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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2002

Web Usability & Navigation: A Beginner's Guide by
ASP.NET Developer's Guide by
C# Tips & Techniques by
Java Programming with Oracle JDBC by Bales, Donald
SAP ABAP Command Reference by Barrett, Dennis
Compaq Visual FORTRAN: A Guide to Creating Windows Applications by Lawrence, Norman
.Net Mobile Web Developers Guide by Llee, Wei Meng, Cox, Ken, Lee, Wei Meng
Ruby Developers Guide by Syngress
Hack Proofing Coldfusion: The Only Way to Stop a Hacker Is to Think Like One by Meyer, Greg
La Ciencia de la Oración - Serie Favoritos by Ávila, Yiye
Microcontroller Projects Using the Basic Stamp by Williams, Al
Types and Programming Languages by Pierce, Benjamin C.
Web Content Management Systeme by Lange, Oliver C.
Konzeption und Entwicklung einer Schnittstelle zu Produktionsplanungssystemen by Eberle, Tobias
Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: From Simulation to Optimization by
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 4th International Symposium, Padl 2002, Portland, Or, Usa, January 19-20, 2002. Proceedings by
Messung von Netzeffekten in Theorie und Praxis by Röhrig, Thomas
ASP.Net: Programmer's Reference by
Multiple Objective and Goal Programming: Recent Developments by
Multimediales Lernen Im Netz: Leitfaden Für Entscheider Und Planer by Bruns, Beate, Gajewski, Petra
Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics by
Die Rolle von Middleware in einem Umfeld heterogener Applikationen by Gröne, Bernd
Electronic Commerce und R/3 by Melekian, Nick
Digital and Image Geometry: Advanced Lectures by
PageMaker(R) 7: The Complete Reference by
Cots-Based Software Systems: First International Conference, Iccbss 2002, Orlando, Fl, Usa, February 4-6, 2002, Proceedings by
Zb 2002: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: 2nd International Conference of B and Z Users Grenoble, France, January 23-25, 2002, Proceed by
Macromedia Director 8.5: The Complete Reference by Mennenoh, David
Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks: Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design by Shooman, Martin L.
The Big Red Fez: Zooming, Evolution, and the Future of Your Company by Godin, Seth
Python & XML: XML Processing with Python by Drake, Fred, Jones, Christopher
Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio by
Automatic Generation of Computer Animation: Using AI for Movie Animation by Zhang, Songmao, Lu, Ruqian
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 15th International Workshop, Wadt 2001, Joint with the Cofi Wg Meeting, Genova, Italy, April 1-3, 2 by
Modular Specification and Verification of Object-Oriented Programs by Müller, Peter
HTML & Web Design Tips & Techniques by
Advances in Soft Computing - Afss 2002: 2002 Afss International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Calcutta, India, February 3-6, 2002. Proceedings by
Computerprogramm zur Berechnung und Bemessung von BSH-Trägern nach EDIN 1052 by Jaskula, André
Linux in Small Business: A Practical User's Guide by Lathrop, John P.
Essential Guide to Managed Extensions for C++ by Challa, Siva, Laksberg, Artur
SQL: Access to SQL Server by Reid, Martin, Sales Harkins, Susan
Programming Web Services with Soap: Building Distributed Applications by Kulchenko, Pavel, Tidwell, Doug, Snell, James
Software Frameworks and Embedded Control Systems by Pasetti, Alessandro
Internationalization and Localization Using Microsoft .Net by Symmonds, Nick
Anticipatory Learning Classifier Systems by Butz, Martin V.
Palm Programming in Basic by Kilburn, Jon
ASP.NET: a beginner's guide by
XSLT Developer's Guide by
XML Spy 4.3 User and Reference Manual by
Components of System Safety: Proceedings of the Tenth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Southampton, Uk, 2002 by
Bluetooth Application Developer's Guide [With CDROM] by Syngress
ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers [With CDROM] by Vaughn, William
Learning Wireless Java by Mahmoud, Qusay H.
Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference by Gurry, Mark
Mechanics of Random and Multiscale Microstructures by
XML Security by
Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg by
Data Fusion and Perception by
Cold Fusion 5: A Beginner's Guide by
Specification Case Studies in Raise by
Visual Basic for Scientists by Frenz, Christopher M.
XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser by Lee, Wei-Meng, Foo, Soo Mee
Practical PostgreSQL [With CDROM] by Drake, Joshua D., Worsley, John C.
Programming Jabber by Adams, DJ
.Net Framework Programmer's Reference by
Wireless XML Developer's Guide by
Identifikation und Gewichtung von Erfolgsfaktoren vertikaler elektronischer B2B-Marktplätze am Beispiel der chemischen Industrie by Kohlhaas, Volker
Enterprise Integration: An Architecture for Enterprise Application and Systems Integration by Cummins, Fred A.
The Design of Rijndael: AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard by Daemen, Joan, Rijmen, Vincent
Evaluation von Java Data Objects by Uhlig, Martin
Fehlleistungen bei der Reproduktion dramatischer Texte: Eine Sprechakttheoretische Untersuchung by Naughton, Carl
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II: Second International Workshop, Aose 2001, Montreal, Canada, May 29, 2001. Revised Papers and Invited Contribut by
Types for Proofs and Programs: International Workshop, Types 2000, Durham, Uk, December 8-12, 2000. Selected Papers by
Hypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity: International Workshops Ohs-7, Sc-3, and Ah-3, Aarhus, Denmark, August 14-18, 2001. Revise by
Java Servlets Developer's Guide by Moss, Karl
C: A Reference Manual by Harbison, Samuel, Steele, Guy
Specifying Software: A Hands-On Introduction by Tennent, R. D.
Specifying Software by Tennent, R. D.
Livemotion 2: A Beginner's Guide by
Digital Photographic Imaging Glossary by Taylor, Phil
Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 1: Tasks by
Visual Basic.Net: A Beginner's Guide by Kent, Jeff
Programming with Qt by Dalheimer, Matthias Kalle
Stacs 2002: 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Antibes - Juan Les Pins, France, March 14-16, 2002, by
On-Line Error Detection and Fast Recover Techniques for Dependable Embedded Processors by Pflanz, Matthias
Object Modeling with the Ocl: The Rationale Behind the Object Constraint Language by
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Topological Information by Renz, Jochen
The Verilog Pli Handbook: A User's Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface (Large Print Edition) by Sutherland, Stuart
Design of Dependable Computing Systems by Geffroy, J. C., Motet, G.
Building .Net Applications & Web Services by
Developing .Net Web Services with XML by Jorgensen, David, Ortiz, Jonothon
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages: Types and Semantics by Bruce, Kim B.
Bildverarbeitung Für Die Medizin 2002: Algorithmen -- Systeme -- Anwendungen Proceedings Des Workshops Vom 10.-12. März 2002 in Leipzig by
Herding Cats: A Primer for Programmers Who Lead Programmers by Rainwater, Hank
Running Weblogs with Slash by Krieger, David, Warden, Shane, Aker, Brian
Mastering Perl/TK: Graphical User Interfaces in Perl by Walsh, Nancy, Lidie, Stephen
C# Essentials by Albahari, Ben, Drayton, Peter, Merrill, Brad
Re-Engineering einer Web-Site mit den Methoden des Software Engineering by Steinwender, Bernd
Der Weg von der objektorientierten Analyse zum Design: Einsatz und Evaluierung von UML im Web Engineering by Stadlbauer, Franz
Designing and Implementing a Secure, Portable, and Efficient Mobile Agent Kernel: The J-SEAL2 Approach by Binder, Walter
Job Selection for Teleworking: A Procedure for the Assessment of the Suitability of Roles for Teleworking by Means of Process Models by Wögerbauer, Thomas
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 5th International Workshop, Hscc 2002, Stanford, Ca, Usa, March 25-27, 2002, Proceedings by
Test von Web Sites: Problemstellung, Stand, Entwicklungstendenzen by Pfeiffer, Ellen
Animation Mit Mathematica(r) by Franke, Herbert
Practical Software Reuse by Ezran, Michel, Morisio, Maurizio, Tully, Colin
System Performance Tuning by Loukides, Mike, Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D.
From Theory to Practice in Multi-Agent Systems: Second International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems, Ceemas 2001 Cracow by
Java and Object Orientation: An Introduction by Hunt, John
Fuzzy Automata and Languages: Theory and Applications by Malik, Davender S., Mordeson, John N.
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 5th International Conference, Fase 2002, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and by
Programming Languages and Systems: 11th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2002, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Pra by
Programming Constraint Services: High-Level Programming of Standard and New Constraint Services by Schulte, Christian
Genetic Programming: 5th European Conference, Eurogp 2002, Kinsale, Ireland, April 3-5, 2002. Proceedings by
Latin 2002: Theoretical Informatics: 5th Latin American Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, April 3-6, 2002, Proceedings by
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 8th International Conference, Tacas 2002, Held as Part of the Joint European Confer by
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Evoworkshops 2002: Evocop, Evoiasp, Evostim/Evoplan Kinsale, Ireland, April 3-4, 2002. Proceedings by
Nutzung einer Datenbank mit Java-Servlets by Wollenhaupt, Michael
Managing Software Quality: A Measurement Framework for Assessment and Prediction by Arthur, James D., Nance, Richard E.
Compiler Construction: 11th International Conference, CC 2002, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Softw by
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 5th International Conference, Fossacs 2002. Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences by
Web Services Essentials: Distributed Applications with XML-Rpc, Soap, UDDI & Wsdl by Cerami, Ethan
Developments in Language Theory: 5th International Conference, Dlt 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 16-21, 2001. Revised Papers by
Model Checking Software: 9th International Spin Workshop Grenoble, France, April 11-13, 2002 Proceedings by
Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing - Arcs 2002: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 8-12, by
Coordination Models and Languages: 5th International Conference, Coordination 2002, York, Uk, April 8-11, 2002 Proceedings by
Essential Maple 7: An Introduction for Scientific Programmers by Corless, Robert M.
XSLT for Dummies by Wagner, Richard
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems V: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.1 Fifth International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Di by
Tex Reference Manual by Bausum, David
Compression and Coding Algorithms by Turpin, Andrew, Moffat, Alistair
Aspects of Semidefinite Programming: Interior Point Algorithms and Selected Applications by de Klerk, E.
"Skill Management" zur Unterstützung der dispositiven Aufgaben des Personalwesens: Konzeptvorschlag für einen ganzheitlichen Software-Ansatz auf Basis by Schürholz, Dirk
Becoming a Web Designer...: Skilled in the Ancient Art of Llama Herding by Wester, Aaron
Computer Logic: Design Principles and Applications by Hsu, John Y.
Software Development on a Leash by Birmingham, David, Haynes Perry, Valerie
Real World ASP.NET: Building a Content Management System by Fraser, Stephen R. G.
Management- und Web Services-Architekturen: Konzeption und Realisierung eines Überwachungssystems für Bankperipheriegeräte by Zacharias, Roger
Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: Second International Conference, Diagrams 2002 Callaway Gardens, Ga, Usa, April 18-20, 2002 Proceedings by
Software Reuse: Methods, Techniques, and Tools: 7th International Conference, Icsr-7, Austin, Tx, Usa, April 15-19, 2002. Proceedings by
Programming the Network W Perl by Barry, Paul
Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools: Modelling Techniques and Tools. 12th International Conference, Tools 2002 London, Uk, by
Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and the Unified Process by Ambler, Scott
Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .Net by Harris, Steve, MacDonald, Rob
Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide by Baker, Donna L.
Pocket PC Developer's Guide by
Implementation of Functional Languages: 13th International Workshop, Ifl 2001 Stockholm, Sweden, September 24-26, 2001 Selected Papers by
Power AOL: A Survival Guide by Lafler, Darlynn
Database Programming with C# by Thomsen, Carsten
ADO.NET Examples and Best Practices for C# Programmers [With CDROM] by Blackburn, Peter D., Vaughn, William
Software Visualization: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, May 20-25, 2001 Revised Lectures by
Software Quality and Software Testing in Internet Times by
Softwareentwicklung: Erfahrung Und Innovation by Lünstroth, Uwe, Berndes, Stefan, Kornwachs, Klaus
Computational Science -- Iccs 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 Proceedings, Part II by
Computational Science -- Iccs 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 Proceedings, Part III by
Computational Science - Iccs 2002: International Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002. Proceedings, Part I by
Advanced Topics in Term Rewriting by Ohlebusch, Enno
Eignung von OLAP-Tools für analytisches Customer Relationship Management by Reis, Christoph
Computer Aided Selling für ein projektorientiertes, mittelständisches Unternehmen: CAS für PMU's by Hauser, Andreas
Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction: International Summer School and Workshop, Oxford, Uk, April 10-14, 2000, by
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2002: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Amsterdam, the Netherlan by
Essential VB .Net Fast by Cowell, John
Business Intelligence: An Analysis based on the Resource-based View by Greitemeyer, Jörg
J2me in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference by Topley, Kim
Java Web Services by Jewell, Tyler, Chappell, David A.
Transact-SQL Cookbook by Gennick, Jonathan, Spetic, Ales
Web Performance Tuning by Killelea, Patrick
Internet Workflow Management by Marinescu, Dan C.
Online-Strategien für die Musikindustrie im Zeitalter des Internet by Camara, André
Software Product-Family Engineering: 4th International Workshop, Pfe 2001 Bilbao, Spain, October 3-5, 2001 Revised Papers by
Gesture and Sign Languages in Human-Computer Interaction: International Gesture Workshop, GW 2001, London, Uk, April 18-20, 2001. Revised Papers by
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: Third International Workshop, Vmcai 2002, Venice, Italy, January 21-22, 2002, Revised Paper by
Number Theory for Computing by Yan, Song Y.
JSP Examples and Best Practices by Patzer, Andrew
A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C# by Gold, Mike, Chand, Mahesh
Com and .Net Interoperability by Troelsen, Andrew
Karl Moore's Visual Basic .Net: The Tutorials by Moore, Karl
Diophantine Equations and Power Integral Bases: New Computational Methods by Gaal, Istvan
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III by Kolski, Christophe, Vanderdonckt, Jean
Compositional Verification of Concurrent and Real-Time Systems by Juan, Eric Y. T., Tsai, Jeffrey J. P.
Java Microarchitectures by
Jython Essentials by Pedroni, Samuele, Rappin, Noel
Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines by Joachims, Thorsten
Explorations in Art and Technology by Edmonds, Ernest, Candy, Linda
Optimization Software Class Libraries by
Managing Systems Migrations and Upgrades: Demystifying the Technology Puzzle by Breakfield, Charles, Burkey, Roxanne E.
High Performance Computing: 4th International Symposium, Ishpc 2002, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 15-17, 2002. Proceedings by
Advanced Environments, Tools, and Applications for Cluster Computing: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Iwcc 2001, Mangalia, Romania, September 1-6, 20 by
Integrated Formal Methods: Third International Conference, Ifm 2002, Turku, Finland, May 15-18, 2002. Proceedings. by
Object-Oriented Technology: Ecoop 2001 Workshop Reader: Ecoop 2001 Workshops, Panel, and Posters, Budapest, Hungary, June 18-22, 2001. Proceedings by
Windows XP Headaches: How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a Hurry by
Streamlining: Using New Technologies and the Internet to Transform Performance by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Networking 2002: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communicati by
The Project Manager's Guide to Software Engineering's Best Practices by Thayer, Richard H., Christensen, Mark
Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Livemotion 2 in 24 Hours by Holzschlag, Molly E.
Collision-Based Computing by
Electromagnetics Explained: A Handbook for Wireless/ RF, EMC, and High-Speed Electronics by Schmitt, Ron
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 9th International Ipco Conference, Cambridge, Ma, Usa, May 27-29, 2002. Proceedings by
TCP/IP Network Administration by Hunt, Craig
Visual Basic .Net XML Web Services Developer's Guide by
Java Programming for Spatial Sciences by Wood, Jo
See More