• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 1980

The Use of Formal Specification of Software: June 25-27, 1979, Berlin by
Extremal Methods and Systems Analysis: An International Symposium on the Occasion of Professor Abraham Charnes' Sixtieth Birthday Austin, Texas, Septe by
Die EDV Mitgestalten: EDV Für Mitarbeiter Von Fachabteilungen by Futh, Horst
Einführung in das Programmieren in BASIC by
Portable Methodenmonitoren: Dialogsysteme Zur Steuerung Von Methodenbanken: Softwaretechnischer Aufbau Und Effizienzanalyse by Hauer, K. -H
Informatik Für Ingenieure by
Programmiersprachen Und Programmentwicklung: 6. Fachtagung Des Fachausschusses Programmiersprachen Der Gi, Darmstadt, 11.-12. März 1980 by
Höhere FORTRAN-Programmierung by
Language Design and Programming Methodology: Proceedings of a Symposium, Held in Sidney, Australia, September 10-11, 1979 by
International Symposium on Programming: Proceedings of the Fourth Colloque International Sur La Programmation Paris, 22-24 April 1980 by
Pictorial Information Systems by
A Relational Theory of Computing by Sanderson, John G.
Erzeugung Und Analyse Von Bildern Und Strukturen: Dgao -- Dagm Tagung Essen, 27. - 31. Mai 1980 by
Statistische Auswertung von Mess- und Versuchsdaten mit Taschenrechner und Tischcomputer by Noack, Siegfried
Net Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, October 8-19, 1979 by
Automata, Languages and Programming: Seventh Colloquium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, July 14-18, 1980. Proceedings by
Abstract Software Specifications: 1979 Copenhagen Winter School, January 22 - February 2, 1979. Proceedings by
Programmierübungen in FORTRAN by
Digital Pattern Recognition by
Context-Free Grammars: Covers, Normal Forms, and Parsing by Nijholt, A.
Semantics-Directed Compiler Generation: Proceedings of a Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, January 14-18, 1980 by
Software Development Tools by Fairley, R. E., Riddle, W. E.
Coroutines: A Programming Methodology, a Language Design and an Implementation by Marlin, C. D.
Programmierwerkzeuge by Kernighan, B. W., Plauger, P. L.
Assignment and Matching Problems: Solution Methods with Fortran-Programs by Burkard, R. E.
Towards a Formal Description of ADA by
Combinatorial Search Problems: Lectures Held at the Department for Automation and Information June 1972 by Katona, Gyula
Linear Adaptive Decision Functions and Their Application to Clinical Decision: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information, June - Ju by Vesely, Arnost, Vajda, Igor
Algebra, Sprachen, Programmierung by Justschenko, J. L., Gluschkow, W. M., Zeitlin, G. J.