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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2012

Agile User Experience Design: A Practitioner's Guide to Making It Work by Brown, Diana
Einstieg in HTML und Javascript: Mit vielen Beispielen und einfachen Browsergames by Schuchmann, Marco
Technische und wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Clientvirtualisierung: Citrix (XenApp/XenDesktop) vs. Vmware (View) by Hupfloher, Stefan
State of the Art: Sensoren in mobilen Endgeräten by Astafjeva, Maria
Integration des Dokumentenmanagementsystems Alfresco mit SAP by Müller, Daniel
Object Detection and Tracking in Images and Point Clouds by Finnegan, Daniel
Scrum als Framework für die Entwicklung von Apps: Using Scrum as a framework for developing apps by Theisinger, Ulrich
X-as-a-Service: Chancen und Grenzen von Cloud-Services by Ußler, Falk
Automotive Electronics: Kopplung von Autosar und In-Vehicle-Infotainment by Astafjeva, Maria
Theoretische und praktische Einführung von softwareunterstütztem Wissensmanagement in einem IT-Beratungsunternehmen by Baumann, Steffi
Entwurfsmuster: Design Patterns in Der Objektorientierten Softwaretechnik by Quibeldey-Cirkel, Klaus
Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala by Lewis, Mark C.
Computational Approaches in Supramolecular Chemistry by
Grids, Clouds and Virtualization by
Anticipatory Learning Classifier Systems by Butz, Martin V.
Specc: Specification Language and Methodology by Dömer, Rainer, Jianwen Zhu, Gajski, Daniel D.
Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems: Working Conference of the Ifip Wg 10.3, April 25-29, 1994 by
Cooperating Heterogeneous Systems by Schwartz, David G.
Systems Development Methods for Databases, Enterprise Modeling, and Workflow Management by
Object-Oriented Metamethods by Bulthuis, A., Henderson-Sellers, B.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering: Information Technology & Computing Intelligence by
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering: Information Technology by
Software-Entwicklung Für Kommunikationsnetze by Pink, Axel
Marketing in Der It-Branche by Häußer, Katja, Esslinger, Andreas
Computer Architecture: A Minimalist Perspective by Gilreath, William F., Laplante, Phillip A.
Software Visualization: From Theory to Practice by
Automatic Re-Engineering of Software Using Genetic Programming by Ryan, Conor
System Design: A Practical Guide with Specc by Dömer, Rainer, Gerstlauer, Andreas, Junyu Peng
Semantic Video Object Segmentation for Content-Based Multimedia Applications by Ju Guo, Kuo, C. -C Jay
Specification and Design Methodology for Real-Time Embedded Systems by Janka, Randall S.
Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components, and Management by
Software Engineering and Environment: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Sheu, Phillip C. -Y
Distributed Systems for System Architects by Rodrigues, Luís, Veríssimo, Paulo
Visual Language Theory by
Jdf: Prozessintegration, Technologie, Produktdarstellung by Kühn, Wolfgang, Grell, Martin
Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering by
42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins (2nd Edition): Essential Business Strategy for Website and Social Media Success by Gamse, Philippa
Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Lscs and the Play-Engine by Marelly, Rami, Harel, David
Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems by
Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications by
Handbook of Neuroevolution Through ERLANG by Sher, Gene I.
Building a Windows It Infrastructure in the Cloud: Distributed Hosted Environments with AWS by Rensin, David K.
Representing Uncertain Knowledge: An Artificial Intelligence Approach by Krause, Paul, Clark, Dominic
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: 6th International Conference, Ucami 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, December 3-5, 2012, Proceedings by
Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for Embedded Systems and Soc's: Selected Contributions on Specification, Design, and Verification f by
Advances in Modelling, Animation and Rendering by
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering: Software Engineering & Digital Media Technology by
Guide to Three Dimensional Structure and Motion Factorization by Wang, Guanghui, Wu, Jonathan
WordPress Domination - Beginner to NINJA in 7 Days: In Just Seven Days, You Can Go From Wordpress Zero To Wordpress Hero by Klein, Lambert
Cloud Architecture Patterns by Wilder, Bill
Killer UX Design: Create User Experiences to Wow Your Visitors by Moule, Jodie
Handbook of Formal Languages: Volume 1 Word, Language, Grammar by
Bilbiq: A Biologically Inspired Robot with Walking and Rolling Locomotion by King, Ralf Simon
Time-Of-Flight Cameras: Principles, Methods and Applications by Lee, Seungkyu, Choi, Ouk, Hansard, Miles
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging: International Workshop, Mlini 2011, Held at Nips 2011, Sierra Nevada, Spain, December 16-17, 2011 by
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Third International Conference, Semcco 2012, Bhubaneswar, India, December 20-22, 2012, Proceedings by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems VII by
Principles of Distributed Systems: 16th International Conference, Opodis 2012, Rome, Italy, December 18-20, 2012, Proceedings by
Logic Programming New Frontiers by
Information Retrieval Technology: 8th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, Airs 2012, Tianjin, China, December 17-19, 2012, Proceedings by
HTML5 Programming for ASP.NET Developers by Joshi, Bipin
A Programmer's Guide to C# 5.0 by Wienholt, Nick, Gunnerson, Eric
Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Systems 1: Tasks by
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers by O'Connor, Tj
Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization by
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing by
Workload Characterization of Emerging Computer Applications by
Media Computing: Computational Media Aesthetics by
Business Component-Based Software Engineering by
Practical Performance Modeling: Application of the Mosel Language by Bolch, Gunter, Herold, Helmut, Begain, Khalid
Beginning Android Games by Zechner, Mario, Green, Robert
Technology of Object-Oriented Languages, Systems and Architectures by
High Performance Computing Systems and Applications by
Java Microarchitectures by
Systems Engineering for Business Process Change: Collected Papers from the Epsrc Research Programme by
Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can Generate and Use Professional Imaging Data by Hubbell, Gerald R.
Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems: The Spes 2020 Methodology by
Achieving Quality Software: Including Its Application to Safety-Related Systems by Smith, D. J.
Spring 4 for Developing Enterprise Applications: An End-to-End Approach by Liu, Henry H.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS, Volume II: The Supporting Processes: A Detailed Guide to the IEEE SWEBOK and the IEEE CSDP/CSDA Exam by Dorfman, Merlin
Manage Partitions with Gparted (How-To) by Gedak, Curtis
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS, Volume III: The Engineering Fundamentals by Dorfman, Merlin
SAP Businessobjects Bi 4.0 the Complete Reference 3/E by Howson, Cindi, Newbould, Elizabeth
Linux: Konzepte, Kommandos, Oberflächen by Gulbins, Jürgen, Obermayr, Karl, Snoopy
News-Sites: Design Und Journalismus by Kranz, Alexander, Stiller, Ricarda
Relationale Datenbanken Und SQL in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Unterstein, Michael, Matthiessen, Günter
Selectors, Specificity, and the Cascade: Applying CSS3 to Documents by Meyer, Eric
Values, Units, and Colors: Foundational CSS3 Components by Meyer, Eric
Process Technology by
Code Generation for Embedded Processors by
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces 15-17 May by
Information Security Applications: 13th International Workshop, Wisa 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, August 16-18, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Iterating Infusion: Clearer Views of Objects, Classes, and Systems by Anthony, Greg
High Performance Computing Systems and Applications by
Learning Technology in the European Communities: Proceedings of the Delta Conference on Research and Development -- The Hague 18-19 October 1990 by
Guaranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra by Godunov, S. K., Antonov, A. G., Kiriljuk, O. P.
First-Order Programming Theories by Gergely, Tamas, Ury, Laszlo
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL: Revised OpenCL 1.2 Edition by Howes, Lee, Kaeli, David R., Gaster, Benedict
Hadoop Operations: A Guide for Developers and Administrators by Sammer, Eric
Windows 8 Apps Revealed Using HTML5 and JavaScript: Using HTML5 and JavaScript by Freeman, Adam
How to Recruit and Hire Great Software Engineers: Building a Crack Development Team by McCuller, Patrick
See What I Mean: How to Use Comics to Communicate Ideas by Cheng, Kevin
Buy what you see - everywhere: Welche Möglichkeiten bietet die grafische Mustererkennung zur Verbesserung der Online-Produktsuche? by Schäfer, Johann
Cloud Computing - Chance oder Risiko? Für die Implementierung und Anwendung in Unternehmen by Lanzrath, Matthias
Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems by
Digital Image Restoration by
Computational Geometry: XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Egc 2011, Dedicated to Ferran Hurtado on the Occasion of His 60th Birth by
Computing with T.Node Parallel Architecture by
Open Source E-Commerce-Leitfaden. Analyse, Evaluierung und Vergleich von Open Source Web-Shop-Systemen by Füllgraf, Leroy
Strategische und organisatorische Neuausrichtung eines IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmens am Beispiel des neu geschaffenen Geschäftsbereichs Anwendungsent by Fuchs, Eduard
Openni Cookbook by Falahati, Soroush
Twitter als Jobbörse: Wie Unternehmen soziale Medien effizient für die Mitarbeiterakquise nutzen können by Hajji, Kerim
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development IX by
Network and Parallel Computing: 9th Ifip International Conference, Npc 2012, Gwangju, Korea, September 6-8, 2012, Proceedings by
Entwicklung It-Basierter Dienstleistungen: Co-Design Von Software Und Services Mit Servcase by
Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing: Third International Conference, CNC 2012, Chennai, India, February 24-25, 2012, Revised Selected Pa by
ActionScript Graphing Cookbook by Backx, P., Backx, Peter, G. Lineau, Dominic
Wordpress Mobile Applications with Phonegap by Yuxian Eugene, Liang
Microsoft Dynamics Crm 2011 Customization & Configuration (Mb2-866) Certification Guide by Benson, Neil
Avid Media Composer 6 Cookbook by Hershleder, Benjamin
Konzeption und prototypische Entwicklung einer CEP-Anwendung im Bereich E-Commerce by Schlegel, Mario
Winning Lego Mindstorms Programming: Lego Mindstorms Nxt-G Programming for Fun and Competition by Trobaugh, James, Lowe, Mannie
Software Projects Secrets: Why Projects Fail by Stepanek, George
IOS 6 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Grnlund, Hans-Eric, Grimes, Shawn, Francis, Colin
Beginning Objective C by Dovey, James, Furrow, Ashley Alonzo Hale
The Agile Pocket Guide by Saddington, Peter
Computer Vision for Visual Effects by Radke, Richard J.
Technische und wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Clientvirtualisierung: Citrix (XenApp/XenDesktop) vs. Vmware (View) by Hupfloher, Stefan
Programming Google App Engine: Build & Run Scalable Web Applications on Google's Infrastructure by Sanderson, Dan
Netzwelt - Wege, Werte, Wandel by
Windows 8 Apps Revealed Using XAML and C#: Using XAML and C# by Freeman, Adam
Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications: Cute 2012 by
... and there was television (Routledge Revivals) by Cashmore, Ellis
Programming Node.Js by Swicegood, Travis
Programming Android by Mednieks, Zigurd, Dornin, Laird, Meike, G. Blake
A Pyramid Framework for Early Vision: Multiresolutional Computer Vision by Rosenfeld, Azriel, Jolion, Jean-Michel
Testbeds and Research Infrastructure: Development of Networks and Communities: 8th International Icst Conference, Tridentcom 2012, Thessanoliki, Greec by
Distributed Computing and Networking: 14th International Conference, Icdcn 2013, Mumbai, India, January 3-6, 2013. Proceedings by
Security Protocols XX: 20th International Workshop, Cambridge, Uk, April 12-13, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Vlisp a Verified Implementation of Scheme: A Special Issue of LISP and Symbolic Computation, an International Journal Vol. 8, Nos. 1 & 2 March 1995 by
Multichannel-Marketing-Handbuch by
Anforderungsmanagement: Formale Prozesse, Praxiserfahrungen, Einführungsstrategien Und Toolauswahl by Heßeler, Alexander, Versteegen, Gerhard
An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms by Storer, J. a.
Robust Data Mining by Trafalis, Theodore B., Pardalos, Panos M., Xanthopoulos, Petros
Introduction to Compiler Construction in a Java World by Campbell, Bill, Iyer, Swami, Akbal-Delibas, Bahar
Szenariobasierte Evaluation von Open Source ESBs zum Einsatz in einer Cloud-basierten Softwareinfrastruktur by Beckers, Andreas
Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 by Wang, Paul S.
Semantic Web - Nutzbarmachung von Semantic-Web-Technologien zur Verbesserung des Kundenservices in einer Tourismusdestination by Guem, Eva
Can static type systems speed up programming? An experimental evaluation of static and dynamic type systems by Kleinschmager, Sebastian
An Introductory Guide to Scientific Visualization by Earnshaw, Rae, Wiseman, Norman
Digitale Geschäftsagenten: Softwareagenten Im Einsatz by Eymann, Torsten
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS, Volume I: The Development Process by Dorfman, Merlin
Dezentralisierungstendenzen der EDV in Betrieben bei umfassenden EDV-Aufgaben by Exler, Siegfried
Soft Computing in Software Engineering by
Trends and Topics in Computer Vision: Eccv 2010 Workshops, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 10-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 8th International Symposium, Facs 2011, Oslo, Norway, September 14-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Trends and Topics in Computer Vision: Eccv 2010 Workshops, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 10-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Part I by
Coordination, Organizations, Instiutions, and Norms in Agent System VII: Coin 2011 International Workshops, Coin@aamas, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011, Coin by
Semantic Wikis: die neue Faktendatenbank der Wikipedia by L, M.
Szenariobasierte Evaluation von Open Source ESBs zum Einsatz in einer Cloud-basierten Softwareinfrastruktur by Beckers, Andreas
Robustness in Identification and Control by
Innovatives Geschäftsprozessmanagement durch Subjektorientierung: S-BPM ermöglicht ein durchgängiges Round-Trip-Engineering in Echtzeit by Kubernus, Ralf
Information Computing and Applications: Third International Conference, Icica 2012, Chengde, China, September 14-16, 2012. Proceedings, Part I by
Engineering Intelligent Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems by Khosla, Rajiv
Pictorial Information Systems in Medicine by
Datenbankeinsatz by Lockemann, Peter C., Lang, Stefan
Software-Architekturen Für Verteilte Systeme: Prinzipien, Bausteine Und Standardarchitekturen Für Moderne Software by Gall, Harald, Hauswirth, Manfred, Dustdar, Schahram
Beginning Html5 and Css3: The Web Evolved by Clark, Richard, Studholme, Oliver, Murphy, Christopher
Lims: Applied Information Technology for the Laboratory by Mahaffey, Richard
Information Computing and Applications: Third International Conference, Icica 2012, Chengde, China, September 14-16, 2012. Proceedings, Part II by
Computer Graphics: Techniques and Applications by Parslow, Robert D.
Introduction to Real-Time Software Design by Allworth
How To Build a Website With WordPress...Fast! (2nd Edition - Read2Learn Guides) by Mauresmo, Kent, Petrova, Anastasiya
Programming F# 3.0: A Comprehensive Guide for Writing Simple Code to Solve Complex Problems by Smith, Chris
Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java by Pollack, Mark, Risberg, Thomas, Gierke, Oliver
Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript by Van Der Spuy, Rex
Pro Wpf 4.5 in C#: Windows Presentation Foundation in .Net 4.5 by MacDonald, Matthew
Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook by Kleijn, Roy De, Gundecha, Unmesh
A Controlled Experiment for Measuring the Impact of Aspect-Oriented Programming on Software Development Time by Kleinschmager, Sebastian
Software Exorcism by Blunden, Bill
Treehouse CSS3 Foundations by Lunn, Ian
Professional IIS 8 w/WS by Schaefer, Kenneth, Cochran, Jeff, Forsyth, Scott
Vergleich von Open-Source-Lizenzen by Schaaf, Alexander
ECM in der Cloud - Potenziale und Risiken by Koch, Simon
Neuheiten und Trends der Internationalen Funkausstellung 2009 by Schaaf, Alexander
µC/Os-III: The Real-Time Kernel for the Infineon XMC4500 by Jean, J. Labrosse
An Introduction to RhoMobile: Mobile Application Development for Enterprise Data by Travis, Matt, Watson, K. Lee
Tools for Practical Software Verification: International Summer School, Laser 2011, Elba Island, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures by
Software Testing in the Cloud: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline by
Recent Algorithms and Applications in Swarm Intelligence Research by
Developing and Evaluating Security-Aware Software Systems by
Advancing Information Management through Semantic Web Concepts and Ontologies by
Structuring Music through Markup Language: Designs and Architectures by
Agile and Lean Service-Oriented Development: Foundations, Theory, and Practice by
Digitale Bildverarbeitung: Und Bildgewinnung by Jähne, Bernd
Worst-Case Execution Time Aware Compilation Techniques for Real-Time Systems by Lokuciejewski, Paul, Marwedel, Peter
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII by
Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking by Coleman, Enid Gabriella
Realisierung der SEPA mit SAP by Hellfritzsch, Sören
Beginning IOS 6 Games Development by Jordan, Lucas
See More