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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2023

Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow 2.0: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python by Pattanayak, Santanu
Internet of Things: 5th the Global Iot Summit, Giots 2022, Dublin, Ireland, June 20-23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Trends in Functional Programming: 23rd International Symposium, Tfp 2022, Virtual Event, March 17-18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Model-Driven Development of Akoma Ntoso Application Profiles: A Conceptual Framework for Model-Based Generation of XML Subschemas by Langner, Arne, Leps, Olof, Flatt, Amelie
Cloud Computing and Services Science: 11th International Conference, Closer 2021, Virtual Event, April 28-30, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
The Evolution of Pervasive Information Systems by
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: Er 2022 Workshops, Cmls, Emper, and Jusmod, Hyderabad, India, October 17-20, 2022, Proceedings by
Computing and Combinatorics: 28th International Conference, Cocoon 2022, Shenzhen, China, October 22-24, 2022, Proceedings by
Artificial Intelligence: First International Symposium, Isai 2022, Haldia, India, February 17-22, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Fuzzy Sets Methods in Image Processing and Understanding: Medical Imaging Applications by Bloch, Isabelle, Ralescu, Anca
Quantum Computing Compact: Spooky Action at a Distance and Teleportation Easy to Understand by Just, Bettina
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint Iapr International Workshops, S+sspr 2022, Montreal, Qc, Canada, August 26-27, 2022, by
Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications: Second International Conference, Ol2a 2022, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, October 24-25, 2022, Procee by
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 17th Annual Conference, Tamc 2022, Tianjin, China, September 16-18, 2022, Proceedings by
Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: International Workshops of Esocc 2022, Wittenberg, Germany, March 22-24, 2022, Revised Selected Pape by
The Authoring Problem: Challenges in Supporting Authoring for Interactive Digital Narratives by
Algorithmic Bias: Verzerrungen Durch Algorithmen Verstehen Und Verhindern: Ein Leitfaden Für Entscheider Und Data Scientists by Bär, Tobias
Artificial Intelligence: Second Caai International Conference, Cicai 2022, Beijing, China, August 27-28, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 21st International Workshop, Iwcia 2022, Messina, Italy, July 13-15, 2022, Proceedings by
Transactions on Computational Science XXXIX by
Synthetic Data for Deep Learning: Generate Synthetic Data for Decision Making and Applications with Python and R by Çelik, Sadullah, Birişçi, Esma, Gürsakal, Necmi
Mobile Application Development: Practice and Experience: 12th Industry Symposium in Conjunction with 18th Icdcit 2022 by
Software Engineering Application in Systems Design: Proceedings of 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022, Volume 1 by
Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences: Select Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mind 2021 by
React Application Architecture for Production: Learn best practices and expert tips to deliver enterprise-ready React web apps by Alickovic, Alan
The History of the Gpu - Eras and Environment by Peddie, Jon
The History of the Gpu - Steps to Invention by Peddie, Jon
Simple Type Theory: A Practical Logic for Expressing and Reasoning about Mathematical Ideas by Farmer, William M.
Automated Market Makers: A Practical Guide to Decentralized Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Trading by Steffensen, Peter Johannes, Kristensen, Jesper, Ottina, Miguel
Design and Applications of Nature Inspired Optimization: Contribution of Women Leaders in the Field by
Concise Guide to Numerical Algorithmics: The Foundations and Spirit of Scientific Computing by Nazareth, John Lawrence
The Lone Wolf Game Developers Toolkit: Practical Advice For Going It Alone by Hill, Trevor
Scaling Python with Ray: Adventures in Cloud and Serverless Patterns by Karau, Holden, Lublinsky, Boris
Practical Debugging at Scale: Cloud Native Debugging in Kubernetes and Production by Almog, Shai
The History of the Gpu - New Developments by Peddie, Jon
Learn to Program with C# by V, Andy
Data Science and Algorithms in Systems: Proceedings of 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022, Vol. 2 by
High Performance Computing. Isc High Performance 2022 International Workshops: Hamburg, Germany, May 29 - June 2, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Iberamia 2022: 17th Ibero-American Conference on Ai, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, November 23-25, 2022, Procee by
Object-Oriented Programming Exercises with C++ by Tsetsekas, Haris
Software Reliability Techniques for Real-World Applications by Youree, Roger K.
Network Automation with Go: Learn how to automate network operations and build applications using the Go programming language by Kashin, Michael, Leiva, Nicolas
Advanced Testing of Systems-Of-Systems, Volume 2: Practical Aspects by Homès, Bernard
Requirements Engineering: Laying a Firm Foundation by Crowder, James A., Hoff, Curtis W.
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Techniques for Searching, Parsing, and Matching by Pettorossi, Alberto
Screenografie Kompakt: Der Immersive Bildraum Grafischer Benutzeroberflächen by Moritz, Thomas
Grundkurs Agiles Software-Engineering: Ein Handbuch Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Beneken, Gerd, Hummel, Felix, Kucich, Martin
Succeed In Software: A Comprehensive Guide To Software Career Excellence by Cannon, Sean
Real World OCaml: Functional Programming for the Masses by Madhavapeddy, Anil, Minsky, Yaron
Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies by Mueller, John Paul
Extending Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Apps with Low Code: Create tailor-made Dynamics 365 CE apps using the powerful low-code capabilities of Pow by Fernández, Nicolás Andrés
The Ins and Outs of Azure VMware Solution: Deploy, configure, and manage an Azure VMware Solution environment by Jellow, D. H. L. (H C) Kevin
Critical Infrastructure Protection XV: 15th Ifip Wg 11.10 International Conference, Iccip 2021, Virtual Event, March 15-16, 2021, Revised Selected Pap by
Semantic Knowledge Modelling Via Open Linked Ontologies: Ontologies in E-Governance by Tsihrintzis, George A., Theocharis, Stamatios
Simulation and Gaming for Social Design by
The Essential Beginners Guide to DAZ3D: 2023 Edition by Hill, Trevor
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Szeliski, Richard
Learning Microsoft Intune: Unified Endpoint Management with Intune & the Microsoft 365 product suite by Duffey, Scott
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 25th International Symposium, Padl 2023, Boston, Ma, Usa, January 16-17, 2023, Proceedings by
Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology: 19th International Conference, Icdcit 2023, Bhubaneswar, India, January 18-22, 2023, Proceedings by
Advanced Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in Big Data by Verma, Parag, Dumka, Ankur, Ashok, Alaknanda
Safety, Security, and Reliability of Robotic Systems: Algorithms, Applications, and Technologies by
Toward Solving Complex Human Problems: Techniques for Increasing Our Understanding of What Matters in Doing So by White, Brian E.
Learning-Based Visual Compression by Ji, Ruolei, Karam, Lina J.
Python 3 -ohjelmoinnin perusteet by Peltomäki, Juha
An Interoperability Framework for E-Government Heterogeneous Information Systems by Ronoh, Hillan
Clinical Image-Based Procedures: 11th Workshop, Clip 2022, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2022, Singapore, September 18, 2022, Proceedings by
Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era: Medi 2022 Short Papers and Detect 2022 Workshop Papers, Cairo, Egypt, November 21-24 by
Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming by Matthes, Eric
Shareware Heroes: The Renegades Who Redefined Gaming at the Dawn of the Internet by Moss, Richard
Cyber Physical Systems: Concepts and Applications by
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 22nd International Conference, Ica3pp 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 10-12, 2022, Proceeding by
#EachOneTeachTen - The Journey Continues by Joshi, Namya
Securing Kubernetes Secrets by Block, Andrew, Bueno, Alex
Planos arquitectónicos de software by González Córdoba, Juan Carlos
Customizable and Adaptive Quantum Processors: Theory and Applications by Nedjah, Nadia, de Macedo Mourelle, Luiza
Microsoft Conversational Ai-Platform Für Entwickler: Ende-Zu-Ende-Chatbot-Entwicklung Von Der Planung Bis Zum Einsatz by Bisser, Stephan
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 25th International Workshop, Jsspp 2022, Virtual Event, June 3, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Microsoft Azure for Dummies by Hyman, Jack A.
Pro SQL Server 2022 Wait Statistics: A Practical Guide to Analyzing Performance in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database by Van De Laar, Enrico, Larock, Thomas
Microservice APIs in Python by Peralta, José
Simplifying State Management in React Native: Master state management from hooks and context through to Redux, MobX, XState, Jotai and React Query by Desmurs-Linczewska, Aleksandra
Terraform for Google Cloud Essential Guide: Learn how to provision infrastructure in Google Cloud securely and efficiently by Nordhausen, Bernd
High Performance with Laravel Octane: Learn to fine-tune and optimize PHP and Laravel apps using Octane and an asynchronous approach by Butti, Roberto
C/C++ Anwenden: Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Übungsaufgaben Mit Lösungen by Hoch, Thomas, Küveler, Gerd
Programmieren in C++ Für Elektrotechniker Und Mechatroniker: Das Lern- Und Übungsbuch by Seufert, Jochen, Mathes, Markus A.
Test-Driven Development with PHP 8: Build extensible, reliable, and maintainable enterprise-level applications using TDD and BDD with PHP by Sarabia, Rainier
Microservices Design Patterns in .NET: Making sense of microservices design and architecture using .NET Core by Williams, Trevoir
Test Automation Engineering Handbook: Learn and implement techniques for building robust test automation frameworks by Sambamurthy, Manikandan
C++ Programming Fundamentals by Malhotra, N., Malhotra, D.
Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C: Fourth Edition by Zhu, Yifeng
Embedded Systems Architecture - Second Edition: Design and write software for embedded devices to build safe and connected systems by Lacamera, Daniele
Joomla! 4 Masterclass: A practitioner's guide to building rich and modern websites using the brand-new features of Joomla 4 by Marzo, Luca
Implementing and Leveraging Blockchain Programming by
Artificial General Intelligence: 15th International Conference, Agi 2022, Seattle, Wa, Usa, August 19-22, 2022, Proceedings by
Asynchronous Programming with Swiftui and Combine: Functional Programming to Build Uis on Apple Platforms by Friese, Peter
Einsatz von Methoden und Instrumenten im (Software-) Projektmanagement einer Ratingagentur by Walbaum, Joerg F.
Erstellung einer einfachen Java-Anwendung zur Verwaltung eines elektronischen Karteisystems by Walbaum, Joerg F.
Unreal Engine Tips & Tricks: Step-by-Step Instructions On How To Do Amazing Things In Unreal Engine! by Ricks, Michael Edward
TECH MINDS Version 1.0: Digital Literacy & Coding Text Book Grade 7 by Team Codeyoung
TECH MINDS Version 1.0: Digital Literacy & Coding Text Book Grade 8 by Team Codeyoung
Animated Problem Solving: An Introduction to Program Design Using Video Game Development by Morazán, Marco T.
Die (sozio-ökonomische) Bedeutung und der innovative Charakter von Kryptowährungen by Hahn, Christina
Algorithmic Trading: Step-By-Step Guide to Develop Your Own Winning Trading Strategy Using Financial Machine Learning Without Having to Lea by Press, Investors
Algorithmic Trading: Step-By-Step Guide to Develop Your Own Winning Trading Strategy Using Financial Machine Learning Without Having to Lea by Press, Investors
The Software Engineering Career: The workforce from a millennial's perspective by Duarte, Erick J.
Laravel REST API Made Easy: LEARN TO WRITE FLUENT LARAVEL API with Omkar Panherkar by Panherkar, Omkar
IBM Software Systems Integration: With IBM Mq Series for Jms, IBM Filenet Case Manager, and IBM Business Automation Workflow by Bluck, Alan S.
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen von Blockchains in Unternehmen. Sollten Unternehmen jetzt investieren? by Zipp, Mark Hendrik
Python Tools for Scientists: An Introduction to Using Anaconda, Jupyterlab, and Python's Scientific Libraries by Vaughan, Lee
Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore, and Transform Your Data by Dale, Kyran
The Rules of Programming: How to Write Better Code by Zimmerman, Chris
Veränderungen im IT-Management im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Welche Kompetenzen und Dienstleistungen werden in Zukunft verstärkt eine Rolle spiele by Schneider, Tom
Kryptowährung als Zahlungsmittel der Zukunft? Die dauerhafte Ablösung von Fiat-Währungen by Herb, Marius
Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data by Vanderplas, Jake
Coursebook Prompt Engineering by Scholtens, A.
Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Computer Vision and Image Analysis by Umbaugh, Scott E.
Rust Web Development by Gruber, Bastian
Einsatz von Non-Fungible Token im Rahmen von digitalen Vermögenswerten. Chancen und Risiken by Vieten, Lars
Mastering Google Sites: Over 30 surprising things you never knew you could do with Google Sites by Jung, Harry Sy
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Kotlin by Smyth, Neil
Procedural Generation in Godot: Learn to Generate Enjoyable Content for Your Games by Pitt, Christopher
Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 30th International Symposium, GD 2022, Tokyo, Japan, September 13-16, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Bio-Inspired Optimization in Fog and Edge Computing Environments: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems by
Industrial IoT for Architects and Engineers: Architecting secure, robust, and scalable industrial IoT solutions with AWS by Bernal, Joey, Sridhar, Bharath
Datenorganisation in Big Data. Das 5V-Modell unter Einbezug dynamischer AV-Daten by Anonymous
Mastering Python Networking - Fourth Edition: Utilize Python packages and frameworks for network automation, monitoring, cloud, and management by Chou, Eric
Learn JavaScript: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin Hasan
Learn TypeScript: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin Hasan
Learn Truffle: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin Hasan
Learn Solidity: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin Hasan
Leading and Motivating Global Teams: Integrating Offshore Centers and the Head Office by Kumar Khanna, Vimal
AI and Human Thought and Emotion by Freed, Sam
The Business Value of Software by Harris, Michael D. S.
Stable Analysis Patterns for Systems by Fayad, Mohamed
The Innovator's Imperative: Rapid Technology Adoption for Digital Transformation by Khin, Kaung M., Andriole, Stephen J., Cox, Thomas
Analytics and Knowledge Management by
Evolving Innovation Ecosystems: A Guide to Open Idea Transformation in the Age of Future Tech by Stimmel, Carol L.
Quantifying Software: Global and Industry Perspectives by Jones, Capers
A Guide to Selecting Software Measures and Metrics by Jones, Capers
Bayesian Artificial Intelligence by Nicholson, Ann E., Korb, Kevin B.
Graphs, Algorithms, and Optimization by Kreher, Donald L., Kocay, William
Global Software Engineering: Virtualization and Coordination by Wiredu, Gamel O.
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic by Nguyen, Hung T., Walker, Elbert A., Walker, Carol
Secrets of a Cyber Security Architect by Schoenfield, Brook S. E.
Learn HTML: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin Hasan
Secure, Resilient, and Agile Software Development by Merkow, Mark
Effective Methods for Software Engineering by Summers, Boyd
Fast and Low-Resource Semi-Supervised Abdominal Organ Segmentation: Miccai 2022 Challenge, Flare 2022, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2022, Singapore by
Krylov Subspace Methods for Linear Systems: Principles of Algorithms by Sogabe, Tomohiro
VR Developer Gems by
Game AI Pro 2: Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals by
Game AI Pro: Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals by
Effective Processes for Quality Assurance by Summers, Boyd L.
Working with Oracle GoldenGate 12c: From Implementation to Troubleshooting by Powell, Gavin
A Master's Course in Python: with Certification by View, Humanity, Bey, Z.
New Perspectives Collection, Microsoft 365 & PowerPoint 2021 Comprehensive by Campbell, Jennifer
CSS Flexbox: Complete Guide to Flexbox with Images and Live Examples by Sofela, Oluwatobi
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Java Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Java by Smyth, Neil
Recent Advances in Computer Vision Applications Using Parallel Processing by
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 21st International Conference, Icaisc 2022, Zakopane, Poland, June 19-23, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 21st International Conference, Icaisc 2022, Zakopane, Poland, June 19-23, 2022, Proceedings, Part II by
Media Innovations AR and VR: Success Factors for the Development of Experiences by Langer, Elle
Learn Python Programming Masterclass: Python by Ya, Son
Flutter and Dart Cookbook: Developing Full-Stack Applications for the Cloud by Rose, Richard
Rust In Practice: A Programmers Guide to Build Rust Programs, Test Applications and Create Cargo Packages by Team, Rustacean, Anderson, B., J, Ralph
A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Volume 1: Mastering Linear Data Structures by Vijayalakshmi Pai, G. A.
A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Volume 3: Mastering Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design Strategies by Vijayalakshmi Pai, G. A.
MATLAB for Medical Physics: Real-Life Clinical Scenarios and Projects by Sun, Jidi
Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2022: 28th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Taipei, T by
Pro Kotlin Web Apps from Scratch: Building Production-Ready Web Apps Without a Framework by Lilleaas, August
Quantum Computers: A Complete Guide to Explain in Easy Way(Mathematical Principle and Transition to the Classical Discrete) by Price, Carlos
PHP 8 für Einsteiger in 10 Lektionen: PHP schnell, effektiv und ergebnisorientiert erlernen by Kolbeck, Rainer
Data Structures and Algorithms with C++: 100+ Coding Q&A by Cakal, Yasin
Principles of Big Graph: In-Depth Insight: Volume 128 by
Introduction to Computation in Physical Sciences: Interactive Computing and Visualization with Python(tm) by Wang, Adam, Wang, Jay
Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence: With Privacy, Ethics, Bias, Health Equity, Best Practices, and Case Studies by Panesar, Arjun
Sustainable Design: Hci, Usability and Environmental Concerns by Issa, Tomayess, Isaias, Pedro
Introduction to Unity ML-Agents: Understand the Interplay of Neural Networks and Simulation Space Using the Unity ML-Agents Package by Engelbrecht, Dylan
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development: Leverage a first-class cross-platform UI framework to build native apps on multiple platforms by Ye, Roger
Geospatial Analysis with SQL: A hands-on guide to performing geospatial analysis by unlocking the syntax of spatial SQL by McClain, Bonny P.
React.js Design Patterns: Learn how to build scalable React apps with ease (English Edition) by Onyekachukwu Okonta, Anthony
Rust Web Programming - Second Edition: A hands-on guide to developing, packaging, and deploying fully functional Rust web applications by Flitton, Maxwell
Applied Technologies: 4th International Conference, iCat 2022, Quito, Ecuador, November 23-25, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part I by
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Regular and Cmrxmotion Challenge Papers: 13th International Workshop, Stacom 2022, Held in by
Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 21st International Workshop, Iwdw 2022, Guilin, China, November 18-19, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Applied Technologies: 4th International Conference, iCat 2022, Quito, Ecuador, November 23-25, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
The Implementation Challenges to Bring Your Own Device Concept (BYOD) in Relation to Information Assurance and Security by Munyoki, Janvan
50 Kubernetes Concepts Every DevOps Engineer Should Know: Your go-to guide for making production-level decisions on how and why to implement Kubernete by Levan, Michael
The Spatial Grasp Model: Applications and Investigations of Distributed Dynamic Worlds by Sapaty, Peter Simon
Statistics and Data Visualisation with Python by Rogel-Salazar, Jesus
Scratch Pupil Book Year 4 by Bagge, Phil
Microsoft Power Platform Enterprise Architecture - Second Edition: Design tailor-made solutions for architects and decision makers to meet complex bus by Rybaric, Robert
Scratch Pupil Book Year 3 by Bagge, Phil
Algorithms, Humans, and Interactions: How Do Algorithms Interact with People? Designing Meaningful AI Experiences by Shin, Don Donghee
Scratch Pupil Book Year 5 by Bagge, Phil
Sine Cosine Algorithm for Optimization by Bajpai, Prathu, Rawat, Anjali, Bansal, Jagdish Chand
Foundations of Arm64 Linux Debugging, Disassembling, and Reversing: Analyze Code, Understand Stack Memory Usage, and Reconstruct Original C/C++ Code w by Vostokov, Dmitry
Visual Inference for Iot Systems: A Practical Approach by Rodríguez-Vázquez, Angel, Velasco-Montero, Delia, Fernández-Berni, Jorge
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