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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Probability & Statistics in 2024

Statistics in Context by Blatchley
A Symphony of Time and Space: Unraveling the Mysteries Beyond the Cosmos by Brynes, Keith A.
Handbook of Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests and Predictions by
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2023, Volume 2 by
An Introduction to Anomalous Diffusion and Relaxation by Lenzi, Ervin Kaminski, Evangelista, Luiz Roberto
Dynamics of Information Systems: 6th International Conference, Dis 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3-6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers by
Use and Misuse of the United States Census: The Role of Data in the Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II by Anderson, Margo, Seltzer, William
Expository Moments for Pseudo Distributions by Ogasawara, Haruhiko
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Bias, Fairness and Beyond by
Generating Functions in Engineering and the Applied Sciences by Chattamvelli, Rajan, Shanmugam, Ramalingam
Scaling Up: How Data Curation Can Help Address Key Issues in Qualitative Data Reuse and Big Social Research by Mannheimer, Sara
A Circular Built Environment in the Digital Age by
Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for E-Health by
Novelty, Information and Surprise by Palm, Günther
Statistics for Economists by Yamane, Linus
Matemáticas Actuariales Esenciales para las Pensiones by McCaulay, Philip Martin
Statistics for Economists by Yamane, Linus
Business Statistics for Dummies by Anderson, Alan
Numerical Approximations of Stochastic Maxwell Equations: Via Structure-Preserving Algorithms by Hong, Jialin, Ji, Lihai, Chen, Chuchu
Official Statistics--A Plaything of Politics?: On the Interaction of Politics, Official Statistics, and Ethical Principles by Mink, Reimund
Reliability Engineering: Data Analytics, Modeling, Risk Prediction by Bracke, Stefan
The 5 Pillars of Critical Thinking: Your Comprehensive Guide to Eliminate Bias, Crush Fallacies, Unmask Hidden Agendas, and Make Flawless Choices. Unm by Chase, Maxwell
Genomics Data Analysis for Crop Improvement by
Probability: An Introduction Through Theory and Exercises by Baldi, Paolo
Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists by Rahman, MD Tauhid Ur, Mustafy, Tanvir
Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: Icdam 2023, Volume 1 by
Modern Approaches in Machine Learning and Cognitive Science: A Walkthrough: Volume 4 by
Reflections on the Foundations of Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Teddy Seidenfeld by
Statistical Inference by Van, Man
Methodologies of Multi-Omics Data Integration and Data Mining: Techniques and Applications by
Bayesian Inference - Recent Trends by
Applied Machine Learning Using Mlr3 in R by
Modern Discrete Probability by Roch, Sébastien
Estimation de l'indice de queue lourde sous censure aléatoire by Benatia, Fatah, Kouider, Mohammed Ridha
Applied Machine Learning Using Mlr3 in R by
Proceedings of ELM 2021: Theory, Algorithms and Applications by
Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sar) Data Applications by
Selective Maintenance Modelling and Optimization: Basic Methods and Some Recent Advances by Huang, Hong-Zhong, Jiang, Tao, Liu, Yu
Communication and Applied Technologies: Proceedings of Icomta 2023 by
Stata Tips, Fourth Edition, Volume I: Tips 1-119 by Cox, Nicholas J., Joseph Newton, H.
Stata Tips, Fourth Edition, Volume II: Tips 120-152 by
Stochastic Approximation: A Dynamical Systems Viewpoint by Borkar, Vivek S.
Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan, R, and Python by Matsuura, Kentaro
Mathematische Einführung in Data Science by Wegner, Sven-Ake
Modeling Correlated Outcomes Using Extensions of Generalized Estimating Equations and Linear Mixed Modeling by Knafl, George J.
Analysis of Categorical Data from Historical Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Shizuhiko Nishisato by
Statistical Modelling of Occupant Behaviour by Møller, Jan Kloppenborg, Schweiker, Marcel, Andersen, Rune Korsholm
Mathematical Thinking: Why Everyone Should Study Math by Karloff, Howard
Discrete Choice Analysis with R by Boisjoly, Geneviève, Páez, Antonio
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by Jianu, Marilena, Popescu, Sever Angel
Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis Using Atlas.Ti: A Comprehensive Researchers' Manual by Gupta, Ajay
Intelligent Computers, Algorithms, and Applications: Third Benchcouncil International Symposium, IC 2023, Sanya, China, December 3-6, 2023, Revised Se by
Stochastic Processes, Statistical Methods, and Engineering Mathematics: Spas 2019, Västerås, Sweden, September 30-October 2 by
Bayesian Inverse Problems: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications by
Handbook of Multiple Comparisons by
Statistical Methods for Handling Incomplete Data by Kim, Jae Kwang, Shao, Jun
Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems by
Event History Analysis with R by Broström, Göran
Semiparametric Odds Ratio Model and Its Applications by Chen, Hua Yun
Optimal Decision Making in Operations Research and Statistics: Methodologies and Applications by
Simultaneous Global New Drug Development: Multi-Regional Clinical Trials after ICH E17 by
Trace Environmental Quantitative Analysis: Including Student-Tested Experiments by Loconto, Paul R.
Handbook of Bayesian Variable Selection by
Random Matrices and Non-Commutative Probability by Bose, Arup
Quantitative Drug Safety and Benefit Risk Evaluation: Practical and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches by
Mathematics for Social Justice by
Confidence Intervals for Discrete Data in Clinical Research by Gangopadhyay, Ashis, Menon, Sandeep M., Pradhan, Vivek
Handbook of Measurement Error Models by
Optimization with Lingo-18: Problems and Applications by Gupta, Neha, Ali, Irfan
Statistical Models in Consumer Behavior by Bhatra Charyulu, Nallani Chakravarthula, Kumaraswamy, Kandukuri
Multivariate Data Integration Using R: Methods and Applications with the Mixomics Package by Lê Cao, Kim-Anh, Welham, Zoe Marie
Digital Transformation: Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0 by
Online Portfolio Selection: Principles and Algorithms by Hoi, Steven Chu Hong, Li, Bin
Steuerung der Lohnsumme im malischen KMU-Kontext by Samaké, Siaka
Payroll management for Malian SMEs by Samaké, Siaka
Управление фондом зараб& by Самаке, Си&#
Principles of Data Science - Third Edition: A beginner's guide to essential math and coding skills for data fluency and machine learning by Ozdemir, Sinan
Bayesian Analysis with Python - Third Edition: A practical guide to probabilistic modeling by Martin, Osvaldo
Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliabilit by
Stochastic Approximation: A Dynamical Systems Viewpoint by Borkar, Vivek S.
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R by Heumann, Christian, Schomaker, Michael, Shalabh
First Observation of Fully Reconstructed B0 and Bs0 Decays Into Final States Involving an Excited Neutral Charm Meson in Lhcb by Gonzalo, Arnau Brossa
Diffusion Under Confinement: A Journey Through Counterintuition by Pompa-García, Ivan, Peña, Jason, Dagdug, Leonardo
Computing for Data Analysis: Theory and Practices by Dey, Lopamudra, Chakraborty, Sanjay
Facets of Noise: Effects in Classical and Quantum Systems by Das, Debraj, Gupta, Shamik
Ten Projects in Applied Statistics by McCullagh, Peter
Neural Networks with Model Compression by Wang, Tiancheng, Xu, Sheng, Zhang, Baochang
Elementary Statistical Methods by Prasad, Sahana
Online Machine Learning: A Practical Guide with Examples in Python by
Probability Modeling and Statistical Inference in Cancer Screening by Wu, Dongfeng
The Probability of the Factors That Affect Probability by Phiri, Eliphas
Random Graphs and Complex Networks by Van Der Hofstad, Remco
Introductory Statistical Analysis for Scientists by Bhuiyan, Keshab
Value of Information for Healthcare Decision-Making by
Probabilistic Aesthetics of the Avant-Gardes: Predictive Arts by Wojnowski, Konrad
Medidas Estadísticas, Conteo y Distribuciones de probabilidad by Tilano, Jorge
Diseños En Filas Y Columnas Para Un Gran Número de Tratamientos by Espinoza Romano, Vivian
Statistics for Public Policy: A Practical Guide to Being Mostly Right (or at Least Respectably Wrong) by Weber, Jeremy G.
Computational and Strategic Business Modelling: IC-Bim 2021, Athens, Greece by
Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics: Sis 2021, Pisa, Italy, June 21-25 by
Robust Control for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Systems in the Finite-Time Domain by Luan, Xiaoli, He, Shuping, Liu, Fei
Essentials of Python for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by Gupta, Pramod, Bagchi, Anupam
SPSS for you by Chandran, P., Rajathi, A.
Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Biomedical and Health Applications Using R by Dinov, Ivo D.
Bayesian Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning: Modeling, Tuning-Free Algorithms, and Applications by Cheng, Lei, Chen, Zhongtao, Wu, Yik-Chung
Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Mobility Innovations for Growing Megacities by
Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking by Zimring, James C.
Manifold Learning: Model Reduction in Engineering by Casenave, Fabien, Akkari, Nissrine, Ryckelynck, David
Models for Data Analysis: Sis 2018, Palermo, Italy, June 20-22 by
Foundations of Data Science with Python by Shea, John M.
Regression Inside Out by Melamed, David, Breiger, Ronald L., Schoon, Eric W.
Foundations of Data Science with Python by Shea, John M.
Notes on Tug-Of-War Games and the P-Laplace Equation by Parviainen, Mikko
Communication and Applied Technologies: Proceedings of Icomta 2023 by
Computing, Internet of Things and Data Analytics: Selected Papers from the International Conference on Computing, Iot and Data Analytics (Iccida) by
An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory: The Dynamic Programming Approach by Mendoza-Palacios, Saul, Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo, Laura-Guarachi, Leonardo R.
Uncertainty Quantification Using R by Souza De Cursi, Eduardo
Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica(r): Applications in Inverse Transform and Acceptance-Rejection Sampling by Chowdhury, Sujaul
Handbook of Bayesian, Fiducial, and Frequentist Inference by
Foundations of Quantitative Finance: Book V General Measure and Integration Theory by Reitano, Robert R.
Foundations of Quantitative Finance: Book V General Measure and Integration Theory by Reitano, Robert R.
Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: 4th International Conference, Dddas 2022, Cambridge, Ma, Usa, October 6-10, 2022, Proceedings by
Korteweg-de Vries Flows with General Initial Conditions by Kotani, Shinichi
Spatio-Temporal Models for Ecologists by Thorson, James, Kristensen, Kasper
Efficiency and Productivity Analysis: Using Copulas in Stochastic Frontier Models by Prokhorov, Artem
Efficiency and Productivity Analysis: Using Copulas in Stochastic Frontier Models by Prokhorov, Artem
Smart Big Data in Digital Agriculture Applications: Acquisition, Advanced Analytics, and Plant Physiology-Informed Artificial Intelligence by Niu, Haoyu, Chen, Yangquan
Bertrand's Paradox and the Principle of Indifference by Shackel, Nicholas
Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape by Kneib, Thomas, Klein, Nadja, Stasinopoulos, Mikis D.
Skripte zur Mathematik - Stochastik by Wyss, Christian
Skripte zur Mathematik - Stochastik by Wyss, Christian
Applied Intelligence: First International Conference, Icai 2023, Nanning, China, December 8-12, 2023, Proceedings, Part II by
Prototyping Python Dashboards for Scientists and Engineers: Build and Deploy a Complete Dashboard with Python by Houlahan, Padraig
Thinking Data Science: A Data Science Practitioner's Guide by Sarang, Poornachandra
Mastering Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Mastering big data: strategies and tools for effective analysis by Chen, Maxine
MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Paluszek, Michael, Thomas, Stephanie
Advances in Non-Invasive Biomedical Signal Sensing and Processing with Machine Learning by
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences by Delcea, Camelia, Cotfas, Liviu-Adrian
Statistics for Clinicians: How Much Should a Doctor Know? by Hassouna, Ahmed
Adversarial Multimedia Forensics by
The Art of Randomness: Randomized Algorithms in the Real World by Kneusel, Ronald T.
Teoria Della Probabilità: Processi E Calcolo Stocastico by Pascucci, Andrea
Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics by Gentle, James E.
Tourism Analytics Before and After Covid-19: Case Studies from Asia and Europe by
Trends in Sustainable Computing and Machine Intelligence: Proceedings of Ictsm 2023 by
Python for Water and Environment by Saharia, Manabendra, Kumar, Anil
Reliability Assessment of Tethered High-Altitude Unmanned Telecommunication Platforms: K-Out-Of-N Reliability Models and Applications by Selvamuthu, Dharmaraja, Rykov, Vladimir, Vishnevsky, Vladimir M.
Correlation in Engineering and the Applied Sciences: Applications in R by Chattamvelli, Rajan
Practical Time Series Analysis in Natural Sciences by Privalsky, Victor
An Approach to Multi-Agent Systems as a Generalized Multi-Synchronization Problem by Martínez-Guerra, Rafael, Flores-Flores, Juan Pablo
Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science by Potter, Merle C., Feeny, Brian F.
Soccer Analytics: An Introduction Using R by Beggs, Clive
The Hot Hand by Cohen, Ben
Functional Data Analysis with R by Crainiceanu, Ciprian M., Goldsmith, Jeff, LeRoux, Andrew
Soccer Analytics: An Introduction Using R by Beggs, Clive
Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, and Overlapped Cell on Tissue Dataset for Histopathology: 5th Miccai Workshop, Grail 2023 and 1st Miccai Challeng by
Set, Measure and Probability Theory by Alencar, Raphael T., Alencar, Marcelo S.
Elements of Stochastic Modelling (Third Edition) by Borovkov, Konstantin
Elements of Stochastic Modelling (Third Edition) by Borovkov, Konstantin
Are Statistics Only Made of Data?: Know-How and Presupposition from the 17th and 19th Centuries by Brian, Éric
Utilizzo di modelli di miscela di classi latenti per definire gli endotopi di sepsi by Taylor, Samantha J.
Utilização de modelos de mistura de classes latentes para definir endótipos de sépsis by Taylor, Samantha J.
Использование моделей с& by Тейлор, Са&#
Stochastic Methods for Modeling and Predicting Complex Dynamical Systems: Uncertainty Quantification, State Estimation, and Reduced-Order Models by Chen, Nan
Space Data Management by
Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society by
Active Statistics by Gelman, Andrew, Vehtari, Aki
High-Dimensional Regression Modeling: Methodology, Applications, and Software by Breheny, Patrick, Huang, Jian
Measure-Valued Branching Markov Processes by Li, Zenghu
Metaheuristics for Machine Learning: New Advances and Tools by
Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Proceedings of Idba 2023 by
Cognitive Computing for Machine Thinking by Shinde, Gitanjali R., Velankar, Makarand R., Mahalle, Parikshit N.
Global Flow of Funds Analysis: Data, Models, and Applications by Zhang, Yiye, Zhang, Nan
Learning with Fractional Orthogonal Kernel Classifiers in Support Vector Machines: Theory, Algorithms and Applications by
Data Analytics and Machine Learning: Navigating the Big Data Landscape by
Applications of Game Theory in Deep Learning by Hazra, Tanmoy, Anjaria, Kushal, Bajpai, Aditi
The Problem of Coronal Heating: A Rosetta Stone for Electrodynamic Coupling in Cosmic Plasmas by Ionson, James A., Judge, Philip
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management: 5th International Conference, Ieim 2024, Nice, France, January 10-12, 2024, Proceedings by
Philosophies, Puzzles and Paradoxes: A Statistician's Search for Truth by Lee, Youngjo, Pawitan, Yudi
Recurrence Interval Analysis of Financial Time Series by Zhou, Wei-Xing, Jiang, Zhi-Qiang, Xie, Wen-Jie
Recurrence Interval Analysis of Financial Time Series by Zhou, Wei-Xing, Jiang, Zhi-Qiang, Xie, Wen-Jie
Philosophies, Puzzles and Paradoxes: A Statistician's Search for Truth by Lee, Youngjo, Pawitan, Yudi
Verwendung von Latent Class Mixture Models zur Definition von Sepsis-Endotypen by Taylor, Samantha J.
Conditional Independence and Linear Programming by Tanaka, Kentaro
Bayesian Real-Time System Identification: From Centralized to Distributed Approach by Huang, Ke, Yuen, Ka-Veng
Sur les séries chronologiques à changements de régimes markoviens by Touche, Nassim
Building Generative AI-Powered Apps: A Hands-On Guide for Developers by Kansal, Aarushi
Analyse Combinatoire et Calcul de probabilités by Abeidallah, Mohammed
Statistical Methods in Epilepsy by
Objective Bayesian Inference by Bernardo, Jose-Miguel, Sun, Dongchu, Berger, James O.
Fuzzy, Rough and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Approaches for Data Handling: Theory and Applications by
Nanophotonics and Machine Learning: Concepts, Fundamentals, and Applications by Yao, Kan, Zheng, Yuebing
Modern Data Visualization with R by Kabacoff, Robert
Modern Data Visualization with R by Kabacoff, Robert
Randomized Response Techniques: Certain Thought-Provoking Aspects by Pal, Sanghamitra, Patra, Dipika, Chaudhuri, Arijit
Cybersecurity for Smart Cities: Practices and Challenges by
Data Management: Der Weg Zum Datengetriebenen Unternehmen by Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter
Measure-Theoretic Probability: With Applications to Statistics, Finance, and Engineering by Shum, Kenneth
Einsatz von Werkzeuge für die Geoverarbeitung by Augusto, Odair Katsutomo
Use of geoprocessing tools by Augusto, Odair Katsutomo
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