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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2021

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics by Laud, Purushottam W., Johnson, Wesley O., Rosner, Gary L.
Applied Regression and ANOVA Using SAS by Moodie, Patricia F., Johnson, Dallas E.
Mind on Statistics by Utts, Jessica, Heckard, Robert
Probability And Statistics Workbook (With ISBN) by Etgen, Benjamin
Mathematical Modeling and Computation of Real-Time Problems: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Pioneering Works on Distribution Theory: In Honor of Masaaki Sibuya by
The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, Volume 2: Spatial Measurements and Statistics by Griffin, Lauren Scott, Mitchell, Andy
Statistical Thermodynamics for Pure and Applied Sciences: Statistical Thermodynamics by McCourt, Frederick Richard Wayne
Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers and Scientists by Morrison, Faith A.
Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers and Scientists by Morrison, Faith A.
Angewandte Statistik: Methodensammlung Mit R by Sachs, Lothar, Hedderich, Jürgen
Advanced Linear Modeling: Statistical Learning and Dependent Data by Christensen, Ronald
Nichtlineare Regressionsmodelle in Excel by Spenhoff, Eckehardt
Hands-On Question Answering Systems with Bert: Applications in Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing by Sabharwal, Navin, Agrawal, Amit
Linear and Convex Optimization: A Mathematical Approach by Veatch, Michael H.
Das Zeitalter Der Daten: Was Sie Über Grundlagen, Algorithmen Und Anwendungen Wissen Sollten by Aust, Holger
Tensorflow 2.X in the Colaboratory Cloud: An Introduction to Deep Learning on Google's Cloud Service by Paper, David
High Probability: Findings From A Study of CE4, UFO, and USO Experiences by Hanshaw, Larry G.
Machine Learning Kompakt: Ein Einstieg Für Studierende Der Naturwissenschaften by Fischer, Mark H., Choo, Kenny, Greplova, Eliska
Statistik Angewandt Mit Excel: Datenanalyse Ist (K)Eine Kunst by Kronthaler, Franz
Random Graphs, Phase Transitions, and the Gaussian Free Field: Pims-Crm Summer School in Probability, Vancouver, Canada, June 5-30, 2017 by
Official Statistics 4.0: Verified Facts for People in the 21st Century by Radermacher, Walter J.
Statistical Data Analysis and Entropy by Eshima, Nobuoki
Data Intensive Industrial Asset Management: Iot-Based Algorithms and Implementation by Nouri, Jessie, Nasiri, Adel, Balali, Farhad
Introduction to Symbolic Plan and Goal Recognition by Mirsky, Reuth, Keren, Sarah, Geib, Christopher
Causal Inference: The Mixtape by Cunningham, Scott
Vanadium Isotopes by Nielsen, Sune G.
The Basic Practice of Statistics by Moore, David, Notz, William, Fligner, Michael
Modeling Survival Data Using Frailty Models: Second Edition by Hanagal, David D.
Statistics for Agricultural Sciences by Rao, G. Nageswara
Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks: Models, Methods and Applications Using R by Ostoic, J. Antonio R.
Cricket Performance Management: Mathematical Formulation and Analytics by Saikia, Hemanta, Bhattacharjee, Dibyojyoti, Mukherjee, Diganta
Numb and Number: How to Avoid Being Mystified by the Mathematics of Modern Life by Hartston, William
Business Intelligence and Modelling: Unified Approach with Simulation and Strategic Modelling in Entrepreneurship by
Medical Risk Prediction Models: With Ties to Machine Learning by Kattan, Michael W., Gerds, Thomas A.
Linear Algebra: Theory, Intuition, Code by Cohen, Mike X.
The Raven's Hat: Fallen Pictures, Rising Sequences, and Other Mathematical Games by Peters, Jonas, Meinshausen, Nicolai
Measure, Integral, Probability & Processes: A concise introduction to probability and random processes. Probab(ilistical)ly the theoretical minimum by Schilling, René L.
Markov Random Flights by Kolesnik, Alexander D.
Thinking Probabilistically by Amir, Ariel
Thinking Probabilistically: Stochastic Processes, Disordered Systems, and Their Applications by Amir, Ariel
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected Papers from the 20th International Conference on Reliability and Statistics i by
Bayesian Analysis of Infectious Diseases: COVID-19 and Beyond by Broemeling, Lyle D.
Infinite-Dimensional Analysis: Operators in Hilbert Space; Stochastic Calculus Via Representations, and Duality Theory by Jorgensen, Palle, Tian, James
Probability, Random Variables, and Data Analytics with Engineering Applications by Shankar, P. Mohana
Conference Proceedings of Icdlair2019 by
Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations by Öchsner, Andreas, Chirilă, Adina, Marin, Marin
Covid-19 Pandemic Dynamics: Mathematical Simulations by Nesteruk, Igor
2019-20 Matrix Annals by
Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics by Shikhman, Vladimir, Müller, David
Deep Learning Architectures: A Mathematical Approach by Calin, Ovidiu
Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World by
An Introduction to Acceptance Sampling and SPC with R by Lawson, John
An Introduction to Acceptance Sampling and SPC with R by Lawson, John
Data Science: Theory and Applications: Volume 44 by
Microsoft Conversational AI Platform for Developers: End-To-End Chatbot Development from Planning to Deployment by Bisser, Stephan
How to Make Sense of Statistics by Gorard, Stephen
How to Make Sense of Statistics by Gorard, Stephen
Mein Mandala Malbuch mit 50 Tiermandalas für Kinder: Süsses Tier Mandala Ausmalbuch für Kinder ab 5 Jahren mit 50 süssen Mandalas zum ausmalen und ent by Akarito, Chris
Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation by Mao, Xudong, Li, Qing
Riemannian Optimization and Its Applications by Sato, Hiroyuki
Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: Discrete Time Linear Systems, Control and Identification by Heij, Christiaan, Ran, André C. M., Van Schagen, Frederik
Abhandlungen zur Methode der kleinsten Quadrate by Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Analyse multivariater Daten mit SPSS: Übungsbuch mit ausführlichen Beispielen by Arrenberg, Jutta
Chance and Error: The Theory of Evolution by Hopkins, Marsh
Analyzing Data Through Probabilistic Modeling in Statistics by
Selected Topics in Probabilistic Safety Assessment: Methodology and Practice in Nuclear Power Plants by Serbanescu, Dan, Ulmeanu, Anatoli Paul
Deep Learning and Physics by Tomiya, Akio, Hashimoto, Koji, Tanaka, Akinori
Advances in Mathematical Economics: Volume 23 by
Advances in Computational Intelligence Techniques by
Practical Discrete Mathematics: Discover math principles that fuel algorithms for computer science and machine learning with Python by Ray, Archana Tikayat, White, Ryan T.
Remote Sensing Data Analysis in R by Rani, Alka, Kumar, Nirmal, Singh, S. K.
Excel 2019 for Marketing Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems by Quirk, Thomas J., Rhiney, Eric
Getting Started with SAS Programming: Using SAS Studio in the Cloud by Cody, Ron
Visualizing Linear Models by Brinda, W. D.
Stochastik Rezeptfrei Unterrichten: Anregungen Für Spannende Lehre Über Den Zufall by Schilling, Judith, Henze, Norbert, Müller, Kai
Search for Tt̄h Production in the H → Bb̅ Decay Channel: Using Deep Learning Techniques with the CMS Experiment by Rieger, Marcel
Software Reliability Growth Models by Bhalerao, Nileema N., Hanagal, David D.
Splunk Certified Study Guide: Prepare for the User, Power User, and Enterprise Admin Certifications by Mehta, Deep
Continuous Distributions in Engineering and the Applied Sciences -- Part I by Shanmugam, Ramalingam, Chattamvelli, Rajan
Measuring and Understanding Complex Phenomena: Indicators and Their Analysis in Different Scientific Fields by
Real-World Evidence in Drug Development and Evaluation by
Business Experiments with R by McCullough, B. D.
ESERCIZIARIO DI STATISTICA, vol. 1: 100 esercizi svolti di Statistica descrittiva by Iodice, Alessio
Using R for Biostatistics by Macfarland, Thomas W., Yates, Jan M.
Bayesian and High-Dimensional Global Optimization by Zilinskas, Antanas, Zhigljavsky, Anatoly
Statistics for Making Decisions by Longford, Nicholas T.
Machine Learning in Medicine - A Complete Overview by Zwinderman, Aeilko H., Cleophas, Ton J.
Reinforcement Learning Aided Performance Optimization of Feedback Control Systems by Hua, Changsheng
Basic Statistics by Goswami, Rajeev
Data Science Revealed: With Feature Engineering, Data Visualization, Pipeline Development, and Hyperparameter Tuning by Nokeri, Tshepo Chris
Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation: An analysis based on Machine Learning by Khachikyan, Karen
Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Squares Using Stata and R by Venturini, Sergio, Mehmetoglu, Mehmet
Excel 2019 for Physical Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems by Quirk, Meghan H., Horton, Howard F., Quirk, Thomas J.
Introduction to R for Social Scientists: A Tidy Programming Approach by Kennedy, Ryan, Waggoner, Philip D.
Introduction to R for Social Scientists: A Tidy Programming Approach by Kennedy, Ryan, Waggoner, Philip D.
The Application of Artificial Intelligence: Step-By-Step Guide from Beginner to Expert by Somogyi, Zoltán
Chance, Logic and Intuition: An Introduction to the Counter-Intuitive Logic of Chance by Tijms, Steven
Chance, Logic and Intuition: An Introduction to the Counter-Intuitive Logic of Chance by Tijms, Steven
A Course on Small Area Estimation and Mixed Models: Methods, Theory and Applications in R by Esteban, María Dolores, Pérez, Agustín, Morales, Domingo
Telling Time Matching Workbook: Math the Clock to the Time One Hour Half Hour 15 5 1 Minutes by Winny, Renzo
Telling Time Workbook: Practice Reading and Draw the Hand on the Clocks One Hour Half Hour 15 5 1 Minutes by Winny, Renzo
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology by Jahed Armaghani, Danial, Azizi, Aydin
The Career of a Research Statistician: From Consulting to Theoretical Development by Zacks, Shelemyahu
Structural Equation Modelling: Application for Research and Practice (with Amos and R) by Thakkar, Jitesh J.
Random Motions in Markov and Semi-Markov Random Environments 2: High-Dimensional Random Motions and Financial Applications by Swishchuk, Anatoliy, Rodriguez-Dagnino, Ramon M., Pogorui, Anatoliy
Random Motions in Markov and Semi-Markov Random Environments 1: Homogeneous Random Motions and Their Applications by Swishchuk, Anatoliy, Rodriguez-Dagnino, Ramon M., Pogorui, Anatoliy
Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis by Vining, G. Geoffrey, Montgomery, Douglas C., Peck, Elizabeth A.
The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You by Page, Scott E.
Two-Dimensional Random Walk by Popov, Serguei
Two-Dimensional Random Walk by Popov, Serguei
Explanatory Model Analysis: Explore, Explain, and Examine Predictive Models by Biecek, Przemyslaw, Burzykowski, Tomasz
Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Approach to Some Out-Of-Equilibrium Systems: Diffusive Epidemic Process and Fully Developed Turbulence by Tarpin, Malo
Foundations of Modern Probability by Kallenberg, Olav
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of Bicmr Summer School on Financial Mathematics by
Über die Gewissheit von Vorhersagen: Wahrscheinlichkeiten abschätzen by
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Related Topics with R by Qiu, Jin, Wu, Lang
Getting Started with SAS Programming: Using SAS Studio in the Cloud (Hardcover edition) by Cody, Ron
Multivariate Analysemethoden. Anwendung am Beispiel von Clusteranalysen by Hanschkatz, Stefanie
Proceedings of International Conference on Big Data, Machine Learning and Applications: Bigdml 2019 by
Theoretical Foundations of Radar Location and Radio Navigation by Bolelov, Eduard Anatolyevich, Kozlov, Anatoliy Ivanovich, Akmaykin, Denis Alexandrovich
Counting Statistics for Dependent Random Events: With a Focus on Finance by Bernardi, Enrico, Romagnoli, Silvia
Network Embedding: Theories, Methods, and Applications by Yang, Cheng, Liu, Zhiyuan, Tu, Cunchao
Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications by Jiang, Jiming, Nguyen, Thuan
Cure Models: Methods, Applications, and Implementation by Peng, Yingwei, Yu, Binbing
Advanced Survival Models by Legrand, Catherine
Accelerated Life Testing of One-Shot Devices: Data Collection and Analysis by Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy, Ling, Man Ho, So, Hon Yiu
Digitale Dekarbonisierung: Technologieoffen Die Klimaziele Erreichen by Doleski, Oliver D., Kaiser, Thomas, Metzger, Michael
Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI by
Reliability Assessment of Safety and Production Systems: Analysis, Modelling, Calculations and Case Studies by Signoret, Jean-Pierre, Leroy, Alain
Laborstatistik Für Technische Assistenten Und Studierende by Vogel, Patric U. B.
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain by Zhu, Yunpeng
Mathematical Foundations of Infinite-Dimensional Statistical Models by Giné, Evarist, Nickl, Richard
In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius by
Semigroups, Categories, and Partial Algebras: Icsaa 2019, Kochi, India, December 9-12 by
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science by
Probability and Statistical Inference: From Basic Principles to Advanced Models by Mavrakakis, Miltiadis C., Penzer, Jeremy
Reliability and Statistical Computing: Modeling, Methods and Applications by
An Introduction to Correspondence Analysis by Beh, Eric J., Lombardo, Rosaria
Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization by Wu, C. F. Jeff, Hamada, Michael S.
Schriftliche Begründungskompetenzen in Stochastischen Aufgabenkontexten: Eine Evaluations- Und Interventionsstudie Im 4. Schuljahr by Vogt, Marieke
Structural Equation Modeling for Health and Medicine by Carle, Adam C., Gunzler, Douglas D., Perzynski, Adam T.
Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology by Zidek, James V., Shaddick, Gavin
Essentials of Statistics in Agricultural Sciences by
Correspondence Analysis in Practice by Greenacre, Michael
Introductory Statistics for the Health Sciences by Deshea, Lise, Toothaker, Larry E.
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics: Advances and Applications for Bioenergy, Bioremediation and Biopharmaceutical Research by
Statistical Methods in Psychiatry Research and SPSS by Reddy, M. Venkataswamy
Bioinformatics: The Impact of Accurate Quantification on Proteomic and Genetic Analysis and Research by
Crop Breeding: Bioinformatics and Preparing for Climate Change by
Statistical Methods in Psychiatry Research and SPSS by Reddy, M. Venkataswamy
Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries by
Replication and Evidence Factors in Observational Studies by Rosenbaum, Paul
Life-Cycle of Structures Under Uncertainty: Emphasis on Fatigue-Sensitive Civil and Marine Structures by Frangopol, Dan M., Kim, Sunyong
Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology, Third Edition by Lawson, Andrew B.
Testing R Code by Cotton, Richard
Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology by Patterson, Scott D., Jones, Byron
Mathematical and Statistical Skills in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: A Pragmatic Approach by Pitman, Arkadiy, Sverdlov, Oleksandr, Pearce, L. Bruce
Basics of Matrix Algebra for Statistics with R by Fieller, Nick
Bayesian Analysis of Time Series by Broemeling, Lyle D.
R Graphics, Third Edition by Murrell, Paul
Robust Methods for Data Reduction by Greco, Luca, Farcomeni, Alessio
Concise Introduction to Basic Real Analysis by Natarajan, P. N., Dutta, Hemen, Cho, Yeol Je
Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Metaheuristics: Applications in Engineering by
Metamodeling for Variable Annuities by Gan, Guojun, Valdez, Emiliano A.
R Programming and Its Applications in Financial Mathematics by Yoshikawa, Daisuke, Ohsaki, Shuichi, Ruppert-Felsot, Jori
Statistical Techniques for Project Control by Badiru, Adedeji B., Agustiady, Tina
Meta-Analysis in Psychiatry Research: Fundamental and Advanced Methods by Hanji, Mallikarjun B.
Sturge's Statistical and Thermal Physics, Second Edition by Olafsen, Jeffrey
Power Analysis of Trials with Multilevel Data by Teerenstra, Steven, Moerbeek, Mirjam
Process Mining Workshops: Icpm 2020 International Workshops, Padua, Italy, October 5-8, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by
Applied Statistical Inference with MINITAB(R), Second Edition by Lesik, Sally A.
Applied Biostatistical Principles and Concepts: Clinicians' Guide to Data Analysis and Interpretation by Holmes, Laurens, Jr.
Applied Epidemiologic Principles and Concepts: Clinicians' Guide to Study Design and Conduct by Holmes, Laurens, Jr.
Modelling Interactions Between Vector-Borne Diseases and Environment Using GIS by Khormi, Hassan M., Kumar, Lalit
Asymptotic Properties of Permanental Sequences: Related to Birth and Death Processes and Autoregressive Gaussian Sequences by Rosen, Jay, Marcus, Michael B.
Fundamental Concepts for New Clinical Trialists by Evans, Scott, Ting, Naitee
Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs: Using Clinical Trial and Real-World Data by Khan, Iftekhar, Crott, Ralph, Bashir, Zahid
Applied Meta-Analysis with R and Stata by Chen, Ding-Geng (Din), Peace, Karl E.
Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Implementation Using Matlab(r) by Coelho, João Paulo, Pinho, Tatiana M., Boaventura-Cunha, José
Human-In-The-Loop: Probabilistic Modeling of an Aerospace Mission Outcome by Suhir, Ephraim
Statistical Methods for Materials Science: The Data Science of Microstructure Characterization by
Statistics for Data Science and Policy Analysis by
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications: Honoring the Contributions of Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science by
Likelihood and Bayesian Inference: With Applications in Biology and Medicine by Sabanés Bové, Daniel, Held, Leonhard
FSA 7th Grade Math Workbook and Practice Test Questions for the Florida Standards Assessment [Seventh Edition] by Rueda, Joshua
Mathematical Analysis for Transmission of Covid-19 by
Sovereignty Blockchain 1.0: Orderly Internet and Community with a Shared Future for Humanity by Yuming, Lian
Robotic Process Automation Using Uipath Studiox: A Citizen Developer's Guide to Hyperautomation by Sundrani, Anum, Malik, Nadia, Javed, Adeel
Administrative Records for Survey Methodology by
Extreme and Systemic Risk Analysis: A Loss Distribution Approach by Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan
Krzyz Conjecture, The: Theory and Methods by Peretz, Ronen
Probabilistic-Statistical Methods for Risk Assessment in Civil Aviation by Vorobyov, Vadim Vadimovich, Zatuchny, Dmitry Alexandrovich, Sharov, Valery Dmitryevich
Statistics Is Easy: Case Studies on Real Scientific Datasets by Katari, Manpreet Singh, Tyagi, Sudarshini, Shasha, Dennis
Statistical Regression Modeling with R: Longitudinal and Multi-Level Modeling by Chen, Jenny K., Chen
Practical Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python: Design, Develop, and Validate Online Learning Models by Putatunda, Sayan
Excel 2019 for Environmental Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems by Horton, Howard F., Quirk, Thomas J., Quirk, Meghan H.
Queueing Theory 1: Advanced Trends by
Queueing Theory 2: Advanced Trends by Limnios, Nikolaos, Anisimov, Vladimir
Big Data: Concepts, Technology, and Architecture by Balusamy, Balamurugan, Abirami R., Nandhini, Kadry, Seifedine
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