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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Public Health in 2018

Stories of a Speech Pathologist: Volume 1.0 by Hurley, Brian
Is It A Cold Or The Flu?: How to Recognize the Difference and Treat the Flu Naturally by Kness, Ron
America's Arab Refugees: Vulnerability and Health on the Margins by Inhorn, Marcia C.
Syphilis and Subjectivity: From the Victorians to the Present by
Communicating Across Cultures and Languages in the Health Care Setting: Voices of Care by Penn, Claire, Watermeyer, Jennifer
Epidemics: The Impact of Germs and Their Power Over Humanity by Loomis, Joshua
Psychosoziale Begleitung in der Substitution. Die Wirksamkeit der kombinierten Behandlung aus medizinischer und psychosozialer Begleitung by Fries, David
Health Inequities in India: A Synthesis of Recent Evidence by
Lifeline: A Parent's Guide to Coping with a Child's Serious or Life-Threatening Medical Issue by Morett, Denise
Dopesick: The American Addiction to Heroin and Profit by Homanics, Ryan
End of Epidemics by Quick, Jonathan D.
Dare to Question: One Parent to Another by Kuntz, Ted
Critical Pedagogy in Nursing: Transformational Approaches to Nurse Education in a Globalized World by Dyson, Sue
Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care: Conversations Inviting Change by Launer, John
The Thirteenth Step: Addiction in the Age of Brain Science by Heilig, Markus
Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care: Conversations Inviting Change by Launer, John
Food as a Mechanism of Control and Resistance in Jails and Prisons: Diets of Disrepute by Murguía, Salvador Jiménez
Migration, Flucht Und Behinderung: Herausforderungen Für Politik, Bildung Und Psychosoziale Dienste by
Towards the Humanisation of Birth: A Study of Epidural Analgesia and Hospital Birth Culture by Pincombe, Jan, Newnham, Elizabeth, McKellar, Lois
Respectable Deviance and Purchasing Medicine Online: Opportunities and Risks for Consumers by Sugiura, Lisa
Sociology, Health and the Fractured Society: A Critical Realist Account by Scambler, Graham
Qualitative Methods for Health Research by Green, Judith, Thorogood, Nicki
Palliative Care Im Fokus Von Supervision: Eine Ethnografisch-Partizipative Untersuchung Von Palliativ- Und Hospizteams by Hermann, Ursula
Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health by
Communication Studies and Feminist Perspectives on Ovarian Cancer by Tetteh, Dinah A.
Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health by
Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings by Giraldo Herrera, César E.
Landscapes of Disease: Malaria in Modern Greece by Gardikas, Katerina
John Barleycorn by London, Jack
Public Opinion, Public Policy, and Smoking: The Transformation of American Attitudes and Cigarette Use, 1890-2016 by Marshall, Thomas R.
Diagnosing the Legacy: The Discovery, Research, and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Indigenous Youth by Krotz, Larry
Children and HIV/AIDS by Anderson, Gary, Ryan, Constance, Taylor-Brown, Susan
The Intimate Lives of Disabled People by Liddiard, Kirsty
Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer (Large Print Edition) by Ehrenreich, Barbara
Sociology as Applied to Health and Medicine by
Legalising Mitochondrial Donation: Enacting Ethical Futures in UK Biomedical Politics by Dimond, Rebecca, Stephens, Neil
Sociology as Applied to Health and Medicine by
Clearly: How a 700-Year Old Invention Can Change the World for Ever by Chen, James
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Knowledge Production and Social Transformation by
Xund: Heil und Heilung aus christlicher Sicht by Baum, Markus
Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer by Ehrenreich, Barbara
Journey of a Medicine Man: Doctor Confirmed Miracles by Bartlett, Richard
STDS in the United States: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David
Epidemics and War: The Impact of Disease on Major Conflicts in History by
The Palgrave Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion by
Politics, Propaganda, and Public Health: A Case Study in Health Communication and Public Trust by Porter, Lance, Crosswell, Laura
Informal Payments and Regulations in China's Healthcare System: Red Packets and Institutional Reform by Yang, Jingqing
Netzwerkpraxis Im Krankenhaussektor: Eine Analyse Der Subtilen Beziehungsdynamiken by Wolf, Julian
Self-Tracking: Empirical and Philosophical Investigations by
Quantified Lives and Vital Data: Exploring Health and Technology Through Personal Medical Devices by
Craft in Biomedical Research: The Ips Cell Technology and the Future of Stem Cell Science by Meskus, Mianna
Hospizarbeit Und Palliative Care: Zum Wechselseitigen Arbeitsverhältnis Von Haupt- Und Ehrenamt by Fleckinger, Susanne
Sickness Work: Personal Reflections of a Sociologist by Nijhof, Gerhard
Improving Quality of Care in Family Planning: A Research and Advocacy Agenda for India by Satia, Jay, Chauhan, Kavita
Sharks upon the Land by Archer, Seth
Undocumented Migrants and Healthcare: Eight Stories from Switzerland by Jossen, Marianne
Undocumented Migrants and Healthcare: Eight Stories from Switzerland by Jossen, Marianne
Medicine, Health and Being Human by
Fighting for Space: How a Group of Drug Users Transformed One City's Struggle with Addiction by Lupick, Travis
The Gay Science: Intimate Experiments with the Problem of HIV by Race, Kane
Perspectives on Health Equity & Social Determinants of Health by
The Restless Compendium: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Rest and Its Opposites by
La Tuberculose et les doctrines contemporaines by Rochard, Jules
Plough Quarterly No. 17- The Soul of Medicine by Williams, Sarah, Sadaña, Stephanie, Perkins, John M.
Health Care Transformation in Contemporary China: Moral Experience in a Socialist Neoliberal Polity by Tu, Jiong
Global Perspectives on Stem Cell Technologies by
Violent Reverberations: Global Modalities of Trauma by
Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe by Davis, David Denton
Who Can Parents Trust?: Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe by Davis, David Denton
The Politics of Health Promotion: Case Studies from Denmark and England by Vucina, Naja, Triantafillou, Peter
Ehealth: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils, and Future Directions by
Der Transplantationsskandal in Deutschland: Eine Sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse Der Hintergründe by Pohlmann, Markus
Understanding Trans Health: Discourse, Power and Possibility by Pearce, Ruth
Understanding Trans Health: Discourse, Power and Possibility by Pearce, Ruth
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care by Matthew, Dayna Bowen
Christianity's Role in United States Global Health and Development Policy: To Transfer the Empire of the World by Blevins, John
Life to the Years: Living a Robust Life After Heart Disease by James, Michael, Ranville, Michael
The Opioid Crisis: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David
Global Applications of Culturally Competent Health Care: Guidelines for Practice by
Ethnographies and Health: Reflections on Empirical and Methodological Entanglements by
Healing Roots: Anthropology in Life and Medicine by Laplante, Julie
Gendering Drugs: Feminist Studies of Pharmaceuticals by
Nichtwissen Stört Mich (Nicht): Zum Umgang Mit Nichtwissen in Medizin Und Pflege by
Civilization and Disease by Sigerist, Henry E.
Cross-Cultural Comparisons on Surrogacy and Egg Donation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Germany and Israel by
A Visual History of HIV/AIDS: Exploring The Face of AIDS film archive by
Risking Antimicrobial Resistance: A Collection of One-Health Studies of Antibiotics and Its Social and Health Consequences by
The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology by
Rethinking the Clinical Gaze: Patient-Centred Innovation in Paediatric Neurology by Gardner, John
Burnout, Fatigue, Exhaustion: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on a Modern Affliction by
Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company That Addicted America (Large Print Edition) by Macy, Beth
Dementia as Social Experience: Valuing Life and Care by
Personal Health Science: Persönliches Gesundheitswissen Zwischen Selbstsorge Und Bürgerforschung by
Networked Cancer: Affect, Narrative and Measurement by Stage, Carsten
The Death Café Movement: Exploring the Horizons of Mortality by Fong, Jack
Healthy Volunteers in Commercial Clinical Drug Trials: When Human Beings Become Guinea Pigs by Mwale, Shadreck
Towards a Sociology of Health Discourse in Africa by Razum, Oliver, Amzat, Jimoh
Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines by Reich, Jennifer A.
Bioethics Beyond Altruism: Donating and Transforming Human Biological Materials by
Free Your Voice Heal Your Thyroid: Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally by Lindsay, Rosanne M.
Health, Culture and Society: Conceptual Legacies and Contemporary Applications by Ettorre, Elizabeth, Annandale, Ellen, Hildebrand, Vanessa M.
Selective Reproduction in the 21st Century by
Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Cowan, Thomas
From Disability Theory to Practice: Essays in Honor of Jerome E. Bickenbach by
Living with Frailty: From Assets and Deficits to Resilience by Rahman, Shibley
Living with Frailty: From Assets and Deficits to Resilience by Rahman, Shibley
Diffused Religion: Beyond Secularization by Cipriani, Roberto
Care in Healthcare: Reflections on Theory and Practice by
Health, Technologies, and Politics in Post-Soviet Settings: Navigating Uncertainties by
Health Humanities in Postgraduate Medical Education by Skorzewska, Anna, Peterkin, Allan D.
Researching Quality in Care Transitions: International Perspectives by
Painscapes: Communicating Pain by
Stoffungebundene Süchte. Adipositas in der Sozialen Arbeit by Blume, Johanna Ida
Behind the Smile: An Inspirational Journey from Disability to Ability by Christoffersen, Anja
Health Communication and Breast Cancer among Black Women: Culture, Identity, Spirituality, and Strength by Madlock, Annette D.
Reducing Race Differences in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: The Case for Regulation by de Scisciolo, Stephany, Scheid, Teresa L.
Health Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy--All at the Same Time by Fine, Michael
Eradicating Blindness: Global Health Innovation from South Asia by Williams, Logan D. a.
Age with S.A.G.E.: STRESS fitness for aging by Davidson, Martha
Music, Health and Wellbeing: Exploring Music for Health Equity and Social Justice by
Except for Nightmares: True Story of a young man navigating without a prefrontal cortex. by Miller, Merrie
Emotions and Reflexivity in Health & Social Care Field Research by
Hitler's New Shower: Opiates Made 'Clear' by Judah
Political Sociology and the People's Health by Beckfield, Jason, Krieger, Nancy
Equity and Access: Health Care Studies in India by
Diary of a Modern Consumptive by Thorn, Paul
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery: Deviance, Desire and the Pursuit of Perfection by Nurka, Camille
The Soul of a Patient: Lessons in Healing for Harvard Medical Students by
Der Altersübergang ALS Neuarrangement Von Arbeit Und Leben: Kooperative Dienstleistungen Für Das Alter(n) in Vielfalt by
Paths to Parenthood: Emotions on the Journey Through Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Parenting by
HIV on TV: Popular Culture's Epidemic by Johnson, Malynnda A.
How to End the Autism Epidemic by Handley, J. B.
Curing our Ills: The psychology of chronic disease risk, experience and care in Africa by Aikins, Ama De-Graft
Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices by
A Fine Line: Painkillers and Pleasure in the Age of Anxiety by Dertadian, George C.
All Together Healthy by MacLeod, Andrew
Female Genital Mutilation and Social Media by Julios, Christina
The Stigma Effect: Unintended Consequences of Mental Health Campaigns by Corrigan, Patrick
The Stigma Effect: Unintended Consequences of Mental Health Campaigns by Corrigan, Patrick
The Hpv Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed by Rosenberg, Kim Mack, Iorio, Eileen, Holland, Mary
Wounds of War: How the Va Delivers Health, Healing, and Hope to the Nation's Veterans by Gordon, Suzanne
Living with Mental Disorder: Insights from Qualitative Research by Corcoran, Jacqueline
Drogensucht. Subjektive Bedeutung biographischer Faktoren für die Entwicklung eines Suchtverhaltens by Beck, Franziska Marie Lea
Pflege Bei Atemnot Am Lebensende: Methodische Anwendung Einer Rahmenanalyse by
Ethics in Public Health Practice in India by
Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism Dad by Hotez, Peter J.
The Vaccine Debate by Davidson, Tish
The Internet and Health in Brazil: Challenges and Trends by
Tackling Health Inequalities: Reinventing the Role of Environmental Health by Kishen Dhesi, Surindar
The Managed Body: Developing Girls and Menstrual Health in the Global South by Bobel, Chris
The Genome Factor: What the Social Genomics Revolution Reveals about Ourselves, Our History, and the Future by Conley, Dalton, Fletcher, Jason
Pandemics, Publics, and Politics: Staging Responses to Public Health Crises by
The Chinese Health System in Transition by Fang, Lijie
Structural Interventions for HIV Prevention: Optimizing Strategies for Reducing New Infections and Improving Care by
Fat Tactics: The Rhetoric and Structure of the Fat Acceptance Movement by Smith, Erec
Anthropology of Infectious Disease by Singer, Merrill
Inequality, Crime, and Health Among African American Males by
Please Don't Die; by Fried, Rhonda
Fat Nation: A History of Obesity in America by Engel, Jonathan
The Anthropology of AIDS: A Global Perspective by Whelehan, Patricia
Black LGBT Health in the United States: The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation by
A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa by Swidler, Ann, Watkins, Susan Cotts
Duties to Care by Harding, Rosie
Aleatory Poetry: A Collection Of Poems From A Teenage Mind by Leonard, Oskar
Ethnic Diversities, Hypertension and Global Cardiovascular Risk by
The Social Determinants of Health in India: Concepts, Processes, and Indicators by
Vital Bodies: Living with Illness by Bates, Charlotte
Toward Sustainable Transitions in Healthcare Systems by
Social Pathways to Health Vulnerability: Implications for Health Professionals by
Sport, Mental Illness and Sociology by
Small-Pox: Its Prevention, Treatment, History by Anon
Biomedicalization and the Practice of Culture: Globalization and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States and Japan by Armstrong-Hough, Mari
Biomedicalization and the Practice of Culture: Globalization and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States and Japan by Armstrong-Hough, Mari
Exploring Aging Masculinities: The Body, Sexuality and Social Lives by Jackson, D.
Health Care Policy and Practice: A Biopsychosocial Perspective by Moniz, Cynthia, Gorin, Stephen
Risking Antimicrobial Resistance: A Collection of One-Health Studies of Antibiotics and Its Social and Health Consequences by
The Managed Body: Developing Girls and Menstrual Health in the Global South by Bobel, Chris
Chronic Disease - A Working Hypothesis by Wheeler, C. E., Bach, Edward
The Internet and Health in Brazil: Challenges and Trends by
Improving Quality of Care in Family Planning: A Research and Advocacy Agenda for India by Chauhan, Kavita, Satia, Jay
Sickness Work: Personal Reflections of a Sociologist by Nijhof, Gerhard
Cross-Cultural Comparisons on Surrogacy and Egg Donation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Germany and Israel by
Designing Cultures of Care by
Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings by Giraldo Herrera, César E.
Eradicating Blindness: Global Health Innovation from South Asia by Williams, Logan D. a.
Paths to Parenthood: Emotions on the Journey Through Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Parenting by