• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 1981

Die Programmiersprache Pascal: Eine Beschreibung Und Anleitung Zur Benutzung by Dietrich, Krekel
Mikrocomputerfibel: Vom 8-Bit-Chip Zum Grundsystem by Schnell, Gerhard, Hoyer, Konrad
Einführung in Pascal: Skriptum Für Hörer Aller Fachrichtungen AB 1. Semester by Feldmann, Harry
Introduction to Simula 67 by Lamprecht, Günther
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache FORTRAN 77: Skriptum Für Hörer Aller Fachrichtungen AB 1. Semester by Lamprecht, Günther
Programmieren Von Taschenrechnern: Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Für Den Ti-58 Und Ti-59 by Gloistehn, Hans Heinrich
EDV Für Klein- Und Mittelbetriebe: Einsatz Von Computern Der Mittleren Datentechnik by Futh, Horst
LISP - Anwendungsgebiete, Grundbegriffe, Geschichte by Stoyan, Herbert
Messung, Modellierung Und Bewertung Von Rechensystemen: Gi-Ntg Fachtagung Jülich, 23.-25. Februar 1981 by
Algebraic Semantics by Guessarian, I.
Pascal for Programmers by Eisenbach, S., Sadler, C.
Directions in Human Factors for Interactive Systems by Whiteside, J., Ledgard, H., Singer, A.
Werkzeuge Der Programmiertechnik: Gi-Arbeitstagung Karlsruhe, 16.-17. März 1981. Proceedings by
Formalization of Programming Concepts: International Colloquium, Peniscola, Spain, April 19-25, 1981. Proceedings by
The Programming Language ADA: Reference Manual. Proposed Standard Document United States Department of Defense by Loparo, Kenneth A., Bull, CII Honeywell
Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization by
The Adaption of Virtual Man-Computer Interfaces to User Requirements in Dialogs by Essig, H., Maass, S., Dehning, W.
Graph Theory and Algorithms: 17th Symposium of Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, October 24-25, 198 by
Digital Image Processing Systems: Proceedings by
Pisa: A Programming System for Interactive Production of Application Software by Marty, R.
Caap '81: Trees in Algebra and Programming /6th Colloquium, Genoa, March 5-7, 1981. Proceedings by
Clu: Reference Manual by Bloom, T., Liskov, B., Atkinson, R.
Automata, Languages and Programming: Eighth Colloquium, Acre (Akko), Israel, July 13-17, 1981 by
Einführung in das Programmieren in COBOL by Hambeck, Klaus
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1981: 10th Symposium Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia, August 31- September 4, 1981. Proceedings by
Compiler Specification and Verification by Polak, W.
Modelle Und Strukturen: Dagm Symposium Hamburg, 6.-8. Oktober 1981 by
Logic of Programs: Workshop, Eth Zürich, May-July 1979 by
Algorithms in Modern Mathematics and Computer Science: Proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR September 16-22, 1979 by
Algorithmen: Entwurf Und Analyse by Horowitz, E., Sahni, S.
Erzeugung Interaktiver Bildverarbeitungssysteme Im Dialog: Konzepte, Entwurf Und Implementierung Eines Dialogsystems Für Die Bildverarbeitung in Der M by Pfeiffer, G.
Alphard: Form and Content: Form and Content by
Programmiersprache Dist: Dateneingabe, Datenstrukturierung by Läuter, Jürgen
Bcpl: The Language and Its Compiler by Richards, Martin, Richards, M., Whitby-Strevens, C.