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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2012

Stochastic Differential Games. Theory and Applications by Ramachandran, Kandethody M., Tsokos, Chris P.
Predictability of Complex Dynamical Systems by
Multi Criteria Analysis in the Renewable Energy Industry by San Cristóbal Mateo, José Ramón
Optimization for Industrial Problems by Bangert, Patrick
Advances and Challenges in Space-Time Modelling of Natural Events by
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering Scee 2010 by
Ergodic Control of Diffusion Processes by Arapostathis, Ari
Robustness of Statistical Methods and Nonparametric Statistics by
Umwelt Und Gesundheit: Statistisch-Methodische Aspekte Von Epidemiologischen Studien Über Die Wirkung Von Umweltfaktoren Auf Die Menschliche by König, Karl, Eimeren, Wilhelm Van, Faus-Kessler, Theresa
Advanced Intraoperative Technologies in Neurosurgery by
Analysis of Genetic Association Studies by Yang, Yaning, Zhu, Xiaofeng, Zheng, Gang
Probability and Random Processes: With Applications to Signal Processing and Communications by Miller, Scott
Measurement Uncertainties: Physical Parameters and Calibration of Instruments by Gupta, S. V.
Asymptotics for Associated Random Variables by Oliveira, Paulo Eduardo
Lectures on Gaussian Processes by Lifshits, Mikhail
Possibility Theory and the Risk by Georgescu, Irina
Georg Von Mayr: Die Statistik in Deutschland Nach Ihrem Heutigen Stand. Band 2 by Mayr, Georg Von
Selected Works of E. L. Lehmann by
Scorecasting: The Hidden Influences Behind How Sports Are Played and Games Are Won by Wertheim, L. Jon, Moskowitz, Tobias
Probability in Banach Spaces at Saint-Flour by Badrikian, Albert, Hoffmann-Jørgensen, Jørgen, Kuelbs, Jim
Interacting Particle Systems at Saint-Flour by Spitzer, Frank, Liggett, Thomas M., Durrett, Rick
Malliavin Calculus at Saint-Flour by Nualart, David, Stroock, Daniel W., Ikeda, Nobuyuki
Markov Semigroups at Saint-Flour by Saloff-Coste, Laurent, LeDoux, Michel, Bakry, Dominique
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory at Saint-Flour by Guivarc'h, Yves, Kingman, John F. C., Ledrappier, François
Stochastic Filtering at Saint-Flour by El Karoui, Nicole, Pardoux, Etienne, Yor, Marc
Superprocesses at Saint-Flour by Dawson, Donald A., Perkins, Edwin
Statistical Techniques for Project Control by Agustiady, Tina, Badiru, Adedeji B.
Statistics for Physical Sciences: An Introduction by Martin, Brian
Einführung in Die Mathematik Für Biologen by Batschelet, E.
Image Analysis, Random Fields and Dynamic Monte Carlo Methods: A Mathematical Introduction by Winkler, Gerhard
Time Series Modeling of Neuroscience Data by Ozaki, Tohru
Asymptotic Analysis: A Distributional Approach by Estrada, Ricardo, Kanwal, RAM P.
Practical and Clear Graduate Statistics in Excel - The Excel Statistical Master by Harmon, Mark
Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source Pollution: Proceedings of a Workshop on Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source by
Elektromechanische Schaltungen Und Schaltgeräte: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und Berechnung by Plechl, Otto
Applications of Computer Technology to Dynamical Astronomy: Proceedings of the 109th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Gaith by
Prescriptions for Working Statisticians by Madansky, Albert
Convolution and Equidistribution: Sato-Tate Theorems for Finite-Field Mellin Transforms by Katz, Nicholas M.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics V: The Silivri Workshop, 1994 by
The Correspondence Between A. A. Markov and A. A. Chuprov on the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics by
Probability in Physics by
Probabilità in Fisica: Un'introduzione by Boffetta, Guido, Vulpiani, Angelo
On the Concentration Properties of Interacting Particle Processes by del Moral, Pierre, Hu, Peng, Wu, Liming
ACTA Numerica 1992: Volume 1 by
Stochastic Global Optimization and Its Applications with Fuzzy Adaptive Simulated Annealing by Ingber, Lester, Petraglia, Antonio, Aguiar E. Oliveira Junior, Hime
Transactions of the Ninth Prague Conference: Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes Held at Prague, from June 28 to July by
Essentials of Statistics for Scientists and Technologists by Mack, C.
Stochastic Storage Processes: Queues, Insurance Risk and Dams by Prabhu, Narahari U.
Linear Algebra and Linear Models by Bapat, Ravindra B.
Propagation Of Errors: How To Mathematically Predict Measurement Errors by Peralta, Mike
History of Statistics by Sheynin, Oscar, Sheynin, Oskar
Advances in Meta-Analysis by Pigott, Terri
Combinatorial Optimization for Undergraduates by Foulds, L. R.
Managing Safety of Heterogeneous Systems: Decisions Under Uncertainties and Risks by
Statistics for Censored Environmental Data Using Minitab and R by Helsel, Dennis R.
Probability Theory: Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales by Chow, Yuan S., Teicher, Henry
Brownian Motion by Hida, T.
Probability Theory: Independence Interchangeability Martingales by Teicher, H., Chow, Y. S.
Probability Demystified 2/E by Bluman, Allan
Monte Carlo-Algorithmen by Novak, Erich, Ritter, Klaus, Müller-Gronbach, Thomas
Multivariate Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis: Proceedings of the Advanced Symposium on Multivariate Modeling and Data Analysis May 15-16, 1986 by
Integration I: Chapters 1-6 by Bourbaki, N.
Concepts of Nonparametric Theory by Pratt, J. W., Gibbons, J. D.
Research Methodology: A Toolkit of Sampling and Data Analysis Techniques for Quantitative Research by Lim, Weng Marc, Ting, Ding Hooi
Mathematics of Random Phenomena: Random Vibrations of Mechanical Structures by Krée, P., Soize, C.
Cognitive Strategies in Stochastic Thinking by Scholz, Roland W.
Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory: Volume B Statistical Inference and Methods Proceedings of the 6th Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical by
Nonparametric Estimation of Probability Densities and Regression Curves by Nadaraya
The Linear Regression Model Under Test by Sonnberger, H., Kraemer, W.
Probability in Banach Spaces 7: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference by Eberlein, Külbs, Marcus
Probability, Random Processes, and Statistical Analysis by Mark, Brian L., Turin, William, Kobayashi, Hisashi
Robustness of Dynamic Systems with Parameter Uncertainties by
Robust Asymptotic Statistics: Volume I by Rieder, Helmut
Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Mathematische Statistik by Morgenstern, Dietrich
Diffusion Processes and Related Problems in Analysis, Volume I: Diffusions in Analysis and Geometry by Pinsky
Graphical Models with R by Edwards, David, Højsgaard, Søren, Lauritzen, Steffen
Mathematik 1: Lehrbuch Für Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge by Fränkel, Heiner, Fetzer, Albert
Running Like Zebras by Yuksel, Edip
Probability Theory, Live!: More than Gambling and Lottery - It's about Life by Saliu, Ion
Probability and Social Science: Methodological Relationships Between the Two Approaches by Courgeau, Daniel
Essentials of Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition by Watts, Robert
Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations by Benveniste, Albert, Metivier, Michel
Operator Calculus on Graphs: Theory and Applications in Computer Science by Schott, Rene, Staples, George Stacey
Optimal Sensor Networks Scheduling in Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems by Patan, Maciej
Probability in Complex Physical Systems: In Honour of Erwin Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner by
Mathematics of DNA Structure, Function and Interactions by
Spatial Statistics and Modeling by Gaetan, Carlo, Guyon, Xavier
Comparing Distributions by Thas, Olivier
Hybrid Switching Diffusions: Properties and Applications by Yin, G. George, Zhu, Chao
Design of Observational Studies by Rosenbaum, Paul R.
Who's #1?: The Science of Rating and Ranking by Langville, Amy N., Meyer, Carl D.
Probability and Measure Anniv by Billingsley, Patrick
Maximum-Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering: Volume 2: Applications by
Machine Learning for Financial Engineeri by
3D CAD: Principles and Applications by
The Vexing Case of Igor Shafarevich, a Russian Political Thinker by Berglund, Krista
Theory and Applications of Stochastic Processes: An Analytical Approach by Schuss, Zeev
Error Analysis with Applications in Engineering by Kotulski, Zbigniew A., Szczepinski, Wojciech
Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice by
Applied Mathematics and Parallel Computing: Festschrift for Klaus Ritter by
Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems by Perlikowski, Przemyslaw, Strzalko, Jaroslaw, Grabski, Juliusz
Modelling, Pricing, and Hedging Counterparty Credit Exposure: A Technical Guide by Cesari, Giovanni, Aquilina, John, Charpillon, Niels
Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Carpenter, Art
An Objective Theory of Probability (Routledge Revivals) by Gillies, Donald
Computational Statistics by Gentle, James E.
Basic Probability Theory with Applications by Lefebvre, Mario
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1986 by Glover, Cinlar, Chung
Theory of Stochastic Canonical Equations: Volumes I and II by Girko, V. L.
Tagestourismus in Stralsund 2011: Eine empirische Studie in Kooperation mit der Tourismuszentrale Stralsund by Klöpping Et Al, Laura
Sampling 3E by Thompson, Steven K.
Adaptive Tests by O'Gorman, Thomas W.
Non-Standard Parameter Adaptation for Exploratory Data Analysis by Wu, Ying, Fyfe, Colin, Barbakh, Wesam Ashour
Theory of Random Sets by Molchanov, Ilya
Stable Processes and Related Topics: A Selection of Papers from the Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop, January 9-13, 1990 by Cambanis
Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes: Theory and Applications by Guo, Xianping, Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo
Product of Random Stochastic Matrices and Distributed Averaging by Touri, Behrouz
Advanced Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large Data-Sets by
Transformation Products of Synthetic Chemicals in the Environment by
Mathematical Methods for Financial Markets by Chesney, Marc, Jeanblanc, Monique, Yor, Marc
Ereaders Ed eBooks Nelle Università by Cavalli, Nicola
Chapters in Probability by Smorynski, Craig
Elementary Statistical Methods by Sutcliffe, William George
Introduction to Electric Fields: A Vector Analysis Approach by Rogers, Walter Edwin
Hydrodynamic Behavior and Interacting Particle Systems by
Arma Model Identification by Choi, Byoungseon
Selec Top on Continuous-Time Control .. by Prieto-Rumeau, Tomas, Hernandez-Lerma, Onesimo
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1984 by Cinlar, Chung, Getoor
Probability in Banach Spaces 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Sandbjerg, Denmark 1986 by Haagerup
Modelling and Prediction Honoring Seymour Geisser by
Structured Decision Making by Gregory, Robin, Failing, Lee, Harstone, Michael
Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization: Theory, Models and Applications by Wang, Shuming, Watada, Junzo
International Aspects of UK Economic Activities by Buckley, P., Pearce, R. D.
Contributions to Stochastics: In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Walther Eberl, Sr. by
R for Statistics by Cornillon, Pierre-Andre
Monte Carlo Simulation for Econometricians by Kiviet, Jan
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications (Third Edition) by Klebaner, Fima C.
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications (Third Edition) by Klebaner, Fima C.
Stochastic Models in Life Insurance by Koller, Michael
Multivariate Methods of Representing Relations in R for Prioritization Purposes: Selective Scaling, Comparative Clustering, Collective Criteria and Se by Myers, Wayne L., Patil, Ganapati P.
Numerical Methods in Finance: Bordeaux, June 2010 by
Advanced Geostatistics in the Mining Industry: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the Istituto Di Geologia Applicata of the Univ by
Statistics and Probability Theory: In Pursuit of Engineering Decision Support by Faber, Michael Havbro
Mastering System Identification by Rolain, Yves, Schoukens, Johan, Pintelon, Rik
Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing IX by
Fundamentals of Queuing Systems: Statistical Methods for Analyzing Queuing Models by Thomopoulos, Nick T.
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1987 by Cinlar, Chung, Getoor
Stochastic Optimal Control and the U.S. Financial Debt Crisis by Stein, Jerome L.
Campionamento Da Popolazioni Finite: Il Disegno Campionario by Conti, Pier Luigi, Marella, Daniela
Logistic Regression Using SAS: Theory and Application by Allison, Paul D.
Statistical Principles In Experimental Design by Winer, Benjamin James
Problems In Stable Population Theory by Lopez, Alvaro
The Mathematical Theory Of Sampling by Hendricks, Walter Anton
Introduction to Mathematical Sociology by Lu, Philip, Bonacich, Phillip
Neue Graphische Tafeln Zur Beurteilung Statistischer Zahlen by Koller, S.
Stochastic Processes: A Festschrift in Honour of Gopinath Kallianpur by
Mobile Robotics for Multidisciplinary Study by Berry, Carolotta
Statistische Analysen der Vorschläge der Hartzkommission, ihre Realisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt by Lowin, Yannick, Lüchow, Daniel, Mirsch, Stefan
Mathematical Physics at Saint-Flour by Gross, Leonard, Albeverio, Sergio, Föllmer, Hans
Discovering Statistics Using R by Field, Andy, Miles, Jeremy, Field, Zoe
Lévy Processes at Saint-Flour by Doney, Ronald A., Bertoin, Jean, Bretagnolle, Jean L.
Stochastik Der Strahlenwirkung by Kellerer, Albrecht M., Hug, Otto
Lineare Entscheidungsmodelle by Henn, Rudolf, Kromphardt, Wilhelm, Förstner, Karl
Stochastic Processes by Girault, M.
Introduction to Quality Control by Ishikawa, Kaoru
Approximation Theory in the Central Limit Theorem: Exact Results in Banach Spaces by Paulauskas, V., Rackauskas, A.
Malliavin Calculus for Lévy Processes and Infinite-Dimensional Brownian Motion by Osswald, Horst
Derivation and Martingales by Hayes, Charles A., Pauc, C. y.
Criminal Justice Forecasts of Risk: A Machine Learning Approach by Berk, Richard
Selected Works of Terry Speed by
Directions in Robust Statistics and Diagnostics: Part I by
Controlled Markov Processes by Yushkevich, A. A., Dynkin, E. B.
Practical Business Statistics by Cowden, Dudley Johnstone, Croxton, Frederick Emory
Harmonic Analysis And The Theory Of Probability by Bochner, Salomon
Stochastics, Algebra and Analysis in Classical and Quantum Dynamics: Proceedings of the Ivth French-German Encounter on Mathematics and Physics, Cirm, by
Electrical Engineering Applications by
Recent Advances in Statistical Research and Data Analysis by
Optimal Learning by Powell, Warren B., Ryzhov, Ilya O.
Multivariate Survival Analysis and Competing Risks by Crowder, Martin J.
Sums, Trimmed Sums and Extremes by Hahn
Itô's Stochastic Calculus and Probability Theory by Fukushima, Masatoshi, Ikeda, Nobuyuki, Watanabe, Sinzo
Essentials of Statistics for Scientists and Technologists by Mack, C.
Integration, Measure and Probability by Pitt, H. R.
Markov Networks in Evolutionary Computation by
Bayesian Networks by
Stochastic Systems: Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation by Grigoriu, Mircea
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem and Markov Chains by Borkar, Vivek S., Ejov, Vladimir, Filar, Jerzy A.
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: Arbitrage and Option Pricing by Roman, Steven
The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems by Deistler, Manfred, Hannan, E. J.
Lineare Programmierung Und Erweiterungen by Dantzig, G. B.
Analysis of Queues: Methods and Applications by Gautam, Natarajan
Case-Based Predictions: An Axiomatic Approach to Prediction, Classification and Statistical Learning by Schmeidler, David, Gilboa, Itzhak
Dynamic Principles of Mechanics by Inglis, David Rittenhouse
New Developments in Time Series Econometrics by
Call Center Staffing and Shift Optimization by Ertaban, Cihangir
Bayesian Inference for Gene Expression and Proteomics by
A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability: From the Pascal to Laplace (Éd.1865) by Todhunter, Isaac
Recherches Sur La Probabilité Des Jugements En Matière Criminelle Et En Matière Civile (Éd.1837) by Poisson, Siméon-Denis
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Sample Surveys by Steel, David G., Wang, Suojin, Chambers, Raymond L.
Essential Statistical Concepts for the Quality Professional by Stamatis, D. H.
Construction of Random Signals from their Higher Order Moments by Chamseddine, Ismail
See More