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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2012

Poverty, Community and Health: Co-Operation and the Good Society by Cattell, V.
The Cosmopolitanization of Science: Stem Cell Governance in China by Zhang, J.
Mapping the Sociology of Health and Medicine: America, Britain and Australia Compared by Collyer, F.
Environment, Health and History by
Ten Days in a Mad House by Bly, Nellie
Threat Talk: The Comparative Politics of Internet Addiction by Manjikian, Mary
Understanding Disability Policy by Roulstone, Alan, Prideaux, Simon
Commissioning for Health and Well-Being: An Introduction by
Commissioning for Health and Well-Being: An Introduction by
Understanding Disability Policy by Prideaux, Simon, Roulstone, Alan
The Cult and Science of Public Health: A Sociological Investigation by Dew, Kevin
Plague-Making and the AIDS Epidemic: A Story of Discrimination by Bright, G.
Plague-Making and the AIDS Epidemic: A Story of Discrimination by Bright, G.
Fixing Drugs: The Politics of Drug Prohibition by Pryce, S.
Foreign Remedies: What the Experience of Other Nations Can Tell Us about Next Steps in Reforming U.S. Health Care by Donnelly, Kevin P., Rochefort, David A.
Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic by Carroll, Linda, Rosner, David
Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS by
Global Health in the 21st Century: The Globalization of Disease and Wellness by Delaet, David E., Delaet, Debra L.
Gender Violence and Hiv/AIDS in Post-Conflict West Africa: Issues and Responses by Ahonsi, Babatunde A.
Second Wind: Oral Histories of Lung Transplant Survivors by Festle, M.
Second Wind: Oral Histories of Lung Transplant Survivors by Festle, M.
Forced to Care by Glenn, Evelyn Nakano
Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body by Lupton, Deborah
Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body by Lupton, Deborah
What Works in Reducing Inequalities in Child Health? by Roberts, Helen
Awakening the Spirit: Moving Forward in Child Welfare by
No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution (Vegetarian, Vegan, Sustainable Diet, for Readers of the Ethics by Robbins, John
Black and Blue: The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism by Hoberman, John
Don't Kill the Birthday Girl: Tales from an Allergic Life by Beasley, Sandra
Black and Blue: The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism by Hoberman, John
Rainbow Skirts And Feather Jackets: Twenty Chinese Poems by
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Fadiman, Anne
Henry E. Sigerist On The Sociology Of Medicine by Sigerist, Henry Ernst
Trusting on the Edge: Managing Uncertainty and Vulnerability in the Midst of Serious Mental Health Problems by Calnan, Michael, Brown, Patrick
Knowledge, Policy and Power in International Development: A Practical Guide by Jones, Nicola A., Jones, Harry, Shaxson, Louise
Knowledge, Policy and Power in International Development: A Practical Guide by Jones, Nicola A., Jones, Harry, Shaxson, Louise
Contagion: Health, Fear, Sovereignty by
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Healthcare Insurance Availability on Health Outcomes in Hawai'i and Mississippi by Lenhart, James G.
Religion and the Health of the Public: Shifting the Paradigm by Gunderson, G., Cochrane, J.
Mapping the Sociology of Health and Medicine: America, Britain and Australia Compared by Collyer, F.
Religion and the Health of the Public: Shifting the Paradigm by Gunderson, G., Cochrane, J.
The World Health Organization between North and South by Chorev, Nitsan
The Political Economy of the SARS Epidemic: The Impact on Human Resources in East Asia by Lee, Grace, Warner, Malcolm
Advances in Health Psychology: Critical Approaches by Horrocks, Christine, Johnson, Sally
Migrants and Health: Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in Health Systems by Falge, Christiane, Ruzza, Carlo
Biology for Health: Applying the Activities of Daily Living by Cedar, S. H.
HIV and AIDS, Communication, and Secondary Education in Kenya by Ndati, Ndeti
Ten Days in a Mad-House by Bly, Nellie
Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Histories, Activisms, and Futures by
Seeking Sickness: Medical Screening and the Misguided Hunt for Disease by Cassels, Alan
Sociological Reflections on the Neurosciences by
The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men: Inspiration, Vision, and Purpose in the Quest to End Malaria by Shore, Bill
Drug Addiction: Crime Or Disease? by American Bar Association, American Medical Association
Health Care Reform and Globalisation: The Us, China and Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Negotiating Insanity in the Southeast of Ireland, 1820-1900 by Cox, Catherine
Contagion: Health, Fear, Sovereignty by
Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health by Dumit, Joseph
The Making of Global Health Governance: China and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by Szlezák, Nicole A.
The Making of Global Health Governance: China and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by Szlezák, Nicole A.
Seneca Indians: Home Life and Culture by Conservation Society of York County
Dangerous toilets, dollar menus, dirty looks, and discrimination: A hard look at obesity in America by Dispoto, William
Health and Social Issues of Native American Women by
Indians And The Old West: The Story Of The First Americans by White, Anne Terry
Industrial Disasters, Toxic Waste, and Community Impact: Health Effects and Environmental Justice Struggles Around the Globe by Adeola, Francis O.
Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities by
Move Over Indian: The Tragic Story Of The Exodus Of The Last Flathead Indians, Under Chief Charlot, From The Bitterroot Valley In 1891 by Smurr, J. W., Hansen, Bert B.
The Mojave of the Colorado: The Story of the Mojave Indians of the Colorado River and Their Meetings with the Explorers of the Southwest by Rhodes, Elinor, Davis, Sarah Ann, Hill, Mary
Texas Indians: The Story Of Indian Village And The Alabama Indians In Polk County, Texas, On The Alabama-Coshatti Reservation by Fain, Anna Kilpatrick
Bullying by Kuykendall, Sally
The Apache Wars: The Exciting True Saga of the Bloody Conflict Between the White Men and the Apache Indians on the Southwest Frontier by Conway, John, Chadwick, Joseph
Touching Space, Placing Touch. Edited by Mark Paterson and Martin Dodge by
Critical Perspectives on Addiction by
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic by Palm, Sherrie
Indian Stories And Legends Of The Stillaguamish, Sauks, And Allied Tribes by Bruseth, Nels
The NWO Highway of Death: Killing us Softly by Greyeagle, Robert
Health in Pietermaritzburg (1838-2008): A history of urbanisation and disease in an African city by Dyer, Julie
Unsafe Motherhood: Mayan Maternal Mortality and Subjectivity in Post-War Guatemala by Berry, Nicole S.
An Introduction to Global Health Ethics by
An Introduction to Global Health Ethics by
Health Care and Immigration: Understanding the Connections by
Race Contact by Muntz, Earl Edward
Race, Class, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore: Rebuilding Abandoned Communities in America by Gomez, Marisela B.
Ten Days in a Mad-House by Bly, Nellie
Alcohol and Violence: The Nature of the Relationship and the Promise of Prevention by McCaffree, Kevin J., Parker, Robert Nash