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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2022

Statistics and Numerical Methods by Maharajan, Dr C., Sowmiya, Dr C., Mahesh, Dr S.
Modeling of Road Traffic Events by Kisilowski, Jerzy, Zalewski, Jaroslaw
Industrial Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach for Design and Process Optimization by Shina, Sammy
Geospatial Data Analytics and Urban Applications by
Configural Frequency Analysis: Foundations, Models, and Applications by Wiedermann, Wolfgang, Von Eye, Alexander
The Elements of Hawkes Processes by Laub, Patrick J., Lee, Young, Taimre, Thomas
First Measurement of the Running of the Top Quark Mass by Defranchis, Matteo M.
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2021, Volume 1 by
AI and Analytics for Public Health: Proceedings of the 2020 Informs International Conference on Service Science by
Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday by
The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality by Huntington-Klein, Nick
Informatics and Machine Learning: From Martingales to Metaheuristics by Winters-Hilt, Stephen
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume I by Bressloff, Paul C.
Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers: A Modern Approach by Shardt, Yuri a. W.
Numerical Methods Using Java: For Data Science, Analysis, and Engineering by Li Phd, Haksun
Statistical Thermodynamics for Pure and Applied Sciences: Statistical Thermodynamics by McCourt, Frederick Richard Wayne
Covid-19 Pandemic: Research and Development Activities from Modeling to Realization by
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume II by Bressloff, Paul C.
Fundamentals of Data Science Part II: Statistical Modeling by Maruskin, Jared M.
Quantile Regression in Clinical Research: Complete Analysis for Data at a Loss of Homogeneity by Cleophas, Ton J., Zwinderman, Aeilko H.
Digital Decarbonization: Achieving Climate Targets with a Technology-Neutral Approach by Doleski, Oliver D., Kaiser, Thomas, Metzger, Michael
Bayesian Methods in Statistics: From Concepts to Practice by Slater, Mel
Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures by Kaveh, Ali
Asymptotic Statistics in Insurance Risk Theory by Shimizu, Yasutaka
Modeling Biomaterials by
The Python Book by Mastrodomenico, Rob
Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Hydroclimatology by Maity, Rajib
Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Examples by Wang, You-Gan, Fu, Liya, Paul, Sudhir
Planung Und Reporting Im Bi-Gestützten Controlling: Grundlagen, Business Intelligence, Mobile Bi, Big-Data-Analytics Und KI by Schön, Dietmar
Machine Learning in Biotechnology and Life Sciences: Build machine learning models using Python and deploy them on the cloud by Alkhalifa, Saleh
Non-Gaussian Autoregressive-Type Time Series by Balakrishna, N.
Beginning Deep Learning with Tensorflow: Work with Keras, Mnist Data Sets, and Advanced Neural Networks by Zeng, Xiangming, Long, Liangqu
Linear Regression: A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Regression Analysis by Stone, James V.
Open Data Governance and Its Actors: Theory and Practice by Kassen, Maxat
Liss 2021: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences by
Guaranteed Estimation Problems in the Theory of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with Uncertain Data by Podlipenko, Yuri, Nakonechnyi, Oleksandr
CRISPR-/Cas9 Based Genome Editing for Treating Genetic Disorders and Diseases by
Statistical Models in Toxicology by Razzaghi, Mehdi
Grupo Prisa: Media Power in Contemporary Spain by Almiron, Núria, Segovia, Ana I., Albornoz, Luis A.
A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics by Mitchell, Michael N.
Quality Engineering Techniques: An Innovative and Creative Process Model by Karbasian, Mahdi, Rostamkhani, Ramin
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics: Proceedings of ICDICI 2021 by
Business Intelligence and Modelling: Unified Approach with Simulation and Strategic Modelling in Entrepreneurship by
Statistics for Data Scientists: An Introduction to Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis by Van Den Heuvel, Edwin, Kaptein, Maurits
Basic Statistics and Epidemiology: A Practical Guide by Stewart, Antony
Stochastic Limit Theory: An Introduction for Econometricians by Davidson, James
Basic Statistics and Epidemiology: A Practical Guide by Stewart, Antony
Lectures on Variational Analysis by Dontchev, Asen L.
Data Warehousing and Analytics: Fueling the Data Engine by Taniar, David, Rahayu, Wenny
Probability, Random Variables, and Data Analytics with Engineering Applications by Shankar, P. Mohana
Geometry and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics: Verona, Italy, March 25-29, 2019 by
Distribution Theory Applied to Differential Equations by Chirilă, Adina, Marin, Marin, Öchsner, Andreas
Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks with the CMS Detector at the Lhc by Martin Perez, Cristina
Covid-19 Pandemic Dynamics: Mathematical Simulations by Nesteruk, Igor
Mathematics of Open Quantum Systems, The: Dissipative and Non-Unitary Representations and Quantum Measurements by Makarov, Konstantin A., Tsekanovskii, Eduard R.
Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems: Proceedings of Icmlas 2021 by
2019-20 Matrix Annals by
Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Iot in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Techniques and Applications by
Geospatial Optimization of Solar Energy: Cases from Around the World by Rughooputh, Soonil, Boojhawon, Ravindra, Doorga, Jay
Sampling in Statistics by Glen, Stephanie
Agent-Based Models and Causal Inference by Manzo, Gianluca
Linear Regression With Python: A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Regression Analysis by Stone, James V.
Linear Regression With Matlab: A Tutorial Introduction to the Mathematics of Regression Analysis by Stone, James V.
Dark Data: Why What You Don't Know Matters by Hand, David J.
Stochastic Processes with R: An Introduction by Korosteleva, Olga
Big Data Analytics and Information Science for Business and Biomedical Applications by
Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Generation by Mao, Xudong, Li, Qing
Tree-Based Machine Learning Methods in SAS Viya by Saxena, Sharad
Tree-Based Machine Learning Methods in SAS Viya by Saxena, Sharad
Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing XII by
Spatial Networks: A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications by Barthelemy, Marc
Financial Informatics: An Information-Based Approach to Asset Pricing by
Deep Learning and Physics by Tanaka, Akinori, Tomiya, Akio, Hashimoto, Koji
Optimal Quantification and Symmetry by Nishisato, Shizuhiko
Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition by Winston, Wayne L., Nestler, Scott, Pelechrinis, Konstantinos
Machine Intelligence and Soft Computing: Proceedings of Icmisc 2021 by
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected Papers from the 21st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliabilit by
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Communication Systems: Icacecs 2021 by
Quantitative Epidemiology by Chen, Xinguang
Spatial Predictive Modeling with R by Li, Jin
Metalearning: Applications to Automated Machine Learning and Data Mining by Soares, Carlos, Brazdil, Pavel, Van Rijn, Jan N.
The Mathematics of Errors by Bouleau, Nicolas
Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application: Proceedings of Icidca 2021 by
Ligeti's Macroharmonies: A Graphical-Statistical Analysis of Book 3 of the Piano Etudes by Namoradze, Nicolas
Visualizing Linear Models by Brinda, W. D.
Fuzzy Statistical Inferences Based on Fuzzy Random Variables by Hesamian, Gholamreza
Search for Tt̄h Production in the H → Bb̅ Decay Channel: Using Deep Learning Techniques with the CMS Experiment by Rieger, Marcel
Probability with Statistical Applications by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials by
Software Reliability Growth Models by Hanagal, David D., Bhalerao, Nileema N.
Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials by
Mastering Snowflake Solutions: Supporting Analytics and Data Sharing by Morton, Adam
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Sciences by
Advanced Statistics: Statistical Distributions by
Introductory Statistics by
Bayes' Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis by Stone, James V.
Bayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with R by Sahu, Sujit
Statistische Unsicherheit in Der Industriellen Produktion: Grundlagen Und Methoden Der Modernen Qualitätssicherung by Prorok, Stefan
Snowflake Access Control: Mastering the Features for Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance by Larson, Jessica Megan
Measuring and Understanding Complex Phenomena: Indicators and Their Analysis in Different Scientific Fields by
Bayes Rules!: An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling by Dogucu, Mine, Johnson, Alicia A., Ott, Miles Q.
Using R for Biostatistics by Macfarland, Thomas W., Yates, Jan M.
Bayes Rules!: An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling by Johnson, Alicia A., Ott, Miles Q., Dogucu, Mine
Seriation in Combinatorial and Statistical Data Analysis by Lerman, Israël César, Leredde, Henri
Hands-On Machine Learning with Python: Implement Neural Network Solutions with Scikit-Learn and Pytorch by Pajankar, Ashwin, Joshi, Aditya
Artificial Intelligence and Causal Inference by Xiong, Momiao
Correlation Clustering by García-Soriano, David, Gullo, Francesco, Bonchi, Francesco
Probabilistic and Combinatorial Techniques: Advanced Problem Solving by
Perspectives in Sustainable Equity Investing by Coqueret, Guillaume
Understandable Statistics by Brase, Charles Henry, Brase, Corrinne Pellillo, Dolor, Jason
Geospatial Data Science in Healthcare for Society 5.0 by
Lectures on Dependency: Selected Topics in Multivariate Statistics by Dickhaus, Thorsten
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Applications: From Big Data to Small Data by
Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithms with Python: Solve Data Analytics and Machine Learning Problems on Edge Devices by Chatterjee, Chanchal
The Application of Artificial Intelligence: Step-By-Step Guide from Beginner to Expert by Somogyi, Zoltán
Sports Analytics in Practice with R by Kwartler, Ted
A Course on Small Area Estimation and Mixed Models: Methods, Theory and Applications in R by Morales, Domingo, Esteban, María Dolores, Pérez, Agustín
Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology by Peyrard, Nathalie, Gimenez, Olivier
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning by Li, Jin, Li, Ping, Liu, Zheli
Minimum Divergence Methods in Statistical Machine Learning: From an Information Geometric Viewpoint by Eguchi, Shinto, Komori, Osamu
Financial Statements-Based Bank Risk Aggregation by Li, Jianping, Wei, Lu, Zhu, Xiaoqian
Regression: Models, Methods and Applications by Lang, Stefan, Kneib, Thomas, Fahrmeir, Ludwig
Travel Behavior Characteristics Analysis Technology Based on Mobile Phone Location Data: Methodology and Empirical Research by Yao, Zhenxing, Yang, Fei
Diffusion Processes, Jump Processes, and Stochastic Differential Equations by Woyczyński, Wojbor A.
Optimal Input Signals for Parameter Estimation: In Linear Systems with Spatio-Temporal Dynamics by Rafajlowicz, Ewaryst
Applied Regularization Methods for the Social Sciences by Finch, Holmes
Statistical Methods for Mediation, Confounding and Moderation Analysis Using R and SAS by Yu, Qingzhao, Li, Bin
Perturbed Semi-Markov Type Processes II: Ergodic Theorems for Multi-Alternating Regenerative Processes by Silvestrov, Dmitrii
Discrete-Time Adaptive Iterative Learning Control: From Model-Based to Data-Driven by Chi, Ronghu, Lin, Na, Zhang, Huimin
Theory of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering by Miyamoto, Sadaaki
Counting Statistics for Dependent Random Events: With a Focus on Finance by Bernardi, Enrico, Romagnoli, Silvia
Theoretical Foundations of Radar Location and Radio Navigation by Kozlov, Anatoliy Ivanovich, Akmaykin, Denis Alexandrovich, Bolelov, Eduard Anatolyevich
Machine Learning for Networking: 4th International Conference, Mln 2021, Virtual Event, December 1-3, 2021, Proceedings by
Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications by Jiang, Jiming, Nguyen, Thuan
Modern Data Engineering with Apache Spark: A Hands-On Guide for Building Mission-Critical Streaming Applications by Haines, Scott
Introductory Statistics by Dean, Susan, Openstax, Illowsky, Barbara
Transportation Research in India: Practices and Future Directions by
Elementary Cluster Analysis: Four Basic Methods that (Usually) Work by Bezdek, James C.
Reliability Assessment of Safety and Production Systems: Analysis, Modelling, Calculations and Case Studies by Leroy, Alain, Signoret, Jean-Pierre
Fractal Geometry and Stochastics VI by
Process Mining Workshops: Icpm 2021 International Workshops, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, October 31 - November 4, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Quantitative Approaches for Second Language Education Research by Garcés-Manzanera, Aitor
Metrics That Make a Difference: How to Analyze Change and Error by Pontius Jr, Robert Gilmore
The Python Guide for New Data Scientists by Strickland, Jeffrey
Handbook of Meta-Analysis by
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Pandemic Society: Crises, Risk and Sacrifice in a New World Order by Shibuya, Kazuhiko
In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius by
Sir - Modell Durch Eine Neue Dichte Unterstützt: Handlungsdokument Für Ein Angepasstes Covid - Management by Hellwig, Marcus
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems in the Frequency Domain by Zhu, Yunpeng
Semigroups, Categories, and Partial Algebras: Icsaa 2019, Kochi, India, December 9-12 by
Perturbed Semi-Markov Type Processes I: Limit Theorems for Rare-Event Times and Processes by Silvestrov, Dmitrii
Artificial Intelligence for Materials Science by
Applied Deep Learning with Tensorflow 2: Learn to Implement Advanced Deep Learning Techniques with Python by Michelucci, Umberto
Novel Mathematics Inspired by Industrial Challenges by
Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics by Durivage, Mark Allen
Data Ethics and Challenges by Tiwari, Kapil, Shukla, Samiksha, George, Jossy P.
Political Geometry: Rethinking Redistricting in the Us with Math, Law, and Everything in Between by
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications: Honoring the Contributions of Barry C. Arnold in Statistical Science by
Sovereignty Blockchain 1.0: Orderly Internet and Community with a Shared Future for Humanity by Yuming, Lian
Mathematical Analysis for Transmission of Covid-19 by
Advanced Statistics for Physical and Occupational Therapy by Almonroeder, Thomas Gus
Advanced Statistics for Physical and Occupational Therapy by Almonroeder, Thomas Gus
Large Sample Techniques for Statistics by Jiang, Jiming
Business Information Systems Workshops: Bis 2021 International Workshops, Virtual Event, June 14-17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Smart Prisons by Sun, Peiliang
Total Manufacturing Assurance: Controlling Product Quality, Reliability, and Safety by Brauer, Douglas, Cesarone, John
Stable Lévy Processes Via Lamperti-Type Representations by Kyprianou, Andreas E., Pardo, Juan Carlos
Probabilistic-Statistical Methods for Risk Assessment in Civil Aviation by Sharov, Valery Dmitryevich, Vorobyov, Vadim Vadimovich, Zatuchny, Dmitry Alexandrovich
Statistical Regression Modeling with R: Longitudinal and Multi-Level Modeling by Chen, Chen, Jenny K.
An Introduction to Latent Class Analysis: Methods and Applications by Eshima, Nobuoki
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance: Maf 2022 by
Distribution of Statistical Observables for Anomalous and Nonergodic Diffusions: From Statistics to Mathematics by Nie, Daxin, Deng, Weihua, Wang, Xudong
STATS to Blow Your Mind!: And Everyone Else You're Talking to by Rayborn, Tim
Rank-Based Methods for Shrinkage and Selection: With Application to Machine Learning by Saleh, Resve a., Saleh, A. K. MD Ehsanes, Arashi, Mohammad
Six SIGMA: A Case Study Approach Using Minitab(r) by Blackburn, Timothy D.
Applied Statistical Methods: Isges 2020, Pune, India, January 2-4 by
A Digital Signal Processor for Particle Detectors: Design, Verification and Testing by Velure, Arild
Bayesian Reasoning and Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning Applications by
Understanding Your Game: A Mathematician's Advice for Rational and Safe Gambling by Barboianu, Catalin
Wavelets from a Statistical Perspective by Jansen, Maarten
Xxai - Beyond Explainable AI: International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with ICML 2020, July 18, 2020, Vienna, Austria, Revised and Extended Paper by
Statistical Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments by Kaltenbach, Hans-Michael
Computational Statistics in Data Science by
Computation of Greeks Using the Discrete Malliavin Calculus and Binomial Tree by Muroi, Yoshifumi
Pointwise Variable Anisotropic Function Spaces on ℝⁿ by Dekel, Shai
Twenty Five Years of Modern Tsunami Science Following the 1992 Nicaragua and Flores Island Tsunamis. Volume II by
Fundamental Statistics for the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences by Padilla, Miguel a.
Multi-Level Bayesian Models for Environment Perception by Benedek, Csaba
A First Course in Complex Analysis by Willms, Allan R.
Fundamental Statistics for the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences by Padilla, Miguel a.
Positive Unlabeled Learning by Jaskie, Kristen, Spanias, Andreas
Introduction to Probability Theory: A First Course on the Measure-Theoretic Approach by Moshayedi, Nima
Text Mining for Information Professionals: An Uncharted Territory by Lamba, Manika, Madhusudhan, Margam
Data Assimilation Fundamentals: A Unified Formulation of the State and Parameter Estimation Problem by Evensen, Geir, Vossepoel, Femke C., Van Leeuwen, Peter Jan
Advances in Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering and Business Management by
Stochastic Analysis, Filtering, and Stochastic Optimization: A Commemorative Volume to Honor Mark H. A. Davis's Contributions by
Advanced Prognostic Predictive Modelling in Healthcare Data Analytics by
Modern Approaches in Machine Learning & Cognitive Science: A Walkthrough by
Statistics in the Public Interest: In Memory of Stephen E. Fienberg by
Fractional Stochastic Differential Equations: Applications to Covid-19 Modeling by Atangana, Abdon, İgret Araz, Seda
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