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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2011

The Foundations of Modern Time Series Analysis by Mills, Terence C.
Choosing and Using Statistics by Dytham, Calvin
Evolutionary Statistical Procedures: An Evolutionary Computation Approach to Statistical Procedures Designs and Applications by Baragona, Roberto, Battaglia, Francesco, Poli, Irene
Essential Statistical Methods for Medical Statistics: A Derivative of Handbook of Statistics: Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Vol. 27 by Miller, J. Philip
The Association Graph and the Multigraph for Loglinear Models by Khamis, Harry J.
Introduction to Statistical Limit Theory by Polansky, Alan M.
The Integral: A Crux for Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Statistics for Research: With a Guide to SPSS by Argyrous, George
Stats with Cats: The Domesticated Guide to Statistics, Models, Graphs, and Other Breeds of Data Analysis by Kufs, Charles
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-Based Modeling: Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing by Allen, Theodore T.
Mathematics for the Environment by Walter, Martin
Modelling Operational Risk Using Bayesian Inference by Shevchenko, Pavel V.
Geometric Data Analysis: From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis by Rouanet, Henry, Le Roux, Brigitte
Exploring Data in Engineering, the Sciences, and Medicine by Pearson, Ronald K.
Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices by Kollo, Tõnu, Rosen, D. Von
Practical Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists by Walford, Nigel
Latent Class Analysis of Survey Error by Biemer, Paul P.
Random Sequential Packing of Cubes by Dutour Sikiric, Mathieu, Itoh, Yoshiaki
Metodi Matematici Per La Teoria Dell'evoluzione by Bazzani, Armando, Buiatti, Marcello, Freguglia, Paolo
So Stat&econometrics 2e REV by Salvatore
Stochastic Finance: An Introduction in Discrete Time by Schied, Alexander, Föllmer, Hans
Statistische Informationstechnik: Signal - Und Mustererkennung, Parameter- Und Signalschätzung by Rigoll, Gerhard, Kristian, Kroschel, Schuller, Björn W.
Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data by Sutradhar, Brajendra C.
Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective Programming by Katagiri, Hideki, Sakawa, Masatoshi, Nishizaki, Ichiro
Selected Works of Debabrata Basu by
Modelling Extremal Events: For Insurance and Finance by Klüppelberg, Claudia, Mikosch, Thomas, Embrechts, Paul
Learning with Support Vector Machines by Campbell, Colin, Ying, Yiming
Analyzing Ecological Data by Zuur, Alain, Ieno, Elena N., Smith, Graham M.
Untersuchung des Einflusses der Unternehmensinternationalität auf den Unternehmenserfolg: Am Beispiel von deutschen, französischen und italienischen K by Becker, Romy Stefanie
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science by
Restricted Orbit Equivalence for Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups by Kammeyer, Janet Whalen, Rudolph, Daniel J.
Typical Dynamics of Volume Preserving Homeomorphisms by Alpern, Steve, Steve, Alpern, V. S., Prasad
Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorial Analysis by Sachkov, Vladimir N., Vladimir N., Sachkov
Nonlinear Statistical Modeling: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Takeshi by
A Probability Metrics Approach to Financial Risk Measures by Stoyanov, Stoyan V., Fabozzi, Frank J., Rachev, Svetlozar T.
Cluster Analysis by Leese, Morven, Landau, Sabine, Everitt, Brian S.
Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability by Limnios, Nikolaos, Gámiz, M. Luz, Kulasekera, K. B.
Die Regressionsanalyse: Anwendung an einem Fallbeispiel zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Unternehmensinternationalität auf den Unternehmens by Becker, Romy Stefanie
Selected Works of Donald L. Burkholder by
Probability and Stochastics by Çınlar, Erhan
Esercizi Di Metodi Matematici Della Fisica: Con Complementi Di Teoria by Angilella, Giuseppe
Large Sample Inference for Long Memory Processes by Giraitis, Liudas, Surgailis, Donatas, Koul, Hira L.
Nonparametric Statistics and Mixture Models: A Festschrift in Honor of Thomas P Hettmansperger by
Bayesian Inference for Structural Changes in Time Series Models by M, Vijayakumar, D, Venkatesan
Association Schemes: Designed Experiments, Algebra and Combinatorics by Bailey, R. A.
Logit Models from Economics and Other Fields by Cramer, J. S.
Quantifying the Evolution of Early Life: Numerical Approaches to the Evaluation of Fossils and Ancient Ecosystems by
Lectures on Minimal Surfaces: Volume 1, Introduction, Fundamentals, Geometry and Basic Boundary Value Problems by Nitsche, Johannes C. C.
Univariate and Multivariate Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measures Data by Wragg, Tony
Classification and Multivariate Analysis for Complex Data Structures by
Operations Research and Management Science: Volume 1: A History of the New Approach to Problems by Muller-Merbach, Heiner
Modelling and Quantitative Methods in Fisheries by Haddon, Malcolm
Random Perturbation of Pdes and Fluid Dynamic Models: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XL - 2010 by Flandoli, Franco
Quantum Probability and Related Topics - Proceedings of the 30th Conference by
High-Dimensional Data Analysis (V2) by
Advanced Asset Pricing Theory by Ma, Chenghu
MCM Handbook by Botev, Zdravko I., Kroese, Dirk P., Taimre, Thomas
Towards a Mathematical Theory of Complex Biological Systems by Bianca, Carlo, Bellomo, Nicola
Markov Processes, Semigroups and Generators by Kolokoltsov, Vassili N.
Statistical Methods: A Geometric Primer by Wood, Graham R., Saville, David J.
Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices by Glazebrook, Kevin, Weber, Richard, Gittins, John
Engineering Uncertainty and Risk Analysis: A Balanced Approach to Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Modeling, and Stochastic Differential Equations. by Serrano, Sergio E.
Handbook of Statistical Data Editing and Imputation by Pannekoek, Jeroen, Scholtus, Sander, De Waal, Ton
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications VI: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, May 2008 by
Cemaf as a Census Method: A Proposal for a Re-Designed Census and an Independent U.S. Census Bureau by Walashek, Paula J., Swanson, David a.
A Tiny Handbook of R by Allerhand, Mike
Interactive LISREL in Practice: Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach by Vieira, Armando Luis
A Basic Course in Statistics by Clarke, Geoffrey M., Cooke, D.
Cross Section and Experimental by Agung, I. Gusti Ngurah
Quantitative Risk Assessment by Aven, Terje
Fourier Transforms: New Analytical Approaches and FTIR Strategies by
25 Recipes for Getting Started with R: Excerpts from the R Cookbook by Teetor, Paul
Exploring Monte Carlo Methods by Shultis, J. Kenneth, Dunn, William L.
Basics of Reliability and Risk Analysis: Worked Out Problems and Solutions by Zio, Enrico, Cadini, Francesco, Baraldi, Piero
Geostatistics Rio 2000: Proceedings of the Geostatistics Sessions of the 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-17 by
Varianz- und Verteilungs-Betrachtungen für Finanzdaten mit Bezug zum Black-Scholes Modell by Vetter, Andreas
Data Analysis: What Can Be Learned from the Past 50 Years by Huber, Peter J.
Notes on Statist & Data Quality for .. by Lowthian, Philip James, Thompson, Michael
Notes on Statist & Data Quality for .. by Thompson, Michael, Lowthian, Philip James
Fourier Transforms: Approach to Scientific Principles by
Bewertung unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Ermittlung des VaR im Zusammenhang mit Solvency II: Analyse im Hinblick auf die betriebliche Altersvorsorge by Schleehuber, Johannes
Spatio-Temporal Data by Cressie, Noel, Wikle, Christopher K.
A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS by Reise, Steven P., Berkman, Elliot T.
Projection Matrices, Generalized Inverse Matrices, and Singular Value Decomposition by Yanai, Haruo, Takeuchi, Kei, Takane, Yoshio
Statistics Demystified, 2nd Edition by Gibilisco, Stan
The Practical Guide to Statistics: Applications with Excel, R, and Calc by Gwet, Kilem Li
Dependence Modeling: Vine Copula Handbook by
Statistics for Non-Statisticians by Madsen, Birger
Impossible?: Surprising Solutions to Counterintuitive Conundrums by Havil, Julian
Numerical Methods of Statistics by Monahan, John F.
Data Mining and Statistics for Decision Making by Tufféry, Stéphane
Visual Object Recognition by Grauman, Kristen, Leibe, Bastian
Almost Periodic Stochastic Processes by Diagana, Toka, Bezandry, Paul H.
Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models Using R by Berridge, Damon Mark, Crouchley, Robert
How to Be a Quantitative Ecologist: The 'a to R' of Green Mathematics and Statistics by Matthiopoulos, Jason
Practical Statistical Methods: A SAS Programming Approach by Padgett, Lakshmi
The Interpolation of Time Series by Related Series by Friedman, Milton
Negative Binomial Regression by Hilbe, Joseph M.
How to Be a Quantitative Ecologist: The 'a to R' of Green Mathematics and Statistics by Matthiopoulos, Jason
Quantitative Methods: An Introduction for Business Management by Brandimarte, Paolo
Stochastic Renewal Process Model for Condition Based Maintenance by Ramchandani, Pradeep
Methoden Der Statistik: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by Krapp, Michael
Occult Geometry by Raleigh, A. S.
An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R by Hothorn, Torsten, Everitt, Brian
Information Processing: Boolean Algebra, Classical Logic, Cellular Automata, and Probability Manipulation by Blower, David J.
Random Walks, Boundaries and Spectra by
Spatial Statistics: GeoSpatial Information Modeling and Thematic Mapping by Kalkhan, Mohammed A.
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo by
Statistical Methods for Trend Detection and Analysis in the Environmental Sciences by Scott, Marian, Chandler, Richard
Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems by
An Introduction To Celestial Mechanics by Sterne, Theodore E.
Theory of Sample Surveys by Kabe, D. G., Gupta, Arjun K.
Selected Works of Murray Rosenblatt by
Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions by Georgii, Hans-Otto
The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic by Ariely, Dan
Topological Complexity of Smooth Random Functions: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXIX-2009 by Adler, Robert, Taylor, Jonathan E.
Statistical Inference: A Concise Course by Ash, Robert B.
Brownian Motion, Obstacles and Random Media by Sznitman, Alain-Sol
Generic Inference: A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning by Kohlas, Juerg, Pouly, Marc
Peacocks and Associated Martingales, with Explicit Constructions by Profeta, Christophe, Roynette, Bernard, Hirsch, Francis
Hedging Derivatives by Sexton, Jenny, Rheinlander, Thorsten
The Math of Money: Making Mathematical Sense of Your Personal Finances by Davis, Morton D.
Stochastic-Process Limits: An Introduction to Stochastic-Process Limits and Their Application to Queues by Whitt, Ward
Predictions in Time Series Using Regression Models by Stulajter, Frantisek
Unified Methods for Censored Longitudinal Data and Causality by Robins, James M., Laan, Mark J. Van Der
Hybrid Random Fields: A Scalable Approach to Structure and Parameter Learning in Probabilistic Graphical Models by Trentin, Edmondo, Freno, Antonino
Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Advanced Topics by Dasgupta, Anirban
Induzione E Statistica: Varenna, Italy 1959 by
Random Walks and Diffusions on Graphs and Databases: An Introduction by Volchenkov, Dimitri, Blanchard, Philipp
Geometrie Stochastischer Signale by Meier, Siegfried, Borkowski, Andrzej
Statistical Data Analysis: A Practical Guide by Meloun, Milan, Militky, J.
Hyperfinite Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes by Herzberg, Frederik S., Albeverio, Sergio, Fan, Ruzong
Mathematische Statistik by Czado, Claudia, Schmidt, Thorsten
Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models by Christensen, Ronald
Goodness-Of-Fit Tests for Gee Model by Akanda MD Abdus Salam, Khanam Maksuda
Algorithmen zum Scheduling von Schleusungsvorgängen: Verkehrsoptimierung am Beispiel des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals by Luy, Martin
Excursion Sets of Random Fields and its Applications by Timmermann, Florian
Mathematical Theory of Entropy by Martin, Nathaniel F. G., England, James W.
Lyapunov Functionals and Stability of Stochastic Difference Equations by Shaikhet, Leonid
Methods for Estimation and Inference in Modern Econometrics by Gospodinov, Nikolay, Anatolyev, Stanislav
Statistics for High-Dimensional Data: Methods, Theory and Applications by Bühlmann, Peter, Van de Geer, Sara
Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Finance by Rieder, Ulrich, Bäuerle, Nicole
Inverse Problems and High-Dimensional Estimation: STATS in the Château Summer School, August 31 - September 4, 2009 by
Arthur L Bowley: A Pioneer in Modern Statistics and Economics by Kotz, Samuel, Dale, Andrew I.
Stoch Anal, Stoch Syst, & Appl to Finan by
Option pricing theory using Mellin transforms by Kocourek, Pavel
Distributional Analysis with L-moment Statistics using the R Environment for Statistical Computing by Asquith, William H.
Comparing Groups by Harring, Jeffrey R., Long, Jeffrey D., Zieffler, Andrew S.
Statistical Inference: The Minimum Distance Approach by Park, Chanseok, Basu, Ayanendranath, Shioya, Hiroyuki
Recent Advances in Functional Data Analysis and Related Topics by
Expect the Unexpected: A First Course in Biostatistics by Lamothe, Gilles, Balan, Raluca
Control Systems Synthesis: A Factorization Approach, Part I by Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli
Control Systems Synthesis: A Factorization Approach, Part II by Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli
Argomenti Di Probabilità E Statistica by Giuliano, Rita
Generalized Estimating Equations by Ziegler, Andreas
Classical Summation in Commutative and Noncommutative Lp-Spaces by Defant, Andreas
Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data by Liu, Bing
Matrices in Engineering Problems by Tobias, Marvin
Trading Agents by Wellman, Michael
Introduction to Stochastic Programming by Birge, John R., Louveaux, François
Introduction to Stochastic Programming by Louveaux, François, Birge, John R.
A Career in Statistics by Doganaksoy, Necip, Hahn, Gerald J.
The Foundations of Modern Time Series Analysis by Mills, Terence C.
Anticipatory Optimization for Dynamic Decision Making by Meisel, Stephan
Targeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data by Rose, Sherri, Van Der Laan, Mark J.
Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Languages by Mishra, Vipin
Frequency Curves and Correlation by Elderton, William Palin
Funct Estim Dens, Regress Model & Proces by Pons, Odile
Human Computation by Law, Edith, Von Ahn, Luis
Entropy of Hidden Markov Processes and Connections to Dynamical Systems by
Table of D' and by Freeman, P. R.
New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis: Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Ita by
Gaussian Process Regression Analysis for Functional Data by Choi, Taeryon, Shi, Jian Qing
How to catch lies with Statistical Distributions by Moon, Daylord
Towards Intelligent Modeling: Statistical Approximation Theory by Duman, Oktay, Anastassiou, George A.
Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL by Ferdjallah, Mohammed
Markov Paths, Loops and Fields: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVIII - 2008 by Le Jan, Yves
Extinction and Quasi-Stationarity in the Stochastic Logistic Sis Model by Nåsell, Ingemar
Ranking and Prioritization for Multi-Indicator Systems: Introduction to Partial Order Applications by Patil, Ganapati P., Brüggemann, Rainer
Inequalities Based on Sobolev Representations by Anastassiou, George A.
Probability in Banach Spaces: Isoperimetry and Processes by LeDoux, Michel, Talagrand, Michel
Portfolio Choice Problems: An Introductory Survey of Single and Multiperiod Models by Chapados, Nicolas
Kalman Filter for Beginners: with MATLAB Examples by Kim, Phil
Stochastic Approaches for Systems Biology by Ullah, Mukhtar, Wolkenhauer, Olaf
Homegrown Statistics: introductory statistics for the 21st century student by Zero, Math Guy
Disorder and Critical Phenomena Through Basic Probability Models: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XL - 2010 by Giacomin, Giambattista
Multiple Comparisons and Multiple Tests Using SAS by Tobias, Randall D., Wolfinger, Russell D., Westfall, Peter H.
Differential Equations with Impulse Effects: Multivalued Right-Hand Sides with Discontinuities by Samoilenko, Anatolii M., Perestyuk, Nikolai A., Plotnikov, Viktor A.
Introduction to the Theory of Statistical Inference by Liero, Hannelore, Zwanzig, Silvelyn
Isoperimetric Inequalities: Differential Geometric and Analytic Perspectives by Chavel, Isaac
Stochastic Analysis with Financial Applications: Hong Kong 2009 by
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 15 by
Maß Und Wahrscheinlichkeit by Schmidt, Klaus D.
Bank loan pricing, profitability and their connections with Basil II by Tau, Aaron, M. a. Peterson
Approximation by Multivariate Singular Integrals by Anastassiou, George A.
A Short Introduction to Preferences: Between AI and Social Choice by Venable, Kristen Brent, Walsh, Toby, Rossi, Francesca
Fisher, Neyman, and the Creation of Classical Statistics by Lehmann, Erich L.
Zur Bedeutung Benoît Mandelbrots auf die moderne Finanzmarktanalyse by Jungmann, Martin
Oracle Inequalities in Empirical Risk Minimization and Sparse Recovery Problems: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVIII-2008 by Koltchinskii, Vladimir
Leitfaden Stochastik: Für Studierende Und Ausübende Des Lehramts by Vogel, Markus, Eichler, Andreas
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