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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2015

Android Programming in a Day!: The Power Guide for Beginners in Android App Programming by Key, Sam
Industrial Deployment of System Engineering Methods by
Qos Management of Web Services by Zheng, Zibin, Lyu, Michael R.
Innovative Technologies for Dependable Ots-Based Critical Systems: Challenges and Achievements of the Critical Step Project by
iOS Programming: Starter Guide: What Every Programmer Needs to Know About iOS Programming by Scotts, Jason
Domain Driven Design: How to Easily Implement Domain Driven Design - A Quick & Simple Guide by Scotts, Jason
System Modeling and Optimization: 25th Ifip Tc 7 Conference, Csmo 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 12-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Programming SmallTalk - Object-Orientation from the Beginning: An Introduction to the Principles of Programming by Brauer, Johannes
C Programming Success in a Day: Beginners' Guide to Fast, Easy and Efficient Learning of C Programming by Key, Sam
C++ Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert C++ Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Key, Sam
Designing with Objects: Object-Oriented Design Patterns Explained with Stories from Harry Potter by Kak, Avinash C.
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: 7th International Symposium, Essos 2015, Milan, Italy, March 4-6, 2015, Proceedings by
Passive Eye Monitoring: Algorithms, Applications and Experiments by
Spatio-Temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data: Third International Workshop, Stia 2014, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2 by
Master the Art of Unreal Engine 4: Creating a 3D Point and Click Adventure (Part #1) by Shah, Ryan, Alifragis, Paul lordofnightmares
Finally... Reliable Software!: A practical approach to design for reliability by Van Den Eertwegh, Rene, Wijnhoven, Peter, Bakker, Bryan
HTML Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert HTML Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer Users by Key, Sam
Python by Elite Publishing, Az
Das Konzept Green IT. Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis by Gerber, Andreas
Rails Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert Rails Programming Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Key, Sam
Data Visualization for Oracle Business Intelligence 11g by Vlamis, Dan, Vlamis, Tim
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Financial Management by Aamer, Mohamed
Programmieren lernen für Kinder - Fortgeschrittene by Hardy, Dirk
JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach by Bevacqua, Nicolas
The MMIX Supplement: Supplement to the Art of Computer Programming Volumes 1, 2, 3 by Donald E. Knuth by Ruckert, Martin
Windows 8 Tips for Beginners: A Simple, Easy, and Efficient Guide to a Complex System of Windows 8! by Key, Sam
Beginning Spring by Sevindik, Kenan, Caliskan, Mert
Einführung eines Ticketsystems in Anlehnung an ITIL V3: Entscheidungshilfe für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen by Frankmann, Marc
Nosql for Dummies by Fowler, Adam
Practical C++ Financial Programming by Oliveira, Carlos
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 11th International Symposium, Facs 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, September 10-12, 2014, Revised Selected Papers by
Everyday Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Datensicherheit und Datenschutz als immer größer werdende Herausforderung für moderne Unternehmen by Schmid, Christian
CSS Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert CSS Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Key, Sam
Programmer en Fortran: Fortran 90 et ses évolutions - Fortran 95, 2003 et 2008. by Delannoy, Claude
Create 2D Mobile Games with Corona SDK: For IOS and Android by Mekersa, David
Amazing Websites & Apps: Easy Do-It-Yourself by Company, Ewen Prime, Ewen, David K., Academy, Forest
Learn Python Visually by Demirov, Ivelin
Integration Testing from the Trenches by Frankel, Nicolas
PHP Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert PHP Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Key, Sam
100 Most Important C Programs by Shakkarwar, Aditya
Beginning JSON by Smith, Ben
Unity 2D Game Development Cookbook by Scoalstici, Claudio
Html5, Javascript, and jQuery 24-Hour Trainer by Cameron, Dane
Concepts and Applications of Image Processing Techniques by
Android Programming For Beginners: The Ultimate Android App Developer's Guide by Joyner, Joseph
Learning Behavior-driven Development with JavaScript by Enrique, Amodeo
Spring Integration Essentials by Pandey, Chandan
Android for the BeagleBone Black by Henderson, Andrew, Prakash, Aravind
Elixir Cookbook by A. Pereira, Paulo
Designing the User Experience of Game Development Tools by Lightbown, David
Enyo: Up and Running: Build Native-Quality Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps by Sutton, Roy
eBackup versus konventionelles Backup in Bezug auf das Datenwachstum eines Terrabyte bei einer Kostenreduktion von 50% by Eggenberger, Sandro
Cython: A Guide for Python Programmers by Smith, Kurt W.
Arduino: A Quick-Start Guide by Schmidt, Maik
Video Compression Demystified by
Pro T-SQL Programmer's Guide by Bruchez, Rudi, Coles, Michael, Natarajan, Jay
Akzeptanz von IT-bedingten Veränderungen von Geschäftsprozessen: Ein Literaturreview by Buckow, Fabian
Dataflow Processing: Volume 96 by
Handbook of Computer Games Technology: Volume I by
Handbook of Computer Games Technology: Volume II by
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: Sefm 2014 Collocated Workshops: Hofm, Safome, Opencert, Mokmasd, Ws-Fmds, Grenoble, France, September 1-2, 20 by
50 Questions Executives Should Ask About Technology Projects: A Practical Approach to Maximizing Value and Minimizing Risk by Dearing, Gary K.
C: How to Program by Deitel, Harvey, Deitel, Paul
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XVII: Selected Papers from Dawak 2013 by
Practical Enterprise Software Development Techniques: Tools and Techniques for Large Scale Solutions by Crookshanks, Edward
FuelPHP Application Development Blueprints by Drouyer, Sébastien
ArcPy and ArcGIS: Geospatial Analysis with Python by Toms, Silas
PostgreSQL Developer's Guide by Fayyaz, Asif, Shahzad, Amjad, Ahmed, Ibrar
Learning iOS Security by Banks, Allister, Edge, Charles S.
Mastering Elasticsearch - Second Edition by Kuc, Rafal
Neo4j High Performance by Raj, Sonal
Exploring SE for Android by Confer, William, Roberts, William
Learning Raspbian by Harrington, William
SoapUI Cookbook by Anderson, Rupert
Developing Mobile Web ArcGIS Applications by Sheehan, Matt
Learning Selenium Testing Tools - Third Edition by Prasad Mg, Raghavendra
Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4: Learn C++ programming with a fun, real-world application that allows you to create your own games! by Sherif, William
Getting started with Julia Programming Language by Balbaert, Ivo
KnockoutJS Essentials by Ferrando, Jorge
Python Programming for Arduino: Develop practical Internet of Things prototypes and applications with Arduino and Python by Desai, Pratik
KnockoutJS Web Development by Farrar, John
Testing with F# by Lundin, Mikael
Puppet Cookbook - Third Edition by Uphill, Thomas
Raspberry Pi Gaming Second Edition by Silverman, Shea
Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the Evolution of Web 3.0 by
KnockoutJS Blueprints by Russo, Carlo
SignalR Blueprints by Ingebrigtsen, Einar
AngularJS Deployment Essentials by Moreno, Zachariah
Bootstrap for Rails by Fazle Rahman, Syed
Mastering Ext JS Second Edition by Groner, Loiane
PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials by Santos, Donabel
Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop - Second Edition by Hoffman, Steve
Clojure Web Development Essentials by Baldwin, Ryan
WebRTC Cookbook by Sergiienko, Andrii
Hadoop MapReduce v2 Cookbook Second Edition by Gunarathne, Thilina
Xamarin Cross-platform Application Development - Second Edition by Peppers, Jonathan
Mastering jQuery UI by Joshi, Vijay
Learning System Center App Controller by Naeem, Nasir
Arduino Essentials by Perea, Francis
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino - Second Edition by K. Dennis, Andrew
Learning Heroku Postgres by Espake, Patrick
Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing Second Edition by Rojas, Sergio
Learn Python Visually (paperback) by Ivelin, Demirov
Software++: Must-Have Skills For Software Engineers by Berg, Cory
Mockito for Spring by Acharya, Sujoy
Handbook of Software Engineering: Volume I by
Handbook of Software Engineering: Volume II by
Keyword Spotting in Videodateien mit Techniken der automatischen Spracherkennung by Böttcher, Riccardo
MS Access 2013 SQL Comprehensive by Demertzoglou, Pindaro E.
Systems Programming: Designing and Developing Distributed Applications by Anthony, Richard
Konzept zur Gestaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Hochschulbereich unter Anwendung eines Gamification-Ansatzes by Tran, Anna
Beginning Java Programming: The Object-Oriented Approach by Backiel, Aimee, Vanden Broucke, Seppe, Baesens, Bart
Numerical Methods and Applications: 8th International Conference, Nma 2014, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20-24, 2014, Revised Selected Papers by
Java Closures and Lambda by Fischer, Robert
Learning Unreal Engine iOS Game Development by A. Moniem, Muhammad
Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide: A Distributed Real-Time Search and Analytics Engine by Gormley, Clinton, Tong, Zachary
Digital Media Primer by Wong, Yue-Ling
Hibernate Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Ottinger, Joseph, Mak, Gary, Guruzu, Srinivas
Motion Capture in Performance: An Introduction by Delbridge, M.
Mikrocontroller am Smartphone: Cheepit Sparrow by Baum, Thomas, Kainka, Burkhard
Absolute C++ by Mock, Kenrick, Savitch, Walter
Beginning C++ by Horton, Ivor
Xerox Parc. Die missglückte Computerrevolution by Berg, Björn
Enterprise Social Software im agilen Projektumfeld by Linner, Thomas
A Software Engineer Learns Java and Object Orientated Programming by Cameron, Dane
Oracle PL/SQL by Example by Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Rakhimov, Elena
Social Media. Soziale Netzwerke, Blogs, Twitter und Social Sharing: Ein Überblick by Tran, Anna
AutoCAD 2015 3D Modeling by Hamad, Munir
Efficient 3D Scene Modeling and Mosaicing by Garcia, Rafael, Nicosevici, Tudor
Rapid Agile Business System Analysis: Fast, Agile, Measurable Results by Frantzen, Trond
UML @ Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling by Scholz, Marion, Huemer, Christian, Seidl, Martina
Semantics of Probabilistic Processes: An Operational Approach by Deng, Yuxin
Is Linux a better desktop operating system than Microsoft Windows? by Ratajczak, David
Guide to High Performance Distributed Computing: Case Studies with Hadoop, Scalding and Spark by Muppalla, Anil Kumar, Srinivasa, K. G.
The programming language "Perl" for Biologists: Solutions for Beginners by Shanker, Asheesh
Geschäftsmodelle im Tourismus 2.0. Potenziale und Entwicklungstendenzen von Reiseschnäppchen-Portalen by Wenzel, Janine
Beginning JavaScript by McPeak, Jeremy
Android App Development for Dummies by Burton, Michael
Beginning Amazon Web Services with Node.Js by Shackelford, Adam
C Programming Professional Made Easy: Expert C Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Guides, Getaway
Microwave and RF Engineering- A Simulation Approach with Keysight Genesys Software by Behagi, Ali A.
Metaprogramming Elixir: Write Less Code, Get More Done (and Have Fun!) by McCord, Chris
Beginning Kinect Programming: With the Kinect for Windows V2 SDK by Ashley, James
Pro Swift by Lee, Keith
Sudoku Programming with C by Zambon, Giulio
Qualitätsmanagement in administrativen Prozessen. Evaluierung mittels statistischer Prozessregelung by Büchner, Lars
Methodenhandbuch Für Softwareschulungen by Gerlach, Stefanie, Squarr, Inga
Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: Workshops of Esocc 2014, Manchester, Uk, September 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers by
Theory of Cryptography: 12th International Conference, Tcc 2015, Warsaw, Poland, March 23-25, 2015, Proceedings, Part I by
Solving Software Challenges for Exascale: International Conference on Exascale Applications and Software, Easc 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2-3, 201 by
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 21st International Working Conference, Refsq 2015, Essen, Germany, March 23-26, 2015. Proce by
Curso de Programación con iOS: Apps iPhone by Flores Gonzalo, Enrique, Arias, Angel
Marketing-Strategie bezüglich Engineered Systems und Appliances by Eggenberger, Sandro
Designing an Information Extraction System for Amharic Vacancy Announcement Text by Hirpassa, Sintayehu
Industrial Agents: Emerging Applications of Software Agents in Industry by
Custom SharePoint Solutions with HTML and JavaScript: For SharePoint On-Premises and SharePoint Online by Atkinson, Brandon
Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition by Peacock, Michael
Automated Data Warehouse Testing: Beginner's step by step guide by Suden, G.
Excel VBA: A Beginners' Guide by E, Rajan
A Smarter Way to Learn HTML & CSS: Learn it faster. Remember it longer. by Myers, Mark
Go Codeabout with C++ by Aggarwal, Bharat B.
50 Tips & Tricks for Dynamics Ax 2012 (Arabic Edition) by Fife, Murray
Introducing Maven by Varanasi, Balaji, Belida, Sudha
A Rigorous Semantics for Bpmn 2.0 Process Diagrams by Kossak, Felix, Illibauer, Christa, Geist, Verena
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 18th International Workshop, Jsspp 2014, Phoenix, Az, Usa, May 23, 2014. Revised Selected Papers by
Vertriebsplanung einer fiktiven Online-Eventplattform. Marktforschung, Marktanalyse und Preismodell by Theis, Sascha
Mobile Devices: Tools and Technologies by
T-SQL Querying by Machanic, Adam, Ben-Gan, Itzik, Sarka, Dejan
Migrating to Swift from Web Development by Nemec, Anthony, Liao, Sean, Punak, Mark
JavaScript Professional Programming Made Easy: Expert Javascripts Programming Language Success in a Day for Any Computer User! by Key, Sam
Coffeescript: Accelerated JavaScript Development by Burnham, Trevor
The Cucumber for Java Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers by Hellesoy, Aslak, Rose, Seb, Wynne, Matt
Learn CSS in One Day and Learn It Well (Includes HTML5): CSS for Beginners with Hands-on Project. The only book you need to start coding in CSS immedi by Chan, Jamie
Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems: The Ascens Approach by
Modellieren und Einrichten einer Datenbank zum Anwendungsbereich Zoo: Dba02 by Hammann, Jens-Uwe
Einführung in die SAP(R) GUI Scripting API. GUI Objekte, Methoden und Events by Selmair, Maximilian
C Programming Success in a Day & C Programming Success in a Day by Key, Sam
Python Programming Professional Made Easy & C Programming Success in a Day by Key, Sam
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 8th International Conference, Emo 2015, Guimarães, Portugal, March 29 --April 1, 2015. Proceedings, Part I by
Computational Color Imaging: 5th International Workshop, Cciw 2015, Saint Etienne, France, March 24-26, 2015, Proceedings by
Public-Key Cryptography -- Pkc 2015: 18th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Gaithersburg, MD, Usa, Marc by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XVIII: Special Issue on Database- And Expert-Systems Applications by
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 8th International Conference, Emo 2015, Guimarães, Portugal, March 29 --April 1, 2015. Proceedings, Part II by
Agile Software Development with HP Agile Manager by Tal, Liran
Theory of Cryptography: 12th International Conference, Tcc 2015, Warsaw, Poland, March 23-25, 2015, Proceedings, Part II by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XIX: Special Issue on Big Data and Open Data by
Arithmetic of Finite Fields: 5th International Workshop, Waifi 2014, Gebze, Turkey, September 27-28, 2014. Revised Selected Papers by
Computational Diffusion MRI: Miccai Workshop, Boston, Ma, Usa, September 2014 by
Virtuelle Teams in der Schweiz unter Berücksichtigung vorgegebener Qualitätsmerkmale by Fazlic, Rejhan
Python Programming Professional Made Easy & C Programming Professional Made Easy by Key, Sam
Python Programming In A Day & Excel Shortcuts by Key, Sam
The Effective Engineer: How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact by Lau, Edmond
Q Tips: Fast, Scalable and Maintainable Kdb+ by Psaris, Nick
Python Programming in a Day & C Programming Professional Made Easy by Key, Sam
Human-Computer Interaction: Fundamentals and Practice by Kim, Gerard Jounghyun
Robots and Communication by Sandry, E.
Robots and Communication by Sandry, E.
10 Apps in 10 Weeks by Lassoff, Mark A.
Organisationsoptimierung durch den Einsatz von Barcodescannern am Beispiel der Apothekenbestellung by Henning, Karina
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