• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 1986

Einführung in Die Programmiersprache Pascal by Becker, Karl-Heinz, Lamprecht, Günther
Mikrorechner: Architektur Und Programmierung by Fadini, Alois, Schweizer, Gerhard, Wunsch, Thomas
Computer-Aided Specification Tech (V1) by Rado, Peter, Demetrovics, Janos, Knuth, Elod
Pascal Tools by Blumenfeld, Matthias
Fortgeschrittene Programmiertechniken in Turbo Pascal by Hering, Ekbert
Normierung Von Geschäftsgraphiken: 100 Diagramm-Formatvorlagen Für Ms-Chart by Abels, Heiner
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache C by Lamprecht, Günther
Introduction to FORTRAN 77 by Lamprecht, Günther
Mikrocomputer-Interfacefibel by Schnell, Gerhard
Complexity and Structure by Schöning, Uwe
Einführung in Turbo Pascal Unter Cp/M 80 by Harbeck, Gerd
Pascal Mit Der Turtle: Einführung in Die Anwendung Von Ucsd-Pascal by Beelich, Kristine
Dfü, Datenfernübertragung Im Apple-Pascal-System by Tillmann, Klaus-Dieter
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache Pl/I: Für Hörer Aller Fachrichtungen AB 1. Semester by Kamp, Hermann
Interfacing Im Apple-Pascal-System: Schnittstellen Mit Dem Via 6522 by Tillmann, Klaus-Dieter
Finanzmathematik: Algorithmen Und Praktische Anwendungen by Helmut, Alt
Recent Trends in Data Type Specification: 3rd Workshop on Theory and Applications of Abstract Data Types Selected Papers by
Berechenbarkeit, Komplexität, Logik: Eine Einführung in Algorithmen, Sprachen Und Kalküle Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Ihrer Komplexität by Börger, Egon
Fortran-Trainer by Kohler, Hansrobert
Computer-Aided Specification Techniques by Demetrovics, Janos, Knuth, Elod, Rado, Peter
Emile Durkheim: An Introduction to Four Major Works by Jones, Robert Alun
Foundations of Optimum Experimental Design by Pázman, Andrej
Parallele Systeme by Röhrich, Johannes
ESOP 86: European Symposium on Programming, Saarbrücken, Federal Republic of Germany, March 17-19, 1986. Proceedings by
Programs as Data Objects: Proceedings of a Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 17 - 19, 1985 by
Computer Simulation in Physical Metallurgy: Lectures Delivered at the Ispra-Course Held at Ispra, Italy, May 21-25, 1984, Organized by the Joint Resea by
Computational Complexity by Wechsung, G., Wagner, K.
Text Processing and Document Manipulation by
Elements of C by Lewin, Morton H.
Petrinetze: Eine Einführung by Reisig, Wolfgang
Rims Symposium on Software Science and Engineering II: Proceedings of the Symposia 1983 and 1984, Kyoto, Japan by
Modula-2: Eine Systematische Darstellung Für Den Praktiker by Rohlfing-Brosell, Helmut
Logic Programming '85: Proceedings of the 4th Conference Tokyo, Japan, July 1-3, 1985 by
Mathematical Methods of Specification and Synthesis of Software Systems '85: Proceedings of the International Spring School Wendisch-Rietz, Gdr, April by
Programmier- Und Überwachungsfunktionen Für Teileartbezogene Nc-Werkzeugmaschinen by Frank, Heinz
Current Trends in Concurrency: Overviews and Tutorials by
Third International Conference on Logic Programming: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, United Kingdom, July 14-18, 1986. Proceedings by
Relational Database Technology by Alagic, Suad
The Beauty of Fractals: Images of Complex Dynamical Systems by Peitgen, Heinz-Otto, Richter, Peter H.
Specification of a Cad*i Neutral File for Solids: Version 2.1 by
8th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Oxford, England, July 27- August 1, 1986. Proceedings by
Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics by Abelson, Harold, Disessa, Andrea
Advances in Computer Graphics I by
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: An Advanced Course by Bibel, Wolfgang, Biermann, A. W.
Concepts in User Interfaces: A Reference Model for Command and Response Languages by Gram, Christian, Beech, David
LISP: Eine Einführung in Die Programmierung by Görz, Günter, Stoyan, Herbert
Advances in Computer Graphics II by
Apple IIc and IIe Assembly Language by Gilder, Jules H.
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography by Natterer, F.
Mustererkennung 1986: 8. Dagm-Symposium Paderborn, 30. September-2. Oktober 1986 Proceedings by
Common Lispcraft by Wilensky, Robert
Illustrating BBC Basic by Alcock, Donald
Dynamische Nicht-Normalisierte Relationen Und Symbolische Bildbeschreibung by Benn, Wolfgang
Einsatz Speicherprogrammierbarer Steuerungen in Der Fertigungstechnik by Fink, Heinz
Category Theory and Computer Programming: Tutorial and Workshop, Guildford, U.K., September 16 - 20, 1985. Proceedings by
Mathematical Foundation of Programming Semantics: International Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, April 11-12, 1985. Proceedings by
Negation and Control in PROLOG by Naish, Lee
Modell Zur Berechnung Verzweigter Antriebsstrukturen by Summer, Helmut
Rechnersimulation Des Beschichtungsprozesses Beim -- Elektrotauchlackieren Anwendung Zum Berechnen Des Umgriffs: Anwendung Zum Berechnen Des Umgriffs by Baumgärtner, Otto
Statistische Nachrichtentheorie: Erster Teil Signalerkennung Und Parameterschätzung by Kroschel, Kristian
Programmierung Und Datenstrukturen: Eine Einführung Anhand Von Beispielen by Hinrichs, Klaus, Nievergelt, Jürg
Combinators and Functional Programming Languages: Thirteenth Spring School of the Litp, Val d'Ajol, France, May 6-10, 1985. Proceedings by
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Sixth Conference, New Delhi, India, December 18-20, 1986. Proceedings by Nori, Kesav V.
Rechensysteme: Grundlagen Der Modellbildung by Jessen, Eike, Valk, Rüdiger
Graphische Datenverarbeitung by Purgathofer, Werner
Control Flow and Data Flow: Concepts of Distributed Programming: International Summer School by
Icdt'86: International Conference on Database Theory. Rome, Italy, September 8-10, 1986. Proceedings by
Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle in Echtzeitsystemen by Risak, Veith
The World of Programming Languages by Ledgard, Henry, Marcotty, Michael
Taming the Tiger: Software Engineering and Software Economics by Levy, Leon S.
The Art of C Programming by Stewart, Ian, Jones, Robin
Visual Languages by
Mathematical Methods of Specification and Synthesis of Software Systems '85: Proceedings of the International Spring School, Held in Wendisch-Rietz (G by