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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2015

Statistical Methods in Drug Combination Studies by
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by DeVore, Jay
Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2014: In Honour of Terry Lyons by
Extension of Data Envelopment Analysis with Preference Information: Value Efficiency by Joro, Tarja, Korhonen, Pekka J.
The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety by Hauer, Ezra
Bayesian Analysis of Failure Time Data Using P-Splines by Kaeding, Matthias
Approximation of Stochastic Invariant Manifolds: Stochastic Manifolds for Nonlinear Spdes I by Wang, Shouhong, Chekroun, Mickaël D., Liu, Honghu
Stochastic Parameterizing Manifolds and Non-Markovian Reduced Equations: Stochastic Manifolds for Nonlinear Spdes II by Wang, Shouhong, Chekroun, Mickaël D., Liu, Honghu
Séminaire de Probabilités XLVI by
Introductory Statistics and Analytics: A Resampling Perspective by Bruce, Peter C.
Approaching the Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits and Variance Conjectures by Alonso-Gutiérrez, David, Bastero, Jesús
Modeling and Management of Stochastic Systems by
Exponentiated Distributions by Ahsanullah, Mohammad, Al-Hussaini, Essam K.
Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics by Promislow, S. David
Filtering and Control for Classes of Two-Dimensional Systems by Wu, Ligang, Wang, Zidong
Intervalldaten Und Generalisierte Lineare Modelle by Seitz, Michael
Introduction to Global Variational Geometry by Krupka, Demeter
A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata by Kumbhakar, Subal C., Wang, Hung-Jen, Horncastle, Alan
Data Mining Algorithms: Explained Using R by Cichosz, Pawel
Electricity Derivatives by Aïd, René
Introduction to Queueing Systems with Telecommunication Applications by Telek, Miklos, Lakatos, Laszlo, Szeidl, Laszlo
Business Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide by Srinivasan, Anand, Saxena, Rahul
Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models by
Modelling and Simulation in Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media by
Essentials of Monte Carlo Simulation: Statistical Methods for Building Simulation Models by Thomopoulos, Nick T.
Sequential Experimentation in Clinical Trials: Design and Analysis by Lai, Tze Leung, Shih, Mei-Chiung, Bartroff, Jay
Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems by Fragoso, Marcelo D., Todorov, Marcos G., Costa, Oswaldo Luiz Do Valle
Methods and Applications of White Noise Analysis in Interdisciplinary Sciences by Bernido, Christopher C., Carpio-Bernido, Maria Victoria
Spatial Branching in Random Environments and with Interaction by Englander, Janos
Design of Experiments and Their Implementations by
Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-On Guide by Kadre, Shailendra, Konasani, Venkat Reddy
Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Demand: A Risk Management Perspective by Berk, Kevin
Dancing on the Tails of the Bell Curve: Readings on the Joy and Power of Statistics by
The Surprising Mathematics of Longest Increasing Subsequences by Romik, Dan
The Surprising Mathematics of Longest Increasing Subsequences by Romik, Dan
Repeated Games by Sorin, Sylvain, Zamir, Shmuel, Mertens, Jean-Francois
A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata by Kumbhakar, Subal C., Wang, Hung-Jen, Horncastle, Alan
Semi-Markov Models: Control of Restorable Systems with Latent Failures by Obzherin, Yuriy E., Boyko, Elena G.
Signal and the Noise by Silver, Nate
The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail--But Some Don't by Silver, Nate
Models of Decision-Making by Weirich, Paul
Linear Models in Matrix Form: A Hands-On Approach for the Behavioral Sciences by Brown, Jonathon D.
Advanced Statistical Methods for Astrophysical Probes of Cosmology by March, Marisa Cristina
Complex Models and Computational Methods in Statistics by
Machine Learning in Medicine by Cleophas, Ton J., Zwinderman, Aeilko H.
Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory: In Honor of Friedrich Götze by
Advances in Superprocesses and Nonlinear Pdes by
Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes: Reinforcement Learning, Causal Inference, and Personalized Medicine by Moodie, Erica E. M., Chakraborty, Bibhas
An Introduction to Order Statistics by Shakil, Mohammad, Nevzorov, Valery B., Ahsanullah, Mohammad
An Introduction to Causal Inference by Pearl, Judea
Repeated Games by Mertens, Jean-François, Sorin, Sylvain, Zamir, Shmuel
Bayesian Networks Handbook by
Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Models by Lavis, David A.
Metric Learning by Sebban, Marc, Bellet, Aurélien, Habrard, Amaury
Branching Processes in Biology by Axelrod, David E., Kimmel, Marek
Improbability Principle by Hand, David J.
Fault Tolerant Control for Switched Linear Systems by Shi, Peng, Jiang, Bin, Du, Dongsheng
Principal Component Analysis Handbook by
Semiparametrische Regressionsmodelle in Der Versorgungsplanung: Vorhersage Von Inzidenzraten Unter Berücksichtigung Der Demographischen Entwicklung by Säfken, Benjamin
Diverse Applications of Principal Component Analysis by
Integrated Study of Probability and Statistics: Volume I by
Integrated Study of Probability and Statistics: Volume II by
Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics: A Handbook of Operational Risk by Cruz, Marcelo G., Peters, Gareth W., Shevchenko, Pavel V.
Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models by Agresti, Alan
Research & the Analysis of Research Hypotheses by Allan, Kathleen Thomas
Bootstrap Methods: An Overview by Chernick, Michael
Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima: In Honor of Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju by
Analysis of Fractional Stochastic Processes: Advances and Applications - Proceedings of the 7th Jagna International Workshop by
Ant Colony Optimization by
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials for Predictive Medicine by
Aspects of Differential Geometry I by Gilkey, Peter, Park, Jeonghyeong, Vázquez-Lorenzo, Ramón
Quantum Stochastics by Chang, Mou-Hsiung
Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms by Freitas, Alex a., Barros, Rodrigo C., de Carvalho, André C. P. L. F.
Zur Robustheit Von Konfidenzbereichen Und Tests Für Erwartungswerte by Mees, Achim
Теория вероятностей: кур by Мочалина &#1, Иванкова &#1
Probabilistic Lattices: With Applications to Psychology by Narens, Louis E.
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Hardle, Wolfgang Karl, Simar, Leopold
Learning and Inferring. Festschrift for Alejandro C. Frery on the Occasion of his 55th Birthday by
Einführung in Die Stochastik: Die Grundlegenden Fakten Mit Zahlreichen Erläuterungen, Beispielen Und Übungsaufgaben by Fischer, Gerd, Lehner, Matthias, Puchert, Angela
The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model by Panchenko, Dmitry
Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic Analysis: A Festschrift in Honor of David Nualart by
Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R: A Step-By-Step Approach by Burzykowski, Tomasz, Galecki, Andrzej
Advances in Metaheuristics by
Copula Based Risks Classification Models for General Insurance by Mung'atu Joseph Kyalo
Essential Statistical Inference: Theory and Methods by Boos, Dennis D., Stefanski, L. A.
International Migration and the Future of Populations and Labour in Europe by
Simulation-Based Algorithms for Markov Decision Processes by Fu, Michael C., Chang, Hyeong Soo, Hu, Jiaqiao
Combinatorial Matrix Theory and Generalized Inverses of Matrices by
Robust Estimates of Location: Survey and Advances by Andrews, David F., Hampel, Frank R.
Optimization: A Theory of Necessary Conditions by Neustadt, Lucien W.
Stationary Stochastic Processes by Hida, Takeyuki
Regularization and Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing by
Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications: Wroclaw, Poland, February 2015 by
Groups with the Haagerup Property: Gromov's A-T-Menability by Cowling, Michael, Jolissaint, Paul, Cherix, Pierre-Alain
Using R and Rstudio for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics by Horton, Nicholas J., Kleinman, Ken
Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment by Steinberg, Linda S., Almond, Russell G., Mislevy, Robert J.
Boosting-Techniken Zur Modellierung Itemmodifizierender Effekte: Eine Erweiterung Klassischer Item-Response-Modelle by Berger, Moritz
Angewandte Deskriptive Statistik: Praxisbezogenes Lehrbuch Mit Fallbeispielen by Natrop, Johannes
Probabilities: The Little Numbers That Rule Our Lives by Olofsson, Peter
Random Processes for Engineers by Hajek, Bruce
Statistics Done Wrong: The Woefully Complete Guide by Reinhart, Alex
Prüfungsvorbereitung mit Hogwarts Statistik-Aufgaben. Deskriptive Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen by Oettinger, Kai-Hendrik Fabian
Prüfungsvorbereitung mit Hogwarts Statistik-Aufgaben. Induktive Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen by Oettinger, Kai-Hendrik Fabian
Stochastische Folgen: Ein Proseminar Mit Anwendungen in Der Versicherungsmathematik by Schmidt, Klaus D.
Integrated Approach to Stochastic Analysis: Volume I by
Integrated Approach to Stochastic Analysis: Volume II by
Twenty Lectures About Gaussian Processes by Piterbarg, Vladimir Ilich
Multiple lineare Regression - Theorie und Beispiel by Weiss, Sibylle
Principal Component Analysis by
Interdisciplinary Bayesian Statistics: Ebeb 2014 by
Introductory Statistics for the Health Sciences by Deshea, Lise, Toothaker, Larry E.
Stochastic Non-Excitable Systems with Time Delay: Modulation of Noise Effects by Time-Delayed Feedback by Geffert, Paul M.
Boosted Statistical Relational Learners: From Benchmarks to Data-Driven Medicine by Kersting, Kristian, Khot, Tushar, Natarajan, Sriraam
Practical Approaches to Causal Relationship Exploration by Li, Jiuyong, Liu, Lin, Le, Thuc Duy
More Evidence Against the Random Walk Hypothesis: Exchange-Traded Funds (Etfs) Market and Volatility Trading by Jiang, Shunxin
Data Science in R: A Case Studies Approach to Computational Reasoning and Problem Solving by Lang, Duncan Temple, Nolan, Deborah
Statistischer Unsinn: Wenn Medien an Der Prozenthürde Scheitern by Quatember, Andreas
How to Count: An Introduction to Combinatorics and Its Applications by Beeler, Robert A.
An Operator Semigroup in Mathematical Genetics by Kimmel, Marek, Bobrowski, Adam
Handbook of Optimization by
Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization by Scott, David W.
Sampling Spatial Units for Agricultural Surveys by Piersimoni, Federica, Postiglione, Paolo, Benedetti, Roberto
Formalized Probability Theory and Applications Using Theorem Proving by Tahar, Sofiène, Hasan, Osman
Nonlinear Mixture Models: A Bayesian Approach by Tatarinova, Tatiana V., Schumitzky, Alan
Time Series Modeling for Analysis and Control: Advanced Autopilot and Monitoring Systems by Ohtsu, Kohei, Peng, Hui, Kitagawa, Genshiro
Bayesian Inference for Partially Identified Models: Exploring the Limits of Limited Data by Gustafson, Paul
Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Band 2: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Das Grundstudium by Papula, Lothar
Mining Latent Entity Structures by Han, Jiawei, Wang, Chi
Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business by Mittelhammer, Ron C.
Optimization by Lange, Kenneth
Markov Chains: Models, Algorithms and Applications by Huang, Ximin, Ng, Michael K., Ching, Wai-Ki
Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences: An Introduction by Imbens, Guido W., Rubin, Donald B.
Derivative Security Pricing: Techniques, Methods and Applications by Sklibosios Nikitopoulos, Christina, Chiarella, Carl, He, Xue-Zhong
Risk Estimation on High Frequency Financial Data: Empirical Analysis of the Dax 30 by Jacob, Florian
Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problem by Muley Aniket, Bajaj Vishnudas
Israel's Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective: Text, Archaeology, Culture, and Geoscience by
500 Multiplication Worksheets with 3-Digit Multiplicands, 1-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 1-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 1-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
200 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 1-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
500 Multiplication Worksheets with 3-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
200 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
365 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
Nonparametric Inference on Manifolds by Bhattacharya, Abhishek, Bhattacharya, Rabi
Machine Learning in Medicine - A Complete Overview by Zwinderman, Aeilko H., Cleophas, Ton J.
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
200 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
500 Multiplication Worksheets with 3-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 4-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 4-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 4-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
200 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 4-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
Probability for the Game Player Book Two: Probability Devices, Influences and Game Play by Bower, John Arthur
Mathematical Risk Analysis: Dependence, Risk Bounds, Optimal Allocations and Portfolios by Rüschendorf, Ludger
Mathematik Für Biowissenschaftler: Grundlagen Mit Schwerpunkt Statistik Für Den Bachelor by Riede, Adolf
An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamics by Duan, Jinqiao
An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamics by Duan, Jinqiao
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Volume I, Second Edition by Bickel, Peter J., Doksum, Kjell A.
Core Statistics by Wood, Simon N.
Core Statistics by Wood, Simon N.
Advances in Latent Variables: Methods, Models and Applications by
Mathematik Der Information: Theorie Und Anwendungen Der Shannon-Wiener Information by Schäffler, Stefan
Asymptotic Geometric Analysis: Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Fields Institute Thematic Program by
Robust Methods for Data Reduction by Farcomeni, Alessio, Greco, Luca
Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems: Festschrift in Honour of Paul Deheuvels by
Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces: A Collection of Jewels by Margenstern, Maurice
Übungsbuch Zur Finanzmathematik: Aufgaben, Testklausuren Und Ausführliche Lösungen by Tietze, Jürgen
Starthilfe Finanzmathematik: Zinsen - Kurse - Renditen by Luderer, Bernd
Elementary Statistics Using SAS by Schlotzhauer, Sandra D.
Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering: With R Examples by Ruppert, David, Matteson, David S.
Advances in Independent Component Analysis and Learning Machines by
Bayesian Theory and Applications by
Data Mining: The Textbook by Aggarwal, Charu C.
Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Jennings, Cheryl L., Kulahci, Murat, Montgomery, Douglas C.
Statistics for Quality Control by Jackson, Dan
Benoit Mandelbrot: A Life in Many Dimensions by
Quantum Adaptivity in Biology: From Genetics to Cognition by Ohya, Masanori, Asano, Masanari, Khrennikov, Andrei
Aspects of Differential Geometry II by Park, Jeonghyeong, Vázquez-Lorenzo, Ramón, Gilkey, Peter
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 2 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 3 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 4 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 5 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 6 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 7 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 8 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 9 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 10 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
Mining Human Mobility in Location-Based Social Networks by Gao, Huiji, Liu, Huan
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 2 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 3 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 4 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 5 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 6 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 7 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
100 Worksheets - Identifying Smallest Number of 8 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
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