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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2010

Basic Statistics for Social Workers by Schneider, Robert A.
Statistical Persuasion: How to Collect, Analyze, and Present Data... Accurately, Honestly, and Persuasively by Pearson, Robert W.
A Practical Guide to Scientific Data Analysis by Livingstone, David J.
Understanding Statistics as a Language by Standridge, Larry A., Andrews, Robert D.
The Numbers Game: The Commonsense Guide to Understanding Numbers in the News, in Politics, and in L ife by Dilnot, Andrew, Blastland, Michael
Design and Analysis of Quality of Life Studies in Clinical Trials by Fairclough, Diane L.
Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure: A Technical Guide by Cesari, Giovanni, Aquilina, John, Charpillon, Niels
The Pleasures of Statistics: The Autobiography of Frederick Mosteller by Mosteller, Frederick
Bernstein Functions: Theory and Applications by Vondracek, Zoran, Schilling, René L., Song, Renming
The Practically Cheating Statistics Handbook by Deviant Mat, S.
Practitioner's Guide to Statistics and Lean Six SIGMA for Process Improvements by De Hodgins, Ofelia C., Harry, Mikel J., Mann, Prem S.
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance by
Epidemics and Rumours in Complex Networks by Draief, Moez, Massoulie, Laurent
Bootstrapping Stationary Arma-Garch Models by Shimizu, Kenichi
The Geometry of Random Fields by Adler, Robert J.
Selected Topics in Operations Research by Ilembo, Bahati
Statistical Journal And Record Of Useful Knowledge V1: October, 1837 To February, 1838 (1837) by William Pixley Publisher
Particle Swarm Optimization and Intelligence: Advances and Applications by Parsopoulos, Konstantinos E., Vrahatis, Michael N.
Stochastic Financial Models by Kennedy, Douglas
Stochastic and Copula Models for Credit Derivatives by Meng, Chao
Fuzzy Mathematics: Approximation Theory by Anastassiou, George A.
Alpine Waters by
Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures: Festschrift in Honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir by
Statistics in the Social Sciences by Thombs, Lori, Steinley, Douglas, Kolenikov, Stanislav
Recent Development in Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Analysis by
Computational Line Geometry by Pottmann, Helmut, Wallner, Johannes
The Brontes: The Critical Heritage by
Mathematical Modelling for Sustainable Development by Hersh, Marion
Probability and Risk Analysis: An Introduction for Engineers by Rydén, Jesper, Rychlik, Igor
The Mathematics of Arbitrage by Delbaen, Freddy, Schachermayer, Walter
A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance by Heath, David, Platen, Eckhard
The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing by Smídl, Václav, Quinn, Anthony
Option Prices as Probabilities: A New Look at Generalized Black-Scholes Formulae by Profeta, Christophe, Roynette, Bernard, Yor, Marc
Ubiquitous Quantum Structure: From Psychology to Finance by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Third Edition by Walker, Glenn a., Shostak, Jack
Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Everything You Do by Fung, Kaiser
Ensemble Methods in Data Mining: Improving Accuracy Through Combining Predictions by Seni, Giovanni, Elder, John
Lettres A S. A. R. Le Duc Regnant De Saxe-Cobourg Et Gotha Sur La Theorie Des Probabilites (1846) by Quetelet, Adolphe
Statistique Historique De L'Arrondissement De Dole V2 (1842) by Marquiset, Armand
Statistische Darstellung Der Preussischen Monarchie (1817) by Demian, Johann Andreas
Cours Elementaire De Statistique: Conforme Au Programme Arrete Par Le Conseil Superieur De Statistique (1895) by Bertillon, Jacques
Das Gesetz Der Kleinen Zahlen (1898) by Bortkewitsch, Ladislaus Von
De La Statistique: Et Lettre Sur La Statistique (1854) by de Montherot, F., Valentin-Smith, M.
Gesammelte Mathematische Und Astronomische Abhandlungen, Volumes 1-3 by Encke, Johann Franz
Le 25 Anniversaire De La Societe De Statistique De Paris, 1860-1885 (1886) by Berger-Levrault Publisher
Sulle Relazioni del Cholera in Venezia Colle Vicende Meteorologiche E Col Calendario Religioso E Civile by Berti, Antonio
Sample Size Calculations: Practical Methods for Engineers and Scientists by Mathews, Paul
Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Applications by
Analysing Seasonal Health Data by Barnett, Adrian G., Dobson, Annette J.
A Guide to Empirical Orthogonal Functions for Climate Data Analysis by Navarra, Antonio, Simoncini, Valeria
The Aral Sea Environment by
Theorie Der Beobachtungsfehler by Czuber, Emanuel
Misconceptions of Risk by Aven, Terje
Data Mining Techniques in Crm: Inside Customer Segmentation by Chorianopoulos, Antonios, Tsiptsis, Konstantinos K.
Monte Carlo Methods and Models in Finance and Insurance by Korn, Elke, Kroisandt, Gerald, Korn, Ralf
Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications by Wang, Yuedong
Optimal Experimental Design with R by Verdooren, L. R., Rasch, Dieter, Pilz, Jurgen
Measurement Error: Models, Methods, and Applications by Buonaccorsi, John P.
Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory by Safarian, Mher, Kabanov, Yuri
Neuere Ansätze zur Sozialstrukturanalyse und ihre Umsetzung in die Empirie anhand Bourdieu by Aytekin, Ayca
Temporal Data Mining by Mitsa, Theophano
Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology by
SAS Functions by Example, Second Edition by Cody, Ron
Stopping Times and Directed Processes by Sucheston, Louis, Edgar, G. A.
Workshop on Branching Processes and Their Applications by
Lectures on Cosmology: Accelerated Expansion of the Universe by
Stochastische Modelle in Der Lebensversicherung by Koller, Michael
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 9 by
Data Integration: The Relational Logic Approach by Genesereth, Michael
Multidimensional Stochastic Processes as Rough Paths by Friz, Peter K., Victoir, Nicolas B.
Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods: Substantially Improving Power and Accuracy by Wilcox, Rand R.
Elements De Statistique Humaine: Ou Demographie Comparee (1855) by Guillard, Achille
Album Graphique De La Statistique Generale De La France (1907) by Fontaine, Arthur
Anwendung Der Graphostatik Im Maschinenbau: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Statisch Bestimmten Achsen Und Wellen (1906) by Wachtel, Alfred
Maimunis Neumondsberechnung, Part 3 (1902) by Baneth, Eduard
Das Graphische Rechnen Und Die Graphische Statik, Part 2-3, Abtheilung 1-2 Und Die Statik Der Tunnelgewolbe (1885) by Ott, Karl Von, Ritter, Wilhelm
Bericht Uber Die Tatigkeit Des Statistischen Seminars An Der K. K. Universitat In Wien Im Wintersemester, 1905-1906 (1906) by Friedr Irrgang Publisher
Die Theorie Der Krafteplane: Eine Einfuhrung In Die Graphische Statik (1910) by Timerding, Heinrich Carl Franz Emil
Beitrage Zur Theorie Der Fresnelschen Beugungsspektra (1895) by Konig, Albert
Rapport Soumis A La Junte Organisatrice: Sur Le Programme De La VI Session Du Congres International De Statistique (1867) by Maestri, Pierre
Bulletin De L'Institut International De Statistique V11, Part 2 (1899) by Trenke Et Fusnot Publisher
Aufgaben Fur Anfanger In Der Buchstabenrechnung, Algebra Und Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1842) by Jahn, Gustav Adolph
Cours De Calcul Des Probabilites: Fait A L'Universite De Liege De 1849 A 1857 (1874) by Meyer, Antoine
Allgemeine Losung Des Problemes Uber Den Stationaren Temperaturzustand Eines Homogenen Korpers (1862) by Neumann, Carl
Praktische Anleitung Sur Parallaxenrechnung: Samt Neuberrechneten Tafeln Des Nonagesimus Und Anderen Hulfstafeln (1804) by Wurm, Johann Friedrich
Die Theorie Der Flugbahn-Parabel: Un Ihre Wichtigsten Anwendungen (1876) by Wuich, Nikolaus
Aufgaben Zur Theorie Elastischer Korper (1885) by Weyrauch, Jacob Johann
Geographie Und Statistik Von West-Sud Und Neu-Ostpreuessn V2 (1804) by Holsche, August Karl
Bulletin De L'Institut International De Statistique V11, Part 1 (1899) by Trenke Et Fusnot Publisher
Handbook of Spatial Statistics by
Del Sistema Metrico Della Citta Di Napoli: E Della Uniformita De' Pesi E Delle Misure Che Meglio Si Conviene A' Reali Dominj Di Qua Dal Faro (1838) by Visconti, Ferdinando
Probabilities: The Little Numbers That Rule Our Lives by Olofsson, Peter
The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat, and the Seventeenth-Century Letter That Made the World Modern by Devlin, Keith
Time Series Analysis of Long Memory versus Structural Breaks by Goerg, Georg M.
Brownian Motion by Mörters, Peter, Peres, Yuval
Statistics for Archaeologists: A Common Sense Approach by Drennan, Robert D.
Elements of the Random Walk: An Introduction for Advanced Students and Researchers by Gaspari, George, Joseph, Rudnick, Rudnick, Joseph
Essentials of Statistical Inference by Smith, R. L., Young, G. A.
Survival Analysis Using SAS: A Practical Guide by Allison, Paul D.
Constructive Computation in Stochastic Models with Applications: The Rg-Factorizations by Li, Quan-Lin
Starting Statistics by Burdess, Neil
Stochastic Processes for Physicists: Understanding Noisy Systems by Jacobs, Kurt
Decision Systems and Nonstochastic Randomness by Ivanenko, V. I.
Plans d'Expérience: Constructions Et Analyses Statistiques by Tinsson, Walter
Stochastic Integration with Jumps by Bichteler, Klaus, Klaus, Bichteler
Missverhältnis von objektiven und subjektiven Wahrscheinlichkeiten: Über Würfel, Münzen, Kugeln und Ziegen by Stäbe, Gerrit
Bayesian Methods for Structura by Yuen, Ka-Veng
Statistical Procedures for Machine and Process Qualification by Dietrich, Edgar
Untersuchungen Über Säuglingssterblichkeit in Der Schweiz: Mit Vergleich Der Verhältnisse Anderer Staaten Und Mit Näherer Berücksichtigung Des Kantons by Rheiner, G.
Multivariate Nonparametric Methods with R: An Approach Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks by Oja, Hannu
Applied Statistics for Business and Economics by Leekley, Robert M.
Fundamentals of Probability: A First Course by Dasgupta, Anirban
Bayesian Nonparametrics by
Probability, Uncertainty and Rationality by
Derivatives Algorithms - Volume 1: Bones by Hyer, Thomas
Geschichte, Statistik Und Topographie Der Stadte Elberfeld Und Barmen Im Wupperthale (1835) by Knapp, Johann Friedrich
Die Iterationen: Ein Beitrag Zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (1917) by Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus Von
Die Principien Der Mechanik: Mathematische Untersuchungen (1901) by Koenigsberger, Leo
Die Prinzipien Der Lebensversicherungs-Mathematik (1903) by Scheuten, P.
Einfuhrung In Die Statistik (1912) by Muller, Ernst
Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Der Statistischen Mechanik (1922) by Wassmuth, Anton
Die Kollektivmasslehre (1908) by Czuber, Emanuel
Die Statistischen Mittelwerte: Eine Methodologische Untersuchung (1908) by Zizek, Franz
Il Sesso Dal Punto Di Vista Statistico: Le Leggi Della Produzione Dei Sessi (1908) by Gini, Corrado
Ein Deutsches Reichsarbeitsamt: Geschichte Und Organisation Der Arbeiterstatistik Im In Und Ausland (1902) by Dreydorff, Rudolf
Die Poincaresche Theorie Des Gleichgewichts: Einer Homogenen Rotierenden Flussigkeitsmasse (1897) by Schwarzschild, Karl
Die Singularitaten Der Lissajous'schen Stimmgabelcurven (1875) by Braun, Wilhelm
Einfuhrung In Die Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre (1889) by Borchardt, Bruno
Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung In Ihrer Anwendung Auf Das Wissenschaftliche Und Practische Leben (1833) by Littrow, Joseph Johann
Die Grundzuge Der Theorie Der Statistik (1890) by Westergaard, Harald
Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1897) by Goldschmidt, Ludwig
Die Principien Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1886) by Kries, Johannes Von
Geschichte, Theorie Und Technik Der Statistik (1886) by Meitzen, August
Introduzione Alla Economia Matematica (1899) by Virgilii, Filippo, Garibaldi, Cesare, Hoepli, Manuali
Einleitung In Das Studium Der Statistik: Vorlesungen Gehalten An Der Universitat Gottingen (1881) by Wappaus, Johann Eduard
Einleitung In Die Wissenschaft Der Statistik (1843) by
Einleitung In Die Theorie Der Bevolkerungsstatistik (1875) by Lexis, Wilhelm
Die Principien Der Mathematischen Physik Und Die Potentialtheorie: Nebst Ihren Vorzuglichsten Anwendungen Im Grundriss Dargestellt (1871) by Wand, Theodor
Die Dritte Versammlung Des Internationalen Congresses Fur Statistik, Zu Wien Im September 1857 (1857) by Ficker, Adolf
Beitrage Zur Statistik Des Herzogthums Nassau, Part 1, Allgemeine Landesstatistik: Unter Vielsacher Benutzung Officieller Quellen (1863) by Sartorius, Otto
Introduccao A Theoria Dos Erros Das Observacoes (1898) by Paes, Sidonio Bern Cardoso Da Silva
Die Moralische Statistik Und Die Menschliche Willensfreiheit: Eine Untersuchung (1867) by Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm
Grundlagen Und Ergebnisse Der Statistik Der Rechtspflege Im Kanton Zurich (1895) by
Essai De Complement De La Statistique Du Departement De La Gironde (1847) by Chaumas, Paul
Gli Scettici Della Statistica (1877) by Gabelli, Aristide
Die Mathematischen Rechnungen Bei Lebens Und Renten-Versicherungen (1861) by Zillmer, August
Die Statistik Als Selbststandige Wissenschaft (1850) by Knies, Carl Gustav Adolph
Die Grundsatze Der Wahrscheinlichkeits-Rechnung Und Ihre Anwendungen (1862) by Wild, Albert
Erste Grunde Der Astronomie Und Mathematischen Geographie Fur Den Unterricht Und Privatgebrauch (1810) by Meinert, Friedrich
Geschichte, Statistik Und Topographie Der Stadte Elberfeld Und Barmen Im Wupperthale (1835) by Knapp, Johann Friedrich
Die Titrir-Methode: Als Selbstandige Quantitative Analyse (1884) by Fleischer, Emil
Die Anwendung Der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Auf-Die-Berechnung Der Beobachtungen Und Geodatischen Messungen (1863) by Sawitsch, Aleksiei
Die Grundlehren Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (1849) by Cournot, Antoine Augustin
Geschichte Und Statistik Des Zalenlottos In Oesterreich: Auf Grund Archivalischer Quellen (1898) by Sieghart, Rudolf
Annales De Lobservatoire Royal De Belgique V7; Methode Pour La Determination Des Parallaxes; Theoremes De Mecanique Celeste (1896) by Lecointe, Georges, Lagrange, Ch, Niesten, L.
Annales De Statistique V5: Francaise Et Etrangere (1803) by Ballois, Louis
Masatoshi Fukushima: Selecta by
Theorectical Modeling and Simulation by Banks, Catherine M., Sokolowski, John A.
Ordinal Categorical Data 2e by Agresti, Alan
Computer-intensive und nichtparametrische statistische Tests by Neuhäuser, Markus
Clustering Stability: An Overview by Von Luxor, Ulrike
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 13 by
Geostatistics Explained: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists by McKillup, Steve, Dyar, Melinda Darby, McKillup, Stephen
Grundlegende Statistik Mit R: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung in Die Verwendung Der Statistik Software R by Groß, Jürgen
Multilevel Logistic Regression Analysis of Contraceptive Binary Data by Rahaman Khan, Hasinur
Geostatistics Explained: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists by Dyar, Melinda Darby, McKillup, Stephen
Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis - Proceedings of the 29th Conference by
Introduction to Predictive Learning by Ma, Yunqian, Cherkassky, Vladimir
Permutation Tests for Complex Data by Pesarin, Fortunato, Salmaso, Luigi
Design and Analysis of Experiments with SAS by Lawson, John
Designing Quantitative Experiments: Prediction Analysis by Wolberg, John
Expansions and Asymptotics for Statistics by Small, Christopher G.
R for Stata Users by Muenchen, Robert A., Hilbe, Joseph M.
Applied Linear Models with SAS by Zelterman, Daniel
The Oxford Handbook of Applied Bayesian Analysis by
Some Advances in Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling by Rodriguez, Abel
Relational Data Clustering: Models, Algorithms, and Applications by Zhang, Zhongfei, Yu, Philip S., Long, Bo
Finite Element Analysis of Beam-To-Beam Contact by Litewka, Przemyslaw
Stochastic Modeling: Analysis and Simulation by Nelson, Barry L.
Collected Articles from Lnm: A Special Selection on the Occasion of the Memorial Conference for Kai Lai Chung, Beijing 13. - 16. June, 2010 by Chung, Kai Lai
The Generalized Law Of Error: Or Law Of Great Numbers (1906) by Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
The Fourth Dimension: A Language Of Space by Hinton, C. Howard
Double-Star Astronomy: Containing The History Of Double-Star Work; Computation Of Orbits And Position Of Orbit-Planes (1908) by Lewis, Thomas
The Calculation of Solar Eclipses Without Parallaxes: With a Specimen of the Same in the Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 11, 1724 (1724) by Whiston, William
Studie Uber Eine Neue Formel Zur Ermittlung Der Geschwindigkeit Des Wassers In Flussen Und Stromen (1901) by Siedek, Richard
Das Gesetz Der Kleinen Zahlen (1898) by Bortkewitsch, Ladislaus Von
The Metric System (1903) by Goltman, Robert, Le Roy, Maurice
Dioptric Formula For Combined Cylindrical Lenses: Applicable For All Angular Deviations Of Their Axes (1888) by Prentice, Charles Frederick
Elements of Real Analysis by Denlinger, Charles G.
Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies Moving about the Sun in Conic Sections: A Translation of Gauss's Theoria Motus (1857) by Davis, Charles Henry
Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies Moving about the Sun in Conic Sections: A Translation of Gauss's Theoria Motus (1857) by Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Proportional Representation A Study In Methods Of Election by Humphreys, John H., Poland, A. B.
Essai Sur L'Application de L'Analyse a la Probabilite Des Decisions Rendues a la Pluralite Des Voix (1785) by De Condorcet, Jean Antoine Nicolas
Statistical Decision Theory: Kendall's Library of Statistics 9 by Insua, David Rios, French, Simon
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments by Kempson, Robert E., Clarke, Geoffrey M.
Statistics in Finance by Hand, David J., Jacka, Saul D.
Statistical Inference for Diffusion Type Processes: Kendall's Library of Statistics 8 by Rao, B. L. S. Prakasa
Statistics in Archaeology by Baxter, Michael
Stochastic Distribution Control System Design: A Convex Optimization Approach by Guo, Lei, Wang, Hong
Longitudinal Research with Latent Variables by
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