control by Monitoring and Adjustment by Box, George E. P., Luceño, Alberto, Paniagua-Quinones, Maria Del Carmen
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials with Time-To-Event Endpoints by
Logistic Regression: From Introductory to Advanced Concepts and Applications by Menard, Scott William
Modeling and Reasoning with Bayesian Networks by Darwiche, Adnan
Environmental Consequences of War and Aftermath by
Tuning Metaheuristics: A Machine Learning Perspective by Birattari, Mauro
Mixed Finite Element Technologies by
On Credit Scoring Estimation by Komorád, Karel
Litteratur Der Statistik (1790) by Meusel, Johann Georg
Mutual Information-Based Image Registration by Bachman, K. A.
Introduction to Derivative-Free Optimization by Vicente, Luís N., Conn, Andrew R., Scheinberg, Katya
Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus by Bates, Douglas M., Pinheiro, Jose C.
Business Intelligence by Vercellis, Carlo
Mathematical Statistics by Pestman, Wiebe R.
Fixed Effects Regression Models by Allison, Paul D.
S-PLUS Programming Language and Applied Statistics by Safi, Samir
I Capricci del Caso: Introduzione Alla Statistica, Al Calcolo Della Probabilità E Alla Teoria Degli Errori by Piazza, Roberto
Search for Certainty, The: On the Clash of Science and Philosophy of Probability by Burdzy, Krzysztof
Operationalisierung des Begriffs Eliten: Abhängigkeit der Chance als Elite rekrutiert zu werden von der sozialen Herkunft by Arend, Michael
The hyperbolic model: Option pricing using approximation and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods by Predota, Martin
Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability by Tweedie, Richard L., Meyn, Sean
Statistical Models: Theory and Practice by Freedman, David A.
Statistical Models by Freedman, David A.
Theoria Motus Lunae Exhibens Omnes Eius Inaequalitates (1753) by Euler, Leonhard
Principes D'Astronomie Spherique: Ou Traite Complet De Trigonometrie Spherique (1765) by Mauduit, Antoine-Rene
The Effect of Format and Language on the Test Scores of Bilinguals - Are the test scores obtained by bilinguals comparable to the test scores of U.S. by Trujillo, Juan L.
Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data by Verbeke, Geert, Molenberghs, Geert
Permutation Tests for Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA: Theory and Applications with R by Pesarin, Fortunato, Salmaso, Luigi, Basso, Dario
Time Series: Theory and Methods by Brockwell, Peter J., Davis, Richard A.
Statistical Modelling in R by Hinde, John, Aitkin, Murray, Francis, Brian
Computational Intelligence for Missing Data Imputation, Estimation, and Management: Knowledge Optimization Techniques by Marwala, Tshilidzi
Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research by Lesaffre, Emmanuel
Statistical Tolerance Regions by Krishnamoorthy, Kalimuthu, Mathew, Thomas
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives by Mlodinow, Leonard
The Azimuths Of Celestial Bodies: Whose Declinations Range From 24 Degrees To 70 Degrees, For Parallels Of Latitude Extending To 70 Degrees From The E by Littlehales, George Washington
Logistic Regression Models by Hilbe, Joseph M.
Trends in Stochastic Analysis by
Levy Processes and Stochastic Calculus by Applebaum, David
Random Polymers: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVII - 2007 by Den Hollander, Frank
Bohmian Mechanics: The Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Theory by Dürr, Detlef, Teufel, Stefan
Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems by Cox Jr, Louis Anthony
Bayesian Computation with R by Albert, Jim
Statistical Analysis for Decision Makers in Healthcare: Understanding and Evaluating Critical Information in Changing Times by Bauer, Jeffrey C.
Contextual Approach to Quantum Formalism by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
ROC Curves for Continuous Data by Krzanowski, Wojtek J., Hand, David J.
Applied Data Mining for Business 2e by Giudici, Paolo, Figini, Silvia
Nonlinear Mixed-effects Models and Bootstrap resampling by El Halimi, Rachid
Stationary Random Walks and Isotonic Regression by Zhao, Ou
Scan Statistics: Methods and Applications by
Statistics Equations & Answers: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Kizlik, Stephen V.
Decision Theory: Principles and Approaches by Parmigiani, Giovanni, Inoue, Lurdes
Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System by Ajmani, Vivek
Metaheuristics by Talbi, El-Ghazali
The Geometry of Walker Manifolds by Garcia-Rio, Eduardo, Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel, Gilkey, Peter
Learning Representation and Control in Markov Decision Processes: New Frontiers by Mahadaven, Sridhar
Dynamic Linear Models with R by Petrone, Sonia, Campagnoli, Patrizia, Petris, Giovanni
The Monty Hall Problem: The Remarkable Story of Math's Most Contentious Brain Teaser by Rosenhouse, Jason
Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning by Zhu, Xiaojin, Goldberg, Andrew B.
Introductory Time Series with R by Metcalfe, Andrew V., Cowpertwait, Paul S. P.
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics in the Law by Finkelstein, Michael O.
Statistice Regni Hungariae, Part 2 (1795) by Horvath, Mihaly
Commercium Epistolicum D. Johannis Collins: Et Aliorum, De Analysi Promota (1722) by Collins, John
De Luminis Affectionibus: Specimen Physico Mathematicum Johannis Rizzetti In Duos Libros Divisum (1727) by Rizzetti, Giovanni
Analytische Mechanik (1797) by Lagrange, Joseph Louis, Murhard, Friedrich Wilhelm August
Essai Sur Les Probabilites De La Duree De La Vie Humaine (1746) by Deparcieux, Antoine
Statistische Ausklarungen (1795) by Grellmann, Heinrich Moritz Gottlieb
Adolphe Quetelet As Statistician (1908) by Hankins, Frank Hamilton
Adolphe Quetelet As Statistician (1908) by Hankins, Frank Hamilton
Der Angewandten Stochyometrie Dritter Abschnitt (1793) by Richter, Jeremias Benjamin
A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods by Hoff, Peter D.
Konsumausgaben und Einkommen. Eine Kointegrationsanalyse für die BRD by Stumpf, Sven, Heckelmann, Cora
Operators and Iterative Processes of Fejér Type: Theory and Applications by Vasin, Vladimir V., Eremin, Ivan I.
Continuous Bivariate Distributions by Lai, Chin Diew, Balakrishnan, N.
An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R by Trosset, Michael W.
An Intermediate Course in Probability by Gut, Allan
Markov Logic: An Interface Layer for Artificial Intelligence by Domingos, Pedro, Lowd, Daniel
The Basics of Practical Optimization by Levy, Adam B.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methoden by Plehn, Thomas
Cooperation in Classification and Data Analysis: Proceedings of Two German-Japanese Workshops by
Stochastik: Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Statistik by Georgii, Hans-Otto
Winning Lottery Lines by Schneider, Harry
LIBOR Market Model by Svoboda-Greenwood, Simona
Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes by Taira, Kazuaki
Spatial Data Quality: From Process to Decisions by
Applied Survey Methods: A Statistical Perspective by Bethlehem, Jelke
A Comprehensive Guide to Factorial Two-Level Experimentation by Mee, Robert
Functional Data Analysis with R and MATLAB by Hooker, Giles, Ramsay, James, Graves, Spencer
A Beginner's Guide to R by Zuur, Alain, Ieno, Elena N., Meesters, Erik
Linear Regression Analysis: Theory and Computing by Yan, Xin, Su, Xiaogang
Stochastic Inverse Regression and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space by Ren, Haobo
Der Two-Step-Clusteralgorithmus in SPSS: Methodenbeschreibung und Vergleich mit der k-Means Clusteranalyse by Seibold, Josef
Battle Damage Assessment by Rios, Armando
An Introduction to Fronts in Random Media by Xin, Jack
Computation of Multivariate Normal and T Probabilities by Bretz, Frank, Genz, Alan
Communimetrics: A Communication Theory of Measurement in Human Service Settings by Lyons, John S.
Stochastic Dynamics and Boltzmann Hierarchy by Petrina, Dmitri Ya
Statistical Calculation for Beginners by Chambers, E. G.
Einleitung Zur Berechnung Der Leibrenten Und Anwartschaften Die Vom Leben Und Tode Einer Oder Mehrerer Personen Abhangen (1785) by Tetens, Johann Nicolas
Eratosthenes Batavus De Terrae Ambitus Vera Quantitate (1617) by Snellius, Willebrordus
Du Calcul Des Probabilites (1783) by Bicquilley, C. F.
Dissertatio Physica Et Mathematica De Montium Altitudine Barometro Metienda (1783) by Damen, Christian Henrico
Einleitung Zur Berechnung Der Leibrenten Und Anwartschaften Die Vom Leben Und Tode Einer Oder Mehrerer Personen Abhangen (1785) by Tetens, Johann Nicolas
Modeling and Data Mining in Blogosphere by Liu, Huan, Agarwal, Nitin
Asymptotic Efficiency of Nonparametric Tests by Yakov, Nikitin, Nikitin, Yakov
Probability, Markov Chains, Queues, and Simulation: The Mathematical Basis of Performance Modeling by Stewart, William J.
Basic Statistics: A Primer for the Biomedical Sciences by Dunn, Olive Jean, Clark, Virginia A.
Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications: Multivariate Statistics and Wireless Communications by
Decision Making with Dominance Constraints in Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programming by Gotzes, Uwe
Shape Optimization Under Uncertainty from a Stochastic Programming Point of View by Held, Harald
Introduzione Ai Metodi Statistici Per Il Credit Scoring by Stanghellini, Elena
Principles and Theory for Data Mining and Machine Learning by Fokoue, Ernest, Zhang, Hao Helen, Clarke, Bertrand
Elementary Probability for Applications by Durrett, Rick
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques by Koller, Daphne, Friedman, Nir
Statistics for Engineers: An Introduction by Morrison, Jim
Linear Statistical Models 2e by Stapleton, James H.
Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization by Wu, C. F. Jeff, Hamada, Michael S.
Adv in Multivariate Statistical.....(V4) by
Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings by
Smoothing of Multivariate Data: Density Estimation and Visualization by Klemelä, Jussi Sakari
Sampling Statistics by Fuller, Wayne A.
Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings by
Multiple Comparisons for Mixed Models by Xia, George Zhengzhi
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