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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2020

Sampling Distribution and Inference Statistics by Dixit, P. G.
Mathematical Statistics by Leemis, Lawrence
Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry, Forzano, Lori-Ann
The Theory of Queuing Systems with Correlated Flows by Vishnevsky, Vladimir M., Dudin, Alexander N., Klimenok, Valentina I.
Intelligent Computing in Optimal Design by Kuś, Waclaw, Beluch, Witold, Burczyński, Tadeusz
Network Reliability: A Lecture Course by Gertsbakh, Ilya, Shpungin, Yoseph
Lectures on Mathematical Finance and Related Topics by Kifer, Yuri
Multiple-Aspect Analysis of Semantic Trajectories: First International Workshop, Master 2019, Held in Conjunction with Ecml-Pkdd 2019, Würzburg, Germa by
Power Laws: A Statistical Trek by Eliazar, Iddo
The Analysis of Biological Data by Whitlock, Michael, Schluter, Dolph
Ssm Workshop STATS Discovery W by Rossman, Allan J.
Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design, and Optimization for the Applied Sciences by Gramacy, Robert B.
Graph Paper Composition Notebook: Quad Ruled 5x5, Grid Paper for Students in Math and Science by Wizo, Math
Programming Persistent Memory: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers by Scargall, Steve
Modeling Anomalous Diffusion: From Statistics to Mathematics by Deng, Weihua, Hou, Ru, Wang, Wanli
Introduction to R for Terrestrial Ecology: Basics of Numerical Analysis, Mapping, Statistical Tests and Advanced Application of R by Reynolds, Keith M., Lakicevic, Milena, Povak, Nicholas
Financial, Macro and Micro Econometrics Using R: Volume 42 by
Feynman-Kac-Type Formulae and Gibbs Measures by Lörinczi, József, Hiroshima, Fumio, Betz, Volker
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, plotly, and shiny by Sievert, Carson
Bayesian Analysis of Demand Under Block Rate Pricing by Miyawaki, Koji
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly, and Shiny by Sievert, Carson
Generalized Linear Mixed Model by Stroup, Walter W., McCarter, Kevin S., Gbur, Edward E.
Probability with R: An Introduction with Computer Science Applications by Horgan, Jane M.
Contributions on Theory of Mathematical Statistics by Takeuchi, Kei
Statistical Data Analysis and Entropy by Eshima, Nobuoki
Applied Statistics in Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Sciences by Yeater, Kathleen M., Glaz, Barry
Data Intensive Industrial Asset Management: Iot-Based Algorithms and Implementation by Nasiri, Adel, Balali, Farhad, Nouri, Jessie
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik by Fricke, Werner
Zero-Sum Discrete-Time Markov Games with Unknown Disturbance Distribution: Discounted and Average Criteria by Minjárez-Sosa, J. Adolfo
Spatial Cluster Modelling by
Stoßprobleme in Physik, Technik Und Medizin: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Willert, Emanuel
Numerical Simulation-Based Design: Theory and Methods by Han, Xu, Liu, Jie
Klassische Finanzmathematik: Grundideen, Zentrale Formeln Und Begriffe Im Überblick by Luderer, Bernd
Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition by Ottesen, Rebecca A., Delwiche, Lora D., Slaughter, Susan J.
Statistical Concepts - A First Course by Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie L.
Modeling Survival Data Using Frailty Models: Second Edition by Hanagal, David D.
Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition by Ottesen, Rebecca A., Delwiche, Lora D., Slaughter, Susan J.
Cricket Performance Management: Mathematical Formulation and Analytics by Mukherjee, Diganta, Saikia, Hemanta, Bhattacharjee, Dibyojyoti
Arbeiten Mit Messdaten: Eine Praktische Kurzeinführung Nach Gum by Runge, Bernd-Uwe, Möhrke, Philipp
Statistical Concepts - A First Course by Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie L., Lomax, Richard G.
Introduction to Web Mapping by Dorman, Michael
Introduction to Web Mapping by Dorman, Michael
Monitoring the Health of Populations by Tracking Disease Outbreaks: Saving Humanity from the Next Plague by Rigdon, Steven E., Fricker Jr, Ronald D.
Stochastic Calculus Under Sublinear Expectation and Volatility Uncertainty by Bannasch, Christian
Stochastik Für Informatiker: Eine Einführung in Einheitlich Strukturierten Lerneinheiten by Kurt, Noemi
Social Statistics for a Diverse Society by Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava, Davis, Georgiann, Leon-Guerrero, Anna
Introduction to Logic Programming by Genesereth, Michael, Chaudhri, Vinay K.
Statistical and Econometric Methods for Transportation Data Analysis by Washington, Simon, Mannering, Fred, Karlaftis, Matthew G.
Orthonormal Series Estimators by Pons, Odile
Reproducible Research with R and Rstudio by Gandrud, Christopher
Deep Learning Architectures: A Mathematical Approach by Calin, Ovidiu
Applied Statistics I: Basic Bivariate Techniques by Warner, Rebecca M.
Visualizing Statistical Models and Concepts by Farebrother, R. W., Schyns, Michael
Random Fields for Spatial Data Modeling: A Primer for Scientists and Engineers by Hristopulos, Dionissios T.
Statistische Schätzung des Value-at-Risk zur Marktrisikoquantifizierung by Weiss, Sibylle
Grundlagen Der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistik: Eine Einführung Für Studierende Der Informatik, Der Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Kamps, Udo, Cramer, Erhard
Bundle: Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Loose-Leaf Version, 10th + Mindtap, 1 Term Printed Access Card by Forzano, Lori-Ann, Gravetter, Frederick, Wallnau, Larry
Selected Topics in Probabilistic Safety Assessment: Methodology and Practice in Nuclear Power Plants by Serbanescu, Dan, Ulmeanu, Anatoli Paul
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 14th International Joint Conference, Visigrapp 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, F by
Reproducible Research with R and Rstudio by Gandrud, Christopher
Spiel, Zufall Und Kommerz: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Spiels Um Geld Zwischen Mathematik, Recht Und Realität by Bronder, Thomas
An Introduction to Statistical Concepts by Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie L., Lomax, Richard
Advances in Computational Intelligence Techniques by
Advances in Mathematical Economics: Volume 23 by
Monitoring the Health of Populations by Tracking Disease Outbreaks: Saving Humanity from the Next Plague by Rigdon, Steven E., Fricker Jr, Ronald D.
Next-Generation Machine Learning with Spark: Covers Xgboost, Lightgbm, Spark Nlp, Distributed Deep Learning with Keras, and More by Quinto, Butch
Zusammenhang zwischen Nationalismus, politischen Einstellung und dem europäischen Zugehörigkeitsgefühl by Hüser, Charlotte
Statistical Analysis of Contingency Tables by Laake, Petter, Lydersen, Stian, Fagerland, Morten
Monte Carlo Methods by Zhu, Song-Chun, Barbu, Adrian
Census 2020: Understanding the Issues by Sullivan, Teresa a.
Statistical Methodologies by
Fitting Local Volatility: Analytic and Numerical Approaches in Black-Scholes and Local Variance Gamma Models by Itkin, Andrey
Optimization Based Model Using Fuzzy and Other Statistical Techniques Towards Environmental Sustainability by
Machine Learning in Medicine - A Complete Overview by Zwinderman, Aeilko H., Cleophas, Ton J.
Perfect Simulation by Huber, Mark L.
Stochastic Differential Equations and Their Application in Finance. An Overview by Moses, Erhabor
Einfluss von äußeren Reizen auf das (Konsum)- Verhalten im Rahmen der klassischen Konditionierung by Dankert, Sabrina
Probability: Theory, Examples, Problems, Simulations by Lisei, Hannelore, Iancu, Mihai, Grecksch, Wilfried
Genealogies of Interacting Particle Systems by
Probability: Theory, Examples, Problems, Simulations by Grecksch, Wilfried, Iancu, Mihai, Lisei, Hannelore
Applications in Rigorous Quantum Field Theory by Hiroshima, Fumio, Lörinczi, József
The Hot Hand: The Mystery and Science of Streaks by Cohen, Ben
Innovative Geschäftsmodelle Für Industrielle Smart Services: Ein Vorgehensmodell Zur Systematischen Entwicklung by Gerl, Sabrina
History of the mathematical theory of probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace by Todhunter, I.
Stochastik in der Grundschule. Empirische Untersuchung zu den Schülerfähigkeiten zum Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff in der Klassenstufe 3 und 4 by Anonymous
An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space by Zemel, Yoav, Panaretos, Victor M.
Statistical Analysis of Financial Data: With Examples in R by Gentle, James
The Probability Companion for Engineering and Computer Science by Prügel-Bennett, Adam
The Probability Companion for Engineering and Computer Science by Prügel-Bennett, Adam
Stochastische Paradoxien by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models by Christensen, Ronald
Structural Equation Modelling: Application for Research and Practice (with Amos and R) by Thakkar, Jitesh J.
The Career of a Research Statistician: From Consulting to Theoretical Development by Zacks, Shelemyahu
A new hybrid exponentially weighted moving average control chart by Raza, Syed Muhammad Muslim, Pervaiz, Hafiz Zain
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan by McElreath, Richard
JMP Essentials: An Illustrated Guide for New Users, Third Edition by Hinrichs, Curt, Boiler, Chuck, Walsh, Susan
Improved Classification Rates for Localized Algorithms Under Margin Conditions by Blaschzyk, Ingrid Karin
Distribution-Free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control by
Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Approach to Some Out-Of-Equilibrium Systems: Diffusive Epidemic Process and Fully Developed Turbulence by Tarpin, Malo
Introduction to Graph Neural Networks by Liu, Zhiyuan, Zhou, Jie
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of Bicmr Summer School on Financial Mathematics by
Probability and Stochastic Processes: Work Examples by Pons, Odile
Probability and Stochastic Processes: Work Examples by Pons, Odile
Time Series Data Mining by D, Venkatesan, R, Karnaboopathy
Kleine Formelsammlung Zur Statistik by Puhani, Josef
Statistik: Einführung Mit Praktischen Beispielen by Puhani, Josef
Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations: A Comprehensive Approach by Borzì, Alfio
Stochastische Modelle Der Aktuariellen Risikotheorie: Eine Mathematische Einführung by Gatto, Riccardo
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by Adinoyi, Ibrahim Abdullahi
Reliability and Statistical Computing: Modeling, Methods and Applications by
Analytic Methods in Sports: Using Mathematics and Statistics to Understand Data from Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Other Sports by Severini, Thomas A.
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications by Rausand, Marvin, Haugen, Stein
Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R by Rabbee, Nusrat
Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis by
Likelihood and Bayesian Inference: With Applications in Biology and Medicine by Sabanés Bové, Daniel, Held, Leonhard
Decision Theory with a Human Face by Bradley, Richard
Das Gefangenendilemma. Wie können Situationen mit der Spieltheorie analysiert werden? by Schmidt, Philipp
Vergleich von generalisierten linearen Modellen und generalisierten additiven Modellen anhand einer Schadenfrequenzanalyse in der Kraftfahrzeugversich by Kunz, Anna
End-To-End Data Analytics for Product Development: A Practical Guide for Fast Consumer Goods Companies, Chemical Industry and Processing Tools Manufac by Giancristofaro, Rosa Arboretti, de Dominicis, Mattia, Jones, Chris
Statistics: A Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis by Donoghue, Christopher, Healey, Joseph
Extreme and Systemic Risk Analysis: A Loss Distribution Approach by Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan
The Art of Modelling the Learning Process: Uniting Educational Research and Practice by Leppink, Jimmie
Measuring Teachers' Beliefs Quantitatively: Criticizing the Use of Likert Scale and Offering a New Approach by Safrudiannur
Statistical Inference Via Convex Optimization by Nemirovski, Arkadi, Juditsky, Anatoli
Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes by Brémaud, Pierre
Statistics for Hci: Making Sense of Quantitative Data by Dix, Alan
Excel 2019 for Engineering Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems by Quirk, Thomas J.
Time Series with Python: How to Implement Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Python by Mather, Bob
Time Series with Python: How to Implement Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Python by Mather, Bob
Statistical Methods for Global Health and Epidemiology: Principles, Methods and Applications by
How to Teach a Course in Research Methods for Psychology Students by Seligman, Ross A.
An Introduction to Basic Statistics for Biologists using R by MacLeod, Ross, MacLeod, Colin D.
Time Series with Python: How to Implement Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Python by Mather, Bob
Shrinkage Estimation for Mean and Covariance Matrices by Tsukuma, Hisayuki, Kubokawa, Tatsuya
Advanced Studies in Behaviormetrics and Data Science: Essays in Honor of Akinori Okada by
Unsupervised Learning in Space and Time: A Modern Approach for Computer Vision Using Graph-Based Techniques and Deep Neural Networks by Leordeanu, Marius
Risk and Insurance: A Graduate Text by Asmussen, Søren, Steffensen, Mogens
Statistische Datenanalyse Für Physiker by Zech, Günter, Bohm, Gerhard
DIY Homemade Medical Face Mask: Keep Your Children Busy: A Step-By-Step Guide Your Child Can Follow To Make Medical Face Masks For All Your Family And by Bianchi, D. Alessandro
A First Course in Statistical Inference by Gillard, Jonathan
Das Fernsehverhalten in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Wohnort (Ost- / Westdeutschland) by Seeberger, Michaela
Mathematics for IIT- JEE (Mains &Advanced) Vol. 4 of 4: Complete Study Pack of Mathematics for IIT- JEE (Engineering Entrance ) Examinations by Sachan, Vibhav Kumar
Mathematics Vol. 4: Complete Study Pack of Mathematics for 11 and 12 Class by Sachan, Vibhav Kumar
Fuzzy Transforms for Image Processing and Data Analysis: Core Concepts, Processes and Applications by Sessa, Salvatore, Di Martino, Ferdinando
Equibalancedistribution (Eqbl) in the Analysis of Earthquake Data: Influence of the Risk of Low Magnitudes on Spontaneous Violent Earthquakes by Hellwig, Marcus
Spectral Analysis for Univariate Time Series by Walden, Andrew T., Percival, Donald B.
Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research by
Equibalancedistribution (Eqbl) in Der Analyse Von Erdbebendaten: Einfluss Des Risikos Der Magnituden Niederer Stärke Auf Spontane Schwere Beben by Hellwig, Marcus
Eserciziario Di Statistica Inferenziale by Ieva, Francesca, Paganoni, Anna Maria, Gasperoni, Francesca
The Heuristic Business Forecasting Methods Revinda and Metrix by Spicher, Klaus
Asymptotic Analysis of Unstable Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations by Kulinich, Grigorij, Kushnirenko, Svitlana, Mishura, Yuliya
Statistics for Beginners by Scott, Lucy
Klüger irren - Denkfallen vermeiden mit System by Grams, Timm
Elementary Statistics: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Rumsey, Deborah
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: McQmc 2018, Rennes, France, July 1-6 by
Inferenzstatistik Verstehen: Von a Wie Signifikanztest Bis Z Wie Konfidenzintervall by Janczyk, Markus, Pfister, Roland
Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers by Gould, Benjamin Apthorp
Investigations in the Military and Anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers by Gould, Benjamin Apthorp
Infinite Dimensional and Finite Dimensional Stochastic Equations and Applications in Physics by
Population Genomics with R by Paradis, Emmanuel
Statistical Analysis of Empirical Data: Methods for Applied Sciences by Pardo, Scott
Artificial Intelligence for Drug Development, Precision Medicine, and Healthcare by Chang, Mark
Current Trends in Dynamical Systems in Biology and Natural Sciences by
New Developments in Data Science and Data Analytics: Proceedings of the 2019 Meeting of International Society for Data Science and Analytics by Wen, Yong, Tang, Jiashan, Yuan, Ke-Hai
Statistika ne biznes dhe ekonomiks by Çinaj, Valbona
Oplossingen voor het netwerk van gemengde wachtrijen voor meerdere kanalen by Gupta, Deepak, Gupta, Meenu, Singh, Man
R Visualizations: Derive Meaning from Data by Gerbing, David
Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook by Aggarwal, Charu C.
Relative Optimization of Continuous-Time and Continuous-State Stochastic Systems by Cao, Xi-Ren
Lecture Notes on Mathematical Probability Theory by Ghevariya, Sanjay
Illustrating Statistical Procedures: Finding Meaning in Quantitative Data by Cooksey, Ray W.
Sampling Theory and Practice by Wu, Changbao, Thompson, Mary E.
Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity by
Clustering by Example: Hands on Approach using SAS by Anderson, Faye
Basic Theory and Laboratory Experiments in Measurement and Instrumentation: A Practice-Oriented Guide by De Benedetto, Egidio, Cataldo, Andrea, Giaquinto, Nicola
Blended Learning: Convergence Between Technology and Pedagogy by
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Levitt, Steven D., Dubner, Stephen J.
Probability Theory by Laha, R. G., Rohatgi, V. K.
Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective by
Dialogues Around Models and Uncertainty: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Deep Neural Evolution: Deep Learning with Evolutionary Computation by
Matrix-Based Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis by Adachi, Kohei
Data Science and Productivity Analytics by
Contemporary Experimental Design, Multivariate Analysis and Data Mining: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Kai-Tai Fang by
Introduction to Probabilistic and Statistical Methods with Examples in R by Stapor, Katarzyna
Markov Chains: Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation and Queues by Brémaud, Pierre
Spatial Analysis by Example: Hands on approach using R by Anderson, Faye
Principles and Methods for Data Science: Volume 43 by
How Much Is that Cure in the Window?: Simple Math Solutions for Complicated Problems in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare by
A Course on Rough Paths: With an Introduction to Regularity Structures by Friz, Peter K., Hairer, Martin
Intensification of Liquid-Liquid Processes by Weatherley, Laurence R.
Handbook of Image Processing and Computer Vision: Volume 1: From Energy to Image by Distante, Arcangelo, Distante, Cosimo
Case Studies in Applied Bayesian Data Science: Cirm Jean-Morlet Chair, Fall 2018 by
Handbook of Image Processing and Computer Vision: Volume 2: From Image to Pattern by Distante, Arcangelo, Distante, Cosimo
Categorical Data Analysis by Example: Hands on approach using R by Anderson, Faye
How to Lie with Numbers, Stats & Graphs by Baker, Lee
Modern Data Mining Algorithms in C++ and Cuda C: Recent Developments in Feature Extraction and Selection Algorithms for Data Science by Masters, Timothy
Questions, Answers and Solutions on the PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION: Flavor of Mathematics by James, Temitope
Statistical Models in Toxicology by Razzaghi, Mehdi
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