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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 1989

Turbo-Pascal Griffbereit: Alle Turbo-Pascal-Versionen Einschließlich 5.5 by Kaier, Ekkehard
Informationstechnische Grundbildung Turbo Pascal: Mit Vollständiger Referenzliste by Kaier, Ekkehard
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache C++ by Bause, Falko
Turbo Pascal Für Ingenieure by Hering, Ekbert
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Computergraphik by Luther, Wolfram, Ohsmann, Martin
Turbo Pascal 5.0 Für Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure by Hering, Ekbert
Effektiv Programmieren in C: Eine Einführung in Die Programmiersprache by Herrmann, Dietmar
Programmierleitfaden Lotus Symphony: Für Alle Versionen Einschließlich 2.0 Deutsch by Hering, Ekbert
Anwenderhandbuch PageMaker: Version 3.0 by Müller, Michael H.
Beteiligungsorientierte Systementwicklung: Beiträge Zu Methoden Der Partizipation Bei Der Entwicklung Computergestützter Arbeitssysteme by
Methoden Der Digitalen Bildsignalverarbeitung by Zamperoni, Piero
Excel-Grundlagen Der Makroprogrammierung by Ursula, Schindler
Turbo Pascal 5.0-Wegweiser Kompaktkurs by Kaier, Ekkehard
Programmierhandbuch Zu dBASE IV: Für Umsteiger Von dBASE III Plus Auf dBASE IV by Herbert, Heinz-Peter
Komplexitätstheorie: ALS Instrument Zur Klassifizierung Und Beurteilung Von Problemen Des Operations Research by Zelewski, Stephan
Professionelles Layout Mit PageMaker: Version 3. 0 by Flasche, Ulrich
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache APL by Bothner, Peter P., Kähler, Wolf-Michael
Optical Recognition of Chinese Characters by Hartmann, Irmfried, Suchenwirth, Richard, Guo, Jun
Metataxis in Practice: Dependency Syntax for Multilingual Machine Translation by
Systems Analysis and Simulation 1988, I: Theory and Foundations. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Berlin (Gdr), September 12-16, 198 by
Systems Analysis and Simulation 1988, II: Applications Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Berlin, September 12-16, 1988 by
Spielbaum-Suchverfahren by Reinefeld, Alexander
A Systolic Array Optimizing Compiler by Lam, Monica S.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Betrieb Itg/Gi-Fachtagung, Stuttgart, 22.-24. Februar 1989 Proceedings by
Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik Und Wissenschaft: Gi/Si-Fachtagung Zürich, 1.-3. März 1989 Proceedings by
Compositionality, Concurrency, and Partial Correctness: Proof Theories for Networks of Processes, and Their Relationship by Zwiers, Job
Tapsoft '89: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, Barcelona, Spain, March 13-17, 1989: Vo by
Tapsoft '89: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development Barcelona, Spain, March 13-17, 1989: Vol by
Measurement for Software Control and Assurance by
Semantik Von Programmiersprachen by Fehr, Elfriede
Programming Languages Implementation and Logic Programming: International Workshop Plilp '88, Orleans, France, May 16-18, 1988. Proceedings by
The Intelligent Network: A Joint Study by Bell Atlantic, IBM and Siemens by
Apl2-Handbuch by Lochner, Hans
Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 3rd International Conference, Rta-89, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Usa, April 3-5, 1989, Proceedings by
Error Detection and Recovery in Robotics by Donald, Bruce R.
Programmentwicklung Und Verifikation by Futschek, Gerald
Mikrocomputer-Graphik: Eine Unterprogrammsammlung Für FORTRAN Und Gks by Wegener, Michael, Spiekermann, Klaus
Prodia Und Prodat: Dialog- Und Datenbankschnittstellen Für Systementwurfswerkzeuge by
Linear Time, Branching Time and Partial Order in Logics and Models for Concurrency: School/Workshop, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, May 30 - June 3 by
Newton's Method and Dynamical Systems by
Konturorientierte Verfahren in Der Digitalen Bildverarbeitung by Bässmann, Henning, Besslich, Philipp W.
High Performance Transaction Systems: 2nd International Workshop, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, Ca, Usa, September 28-30, 1987. Proceedin by
Desktop ALS Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle by König, Andrea
Termersetzungssysteme: Grundlagen Der Prototyp-Generierung Algebraischer Spezifikationen by Drosten, Klaus
Parallel Computing: Methods, Algorithms and Applications by
Einführung in das Programmieren in ASSEMBLER by Niemeyer, Gerhard
Numerische Simulation Dreidimensionaler Umformvorgänge Mit Einbezug Des Temperaturverhaltens by Gerhardt, Jürgen
Supercomputer '89: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends Seminar, Mannheim, 8.-10. Juni 1989 Proceedings by
Parle '89 - Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: Volume II: Parallel Languages, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 12-16, 1989; Proceedings by
Parle '89 - Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: Volume I: Parallel Architectures, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 12-16, 1989; Proceedings by
Logic at Botik '89: Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Ussr, July 3-8, 1989, Proceedings by
Mathematics of Program Construction: 375th Anniversary of the Groningen University. International Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 26-30, by
Software-Entwicklung: Konzepte, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven Fachtagung, Veranstaltet Vom Fachausschuß 2.1 Der GI Marburg, 21.-23. Juni 1989 Proceedings by
Wissensbasierte Bildverarbeitung by Liedtke, Claus-E, Ender, Manfred
Introduction to OCCAM 2 on the Transputer by Stewart, Andrew J., Brookes, Graham R.
COBOL from Pascal by Tyrrell, A. J.
Anwendungsprogrammierung für Digitalsysteme by Meintzen, Horst
Algebraic and Logic Programming: International Workshop, Gaussig, Gdr, November 14-18, 1988. Proceedings by
Algorithms for Parallel Polygon Rendering by Theoharis, Theoharis
Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation: 2nd Cchsc Workshop, Berlin, Gdr, October 10-14, 1988. Proceedings by
Strukturiert Programmieren: Die Methode Und Ihr Praktischer Einsatz Zum Selbststudium by Sahlmann, Diedrich
Unix-Werkzeuge Zur Textmusterverarbeitung: Awk, Lex Und Yacc by Staubach, Gottfried
Software Engineering Education: SEI Conference 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Usa, July 18-21, 1989. Proceedings by
The News Book: An Introduction to the Network/Extensible Window System by Rosenthal, David S. H., Arden, Michelle J., Gosling, James
Datenbankgestützte Repräsentation Und Extraktion Von Episodenbeschreibungen Aus Bildfolgen by Walter, Ingrid
Software Certification by
Algorithms and Data Structures: Workshop Wads '89, Ottawa, Canada, August 17-19, 1989. Proceedings by
Finite Representations of CCS and Tcsp Programs by Automata and Petri Nets by Taubner, Dirk A.
The Computer Animation Dictionary: Including Related Terms Used in Computer Graphics, Film and Video, Production, and Desktop Publishing by Roncarelli, Robi
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989: Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland, August 28 - September 1, 1989. Proceedings by
Eurocal '87: European Conference on Computer Algebra, Leipzig, Gdr, June 2-5, 1987. Proceedings by
CAD: Automatisiertes Zeichnen, Darstellen Und Konstruieren by Koller, Rudolf
Category Theory and Computer Science: Manchester, Uk, September 5-8, 1989. Proceedings by
Specification for Exchange of Product Analysis Data: Version 3 by
Advances in Computer Graphics V by
Constructive Methods in Computing Science: International Summer School Directed by F.L. Bauer, M. Broy, E.W. Dijkstra, C.A.R. Hoare by
Visualisierung in Mathematik Und Naturwissenschaften: Bremer Computergraphik-Tage 1988 by
Esec '89: 2nd European Software Engineering Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, Uk, September 11-15, 1989. Proceedings by
Analog VLSI Implementation of Neural Systems by
Interactive Multi-Objective Programming as a Framework for Computer-Aided Control System Design by Ng, Wai-Yin
Visualizing Abstract Objects and Relations by Kamada, Tomihisa
Softwarezuverlässigkeit by Becker, Günter
Die Computersimulation: Instrumentarium Zur Gestaltung Komplexer Arbeitssysteme by Gaksch, Franz-Josef
Logic Programming '88: Proceedings of the 7th Conference, Tokyo, Japan, April 11-14, 1988 by
Parallel Computing 1988: Shell Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1/2, 1988; Proceedings by
Csl'88: 2nd Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Duisburg, Frg, October 3-7, 1988. Proceedings by
CAD Für Moduln Und Systeme in Der Elektronik: Entwurf Und Technologie by Raffler, Hartmut, Sammer, Werner
Strukturiertes Basic: Die Volle Programmiersprache Unter MS-DOS Und UNIX Version 3.0 by Sonder, Evelyn
Messung, Modellierung Und Bewertung Von Rechensystemen Und Netzen: 5. Gi/Itg-Fachtagung Braunschweig, 26.-28. September 1989, Proceedings by
PROLOG Versus You: An Introduction to Logic Programming by Edman, Anneli, Johansson, Anna-Lena, Eriksson-Granskog, Agneta
Lecture Notes in Engineering: A Boundary Element Method for Two-Dimensional Contact Problems by Karami, Ghodratollah
Computational Aspects of an Order-Sorted Logic with Term Declarations by Schmidt-Schauß, Manfred
Algebraic Methods: Theory, Tools and Applications by
Analogical and Inductive Inference: International Workshop Aii '89 Reinhardsbrunn Castle, Gdr, October 1-6, 1989, Proceedings by
Mikroelektronik 89: Berichte Der Informationstagung Me 89 by Lechner, A., Schrödl, M., Weiß, R.
Superconducting Electronics by
CAD Data Transfer for Solid Models by
Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainty in Low-Level Vision by Szeliski, Richard
Medical Virology 8 by
Einführung in Modula-2 by Röscher, Peter, Gehring, Hermann
Algorithm Synthesis: A Comparative Study by Steier, David M., Anderson, A. Penny
Wissensbasierte Systeme: 3. Internationaler Gi-Kongreß München, 16.-17. Oktober 1989 Proceedings by
Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling by
Foundations of Equational Logic Programming by Hölldobler, Steffen
Temporal Logic in Specification: Altrincham, Uk, April 8-10, 1987, Proceedings by
Test Von Osi-Protokollen by Stoll, Wilhelm
Software-Diversität Und Ihre Modellierung: Software-Fehlertoleranz Und Ihre Bewertung Durch Fehler- Und Kostenmodelle by Voges, Udo
Verteilte Basisalgorithmen by Mattern, Friedemann
Numerical Recipes in Pascal (First Edition) by Teukolsky, Saul A., Flannery, Brian P., Press, William H.
Dynamical Systems and Fractals: Computer Graphics Experiments with Pascal by Karl-Heinz, Becker, Becker, Karl-Heinz, Becker, K. H.
Random Processes for Classical Equations of Mathematical Physics by Ermakov, S. M., Nekrutkin, V. V., Sipin, A. S.
Optimal Algorithms: International Symposium. Varna, Bulgaria, May 29-June 2, 1989. Proceedings by
Interactive Relational Database Design: A Logic Programming Implementation by Chaudhri, Vinay K., Bagchi, Tapan P.
Computer-Aided Sculpture by Law, K. K., Duncan, J. P.
Efficient Parallel Algorithms by Gibbons, Alan
Dynamical Systems and Fractals: Computer Graphics Experiments with Pascal by D. Rfler, Michael, Becker, Karl-Heinz, Dorfler, Michael
Kopplung Von Rechnernetzen: Techniken Zu Planung, Entwurf, Vermessung Und Leistungsoptimierung by Zieher, Martin
Apl2: Ein Erster Einblick by Brown, James A., Pakin, Sandra
Pearl 89 -- Workshop Über Realzeitsysteme: 10. Fachtagung Des Pearl-Vereins E.V. Unter Mitwirkung Von GI Und GMA Boppard, 7./8. Dezember 1989 Proceedi by
Dependability of Critical Computer Systems by
New Advances in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of CG International '89 by
Describing and Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Properties by Fan, Ting-Jun
The Sun Technology Papers by
The Art of LISP Programming by Jones, Robin
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Ninth Conference, Bangalore, India, December 19-21, 1989. Proceedings by
The Civil Service in Liberal Democracies: An Introductory Survey by Kingdom, John
Adaptive Control Strategies for Industrial Use: Proceedings of a Workshop Kananaskis, Canada, 1988 by
Concepts, Design, and Performance Analysis of a Parallel PROLOG Machine by Beer, Joachim
The Collected Works of J. Richard Büchi by Büchi, J. Richard
An Introduction to Programming in PROLOG by Saint-Dizier, Patrick
Parallele Implementierung Funktionaler Programmiersprachen by Loogen, Rita
The Art of LISP Programming by Stewart, Ian, Jones, Robin, Maynard, Clive
Concrete and Abstract Voronoi Diagrams by Klein, Rolf
The Philosophy of Logical Mechanism: Essays in Honor of Arthur W. Burks, with His Responses by
Software-Engineering: Camars-Technologie by Engelien, Martin, Stahn, Heinz
Lisp Prozzesor mit Unix-Einbindung by