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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2023

Probability Map of the Universe: Essays on David Albert's Time and Chance by Loewer, Barry
Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow 2.0: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python by Pattanayak, Santanu
Pocket Evidence Based Medicine: A Survival Guide for Clinicians and Students by Palmas, Walter R.
Machine Learning Algorithm for Fatigue Fields in Additive Manufacturing by Mamduh Mustafa Awd, Mustafa
Keine Panik vor Statistik!: Erfolg und Spaß im Horrorfach nichttechnischer Studiengänge by Romberg, Oliver, Oestreich, Markus
Synthetic Data for Deep Learning: Generate Synthetic Data for Decision Making and Applications with Python and R by Birişçi, Esma, Gürsakal, Necmi, Çelik, Sadullah
Expository Moments for Pseudo Distributions by Ogasawara, Haruhiko
Generating Functions in Engineering and the Applied Sciences by Shanmugam, Ramalingam, Chattamvelli, Rajan
An Introduction to Anomalous Diffusion and Relaxation by Evangelista, Luiz Roberto, Lenzi, Ervin Kaminski
Modeling of Road Traffic Events by Kisilowski, Jerzy, Zalewski, Jaroslaw
Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for E-Health by
Novelty, Information and Surprise by Palm, Günther
Official Statistics--A Plaything of Politics?: On the Interaction of Politics, Official Statistics, and Ethical Principles by Mink, Reimund
Nichtparametrische statistische Methoden in der Programmiersprache Oberon by Kleiner, Jan Robin
Applied Probability Theory - New Perspectives, Recent Advances and Trends by
The Elements of Hawkes Processes by Taimre, Thomas, Laub, Patrick J., Lee, Young
Configural Frequency Analysis: Foundations, Models, and Applications by Von Eye, Alexander, Wiedermann, Wolfgang
Telegraph Processes and Option Pricing by Ratanov, Nikita, Kolesnik, Alexander D.
Geospatial Data Analytics and Urban Applications by
Industrial Design of Experiments: A Case Study Approach for Design and Process Optimization by Shina, Sammy
AI and Analytics for Public Health: Proceedings of the 2020 Informs International Conference on Service Science by
Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R. Rao on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday by
First Measurement of the Running of the Top Quark Mass by Defranchis, Matteo M.
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2021, Volume 1 by
Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: Proceedings of Icsadl 2022 by
Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers: A Modern Approach by Shardt, Yuri a. W.
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume I by Bressloff, Paul C.
Covid-19 Pandemic: Research and Development Activities from Modeling to Realization by
Computational Genomics with R by Akalin, Altuna
Geostatistics for the Mining Industry: Applications to Porphyry Copper Deposits by Emery, Xavier, Séguret, Serge Antoine
Introduction à la Statistique by Malacrida, Simone
Introducción a la Estadística by Malacrida, Simone
Hybrid Censoring Know-How: Designs and Implementations by Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy, Cramer, Erhard, Kundu, Debasis
Microsoft Conversational Ai-Platform Für Entwickler: Ende-Zu-Ende-Chatbot-Entwicklung Von Der Planung Bis Zum Einsatz by Bisser, Stephan
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology: Volume II by Bressloff, Paul C.
Random Process Analysis with R by Rosa, Rodolfo, Bittelli, Marco, Olmi, Roberto
Random Process Analysis with R by Rosa, Rodolfo, Bittelli, Marco, Olmi, Roberto
Reflections on the Foundations of Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Teddy Seidenfeld by
Methodologies of Multi-Omics Data Integration and Data Mining: Techniques and Applications by
Ejercicios de Estadística Avanzada by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de statistiques avancées by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices de calcul combinatoire by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Cálculo Combinatorio by Malacrida, Simone
Exercices d'inférence statistique by Malacrida, Simone
Ejercicios de Inferencia Estadística by Malacrida, Simone
Quantile Regression in Clinical Research: Complete Analysis for Data at a Loss of Homogeneity by Cleophas, Ton J., Zwinderman, Aeilko H.
Digital Decarbonization: Achieving Climate Targets with a Technology-Neutral Approach by Kaiser, Thomas, Metzger, Michael, Doleski, Oliver D.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sar) Data Applications by
Proceedings of ELM 2021: Theory, Algorithms and Applications by
How Well Do Executives Trust Their Intuition by
Research Analytics: Boosting University Productivity and Competitiveness Through Scientometrics by
Data Analytics for Smart Cities by
Analytics and Knowledge Management by
Mathematical Modeling with Excel by Albright, Brian, Fox, William P.
Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design by Laguna, Manuel, Marklund, Johan
Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists Using R by Aho, Ken A.
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-To-Event Data: With Applications in R by Rizopoulos, Dimitris
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance by Lamberton, Damien, Lapeyre, Bernard
Dependence Modeling with Copulas by Joe, Harry
Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis with IBM SPSS by Ho, Robert
Statistical Analysis of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns by Diggle, Peter J.
Statistical Methods for Financial Engineering by Remillard, Bruno
Statistical Computing in C++ and R by Kupresanin, Ana, Eubank, Randall L.
Bayesian Artificial Intelligence by Korb, Kevin B., Nicholson, Ann E.
An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R by Trosset, Michael W.
Introduction to Spatial Econometrics by Lesage, James, Pace, Robert Kelley
Gaussian Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications by Rue, Havard, Held, Leonhard
Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires: A Unified Approach Based on R and Stata by Bartolucci, Francesco, Bacci, Silvia, Gnaldi, Michela
Bayesian Methods in Health Economics by Baio, Gianluca
Latent Markov Models for Longitudinal Data by Farcomeni, Alessio, Pennoni, Fulvia, Bartolucci, Francesco
Roc Curves for Continuous Data by Krzanowski, Wojtek J., Hand, David J.
Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Chan, Wenyaw, Moyé, Lemuel A., Kapadia, Asha Seth
Item Response Theory: Parameter Estimation Techniques, Second Edition by
Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data by Schafer, J. L.
R for College Mathematics and Statistics by Pfaff, Thomas
Mixed Effects Models for the Population Approach: Models, Tasks, Methods and Tools by Lavielle, Marc
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: New Models, Methods, and Empirical Applications by Land, Kenneth C., Yang, Yang
Advanced Risk Analysis in Engineering Enterprise Systems by Garvey, Paul R., Pinto, Cesar Ariel
Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications by Wang, Yuedong
Statistical Inference: The Minimum Distance Approach by Shioya, Hiroyuki, Park, Chanseok, Basu, Ayanendranath
Measurement Error: Models, Methods, and Applications by Buonaccorsi, John P.
Monte Carlo Methods and Models in Finance and Insurance by Korn, Elke, Kroisandt, Gerald, Korn, Ralf
Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics by
Design and Analysis of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies by Chow, Shein-Chung, Liu, Jen-Pei
Polya Urn Models by Mahmoud, Hosam
Introduction to Financial Models for Management and Planning by Morris, James R., Daley, John P.
Graphical Data Analysis with R by Unwin, Antony
Advanced Problem Solving with Maple: A First Course by Fox, William P., Bauldry, William C.
Statistical Methods for Drug Safety by Gibbons, Robert D., Amatya, Anup
Computerized Multistage Testing: Theory and Applications by
Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science by
Handbook of International Large-Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues, and Methods of Data Analysis by
Generalized Linear Models for Categorical and Continuous Limited Dependent Variables by Merkle, Edgar C., Smithson, Michael
Visualizing Data Patterns with Micromaps by Pickle, Linda Williams, Carr, Daniel B.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Science, Engineering, and Finance by Rosenkrantz, Walter A.
Bayesian Biostatistics and Diagnostic Medicine by Broemeling, Lyle D.
Sampling Strategies for Natural Resources and the Environment by Gregoire, Timothy G., Valentine, Harry T.
Multiple Comparisons: Theory and Methods by Hsu, Jason
Statistical Studies of Income, Poverty and Inequality in Europe: Computing and Graphics in R Using Eu-Silc by Longford, Nicholas T.
Survival Analysis in Medicine and Genetics by Li, Jialiang, Ma, Shuangge
Analytical Methods for Risk Management: A Systems Engineering Perspective by Garvey, Paul R.
Basic Environmental Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers by R. B. Von Frese, Ralph
Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods by Bonato, Anthony, Pralat, Pawel
Military Applications of Data Analytics by
Handbook of Regression and Modeling: Applications for the Clinical and Pharmaceutical Industries by Paulson, Daryl S.
Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation by Park, Eun Sug, Rilett, Laurence R., Spiegelman, Clifford
Modern Statistical, Systems, and Gpss Simulation, Second Edition by Dudewicz, Edward J., Karian, Zaven A.
Sports Math: An Introductory Course in the Mathematics of Sports Science and Sports Analytics by Minton, Roland B.
Selective Maintenance Modelling and Optimization: Basic Methods and Some Recent Advances by Liu, Yu, Jiang, Tao, Huang, Hong-Zhong
Introduction to Probability with R by Baclawski, Kenneth
Adaptive Design Methods in Clinical Trials by Chang, Mark, Chow, Shein-Chung
Genomics Data Analysis: False Discovery Rates and Empirical Bayes Methods by Bickel, David R.
Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis by Schabenberger, Oliver, Gotway, Carol A.
Bayesian Analysis for Population Ecology by Morgan, Byron, King, Ruth, Gimenez, Olivier
Representation in Machine Learning by Avinash, M., Murty, M. N.
Statistical Inference Based on the Likelihood by Azzalini, Adelchi
Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy by
Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy by
Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan, R, and Python by Matsuura, Kentaro
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by Jianu, Marilena, Popescu, Sever Angel
Discrete Choice Analysis with R by Boisjoly, Geneviève, Páez, Antonio
Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Hydroclimatology by Maity, Rajib
Stochastic Processes, Statistical Methods, and Engineering Mathematics: Spas 2019, Västerås, Sweden, September 30-October 2 by
Probability and Statistical Inference by Hogg, Robert, Tanis, Elliot, Zimmerman, Dale
Zuverlässigkeit Im Fahrzeug- Und Maschinenbau: Ermittlung Von Bauteil- Und System-Zuverlässigkeiten by Bertsche, Bernd, Dazer, Martin
Non-Gaussian Autoregressive-Type Time Series by Balakrishna, N.
Liss 2021: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences by
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Human Processes by Chow, Sy-Miin, Gates, Kathleen M., Molenaar, Peter C. M.
The Decline Effect: The Hidden Probability Law Controlling Markets, Politics, Culture, Religion, Epidemics and War by Brooks, Dean
The Decline Effect: The Hidden Probability Law Controlling Markets, Politics, Culture, Religion, Epidemics and War by Brooks, Dean
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R by Heumann, Christian, Schomaker, Michael, Shalabh
Schadenversicherung: Kalkulation Der Nettorisikoprämie: Haftpflicht, Kraftfahrt, Kranken, Sach, Unfall by Bruchlos, Kai, Kockmann, Joachim
A Short Introduction to the Mathematics of Information Theory: A Tutorial Introduction by Stone, James V.
Machine Learning Under Malware Attack by Labaca-Castro, Raphael
First Observation of Fully Reconstructed B0 and Bs0 Decays Into Final States Involving an Excited Neutral Charm Meson in Lhcb by Gonzalo, Arnau Brossa
Statistical Modeling with R: A Dual Frequentist and Bayesian Approach for Life Scientists by Inchausti, Pablo
Generalized Normalizing Flows via Markov Chains by Steidl, Gabriele, Hagemann, Paul Lyonel, Hertrich, Johannes
Statistical Modeling with R: A Dual Frequentist and Bayesian Approach for Life Scientists by Inchausti, Pablo
Dicing with Death: Living by Data by Senn, Stephen
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics: Proceedings of ICDICI 2021 by
Probability: Risk Management, Statistics, Combinations, and Permutations for Business by Covington, Daniel
Mixed-Effects Models and Small Area Estimation by Kubokawa, Tatsuya, Sugasawa, Shonosuke
Computing for Data Analysis: Theory and Practices by Dey, Lopamudra, Chakraborty, Sanjay
Lectures on Variational Analysis by Dontchev, Asen L.
Ten Projects in Applied Statistics by McCullagh, Peter
Elementary Statistical Methods by Prasad, Sahana
Mathematical Gnostics: Advanced Data Analysis for Research and Engineering Practice by Kovanic, Pavel
Exponential Families in Theory and Practice by Efron, Bradley
Search for the Higgs Boson Produced in Association with Top Quarks with the CMS Detector at the Lhc by Martin Perez, Cristina
Geometry and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics: Verona, Italy, March 25-29, 2019 by
Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems: Proceedings of Icmlas 2021 by
Übungen zur statistischen Inferenz by Malacrida, Simone
Exercícios de inferência estatística by Malacrida, Simone
An Introduction to Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Testing and Nonparametric Anova by Livingston, G. C., Rayner, J. C. W.
Drug Development for Rare Diseases by
Robust Control for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems in the Finite-Time Domain by He, Shuping, Liu, Fei, Luan, Xiaoli
The Energy of Data and Distance Correlation by Székely, Gábor J., Rizzo, Maria L.
Exercícios de Estatística Avançada by Malacrida, Simone
Übungen zur Fortgeschrittenen Statistik by Malacrida, Simone
Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics: Sis 2021, Pisa, Italy, June 21-25 by
Spatial Econometric Methods in Agricultural Economics Using R by
Gaussian Measures in Finite and Infinite Dimensions by Stroock, Daniel W.
Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Walker, Kyle
Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Walker, Kyle
Bayesian Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning: Modeling, Tuning-Free Algorithms, and Applications by Wu, Yik-Chung, Cheng, Lei, Chen, Zhongtao
Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Biomedical and Health Applications Using R by Dinov, Ivo D.
Make Your Data Speak: Creating Actionable Data Through Excel for Non-Technical Professionals by Kolokolov, Alex
Understanding Basic Statistics by Dolor, Jason, Brase, Charles Henry, Brase, Corrinne Pellillo
Mathematical Portfolio Theory and Analysis by Chakrabarty, Siddhartha Pratim, Kanaujiya, Ankur
Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Mobility Innovations for Growing Megacities by
Models for Data Analysis: Sis 2018, Palermo, Italy, June 20-22 by
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected Papers from the 22nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliabilit by
Spatial Networks: A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications by Barthelemy, Marc
Symplectic Integration of Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems by Hong, Jialin, Sun, Liying
An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory: The Dynamic Programming Approach by Laura-Guarachi, Leonardo R., Mendoza-Palacios, Saul, Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo
Stochastic Komatu-Loewner Evolutions by Murayama, Takuya, Chen, Zhen-Qing, Fukushima, Masatoshi
Optimal Quantification and Symmetry by Nishisato, Shizuhiko
Uncertainty Quantification Using R by Souza De Cursi, Eduardo
Mosquito Gene Drives and the Malaria Eradication Agenda by
Geostatistics Toronto 2021: Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics by
Geostatistics Toronto 2021: Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics by
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Communication Systems: Icacecs 2021 by
Quantitative Epidemiology by Chen, Xinguang
Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica(r): Applications in Inverse Transform and Acceptance-Rejection Sampling by Chowdhury, Sujaul
The Mathematics of Errors by Bouleau, Nicolas
Ligeti's Macroharmonies: A Graphical-Statistical Analysis of Book 3 of the Piano Etudes by Namoradze, Nicolas
The Hidden Game of Football: A Revolutionary Approach to the Game and Its Statistics by Thorn, John, Carroll, Bob, Palmer, Pete
Dealing with Memory Limits and Working with Large Data Sets in R by Paruchuri, Vik
Probability with Statistical Applications by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
SAS Essentials: Mastering SAS for Data Analytics by Elliott, Alan C., Woodward, Wayne a.
Deep Learning: Volume 48 by
Advances in Non-Invasive Biomedical Signal Sensing and Processing with Machine Learning by
Thinking Data Science: A Data Science Practitioner's Guide by Sarang, Poornachandra
Network Models for Data Science: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Izenman, Alan Julian
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences by Delcea, Camelia, Cotfas, Liviu-Adrian
Statistics for Clinicians: How Much Should a Doctor Know? by Hassouna, Ahmed
Bayesian Analysis of Etiological Factors for Gallbladder Disease by Srivastava, Richa
Seriation in Combinatorial and Statistical Data Analysis by Lerman, Israël César, Leredde, Henri
Loss Data Analysis: The Maximum Entropy Approach by Mayoral, Silvia, Gomes-Gonçalves, Erika, Gzyl, Henryk
A Data Analyst Walks Into a Bar(graph): How To Do Risible Research or Silly Statistical Studies by Greco, Christopher
See More