• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 1983

A Practical Introduction to Pascal by Wilson/Addyman
Logics of Programs and Their Applications: Proceedings, Poznan, August 23-29, 1980 by
Specification and Design of Software Systems: Conference on Operating Systems. Visegrad, Hungary, January 23-27, 1982; Proceedings by
Mikroprozessoren: 6502, 6800, 8080, Z 80, 9900 Grundlagen -- Programmierung -- Vergleiche -- Übungen by Schumny, Harald
Rims Symposium on Software Science and Engineering: Kyoto, 1982. Proceedings by
Introduction to Simula 67 by Günther, Lamprecht
Basic-Programmierbuch: Zu Den Grundlegenden Ablaufstrukturen Der Datenverarbeitung by Kaier, Ekkehard
Grundzüge Der Datenverarbeitung: Methoden Und Konzepte Für Die Anwendungen by Bauknecht, Kurt, Zehnder, Carl August
Pascal: Elementare Einführung Für Techniker by Schneider, Wolfgang
Basic Für Fortgeschrittene: Textverarbeitung, Arbeiten Mit Logischen Größen, Computersimulation Arbeiten Mit Zufallszahlen Unterprogrammtechnik by Schneider, Wolfgang
Basic Und Pascal Im Vergleich by Schumny, Harald
Computersysteme -- Aufbau Und Funktionsweise by Schauer, H.
Einführung in das Programmieren in PASCAL by Niemeyer, Gerhard
Simulation Techniques for Discrete Event Systems by Mitrani, I.
Methodisches Programmieren by Koster, Cornelis, Hommel, Günter, Jähnichen, Stefan
Ada(r): An Introduction by Ledgard, Henry
Studies in Ada(r) Style by Hibbard, P., Hisgen, A., Rosenberg, J.
Algebraische Spezifikation: Eine Einführung by Klaeren, H. a.
Conlan Report by Borrione, D., Piloty, R., Barbacci, M.
Enduser Systems and Their Human Factors: Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Conducted on the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Science Cent by
Einführung in die Programmiersprache MUMPS by Hesse, Stephan, Kirsten, Wolfgang
Geometrisches Modellieren: Fachtagung Der GI Und Der Technischen Universität Berlin Berlin, 24.-26. November 1982 by
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets: Selected Papers from the 3rd European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets Varenna, Italy, Septemb by
Programming for Software Sharing by
Pascal Systematisch: Eine Strukturierte Einführung by Remmele, W.
Automata, Languages and Programming: 10th Colloquium Barcelona, Spain, July 18-22, 1983 by
Semi-Custom IC Design and VLSI by
The Programming Language Ada. Reference Manual: American National Standards Institute, Inc. Ansi/Mil-Std-1815a-1983. Approved 17 February 1983 by Kanade, Takeo, Kittler, Josef, Hutchison, David
The Design of Dynamic Data Structures by Overmars, Mark H.
Klassifikation Von Mustern by Niemann, H.
Report on the Programming Language Plz/Sys by Bass, C., Roberts, J., Snook, Tod
Progress in Materials Analysis: Vol. 1 by
Illustrating FORTRAN by Alcock, Donald
Caap '83: Trees in Algebra and Programming. 8th Colloquium l'Aquila, March 9-11, 1983. Proceedings by
Requirements Engineering: Arbeitstagung Der Gi, Friedrichshafen, 12-14 Oktober 1983 by
The Iota Programming System: A Modular Programming Environment by
Ein Universelles Konzept Zum Flexiblen Informationsschutz in Und Mit Rechensystemen by Dittrich, K. R.
Diana. an Intermediate Language for ADA: Revised Version by
Programmsysteme: Anwendung, Entwicklung, Fundierung by