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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2012

Top-Gun Project Managers: 8 Strategies for Reaching the Top of the PM Profession by Morreale, Richard
Leading Project-Driven Change by Bernheim, Richard C.
Das Managementmodell zur Datenverfügbarkeit und Datensicherheit: Von der Anwendung bis zum Rechenzentrum by
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: With Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: 7th International Conference, ICIC 2011 Zhengzhou, by
Sinatra: Up and Running: Ruby for the Web, Simply by Haase, Konstantin, Harris, Alan
Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node: Creating Evolvable Hypermedia Applications by Amundsen, Mike
Computer Animation: Theory and Practice by Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, Thalmann, Daniel
Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications: 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2011 Zhengzhou, China, August 11-14, 2011 Revised by
Automatic Calibration and Reconstruction for Active Vision Systems by Li, Y. F., Zhang, Beiwei
Programming with Sets: An Introduction to Setl by Dewar, R. B. K., Dubinsky, E., Schwartz, J. T.
Erfolgreich Programmieren Mit ADA: Unter Berücksichtigung Des Objektorientierten Standards by Schmidt, Diana
Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Maple by Rovenski, Vladimir
Dotnetuncle's Interview Crackerjack: The Ultimate .NET Interview Question-Answer Series by Khanna, Vishal K.
Achieving Systems Safety: Proceedings of the Twentieth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Bristol, Uk, 7-9th February 2012 by
The Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing: In the Honor of William C. Carter by
Computer-Generated Images: The State of the Art Proceedings of Graphics Interface '85 by
Computer Graphics 1987: Proceedings of CG International '87 by
Programming with Specifications: An Introduction to Anna, a Language for Specifying ADA Programs by Luckham, David
Abgründe Der Informatik: Geheimnisse Und Gemeinheiten by Potton, Alois
Cytomorphogenesis in Plants by
Suchmaschinenmarketing - Status Quo und aktuelle Trends by Grohe, Christina
Create Rapid Web Applications Using Oracle Application Express by Ahmed, Riaz
Interactive 3D Multimedia Content: Models for Creation, Management, Search and Presentation by
Multimedia: Systems, Interaction and Applications by
Frontiers in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of Computer Graphics Tokyo '84 by
Ruby e Rails: Un'introduzione guidata by Saltarin, Alessio
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Context, Exploration and Fusion: 8th International Workshop, AMR 2010, Linz, Austria, August 17-18, 2010. Revised Sele by
Empirical Software Engineering and Verification: International Summer Schools, LASER 2008-2010, Elba Island, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures by
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Third International Conference, SSVM 2011, Ein-Gedi, Israel, May 29-June 2, 2011, Revised Sele by
Combinatorial Algorithms: 22th International Workshop, IWOCA 2011, Victoria, BC, Canada, July 20-22, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Software Quality: Process Automation in Software Development: 4th International Conference, SWQD 2012, Vienna, Austria, January 17-19, 2012, Proceedin by
Foundations and Practice of Security: 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop, FPS 2011, Paris, France, May 12-13, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 13th International Conference, PRIMA 2010, Kolkata, India, November 12-15, 2010, Revised Selected Pape by
Software Diversity in Computerized Control Systems by
Theory of Security and Applications: Joint Workshop, Tosca 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 31-April 1, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Digital Image Processing: Theory, Application, Implementation by
Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments: 4th International Conference, Vstte 2012, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa, January 28-29, 2012 Proceedings by
Automation of Reasoning: Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1957-1966 by
Application Security for the Android Platform: Processes, Permissions, and Other Safeguards by Six, Jeff
Software-Engineering: Methodische Projektabwicklung by Denert, Ernst
Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science: 7th International Doctoral Workshop, Memics 2011, Lednice, Czech Republic, October 14-16, 20 by
Advances in Computer Graphics IV by
Computergraphik Und Bildverarbeitung by Janser, Achim, Luther, Wolfram
Mobile Retail Services: Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Systematisierung innovativer mobiler Dienste im Rahmen des Multi-Channel-Retailings u by Schürmann, Frank
Visual Basic 2010 Made Easy by Liew Voon Kiong
Servervirtualisierung: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Servervirtualisierung im Anwendungsfeld der Hospitality Industry by Scheiber, Anton
Java Companion for Beginners by Akinola, Olalekan S.
Three-Dimensional Computer Vision by Shirai, Yoshiaki
Oracle Essbase 11 Development Cookbook by R. Ruiz, Jose
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 13th International Conference, Vmcai 2012, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa, January 22-24, 2012, Proc by
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 8th International Conference, ICDCIT 2012, Bhubaneswar, India, February 2-4, 2012. Proceedings by
RFID Security and Privacy: 7th International Workshop, Rfidsec 2011, Amherst, Ma, Usa, June 26-28, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Specification and Proof in Real Time CSP by Davies, Jim
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture V: 5th IFIP TC 5/SIG 5.1 International Conference, CCTA 2011, Beijing, China, October 29-31, 2011, by
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture V: 5th IFIP TC 5/SIG 5.1 International Conference, CCTA 2011, Beijing, China, October 29-31, 2011, by
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture V: 5th IFIP TC 5/SIG 5.1 International Conference, CCTA 2011, Beijing, China, October 29-31, 2011, by
Making Games with Python & Pygame by Sweigart, Al
Unreal Development Kit Game Design Cookbook by Mooney, Thomas O.
Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation by
Approximation Algorithms and Semidefinite Programming by Gärtner, Bernd, Matousek, Jiri
iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners, IOS 5 Edition by Lewis, Rory
Image Registration: Principles, Tools and Methods by Goshtasby, A. Ardeshir
Darstellung, Erläuterung und Bewertung ausgewählter Beschreibungsformen von Geschäftsprozessen anhand eines fiktiven Beispiels by Kubernus, Ralf
Speech Recognition Algorithms Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers by Nakamura, Atsushi, Hori, Takaaki
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 15th International Conference, FC 2011, Gros Islet, St. Lucia, February 28 - March 4, 2011, Revised Selected by
Data Engineering and Management: Second International Conference, ICDEM 2010, Tiruchirappalli, India, July 29-31, 2010. Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Software Engineering Techniques: 4th IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques, CEE-SET 2009, Krak by
Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing by Pavlidis, T.
Interaction & Web Design Basics by Gonzalez, Hernan
C++ For C Programmers by Kalnay, J. T.
Logic, Algebra, and Computation: International Summer School by
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Practice: Volume 1 by
Foundations of Knowledge Base Management: Contributions from Logic, Databases, and Artificial Intelligence Applications by
Graph Drawing: 19th International Symposium, GD 2011, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, September 21-23, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Fundamentals of Software Testing by Homès, Bernard
Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban by Kniberg, Henrik
High-Performance Scientific Computing: Algorithms and Applications by
Transactions on Computational Science XIV: Special Issue on Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulation by
Satellite Remote Sensing: A New Tool for Archaeology by
Distributed Environments: Software Paradigms and Workstations by
Object-Oriented Application Development Using the Caché Postrelational Database by Ihringer, Michael, Kirsten, Wolfgang
Digital Typefaces: Description and Formats by Karow, Peter
Robotersysteme 3: Wissensbasierte Simulation by Wloka, Dieter W.
Visual Computing: The Integration of Computer Graphics, Visual Perception and Imaging by Groß, Markus
Interactive Learning Through Visualization: The Impact of Computer Graphics in Education by
Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition in Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials by
Computer Aided Optimal Design: Structural and Mechanical Systems by
Creating and Animating the Virtual World by
Datenübertragung Technik Der Daten- Und Textkommunikation: Band I - Grundlagen by Bocker, Peter
New Trends in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of CG International '88 by
The SGML Implementation Guide: A Blueprint for SGML Migration by Travis, Brian E., Waldt, Dale C.
Robotersysteme 2: Graphische Simulation by Wloka, Dieter W.
The Dictionary of Computer Graphics Technology and Applications by Latham, Roy
Computer Aided Design: Fundamentals and System Architectures by Encarnacao, J., Schlechtendahl, E. G.
Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-Of-The-Art and Challenges by
Foundation Game Design with ActionScript 3.0 by Van Der Spuy, Rex
Project Management Journal by ProBookmark: Graphically tracking projects, tasks, and performance by Smith, Roger D.
88 C Programs by Kalnay, J. T.
Mosfet Models for VLSI Circuit Simulation: Theory and Practice by Arora, Narain D.
Multigrid Methods for Process Simulation by Joppich, Wolfgang, Mijalkovic, Slobodan
Responsive Computer Systems by
Design and Analysis of Purely Functional Progams by Rinderknecht, Christian
Introduction to Video and Image Processing: Building Real Systems and Applications by Moeslund, Thomas B.
Wireless Sensor Networks: 9th European Conference, EWSN 2012, Trento, Italy, February 15-17, 2012, Proceedings by
Mapping with Drupal: Navigating Complexities to Create Beautiful and Engaging Maps by Turnbull, Thomas, Palazzolo, Alan
Developing Enterprise IOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations by Turner, James
ActionScript Developer's Guide to PureMVC: Code at the Speed of Thought by Hall, Cliff
Design and Prototyping for Drupal: Drupal for Designers by Nordin, Dani
Apis: A Strategy Guide: Creating Channels with Application Programming Interfaces by Brail, Greg, Woods, Dan, Jacobson, Daniel
Applications of Combinatorial Matrix Theory to Laplacian Matrices of Graphs by Molitierno, Jason J.
CGAL Arrangements and Their Applications: A Step-By-Step Guide by Wein, Ron, Fogel, Efi, Halperin, Dan
Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by
Information Security Applications: 12th International Workshop, WISA 2011, Jeju Island, Korea, August 22-24, 2011. Revised Selected Papers by
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Part I by
Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multi-Dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry by Mehlhorn, K.
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops, Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
Combinatorial Scientific Computing by
From the Web to the Grid and Beyond: Computing Paradigms Driven by High-Energy Physics by
Multimedia for Cultural Heritage: First International Workshop, MM4CH 2011, Modena, Italy, May 3, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Computer Aided Systems Theory -- EUROCAST 2011: 13th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 6-11, 2011, Revised Selecte by
Finitely Generated Abelian Groups and Similarity of Matrices Over a Field by Norman, Christopher
Fundamentals of Dependable Computing for Software Engineers by Knight, John
Concurrency Verification: Introduction to Compositional and Non-Compositional Methods by Ulrich, Hanneman, Willem-Paul, de Roever, Frank, de Boer
Oracle Jdeveloper 11gr2 Cookbook by Haralabidis, Nick
A New Target Detector Based on Geometrical Perturbation Filters for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (Pol-Sar) by Marino, Armando
Pro Silverlight 5 in C# by MacDonald, Matthew
Pro Silverlight 5 in VB by MacDonald, Matthew
Camera Networks: The Acquisition and Analysis of Videos Over Wide Areas by Roy-Chowdhury, Amit K., Song, Bi
Pro Android Apps Performance Optimization by Guihot, Herv
Final Cut Pro X - Die Details: Eine neu Art von Anleitung - die visuelle Form by Rothermich, Edgar
Project Engineering: Computer-Oriented Planning and Operational Decision Making by Pagnoni, Anastasia
Modeling Design Objects and Processes by Yagiu, Takaaki
Mathematics and Computer Science in Medical Imaging by
Kooperation Und Konkurrenz: Nebenläufige, Verteilte Und Echtzeitabhängige Programmsysteme by Hommel, Günter, Herrtwich, Ralf G.
Software Engineering on Sun Workstations(r) by
Die Software-Krise Und Ihre Macher by Weber, Herbert
Praxis Digitales Colormanagement: Druckproduktion Mit ICC-Profilen, Der ISO 12647-2 Und PDF/X-1a by Homann, Jan-Peter
A Guide to Experimental Algorithmics by McGeoch, Catherine C.
Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2012: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2012, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 27 - March 2, 2012, Proceed by
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing by
A Guide to Experimental Algorithmics by McGeoch, Catherine C.
Game and Graphics Programming for IOS and Android with OpenGL Es 2.0 by Marucchi-Foino, Romain
PMML in Action (2nd Edition): Unleashing the Power of Open Standards for Data Mining and Predictive Analytics by Lin, Wen-Ching, Jena, Tridivesh, Taylor, James
Pro Apache Ant by Moodie, Matthew
Open Source Cloud Computing Systems: Practices and Paradigms by
Advanced Automated Software Testing: Frameworks for Refined Practice by
Interdisciplinary Advancements in Gaming, Simulations and Virtual Environments: Emerging Trends by
Evolving Developments in Grid and Cloud Computing: Advancing Research by
Joomla! 2.5 - Beginner's Guide by Kramer, Jen, Radtke, Angie, Mitova, Milena
Sampled-Data Control Systems: Analysis and Synthesis, Robust System Design by Ackermann, Jürgen
The Geospatial Desktop by Sherman, Gary
Introduction to SAS Web Report Studio: Tutorials in SAS Business Intelligence by Gehring, Renu
Software and Systems Traceability by
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II: Progress and New Challenges by
Introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries; Volume II - Advanced Libraries by Demming, Robert, Duffy, Daniel J.
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines kennzahlenbasierten Managementcockpits zur Unterstützung des Strategischen Managements auf Basis von SAP BW eines IT-Di by Struck, Christian
Auswahl einer Softwarelösung zur Erstellung einer automatisierten technischen Dokumentation für das SAP Business Information Warehouse in der FinanzIT by Struck, Christian
Einsatzpotenziale von m-Business by Kildi, Baris
Elgg 1.8 Social Networking by Costello, Cash, Sharma, Mayank
Database of Auto Parts Warehouse Design by Tian, Jiyi
Improving Software Testing: Technical and Organizational Developments by Majchrzak, Tim A.
Einstieg in C++ (für Java-Entwickler) by Ziegler, Manuel
Erstellung eines Konzepts zur Analyse der Sprachqualität in Next Generation Networks by Mehra, Wishal
Tcl/TK: A Developer's Guide by Flynt, Clif
Die Feinplanung Von DV-Systemen: Ein Handbuch Für Detailgerechtes Arbeiten in DV-Projekten by
Computer Graphics in Medical Research and Hospital Administration by
Distributed, Embedded and Real-Time Java Systems by
Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 29 by
Javafx 2.0: Introduction by Example by Dea, Carl
Gamers at Work: Stories Behind the Games People Play by Ramsay, Morgan
Beginner's Guide to Programming the PIC24/dsPIC33: Using the Microstick and Microchip C Compiler for PIC24 and dsPIC33 by Kibalo, Thomas
Reliability Data Collection and Use in Risk and Availability Assessment: Proceedings of the 6th Euredata Conference Siena, Italy, March 15 - 17, 1989 by
Automation of Reasoning: 2: Classical Papers on Computational Logic 1967-1970 by
The Book of L by
Human Interaction with Complex Systems: Conceptual Principles and Design Practice by
The Information Revolution: Impact on Science and Technology by
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 7th International Symposium on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless AD Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities, by
Pro OpenGL Es for Android by Verma, Mayank, Smithwick, Mike
Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 5 by Anderson, Chris
Content Strategy for the Web by Halvorson, Kristina, Rach, Melissa
Cloud Computing. Technische Sicherheit, Datenschutz und juristische Grundlagen aktueller Sicherheitstechniken by Vollmer, Timm
Mastering Phpmyadmin 3.4 for Effective MySQL Management by Delisle, Marc
Just Enough Programming Logic and Design by Farrell, Joyce
Mastering Lob Development for Silverlight 5: A Case Study in Action by Serrano, Roc O., Fernando Almoguera, Jos, D. Ez, Braulio
Windows Phone 7 Xna Cookbook by Yang, Zheng
Gnuplot Cookbook by Phillips, Lee
Erstellen Modularer Software: Mit Pascal Zur Objektorientierten Programmierung by Bappert, Eberhard
Dependable Computing for Critical Applications by
Systementwurf Mit Netzen by Reisig, Wolfgang
Softwaretechnik Für Verteilte Systeme by Nehmer, Jürgen
Software Engineering Und Prototyping: Eine Konstruktionslehre Für Administrative Softwaresysteme by Spitta, Thorsten
Case in Der PRAXIS: Softwareentwicklungsumgebungen Für Informationssysteme by Blönnigen, Peter, Bröhl, Adolf-Peter, Bertram, Horst
Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 2 by
Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 4 by
Designing a network infrastructure to support a research and educational network using GTUC and University of Ghana by Awuku, Kingsley, Cobblah, B., Anim, G.
Tagging im Electronic Commerce - am Beispiel des ChinaCollaborator als kollaboratives System by Ladengruber, Roland, Tschetschonig, Karl
Process Performance Management by Muschick, Peter
Hardware Evolution: Automatic Design of Electronic Circuits in Reconfigurable Hardware by Artificial Evolution by Thompson, Adrian
Web2py Application Development Cookbook by Reingart, Mariano, Mulone, Pablo Martin, Martin Mulone, Pablo
Softwaretechnik: Methodisches Programmieren Im Großen by Nagl, Manfred
See More