• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2015

Pandemics, Science and Policy: H1n1 and the World Health Organisation by Abeysinghe, S.
The Meaning of Care: The Social Construction of Care for Elderly People by Weicht, Bernhard
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty by Das, Veena
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty by Das, Veena
A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic-And How We Can End It by Cohen, Deborah
Pharmacy in Senegal: Gender, Healing, and Entrepreneurship by Patterson, Donna A.
Pharmacy in Senegal: Gender, Healing, and Entrepreneurship by Patterson, Donna A.
Ebola What Everyone Needs to Know: Prepare and Protect Yourself and Your Family by Sheppard, Mark
Angola: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Benin: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Guinea: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Kenya: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Mali: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Ghana: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency of International De
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency for International D.
Ethiopia: Malaria Operational Plan FY 2015 by United States Agency for International D.
Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine by Laplante, Julie
Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge by
Race, Class, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore: Rebuilding Abandoned Communities in America by Gomez, Marisela B.
Health, Food and Social Inequality: Critical Perspectives on the Supply and Marketing of Food by Mahoney, Carolyn
From Virtue to Vice: Negotiating Anorexia by O'Connor, Richard A., Esterik, Penny Van
The American Health Care Paradox: Why Spending More Is Getting Us Less by Bradley, Elizabeth H., Taylor, Lauren A.
The Garbage Menace by Somerville, Michael F.
The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance by
The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance by
A Clean Bill of Health: Restoring American Medical Exceptionalism by Saunders MD, Myles
Disability Research Today: International Perspectives by
Disability Research Today: International Perspectives by
The Disease Detectives: Unraveling How Viruses Go Viral by Hundley, Kris
Pandemics, Science and Policy: H1n1 and the World Health Organisation by Abeysinghe, S.
Leadership Studies in Healthcare by Houskamp, Beth Smith, Mitchell, Cheryl L., Gormley, Maureen E.
Ptsd: Diagnosis and Identity in Post-empire America by Lembcke, Jerry
The Meaning of Care: The Social Construction of Care for Elderly People by Weicht, Bernhard
Religion, Flesh, and Blood: The Convergence of HIV/AIDS, Black Sexual Expression, and Therapeutic Religion by Leong, Pamela
The Thirteenth Step: Addiction in the Age of Brain Science by Heilig, Markus
The Social History of Smoking by Apperson, G. L.
Hope in Health: The Socio-Politics of Optimism by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Problem Body: Projecting Disability on Film by
Unhealthy Betrayal: How the Manipulation of Science and Politics by Corporate Interests Destroys Health and Threatens the Future of Humani by Burgoyne, Andrew a.
Rethinking Disability Theory and Practice: Challenging Essentialism by
Generation Rx: A Story of Dope, Death and America's Opiate Crisis by Daly, Erin Marie
Challenges of Aging: Pensions, Retirement and Generational Justice by
Illness or Deviance?: Drug Courts, Drug Treatment, and the Ambiguity of Addiction by Murphy, Jennifer
Latin American and Iberian Perspectives on Literature and Medicine by
VIH/sida: Causas profundas: Manifestaciones de una sociedad enferma by Feijoo Andrade, Rosa
Fat-Talk Nation: The Human Costs of America's War on Fat by Greenhalgh, Susan
Framing Drug Use: Bodies, Space, Economy and Crime by Fitzgerald, J.
Making the Patient-Consumer: Patient Organisations and Health Consumerism in Britain by Mold, Alex
El Reposo del Águila: Vejez: Experiencia Acumulada by Urraca, Francisco a.
Compassionate Communities: Case Studies from Britain and Europe by
The Ebola Virus and West Africa: Medical and Sociocultural Aspects by Ikuomola, Felix I.
Camp Good Days and Special Times: The Legacy of Teddi Mervis by Buttino, Lou
The Realistic Joneses by Eno, Will
Anthropologies of Cancer in Transnational Worlds by
Genetics, Health, and Society by
Calidad de vida y demencia: Estudio de calidad de vida en personas con demencia institucionalizadas by Leon Salas, Beatriz
Behavioral Epidemiology: Principles and Applications by Merrill, Ray M., Frankenfeld, Cara L., Mink, Michael D.
Rethinking Human Enhancement: Social Enhancement and Emergent Technologies by Cabrera, Laura Y.
#FuckCancer The True Story of How Robert the Bold Kicked Cancer's Ass by Flores, Robert
Our Unsystematic Health Care System by Budrys, Grace
Our Unsystematic Health Care System by Budrys, Grace
Science Interrogating Belief. Bridging the Old and New Traditions of Medicine in Africa by Okpako, David T.
Shaping Global Health Policy: Global Social Policy Actors and Ideas about Health Care Systems by Kaasch, Alexandra
The Nocebo Effect: Overdiagnosis and Its Costs by Justman, Stewart
Kevin's Questions by Roston, Miles
On the Politics of Ignorance in Nursing and Health Care: Knowing Ignorance by Rudge, Trudy, Perron, Amelie
Ethics, Moral Life and the Body: Sociological Perspectives by M. Shaw, Rhonda
Inquiring Into Human Enhancement: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives by Allouche, Sylvie, Gayon, Jean
Inquiring Into Animal Enhancement: Model or Countermodel of Human Enhancement? by
Medicine, Health and the Arts: Approaches to the Medical Humanities by
Assembling Health Rights in Global Context: Genealogies and Anthropologies by
Slow Dancing with a Stranger: Lost and Found in the Age of Alzheimer's by Comer, Meryl
Diagnostic Controversy: Cultural Perspectives on Competing Knowledge in Healthcare by
The Behavioral Health Specialist in Primary Care: Skills for Integrated Practice by Burg, Mary Ann, Oyama, Oliver
Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis by Davis, Georgiann
Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis by Davis, Georgiann
On Immunity: An Inoculation by Biss, Eula
The Role of Emotions in Preventative Health Communication by Myrick, Jessica Gall
Education, Social Factors and Health Beliefs in Health and Health Care by
Organs for Sale: An Ethnographic Examination of the International Organ Trade by Lundin, Susanne
Indigenous Medicine Among the Bedouin in the Middle East by Abu-Rabia, Aref
Anthropological Perspectives on Care: Work, Kinship, and the Life-Course by Alber, Erdmute
Gendered Violence, Abuse and Mental Health in Everyday Lives: Beyond Trauma by Moulding, Nicole
The Real Food Revolution: Healthy Eating, Green Groceries, and the Return of the American Family Farm by Ryan, Tim
Medical Humanitarianism: Ethnographies of Practice by
Globalization and Transnational Surrogacy in India: Outsourcing Life by
Disease and Crime: A History of Social Pathologies and the New Politics of Health by
Boys to Men in the Shadow of AIDS: Masculinities and HIV Risk in Zambia by Simpson, A.
Facts and Ideas from Anywhere: 2011 to 2015 by Roberts, William C.
The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World by Marmot, Michael
Mental Health, Crime and Criminal Justice: Responses and Reforms by
Mental Health, Crime and Criminal Justice: Responses and Reforms by
Fragments: My Journey with Schizophrenia by Clarke, Daniel-James F., Clarke, John F., Jr.
Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power by
Chronic Illness, Spirituality, and Healing: Diverse Disciplinary, Religious, and Cultural Perspectives by
Prepping for a Pandemic: Life-Saving Supplies, Skills and Plans for Surviving an Outbreak by Ellis, Cat
Bodily Exchanges, Bioethics and Border Crossing: Perspectives on Giving, Selling and Sharing Bodies by
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care by Matthew, Dayna Bowen
Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food: Toward an Inclusive Framework by
Globalization and the Health of Indigenous Peoples: From Colonization to Self-Rule by Ullah, Ahsan
History of Infectious Disease Pandemics in Urban Societies by Hardt, Mark D.
Empowerment: A Critique by McLaughlin, Kenneth
Grenzen Der Medizin: Zur Diskursiven Konstruktion Medizinischen Wissens Über Lebensqualität by Schübel, Thomas
The Intersection of Star Culture in America and International Medical Tourism: Celebrity Treatment by Stolley, Kathy Shepherd, Jackson, Kathy Merlock, Payne, Lisa Lyon
The Applied Anthropology of Obesity: Prevention, Intervention, and Identity by
Heidegger and the Politics of Disablement by Abrams, Thomas