• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2009

Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams by Gregory, Janet, Crispin, Lisa
Simply SQL by Limeback, Rudy
Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping by Jensen, Henrik Wann
Bridging the Communication Gap: Specification by Example and Agile Acceptance Testing by Adzic, Gojko
sundhed.dk: Das nationale e-Health Portal in Dänemark: Strukturelle Genese, Funktionen und Möglichkeiten by Fathollah Nejad Asl, Reza
Rangers at Dieppe: The First Combat Action of U.S. Army Rangers in World War II by DeFelice, Jim
Adrenal Imaging by
The JavaScript Programming Language by Toal, Ray, Dionisio, John David
International Competition Law by Taylor, Martyn D.
Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design by Gregory J., Pottie, Pottie, Gregory J., Kaiser, William J.
Entwicklung einer Applikation zur Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen auf Basis der Eclipse Rich Client Platform by Hackelbusch, Richard
Sofsem 2009: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Spindleruv Mlýn, C by
Computer Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Spec Benchmark Workshop 2009, Austin, Tx, Usa, January 25, 2009, Proceedings by
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VI: 6th International Workshop, DALT 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008, Revised Selected and Invited by
Adaption des Levenshtein-Abstandes zur Online-Handschriftauthentifikation by Schimke, Sascha
E-Learning in der Lehre: Übersicht und Beispiel Implementation mit ILIAS by Zalewski, Stefan, Kastenholz, Thorsten, Weber, Holger
The Definitive Guide to Grails by Brown, Jeff Scott, Rocher, Graeme
Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex by Jacobs, Sas
Software Product Management and Pricing: Key Success Factors for Software Organizations by Kittlaus, Hans-Bernd, Clough, Peter N.
Free Revealing: How Firms Can Profit from Being Open by Alexy, Oliver
The IMF and Its Critics: Reform of Global Financial Architecture by
Electronic Real Estate in Europe: View and Contrast of the Approaches of Germany and United Kingdom by Von Gottberg, Jan-Philip
Open Source - Der Weg in das Unternehmen by Zalewski, Stefan
Linux in eingebetteten Systemen by Hemer, Frank
Building Blocks for Effective Software Testing: A Practical Approach to Planning and Execution by Smith, Nicole
Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective: Design Requirements Workshop, Cleveland, Oh, Usa, June 3-6, 2007, Revised and Invited Papers by
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: First International Symposium, ESSoS 2009 Leuven, Belgium, February 4-6, 2009 Proceedings by
Einstieg in Java Und Oop by Silberbauer, Christian
Knowledge Management & Information Technology: Goals / Problems, Practical Approaches, and Proposal Solution by Hüttenegger, Georg
Wireless Sensor Networks: 6th European Conference, Ewsn 2009 Cork, Ireland, February 11-13, 2009, Proceedings by
Data Mining for Design and Marketing by
Displaytechnologien. Eine Übersicht und Anwendungen. by Zalewski, St, Weber, H., Kastenholz, Th
Head First PHP & MySQL: A Brain-Friendly Guide by Morrison, Michael, Beighley, Lynn
Head First Web Design: A Learner's Companion to Accessible, Usable, Engaging Websites by Siarto, Jeff, Watrall, Ethan
What's Next: Predictions from 50 of America's Most Compelling People by Buckingham, Jane
Ein Optimierer für GReQL2 by Horn, Tassilo
Safety-Critical Systems: Problems, Process and Practice: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium Brighton, Uk, 3 - 5 February by
Breaking the Time Barrier: The Temporal Engineering of Software-For Advanced Engineers Only by Morrison, Gordon E.
A Computational Approach to Digital Chinese Painting and Calligraphy by Lau, Francis C. M., Pan, Yunhe, Xu, Songhua
JBoss Portal Server Development by Rao, Ramanujam
Hardware-Dependent Software: Principles and Practice by
Mac for Linux Geeks by Steidler-Dennison, Tony
WordPress Plug-in Development (Beginner's Guide) by Prelovac, Vladimir
Developing with Google App Engine by Ciurana, Eugene
Artificial Intelligence for Maximizing Content Based Image Retrieval by
Application-Layer Fault-Tolerance Protocols by de Florio, Vincenzo
Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Numerical Control: Principles and Implementations by Xu, Xun
The Definitive Guide to Gigaspaces: Scaling Spring for the Enterprise by Shalom, Nati
VMware Certified Professional Test Prep by Ilgenfritz, John, Ilgenfritz, Merle
XML: A Beginner's Guide: Go Beyond the Basics with Ajax, Xhtml, Xpath 2.0, XSLT 2.0 and Xquery by Holzner, Steven
Managing and Leading Software Projects by Fairley, Richard E.
Google Blogger for Dummies by Gunelius, Susan
Event-Driven Architecture: How SOA Enables the Real-Time Enterprise by Yochem, Angela, Phillips, Les, Taylor, Hugh
Microsoft Powershell, VBScript and JScript Bible by Rosen, Jeffrey, Stanek, William R., O'Neill, James
Design Is the Problem: The Future of Design Must Be Sustainable by Shedroff, Nathan
Software Engineering: International Summer Schools, Issse 2006-2008, Salerno, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures by
Integrated Formal Methods: 7th International Conference, Ifm 2009, Düsseldorf, Germany, February 16-19, 2009, Proceedings by
Approximation and Online Algorithms: 6th International Workshop, Waoa 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18-19, 2008, Revised Papers by
WLAN Wireless LAN im Hochschuleinsatz by Franke, Andreas
Photoshop Cs4: The Missing Manual by Snider, Lesa
CJKV Information Processing: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese Computing by Lunde, Ken
Entwicklung eines Leitfaden zur Entwicklung einer SOA by Seyffert, Anna-Maria
Pragmatic Version Control Using Git by Swicegood, Travis
Practical Plone 3: A Beginner's Guide to Building Powerful Websites by Aspeli, Martin, Knox, Sam, McMahon, Steve
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Google Maps Mashups am Beispiel eines Basketball-Freiplatzverzeichnisses by Ivanowitsch, Steffen
Lernen 2.0: Wie Social Software das Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Gesellschaft und Organisationen verändert by Klein, Sebastian, Flad, Stephan
Probabilistische Algorithmen by Wiesner, Jörg, Rick, Sebastian
Wissensmanagement. Potenziale und Grenzen von Social Software. by Schenkenbach, Jan Boris
Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for Osgi Service Platforms by Rubio, Daniel
Graph Drawing by
Information Security Applications: 9th International Workshop, Wisa 2008, Jeju Island, Korea, September 23-25, 2008, Revised Selected Papers by
Spring Persistence -- A Running Start by Fisher, Mark, Duskis, Solomon
Konzepte Objektorientierter Programmierung: Mit Einer Einführung in Java by Poetzsch-Heffter, Arnd
Network Control and Optimization: Second Eurofgi Workshop, Net-COOP 2008 Paris, France, September 8-10, 2008, Revised Selected Papers by
Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications by
A survey of probabilistic algorithms by Fettinger, Manfred
From Concept to Community: How I Built An Online Community And Took It Viral In 25 Days With Little Money And No SEO by Hamilton, April L.
Designing Web Interfaces by Scott, Bill, Neil, Theresa
Beautiful Architecture by Spinellis, Diomidis, Gousios, Georgios
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (Kivs) 2009: 16. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (Kivs 2009) Kassel, 2. - 6. März 2009 by
Pro RFID in BizTalk Server 2009 by Venkatesh, Ram, Beckner, Mark, Simms, Mark
Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts by Vaingast, Shai
Information Systems, Technology and Management: Third International Conference, ICISTM 2009, Ghaziabad, India, March 12-13, 2009, Proceedings by
Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming by Dess�, Massimiliano, Dessi, Massimiliano
HTML & CSS Concise Reference by Traynor, Christopher, Downey, Jeanine
Rechtliche Aspekte zu Open Source Software: Urheberrecht und Patente by Reinefeldt, Kenny
Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2009: 22nd International Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, March 10-13, 2009, Proceedings by
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 18th International Symposium, LOPSTR 2008, Valencia, Spain, July 17-18, 2008, Revised Selected Paper by
End-User Development: 2nd International Symposium, Is-Eud 2009, Siegen, Germany, March 2-4, 2009, Proceedings by
Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence: 5th International Workshop, MoChArt 2008, Patras, Greece, July 21, 2008, Revised Selected and Invited Pape by
Small Business Web Sites Made Easy by Holzner, Steven
The Multidimensional Data Modeling Toolkit: Making Your Business Intelligence Applicatio by Paredes, John
Optimization Techniques for Solving Complex Problems by
Participatory IT Design: Designing for Business and Workplace Realities by Bodker, Keld, Kensing, Finn, Simonsen, Jesper
Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications by Van Lamsweerde, Axel
Elemental Magic, Volume I: The Art of Special Effects Animation by Gilland, Joseph
Wang Tiles in Computer Graphics by Lagae, Ares
Zuverlässigkeit Mechatronischer Systeme: Grundlagen Und Bewertung in Frühen Entwicklungsphasen by Jensen, Uwe, Bertsche, Bernd, Göhner, Peter
Grep Pocket Reference: A Quick Pocket Reference for a Utility Every UNIX User Needs by Bambenek, John, Klus, Agnieszka
The Art of Lean Software Development: A Practical and Incremental Approach by Hibbs, Curt, Jewett, Steve, Sullivan, Mike
Abnahme Komplexer Software-Systeme: Das Praxishandbuch by Osterhage, Wolfgang W.
Mathematik Für Informatiker: Algebra, Analysis, Diskrete Strukturen by Kreußler, Bernd, Pfister, Gerhard
Linq My Ass! A Computer Programmers Guide To Language-Integrated Query (Linq): And How To Leverage Its Powerful C#, .Net, And Visual Basic (VB) Featur by Meyer, Joe, Torre, Stephenie
Linq My Ass - A Computer Programmers Guide To Language-Integrated Query (Linq): And How To Leverage Its Powerful C#, .Net, And Visual Basic (VB) Featu by Torre, Stephenie, Meyer, Joe
Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems: A Novel Petri Net Approach by Li, Zhiwu, Zhou, Mengchu
Geschäftsprozessmanagement by Becker, Jörg, Winkelmann, Axel, Mathas, Christoph
The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 with ActionScript by Boucher, Michael, Kaplan, Chris, Milbourne, Paul
Xna 3.0 Game Programming Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Grootjans, Riemer
Python for Software Design by Downey, Allen B.
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: 12th International Conference, Fossacs 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferen by
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 15th International Conference, Tacas 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Confe by
Programming Languages and Systems: 18th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Pra by
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 12th International Conference, Fase 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and by
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications: 5th International Workshop, ARC 2009 Karlsruhe, Germany, March 16-18, 2009 Proceeding by
Compiler Construction: 18th International Conference, CC 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Softw by
Intelligent Scene Modelling Information Systems by
Visualisierungen für Programmcode by Tertilt, Daniel
Guile Reference Manual 1.8.6: A GNU Manual by Klepp U. a., Nikolaus
Expert VB 2008 Business Objects by Lhotka, Rockford, Fallon, Joe
Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects by Silva, Vladimir
Pro Flex on Spring by Giametta, Chris
A Modern Approach to Regression with R by Sheather, Simon
Identifikation und Vergleich von Open Source Modellen by Arsenijevic, Jan Nicolai
Django 1.0 Website Development by Hourieh, Ayman
VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming by Thangaswamy, Vivek
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management by
Principles of Programming Languages by Dowek, Gilles
Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Downey, Allen B.
SQL Server 2008 Query Performance Tuning Distilled by Dam, Sajal, Fritchey, Grant
Zune Game Development Using XNA 3.0 by Waters, Dan
Große Netze Der Logistik: Die Ergebnisse Des Sonderforschungsbereichs 559 by
Pro Mapping in BizTalk Server 2009 by Dawson, Jim, Wainwright, John
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts by
Practical Global Illumination with Irradiance Caching by Gautron, Pascal, Krivanek, Jaroslav
Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming by Liu, Baoding
Bildverarbeitung Für Die Medizin 2009: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen by
Entwicklung einer objektorientierten Lactatleistungsdiagnostik-Software zur Ermittlung der individuellen anaeroben Schwelle mittels Dauertestverfahren by Kusch, Viktor
Opc Unified Architecture by Mahnke, Wolfgang, Leitner, Stefan-Helmut, Damm, Matthias
The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents by Milner, Robin
Funktionale Und Applikative Programmierung: Grundlagen, Sprachen, Implementierungstechniken by Lippe, Wolfram-Manfred
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 10th International Conference, Pam 2009, Seoul, Korea, April 1-3, 2009, Proceedings by
SQL Server Execution Plans by Fritchey, Grant
Car Multimedia Systeme Modell-Basiert Testen Mit Sysml by Alt, Oliver
Spatial Awareness of Autonomous Embedded Systems by Holzmann, Clemens
Die Architekturtypen Des "Self-Organizing (Feature) Map (So(f)M)" Nach Teuvo Kohonen by Maurer, Harald
Trusted Computing: Second International Conference, Trust 2009 Oxford, Uk, April 6-8, 2009, Proceedings by
Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance by
Beginning ASP.NET E-Commerce in C#: From Novice to Professional by Darie, Cristian, Watson, Karli
Foundation Fireworks CS4 by Smith, Nathan, Griffith, Hugh, King, Rogie
Pro Excel Financial Modeling: Building Models for Technology Startups by Sawyer, Tom
Trustworthy Global Computing: 4th International Symposium, Tgc 2008, Barcelona, Spain, November 3-4, 2008, Revised Selected Papers by
Human Machine Interaction: Research Results of the MMI Program by
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 12th International Conference, Hscc 2009, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, April 13-15, 2009, Proceedings by
Data Flow Analysis: Theory and Practice by Sanyal, Amitabha, Khedker, Uday, Sathe, Bageshri
Robert Read - How To Be A Programmer by Read, Robert L.
Discovering Requirements by Beus-Dukic, Ljerka, Alexander, Ian F.
Cost Estimation in Software Product Line Engineering by Rosensteiner, Sebastian
Customer Knowledge Management: People, Processess, and Technology by Al-Shammari, Minwir
Innovations in Information Systems Modeling: Methods and Best Practices by
Intelligent Active Directory Integration by Korbel, Markus
Digital Multimedia by Chapman, Nigel, Chapman, Jenny
Don't Spend a Dime: The Path to Low-Cost Computing by Floyd Kelly, James
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Programming by Bunn, Steve, Plenderleith, Jamie
The Top Ten Algorithms in Data Mining by
Cinema 4D 11 Workshop by Von Koenigsmarck, Arndt
Card Sorting: Designing Usable Categories by Spencer, Donna
The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects by Kerlow, Isaac V.
Software Language Engineering: First International Conference, Sle 2008 Toulouse, France, September 29-30, 2008, Revised Selected Papers by
Genetic Programming: 12th European Conference, Eurogp 2009 Tübingen, Germany, April, 15-17, 2009 Proceedings by
Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics: 7th European Conference, Evobio 2009 Tübingen, Germany, April 15-17, 200 by
Theories of Programming Languages by Reynolds, John C., John C., Reynolds
Software Verification and Analysis: An Integrated, Hands-On Approach by Laski, Janusz, Stanley, William
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems IV: Coin 2008 International Workshops Coin@aamas 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, by
International Financial Reporting Standards (Fifth Edition) by Van Greuning, Hennie
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop by
Agility Kompakt: Tipps Für Erfolgreiche Systementwicklung by Rupp, Chris, Starke, Gernot, Hruschka, Peter
Unleash the System on Chip Using FPGAs and Handel C by Kamat, Rajanish K., Shinde, Santosh A., Shelake, Vinod G.
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications by Winkler, Stephan, Affenzeller, Michael, Wagner, Stefan
Pervasive Computing by
Software Testing: Fundamental Principles and Essential Knowledge by McCaffrey, James D.
Information Efficiency in Financial and Betting Markets by
Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise by Ghoda, Ashish
Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip: A Selection of Extended Versions of the Best Papers of the Fourteenth International Conference on Very by
TinyOS Programming by Gay, David, Levis, Philip
Fluent Aphasia by Susan, Edwards, Edwards, Susan
Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning by Harrison, John
Location-Aware Environmental Monitoring For Mobile Workers by Christl, Martin
Embedded Linux: Das Praxisbuch by Dillmann, Rüdiger, Gockel, Tilo, Schröder, Joachim
Fundamental Problems in Computing: Essays in Honor of Professor Daniel J. Rosenkrantz by
Suche in on-line erfassten digitalen Handschriftdokumenten by Schimke, Sascha
Software & Systems Requirements Engineering: In Practice by Paulish, Daniel J., Berenbach, Brian, Kazmeier, Juergen
Naturalistic Hermeneutics by Mantzavinos, C.
Entwurf einer EDV gestützten Qualitätssicherung für marktforschende Telefonstudios by Bischof, Oliver
Choosing an Open Source CMS: Beginner's Guide by Mehta, Nirav
Ada for Software Engineers: With Ada 2005 by Ben-Ari, Mordechai
Quantifiers in Action: Generalized Quantification in Query, Logical and Natural Languages by Badia, Antonio
JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide by Leonard, Anghel
PHP/Architect's Guide to Date and Time Programming by Rethans, Derick
The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents by Milner, Robin
IT-Kostenmanagement. Studie zum Kostenmanagement und zur IT bei Schweizer Unternehmen by Egle, Ulrich
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